We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

You have joined this site and maybe even a few more like it because you are frustrated, unhappy and even scared with the direction that our Great Nation is headed. Many of you have not been very involved in politics in the past but like me, this last election was the straw that broke your back. You say to yourself “I am not willing to sit here and watch the Country that I love fall apart” What can I do to to start to make a difference? I feel almost helpless.

I to had the very same feelings. I am going to share with you my opinion and the resources that I have found to help you get headed in the right direction.

The first thing I did was go online and find the Republican Party in my state, then became a volunteer.
The next thing I did was to go to my States website and found out who all of my officials were regardless of party. Another good place to find out who represents you is http://www.capwiz.com/gopusa/home/ GOPUSA just type in your zip code and all of the contact info will come up, Start looking into their standings on the issues. http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm Ontheissues.org is a great place to find out that information. Just click on your state and you can see where your officials stand on just about any issue that you can think of.

Now that you know who represents you and where they stand, write them and call them often. (Stay away from petitions as I feel that they are ignored.) let them know how you feel. Now just don't complain to them let them know when you agree with them and try to keep your comments to one issue at a time. The next thing you can do is seek out people who has an understanding of smaller government and the same convictions that you have, I mean rooted in the same convictions as you and our founding fathers.

So let's seek those people out, the ones that are going to do something. Find them and support them, I don't just mean vote for them. We need to campaign for them, go door to door, man the phone banks. Explain to people what is going on. Do the best that you can. It's time for Americans to learn the truth about their country.

Below is a bunch of links to websites that I have found to be very useful. Contact your local papers and TV stations. Send letters to the editors, make comments on Blogs. Let your voice be heard. If we all make enough noise they will have no choice but to start to listen. Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so squeak away.

http://www.govit.com/ A great place to see the latest bills and resolutions in congress.

http://www.factcheck.org/ Leans to the Left, but can still find good info.

http://www.cagw.org/site/PageServer Citizens against government waste. Find out where the pork fat is. (John McCain mentioned this site several times in his debates)

http://www.house.gov/ House of Representatives

http://www.house.gov/house/govsites.shtml Government Resources

http://www.senate.gov/ United States Senate

http://www.50states.com/news/ Links to over 3,300 United States Newspapers.

Also keep checking the discussions and blogs on sites like this to stay up to date on what issues are hot buttons.

I am truly concerned for the future of our Country and fear that with the most left-wing President in office, together with hard-core liberals like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the such. This Nation is on a one way ticket to Socialism. So please take a good look at our Republican leadership, look into their voting records and show your support to the person who best represents true Republican values.

Do some research,look for the TRUTH and remember get involved, VOTE!!!!!!!, Local, State and Federal. Voice your concerns with the politicians that represent you. They work for us!!!!!!! WE THE PEOPLE

Live in the American spirit in which you want this country to remain. Honest, responsible, understanding, holding true to the Founding Fathers and the documents they created for US. Be pro-active, not re-active.

Views: 25


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Comment by JJ on January 18, 2009 at 12:32pm
A Correct World View: We cannot understand how this world operates if we hold to a purely secular, evolutionary, or humanistic view.

Even though the spiritual spectrum is mostly hidden to man on earth, its workings can be detected if one is sensitive to truth, and if one avoids offending the source of all truth by chronic violations of conscience.

You cannot, for example, really understand the following conundrums about conspiracy without [i][b]contemplating the possibility of Satanic control: [/b] [/i]
· The fact that people involved in the conspiracy for global control already have more money and power than any man can use. [i][b]Why should these continue to push for global control?[/b][/i]

· [i][b]The generational affect[/b][/i]. The conspiracy doesn’t fade or alter course after the death of key people. If the driving force were only an individual or a small group of megalomaniacs, they would be incapable of controlling the direction others would take after they are gone.

· The fact that the globalists, in prepping the world for WWIII and encouraging a Russian/Chinese nuclear preemptive strike on the West, [i][b]would also destroy the wealth and power of these same powerful conspirators[/b][/i]. Why would anyone do this?

These aspects of the conspiracy cannot be explained by conventional leftist anti-capitalist jargon about greed, power and class struggle—even though these do play a significant role.

The thirst for control of oil is also part of the picture, but it doesn’t explain the globalists’ plan to risk partial destruction of the West in an effort to create a Hegelian conflict out of which people can be induced to give up national sovereignty and join in a NWO.

[i][b]My only theory of explanation rests upon my belief that systematic evil really does exist in the universe and is in opposition to what God is trying to do. [/b] [/i] The head of evil spiritual forces (called Satan) is actively working to destroy God’s purposes here on earth.
[i][b]Only Satan has the will and the motive to do as much destruction on a global scale as we have seen in the past and are destined to experience in the future. [/b] [/i]

His ability to pull other men into this greater evil agenda is based, I believe, on the fact that all evil men, even when they possess wealth and power, need protection from the looming threat of God’s judgment as well as immunity from earthly prosecution.

Satan has a pretty good track record of protecting his own on earth. Even in WWII, when major conspirators allowed some of their wealth in Europe to be destroyed, it was restored to them during the Lend Lease rebuilding process. In Iraq, corporations in collusion with the globalist government agenda are also being enriched in the corrupt process of reconstruction.

With a lack of direct evidence and first-hand accounts of the ongoing conspiracy, we must rely on our own abilities to gather and analyze information to formulate a reliable picture of what’s going on in the world.
FOR FULL ARTICLE....... http://www.joelskousen.com/hotissues_news.html
Comment by JJ on January 18, 2009 at 12:28pm
I am made aware of the bills passed and voted on after the action takes place--how smart is that??

Vote?? UHH, are you aware the 2008 election was 'fixed', like in fraud, votes bought, duplicated, misplaced, chips installed to re-direct the votes??



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