We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Where are the riots on the right?

Once more I read a post about the passing of Prop. 8 in Californication?! What is it with that state that they pull that one out of the fire and it's AGAINST the gays ... Absotuley amazing - there is a GOD!

It was one of the few bright spots in the election season for me.

But the gays of California are NOT happy with the results! They don't respect or listen to the people of California and want to change, change, change ... the results ... If you check Michelle Malkin - she's on the left side of this blog and search her site - you will see that there is quite alot of violence going on ... and people are losing their jobs over the threatened boycott of certain businesses and the picketing of said businesses. And PEOPLE have caved into the pressure of these hooligans. AMAZING!!!

BUT where are the riots and the demonstrations by the people who did NOT vote for O..b.a.m,a?
Where is the picketing of businesses who GAVE to the O..b.a,m,a campaign??
Where is the rioting in the streets???
Where are the threatened boycotts of certain businesses???

I'll give you the answer - they're NOWHERE - Now WHY is that????
It's because .... Republicans and those who voted for McCain/Palin are LAW ABIDING citizens - that MAY be our undoing someday ... but for now - God protects us.

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Comment by michelle jauquet on December 14, 2008 at 12:12am
It just shows you that GOD works in mysterious ways!...Well done for making a stand.

We just have to kept reminding these activist judges that, it IS the will of the people!... and if they continual to live a godless life, they too will suffer, either in this life or the next.

I have two gay couples living across the street from me in Wisconsin and they still have Obama signs in their front yard. I feel sick every time I drive by, knowing how disgusting this reptile is and how he is trying to destroy this county. The only thing that keeps me sane is faith, that he will be exposed for the fake he and it will be GODS time...
Comment by Judy Doyle on December 13, 2008 at 5:39am
Michelle, I live in California too. When the Justices overturned our voice in May of this year, lightening began striking California. Homes, property and lives were lost in those massive fires. The cost to taxpayers was in the billions of dollars.

Christians and Americans who love God and honor our way of life took up the gauntlet and again the vote was put to the people. The other side tried to prevent the ballot, but the Supreme Court saw what had happened with their previous bad decision and allowed the ballot to go forth.

The people voted again.

I have to stop here and tell you that I wrote to each of the California Supreme Court Justices and reminded them about what happened with the fires that inundated California because of their previous decision. I advised them that Seismologist have been, over the past year, calling for the "big one" to hit California. I simply asked the Justices if they wanted to be responsible for more destructiont to California and innocent citizens.

We didn't need to riot in the streets like the other side did. We didn';t need to boycott businesses. I believe the Justices understood their previous bad decision and with all of the emails and letters that they received after the fires started, they understood what they had done.

God hates homosexuality. He hates abortion. Consequesnces of sin can be very harsh.
Comment by michelle jauquet on December 12, 2008 at 8:35pm
We are civilized and choose to protest in a peaceful way. We try to get our point across by writing letters, expressing our concerns with reason and appealing to the offenders sense of decency.

But there may be a time when it gets to a tipping point and other actions will be needed. I am ready for that day, because I have faith that we are CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS and yes GOD will protect us.

"The Pen, is Mightier than the Sword!" - William Shakespeare



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