Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Here is the Latest expose' by by that Patriot and Leader in the fight Shelly K.;
We need to pay special attention to the information at the end of this post!!!!!!!!!
DEATH OF A PATRIOT Henry Lamb, thank you and rest in peace. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal judge grants temporary injunction restraining NDAA indefinite detention “Federal Judge Kathleen Forrest granted a preliminary injunction on Wednesday, striking down those sections of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012 which sought to provide Barack Obama the power to indefinitely detain citizens without benefit of their 5th Amendment rights.”
Ask your federal-level elected about this! Are you co-sponsoring this bill in the House: American Sovereignty Restoration Act
1. NJ Draft State Development and Redevelopment Plan: a. At the last town hall with Governor Christie, one of our flyers became the foundation of one question and the flyer made it into the governor’s hands! Flyers are a great way to educate many people. See the flyer attached. Please continue to hand out these flyers everywhere. Carry copies with you. b. The Office of Planning Advocacy indicated that it would hold one more public input meeting, ostensibly to restart the 60-day statutory limit between final public input meeting and committee vote. We think this is a sneaky way of doing things and the OPA should start over, with citizens at the forefront of the process instead of the very end! We are taking near-term action on this and tea parties statewide will be able to participate. More soon! c. People around the state and the country are waking up to the threat of the Draft State Development Plan. Even our AgEnders NJ Newsletter is making the rounds. Check out these blog posts:
Here is a very well-written document by Tom DeWeese to answer critics who say “there is no Agenda 21”, “it’s just suggestions”, “it has no teeth”, “what’s wrong with caring about the environment”, etc. etc. etc.
2. Important: Note that 26 Republican senators have signed Sen. Inhofe’s letter pledging to vote AGAINST LOST. We need at least 8 more patriots to step up and say NO. 34 “no” votes will stop the treaty. Call the listed Senators that are NOT on Sen. Inhofe’s list, and tell them to vote NO on all treaties. Law of the Sea treaty is coming up and this must be stopped. This treaty continues to be proposed by the progressive left. Each time, it’s voted down, but Hillary and Obama have pledged to make it pass this time. So please call. Calling works. This will take the interest of every American, since lame duck senator Lugar (Republican) is expected to come out in favor of this. A treaty is permanently binding with the same weight as Constitutional law unless repealed by a Constitutional amendment. That doesn’t happen much! So, this is extremely serious. Please call. And ask others to do so too. Don’t just forward this message. Call. Please call today. Thank you.
SENATORS TO CALL (Call Senators only; the House does not sign treaties) Republicans: Treaties pass by 2/3 majority so ALL R must vote NO – call the ones not on Sen. Inhofe’s letter (see here )
Class I: Here are “vulnerable” Class I senators (up for re-election this fall). You can call D and R both. (check for those already pledging to vote “no” on Sen. Inhofe’s list. (see here )
Why LOST is a bad treaty – and why you should fight it and several other UN treaties being resurrected this year:
3. SHARED SERVICES – Shared Services were touted by Governor Christie at his recent Town Hall meeting in East Hanover. Senate Bill S2 (A1171) is sponsored by Sweeney and Kyrillos! Another takedown attempt at local rule and self determination.
The Senate Bill S20 has been revised and out of the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee. It has been sent on 2/27/12 to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee. The Assembly bill has been referred to the Assembly Housing and Local Government Committee on 1/10/12.
Below is a 2 paragraph description of the NJ Senate revised Bill prepared by the Office of Legislative Services. Essentially a Commission will study the sharing of services between municipalities or a municipality and another public entity (county, state, etc). If the affected municipalities do not accept the consolidation, they will have such projected savings deleted from any Consolidated Municipal Property Tax Relief Aid that they made have received from the State.
The full bills can be found at
4. Here is some information on S1900, the NJ energy utility tax. Let your town council and mayor know about the ongoing state skim, and find out what they are is doing to get your money back. The History of Energy Utility Taxation in NJ
5. Council lessens city’s power in Southwest Redevelopment Study Southwest planning study backtracked Some unexpected positive news for a change. A resolution, which was passed in a 5-3 vote, will essentially limit the city’s power to acquire property in the southwest 4th Ward. Under the new measure, the city will now move forward with a “rehabilitation” plan rather than a “redevelopment” plan.
6. The Lions Clubs are deeply embedded with the UN.
2012 Event Highlights "On March 16, 2012 more than 400 Lions from 23 countries gathered at the UN Headquarters in New York to celebrate the 34th Annual Lions Day with the United Nations (LDUN). The event has been an important opportunity for Lions, UN leaders, and key partners to come together each year to assess the various challenges facing our global community. The 2012 program focused primarily on our joint efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)"
7. Ridiculous! Humans have consumed raw milk from many kinds of mammals -- cows, buffalo, goats, sheep, camels, etc. -- for MILENNIA. Milk is designed to be consumed raw. This nonsense is definitely "UDDER" INSANITY.
8. Something good actually happened! By a vote of 238-173, the House early Wednesday morning passed an amendment that Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) and Lou Barletts (R-PA) sponsored to prohibit federal funding for lawsuits seeking to invalidate state laws that support the enforcement of federal immigration laws.
This is the Washington Times' summary of the amendment: “The amendment strips funding so that the Justice Department cannot pursue the lawsuits. Twelve Democrats voted for it, while six Republicans voted against it. he amendment specifically applies to laws in Arizona, Oklahoma, Missouri, Utah, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and Indiana. The Obama administration and immigrant-rights groups have sued to block laws in each of those states.”
9. NJ residents need to demand complete financial information for the state and conduct our own exhaustive audit. This is jaw-dropping. ONLY $1.3 billion? This is a prelude to raising OUR taxes. Bet on it. Next tune from Trenton will be, “The infrastructure will crumble and we will have to lay off police unless we raise taxes and issue more bonds.” Don’t fall for it! Fire the lot of them. “The Legislature’s chief finance officer now projects that New Jersey will take in $1.3 billion less than Gov. Chris Christie has budgeted through July 2013.”
10. Legislative Round-Up – Get your Gadsden postcards and mail the Senate weekly. Nice summary from New Jersey’s own Belle of Liberty: The Law of the Sea Treaty is scheduled for a vote in June. Please consider a postcard drive for the entire month of June. Send postcards to all Republican US Senators - VOTE NO ON ALL TREATIES. You can purchase 1000 Gadsden postcards for $85. I HAVE 1000 CARDS and if anyone wants any – come over to Bayshore and get yours FREE! Or if you prefer, buy your own: under the STORE tab. Make phone calls. Let’s make noise!
Target the Democrat Senators up for re-election in 2012:
The 10 Most Vulnerable Senators: TARGET THEM
Excellent information about the Law of the Sea Treaty. Hillary is every bit as dangerous as Obama, possibly more so, because she actually has brains.
And some info on Rights of the Child. If you don't like being a parent. If you don't like making decisions for the best interest of your child. If you want more of your tax dollars going over seas and supplying more to welfare and medicaid in America. If you hate homeschooling. If you do not wish to baptize your child into the religion of his or her parents THEN this Treaty is for you.
In 2009-2010 Session, Democrats tried to pass legislation that would promote Agenda 21. The bills did not get passed (S1619/HR4690) But these bills now have new numbers and are active. New bill numbers: S1621 and HR 3325. Although the numbers have changed the content and most of the co-sponsors have not. Also, see another bill that will do the same thing plus adding Urban Revitalization (HR709). If these bills move we MUST flood them with calls and emails.
Blog about S1619/HR4690 on these bills. (jam-packed with goodies) Article by Tom DeWeese - pertinent to understanding these bills.“livable-communities”-is-a-soc... HR 709 HR 3325 S1621
Gotta love Charles Krauthammer. |
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