What Beck has been reporting and saying. Whether we like the potus or not or believe he has shown his real colb or not. Etc etc He is right it is about who does the potus surround himself with in the past and especially now- well lets take a look-
SEIU, ACORN, MARXISTS, COMMUNISTS, RADICALS, Aires, Dorne, Rev WRight, Farrakahn (however you spell his name) totally criminal organizations and people who wish to do harm or take your our money etc.
He (Beck) is right we should demand no more bills or legislation from this congres sor whitehouse until all of this corruption is taken care of from top to bottom bottom to top!! NO more of our $ going to any person or persons or group(s) linked affiliated with ACORN or SEIU or any little ties with them!! This is about our REPUBLIC our NATION our lives!!!! our families!! So let us all unite in this it doesnt matter if you are left or right dem or repub or conservative or liberal well like Beck said those who are totally left radical like those mentioned above it is obvious they are in it and will not care but those who arent totally gone in their noggins most likely will join the most of us who are against this crazy corruption using our dollars. I too am sick of emailing calling sending letters especially when they are junked or ignored etc. But I too will try this one last time to say we demand no more legislation be passed and no more dollars to anyone or anything to do with SEIU and ACORN and any of their affiliates!!! WE DEMAND YOU STAND FOR THE REPUBLIC OF THE USA AND THE US CONSTITUTION!! AND NO LESS!! Also we should keep fasting and praying for all of us and our military and the USA of course and those to be willling to come forth like Beck asked to help be refounders of our Republic USA. Please pray for me to have courage to do what i must do talk to my neighbors and do what i must do on the computer etc again i am out of ink and almost out of paper but i can send emails for now and talk to folks in person or on phone. thank you all
i forgot to mention the continental congress and grand juries and also the demanding of investigations of acorn seiu etc all that but i think you all know what i mean.
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