We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Carl Swensson/Georgia State Coordinator's Comments

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At 4:16pm on May 26, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Great job on your latest Grand Jury video Carl! Way to go!
At 2:59pm on May 23, 2009, Paul A. Ibbetson said…

At 11:34am on April 9, 2009, www.sovereign-citizenship.net said…
Learn how to be the sovereign executor of your estate!l

become a member of Sovereignty Press and learn how to run your own damn country!
At 10:12pm on March 22, 2009, Mark Christopher Frimmel said…
OK Carl,

So I read up on Dr Orly's site. This is very interesting. You have to have 25 people to have a Thomas Jefferson Grand Jury to bring this action from what I understand. By the way, the lawsuit is amazing. Brave soldiers risking it all to bring their case into the open. And they can't yell "racist" because some of them are black. Race has nothing to do with this anyway. The man is a junior Hitler, a liar, a swindler, a cheat, and he should be put on the next plane to Kenya, his home land. Is that being too harsh?? Hope I didn't offend you..... Ha!

Anyway, you've opened up a big door for me, and I think I'll drive a truck right through it and drum up my 25 people to do this right away. I may need a little mentoring, so we might want to organize a twitter page dedicated to the project. I'll be glad to be the leader in Texas for this endeavor, once I understand it completely.

Is there a cost involved? That's something I'm not too clear about.

I had to go to the site to get the document correctly, but I've got it. Now I have to understand the logistics involved. I know I can do this, and I have the will. I do work 8-5 M-F, but I'll make the time. I have about 200 names and email addresses of local constitutionalists that I'm sure will want a piece of the action.


Mark Christopher Frimmel
At 8:19am on March 22, 2009, Mark Christopher Frimmel said…

So the way I understand it from your comments is, that if we take a request to our local sheriff (any), that we the people request that his information be known (birth), they have to present it to Washington, and things have to be done?? Have I got it right?? And you have a copy that you can send me to present to my local sheriff from Dr. Orly Taitz?

Well, bring on the mission.... if this works, you have my dedication, and I'll spread the news far & wide on "politics" and "rants & raves" in the craigslist, in as many towns as they publish in.

Will you please send me a copy, so I can do this too? My email is texasmusicproject@yahoo.com

You're a true American Patriot, my friend.

Mark Christopher Frimmel
At 3:02pm on February 23, 2009, Attorney Robert Gerald Lorge GOP US SENATE NOMINEE 2006 WI said…
Dear Carl Swensson: The problem is not of Indictment versus Presentments, of Federal Grand Juries, but the fact that they only come into existence by and through empaneling by a Federal Judge. A Federal Judge has to create the Grand Jury. How and Why they come into being is done through them, I would not really go so far as to say they are a 4th branch of government, because they are temporary. We The People are the first and primary branch of Government, although structurally by the constitution's Articles I, II, and III we say the Congress is the First branch (House primary and Senate secondary) and the Executive is the 2nd branch and the Judiciary is the 3rd branch. My Ancestor was Montesquieu, Esprit des Lois, Spirt of the Laws, he is credited with creating the concept of Three COEQUAL branches, checks and balances, and the spirit of the law instead of the letter of the law being paramount, which Spirit of our Constitution is found primarily in the Bible and then some adapations of the Iroquois Indian Confederation and Greek/Roman Republics. See http://library.findlaw.com/2008/May/1/247197.html for more on Grand Juries. I agree they still have the power of PRESENTMENTS equal to Indictments, but everyone still is entitled to a fair trial, then we'll hang em'. Otherwise, democracy is just mob rule without Constitutional INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.
At 10:22pm on February 3, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Carl, thanks for all your hard work today. I saw all the emails you sent out. It really paid off. We had a lot of fellow patriots to step up to lead our state efforts today! Great job!!
At 9:25pm on February 3, 2009, Vicki Verego said…
I am looking forward to joining the GA group. I am an Atlantan!
At 11:38am on February 3, 2009, Jim Renn said…
I am accepting the assistant coordinator for the state of Ga. Jim Renn
At 11:20am on February 3, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Carl, thanks for stepping up and taking the Georgia State Coordinator position. I have approved you to join the State Coordinator Group. Please JOIN! Also, please do a bit of networking and find an assistant coordinator that you would like to work with. As soon as we get people aboard from other states, we'll start to plan a course of action.

Thank you for editing your profile, now everyone will know who is the State Coordinator for Georgia.

One more thing, please announce that you accepted the position on my blog posting, Please Read: State Action Groups (Important Message). This way, we can encourage others to step up and volunteer in their own state. Just put that you accepted the position in the comments section.

At 4:03pm on February 2, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Carl please post here that you have accepted the Georgia state coordinator postion and that you are looking for a assistant state coordinator.


At 6:15pm on January 27, 2009, WTPUSA said…
Hi Carl, thanks for joining We The People USA. This site was created to keep people informed about all the issues stemming from the 2008 election and general issues that affect our every day lives. We're now in the processes of building a Coalition which will unite groups all across the internet under one umbrella called the United Coalition of We The People USA. If you haven't heard about the Coalition, please take the time to read more about it on the Groups page.
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