We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Who Is Gutsy Enough To Do This ? ?

If Obama worms are so certain their power was honestly obtained and their policies are totally accepted by the American public, then why did they respond to the tea party the way they did?

Ahah! Me thinks they protest too loud? Often guilt and fear speak to us in strange ways. Maybe behind dead fish Rahm Emanuel’s suave façade, Roberts Gibbs word games of wit, Nancy Pelosi’s giddy power intoxication, Obama’s glittering bravado are a nest of knowingly very guilty American traitors whose major fear is –What if the public should discover them as they really are? They act as if they must grab all the power they need before “We the People” and the Tea party protestors stop them. They are in a race to see who gets there first! Their reactions to the Tea Party April 15, 2009 were unprofessional, disgraceful, and embarrassing. These Obots did not react from a position of strength or honor but from a position of fear and weakness.

The knowledge we just gained about them as a result of your tea parties will now become a major tool in our tool chest that will lead us to victory and their defeat. We’ve got them now. We can push them right out of office--- if you have the courage to take the next step. I know what must be done next.

Timing is everything. There is only a short window of time before they will succeed in crushing all movement. That is why we must immediately begin the next rally. This rally must go directly to Obama’s political jugular vein and sever it now. That is the one issue MSM and Fox News never mentions. It is the one issue Congress has failed to resolve. It is the one issue that is causing more civil distrust. It is Obama’s Achilles heal. We must hit fast and hard on this issue until he either proves he is eligible or steps down.

The Revolution has begun. We must be bold and loud and listen to: DC attorney Margaret Calhoun Hemenway who said;

“Since I had been in the Department of State and served in Moscow for two years, I am mindful of an expression used by the Russians: “Nada dakazat’ kulak!” (You must show them your fist!)"

The next rally should be a birthday party by no later than May 15, 2009. . Since Obama never produced his birth certificate, then we really don’t know when it is his birth day. So a birth day party on the wrong date is more than appropriate.

Call it a very happy UN birthday party and demand Obama produce his birth certificate. We can send birth day candles and light candles. We can eat cake and send cake
This isn’t only Obama’s fault. This is the fault of every Congress person and elected official who consistently refused to demand Obama prove his presidential eligibility prior to election, and after election. This is a clear breach of their fiduciary duty to their constituents, a violation of oath they swore to uphold the Constitution, and flagrant act of treason.

This is why we must simultaneously, organize Obama’s unbirthday party, and a organize state by state a humongous demand that Congress, Senate, Assembly, and whoever-- hear our request that Obama’s proof of eligibility records come forward by May 15, 2009 or resign by May 15, 2009. Failure by our elected officials to do either will result in a mass impeachment movement. Write, e-mail, postal mail, and post signs if need be. Do it to the elected officials of each state. Also prepare in advance an impeachment petition and/or any other document necessary to impeach every one of the state’s elected officials.


Hold an Obama Birthday Party Rally ASAP (May 1, 2009)
Demand he produce his birth certificate
Demand elected officials of each state demand Obama produce his BC
Give elected officials an ultimatum—Do what the people request of resign
(No more wimpy, begging, pleading, and humble when dealing with our employees—shake our constitutional fist in their arrogant faces)
Put the pressure on them by giving them a time frame between now and May 15, 2009
States elected officials fail to complete our request—begin impeachment proceedings on them no later than May 15, 2009.

In support of this revolution, USApatriots-shout is giving away free copies of the US Constitution to each person who asks for one. The goal is for every American to carry his own pocket copy of the US Constitution-whether or not he/she reads it or understands it. It is a first step in defeating Obama people ignorance. Go to www.usapatriot-shout.blogspot.com

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Comment by Art in Idaho on April 20, 2009 at 6:14pm
Great ideas Therese!



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