We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Who is to blame for the situation our country is in? Who has placed us on the edge of destruction and socialism?
Is Obama to blame, because shallow and vulnerable people supported him? Are the leaders of the liberals to blame, because they molded society for decades and orchestrated this election? Is it the media or Hollywood for corrupting our views and twisting the 'news'?

None of those are free of responsibility, but where should the majority of the blame fall?

It is easy to complain. It is easy to wish for changes. Is there anything we can do that will really make a difference? What will you actually do to change the situation we are now in?
What is the truth?

While many took advantage of the condition our country fell in to and planned wicked things for our future, there is one group that is especially culpable. That group is our churches - or more accurately, the Christians of the United States.

God blessed this nation. He blessed the people in it. How have we responded? Do we show gratitude to God? Do we share Him with others? Do we teach our children about Him?

For years, church members have had more children than the number of people who are brought into churches. Christians do not even bring their own children to a knowledge of God! The doctrines in many churches have been watered down. Many churches are more concerned about being politically correct or fitting in with the culture than they are about being faithful to God!

Have you heard Christians called hypocrites? Have you heard churches referred to as social clubs?

Christians and churches have been turning further from God, year after year, for decades - if not longer. We have failed to show the love, power, and glory of God.

Not only has our lack of faithfulness turned people away from God - it has opened the doors for imitation religions, like Islam, etc.

Consider these things - how many people have you lead to the Lord in the past six months? How many Christians have you encouraged to be more faithful to the Lord? How often do you share or explain the Bible to those you are around each day? How many times a day do you pray and read the Bible? How many Bible verses do you know by memory?

The founding fathers of our country knew the importance of God in the lives of His people. They knew the importance of keeping Him at the center of the nation. In the 1700's, most governmental bodies required politicians to be well thought of in their communities and active members of a church in their community, before they would be considered for office.

If any doubt remains, let me state it more clearly. The Christians and churches of this country are responsible for our current situation. We turned from God and His standards. Now we have the standards or liberal crooks.

Now what?

How much do you really want the freedom and the rights granted by the Constitution? If you are serious about wanting freedom, you will begin drawing closer to God today! Pray, read the Bible, share the gospel or Good News of salvation with others. Tell your family and friends about God's love. Show love to those around you. If your church doesn't preach the Bible with honesty - find another church.

We will only find freedom in God. If we turn from our rebellion against God, and really turn to Him - He may restore the treasures that we turned our backs on. Then, not only can we know freedom once again - so can our children.
Our apathy toward God has done much harm. It isn't possible to say how much pain there will be in turning back to God and in restoring freedom to our land. Whatever the cost will be much lighter to bear than if we try to gain freedom without surrendering to the Lord.

Turn to God! He will provide the strength to stand for freedom. Our victory is in God and He will give victory if we follow Him!

Views: 5


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Comment by Mark on March 28, 2009 at 3:25pm
Hi DonnR. You have covered many topics in a short space! What you say is true to such a degree that it should bring tears to all our eyes. Christ is always our example. He never ignored sin. He dealt with it with love and justice. If we claim to be Christians, we can do no less. A number of years ago, there was a movement to return to house churches. I haven't heard as much about it lately. It is sadly true that people today are motivated more by entertainment than by a love for God. So many churches are based on saying and doing things that please people and won't offend them. God cannot be satisfied by this.

The news from your church is wonderful! It is really great to hear an encouraging word. It is a good point, also, to make sure that we have done what we are supposed to do in our life, family, and community before stretching out beyond those areas. I wish I had the opportunity to visit there. It sounds inspiring.

Thank you for that news! Take care.
Comment by Donner Party on March 27, 2009 at 7:55pm
Mark, I agree with you about the churches. I don't think our youth pastors even know the word "sin", let alone preach to our kids about it---pastors of the churches likewise! There are a few exceptions of course. At the same time the culture we live in, the things kids see on TV, in movies, in music, at school are all in differing degrees of godlessness. Sometimes it seems that parents and any given church does everything right, but there are still those who fall into the darkness of society.
Also, you do have the IRS connection that causes fear among preachers. Sometimes I wonder if we should revert to the way the first century Christians did things---in homes and out in the highways and byways instead of in a static building that never moves! The one thing that seems to tie all of this together that I have just lamented about is that people: adults, children, youth, etc. love to be entertained! Look at what enticements have to be thrown out to get some kids/youth to go to church!

I must tell you that something good is starting to happen in our small town. One of the churches here did not leave the area, the state or the country for its summer missions, but stayed right in town and spread the Gospel and did works of charity for others. It made an impact on our small
town. Youth were heavily involved as well as adults and senior adults! The mission mind is continuing even now and many are being reached. Still the thing that needs to be done is to (forgive the language) call a spade and spade, i.e., call sin what it is instead of a mistake, a weakness, a bad decision, etc... until we are willing to do that the culture will continue to crumble.
God's word will NOT return to Him void.
Comment by Mark on March 24, 2009 at 11:23am
Thank you for those comments. There is way too much fear in our churches today. Not only do ministers fear the IRS, some fear offending members and losing offerings! We need to fear God and serve Him, regardless of the cost. Even church members live in fear - fear of what others will think if they talk about God or share the Gospel. Fear of not having what they want if they support churches with offerings. Fear of God asking them to do things they don't want to do if they submit to Him. Love overcomes fear! We need to love God and serve Him - then we will learn that He wants the best for us. His way is better than our way. We will never know His way, if we don't surrender our life to Him.
Comment by SonOf1776/Missouri State Coordinator on March 24, 2009 at 7:46am
We need to get our churches back into the game. It is our own faults that we have allowed our religion to be vanquished from everywhere.

Today, religious leaders are afraid to preach politics because the IRS will end their tax-exempt status. I only recently learned this. The evil illegal IRS is censoring our freedom of speech and religion.

We all need to stand up and demand that our religious leaders become involved in the war we now fight to take back our country. Let the IRS do what they will, we will abolish it when we win anyway. Tell your pastor, minister, father or whatever that they have to lead the fight.

Many think everything is Gods will and that he will either save us or not. This is so wrong!

God wants to help us. He is waiting. We must first help ourselves by coming together as Christians and conservatives and fighting to get our country back. When we do that, God will be right in there helping us.



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