Today I want to thank all the brave military and the veterans of all wars that fought for what America is all about. A special heart felt thank you to the families that have lost a member and the disabled that never question their duties to protect and defend the United States of America. Actually there are no words to express how much I appreciate their services both in wartime and peace. They make me proud because they carry on what are forefathers fought for FREEDOM. I also keep them in my prayers for their service. I think what makes them extra special that they are volunteers ready to give their lives for us. God Bless all of you.
It just makes me boiling mad when these Liberals and American Haters are so ungrateful and disrespectful to our brave men and women of the armed services. To bad they are so thick headed to realize because of the Military they are able to spout their Hatred on this country. No one wants war, I certainly don’t because of the lives that will be lost. But that doesn’t mean we should take it out on them. First of all the idiots don’t or doesn’t want to except the fact that if there is any one to be angry at it’s the enemies that put our military in harm’s way. I will never forget how our soldiers were treated when they came home from Viet Nam. Those that spat upon them made me sick at any American could lower themselves to that level. If I had my way I would of shipped every one of the there to live. Just like today I would love to shipped them to Muslims countries and see how long they last. Let them be tortured (real torture) to see if they like it. Do you think maybe they would begin to appreciate our Military?
That is why I have made it my mission to the true American Patriots to keep us together, keep the strength to fight the evil doers we have running this country now. The hare cored people are to thick skulled to see what is happening. They are under the false premise that it can’t happen here. That what the Germans thought when Hitler took power. He promised an end to unemployment and pledged to promote peace with France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. But in order to do all this, Hitler said, he first needed the Enabling Act. A two-thirds majority was needed, since the law would actually alter the constitution. Hitler needed 31 non-Nazi votes to pass it. He got those votes from the Catholic Center Party after making a false promise to restore some basic rights already taken away by decree. If they would be smart enough to do their homework, check the facts and compare them to what is going on today they would see that just maybe the New World Order just might not be a conspiracy.
So my fellow True American Patriots if you read my post entitled STAND-UP AND DELIVER you know what I’m talking about. We must make our forefathers and our military proud that we aren’t letting them down. SUPPORT,PROTECT,AND DEFEND THE CONSITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Freedom isn’t free as the soldier will probably tell you. If you can do something nice today if you see a military person. Let them know that they aren’t fighting in vain. God Bless The USA.
This editorial and opinions written by JudyDee
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