We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

I guess the paradigm has shifted, and anything that was, will not ever be the same. Look at the extreme corruption in congress. The Left and the Right are now abstract terms for what once was and is no more. You have both Parties doing essentially the same things. they both pay lip service to their constituents, and then go ahead and do things that only benefit the Elite Statists. Case in point. Boehner, Mc Connell and Reid have come together to extend the Patriot Act without making it conform to the Constitution. Where did that come from???  The GOP is essentially blocking the amendment process to stop Sen. Rand Paul from putting in Amendments to the Act that would protect the Second Amendment rights. Along with this travesty, we have Cass Sunstein Legislating by Regulations to tear America and Capitalism apart. He is using the innocuously worded Executive Order 13563 for authorization and you better believe he was the one who wrote that order for Obama. Have Congress, the Administration, the Soros Group, and all the Elite Statists, pegged the American Public correctly? They all believe that we will just lie down and take it because we don't have the guts to stand up to their Anti-American Orders. From what I have seen so far, it looks like they are right. The conservative sites I go to have been mostly flat-line for several weeks now. It's just the hard core patriots posting and doing. Where have the people gone to? How can we re-energize them to actively get involved in their futures? My greatest hope is that they are getting boots on the ground and doing things to defeat Obama and the rest of the Socialists who want to destroy America.

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 They shall not prevail. I know it in my gut.

 "When the people rise in masses in behalf of the Union and the liberties of their country, truly may it be said, the gates of

  Hell shall not prevail against them."       ..............Abraham Lincoln


 Hold the line.  Do not lose faith in the American people and our allies worldwide. More are aware than you imagine. Do not judge book by its cover.  Hold the line.

To Freedom..

Catherine the Democrats with the active help of the Republicans have just extended the Unconstitutional Provisions of the Patriot Act for another Four years. It now goes to the house for a rubber stamp and will be flown to France so Obama can sign it before Midnight.
Watch "Arab Spring" and have a bit of a laugh.  Divine Providence is gonna kick their asses.
I'm more worried about the Islamic Brotherhood controlled party in Egypt saying they were instituting a New NAZI Party. Don't forget that they were allies with the NAZI's during WWII as was Iran. Could it be that Soros himself an Avowed NAZI helper is the one charged by the Odessa Project with creating a Fourth Reich and is doing so using that Puppet Obama?
It seems that Most of Congress can't give up any of their stolen power. Both Houses of Congress Defied the Constitution and extended the provisions of the Patriot Act for 4 years. It's time to clean out this Festering Traitorous Cesspit.




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