Is the Liar in Chief giving the MSM the boot. I have learned that the White House has set up their own press people. The way it looks they will just hand out press releases to the MSM. Isn’t that nice you kiss butt news people being cut out now. I can’t say I feel sorry for them. I wonder is they are smart enough to see how they were used and then thrown under the bus. How’s that leg tingling now Chris Mathews. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group. The only downside is that the propaganda will go unchallenged. Everyone knows with even half a brain that the truth will be suppress now. Another step from the playbook of Hitler. The way I see this it’s a violation of the Freedom of Information Act. Now he has total control of what you will see and is starting to block all media from doing their job. I could careless about the MSM, but now you won’t get to see the news on Fox either. All you will see is propaganda from the Liar in Chief. Of course you know that will be all nice an cozy. This is complete lunacy and just another of the many more to come screw the True American Patriot. These brain dead that votes for this dictator ,yes dictator which is what is happening here, ought to be very prod of how they destroyed the American way as we know it.
How about the wicked witch of the west Pelosi standing by her statements of saying the CIA is liars. This is ridiculous if the Congress doesn’t get to the bottom of this as far as I’m concerned. Another cover up of a idiot being in line for POTUS. Think of Tent Lott kicked out for what he said. I sorry but that doesn’t hold a candle to what Pelosi said. But no they crooks in Washington will circle around her which is an outrage. The whole body of politicians that cover for this woman are under the illusion that we the True American Patriots are nothing more than stupid believing that they know what’s best for us. When is ever the time they have listened to us. Oh they stand their in front of the cameras saying they are speaking for us with a straight face which is an outright lie. The only time they need us is when they need to be elected. Any other time you don’t exist to them. Let’s see how many idiots will put these crooks back in office.
Remember what we were called when we came together at out tea parties. Well the way I see it we are starting to chip away at get our country back from these morons. My hats off to the people in California for fighting back on their proposals Tuesday. They yelled loud and clear no more taxes or big government. All I can say is that the people of other states stand up and do the same. Let’s not let these politicians run this country any more into the ground. Let’s show them just how stupid we are not. Let’s revolt, get rid of the crooks, and put in ones that are working once again for us. Let’s stop the courts overturning what we the people voted for. Just look at California on that one. The voters in a majority say no, and the courts overturn their votes. That is ridiculous making a mockery of the voting system. The Power is in We the People (the True American Patriots), and let’s get it back. It won’t happen over night that’s for sure but California started it as well as we all have too.
We have to keep our eyes on the ball. Here are a few suggestions in doing just that:
1. Don’t let them distract you by steering your attention to something else.
2. Keep your eyes on everything that is happening in Washington.
3. Keep an extra watchful eye on your Senators and Congressman.
4. Watch their voting records on all issues especially the ones important to you.
5. Watch what their position on National Security. Those backing the Liar in Chief don’t have your safety in mind at all.
6. Keep your family and friends informed.
7. Don’t allow them to push their fear mongering like they accuse the opposition of doing.
8. Continue to make your voices heard. No matter how discouraging it may seem.
9. Continue to follow your principles and values.
10. And finally stay as angry as you were when this Liar in Chief was elected.
These are just a few things to do, but the most important and most powerful way to get America back is to STAY STRONG,STAY TOGETHER, AND SUPPORT ONE ANOTHER. This my friends is what will make us prevail because we are the majority, we are the True American patriots that love our country, support our Military, and are fighting for Truth, Justice, The Constitution, and the Pursuit of Happiness. That what our country was built on and will rise again as we have in the past. God Bless American and my True American Patriotic friends. ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL
This editorial and opinions written by JudyDee

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