The talk of the pinheads continues with the same purposes in mind . Take today the speeches of Liar in Chief and Former VP Dick Cheney. Oh the outrage of pinhead Bob Beckle was so funny as to him making an ass of himself. These people on the far left just won’t let it go. I found the Liar’s speech so full of himself it would make you sick. I found him defensive and talking with forked tongue. The talks of unity but continues to keep the divide going. Between him ,Pelosi, and now turncoat Specter wonder which one is getting to hell first. He talks about being transparent, but yet he leases memos of his choosing. How is that being transparent. Why did he redact just things that prove is point. I would think if I would be transparent to release also what Cheney is calling for and as he said let us decide. The call us the torture country as if we were suppose to apologize
to the terrorists. The fraud is angry at his own party because they went against him in not funding the closure of Gitmo. I don’t know what country he is in charge of because I don’t think of America as a torture country. What because of 3 harden Terrorists, one the master mind of 9/11 constitutes us as a torture nation. The only ones that have made this point to the world is the Scumbags of the New York Times, the ACLU, and the liberals, and American Haters. This people as far as I concern are the Terrorists from with in the United States. Look how the New York Times continues to print leaked secrets. How many want to bet out there that Al Quieda, Hamas, and other terrorists subscribe to the times. They don’t need spies, they have built in ones working here. And to make matter worst these people are suppose to be Americans. Yea right Traitors I say in my opinion.
I believe in order to make a judgment you need to see both sides of the coin. This Liar in Chief is helping the enemy by letting them know there is no more torture. As far as I’m concerned he is helping our enemies. H e should get off his soap box, stop politic ling,
And stop protecting the enemies (Terrorists) and get back to the business of protecting the American citizens. Then in the another part of his speech says there will be attacks of the US as a possibility. Well Mr. Liar is that so when there is you can blame that too on the past 8 years. I for one will put the blame where it belongs sir on you and only you. You are the one that wants to treat killers with kit gloves and to hell with America. Liar in Chief your are dead wrong on this one and Cheney is right on this one. Don’t think he fools me for one minute pretending to be center, when he’s as far left as you can get. Any one with what he has done so far that can’t see it, I feel sorry for you, but am angry at the same time because you are putting my life and my True Fellow American Patriots lives in danger.
Now getting to the Pelosi lies, well turncoat Specter now is also saying that the CIA is lying and backing the wicked witch of the west. Like I said yesterday paid attention for the names of the backers of Pelosi they need to go. I had to laugh at Specter watching him
Saying CIA did lie to congress with a straight face. Look at your self Specter how many times have you lied to your voters and how many times have you screw the people of Pennsylvania. I sent another letter today calling for Pelosi to be investigated and shouldn’t be allowed to sweep this one under the rug like these Crooks are use to doing. Alright Liar in Chief put your money were your mouth is, You said today that you want to be held accountable well the same holds true for Pelosi. But you haven’t got the guts to call one of your own on the carpet.
This editorial and opinions written by JudyDee

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