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Fox News changes plans for GOP forum
Politico, by Dylan Byers    Original Article
Posted By: JoElla Bee- 7/20/2015 9:08:27 PM     Post Reply
The Fox News Republican presidential forum on August 6 -- also known as the mid-day consolation event for GOP candidates who fail to make the channel´s primetime debate -- is being moved to 5 p.m. and shortened to one hour, the On Media blog has learned. Fox News, the sponsor of the inaugural Republican primary debate in Cleveland, Ohio, has limited inclusion to candidates who finish in the top 10 in an average of national polls. In June, it announced that the remaining candidates would participate in a 90-minute forum at 1 p.m., eight-hours before the main event. The

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Damn lawn mower :-)


Originally posted as; "We Are On The Tipping Point Of No Return For The Republic

We must do something immediately to stop the fall over the precipice into Full Blown Institutionalized  Socialism!" Updated 7/15. These are the things we need to do this election. It will probably be out last chance if we don't win.
Things we must do between now and the Primary Elections;
  Be Effective: Do something that counts to Restore the Republic! Get Active Locally. Have a say in who gets to run instead of letting the Party Establishment make that decision for you! Remember, as go the Primary Elections, so goes the Country. Dominate Primaries, and then Dominate the General Elections. Learn how to Morally and Legally Influence the Primary Ballot at: (http://www.theprecinctproject.wordpress.com/ ) It is so easy to get appointed as a Precinct Chairman and then have an immediate direct effect on the candidates. Also check the Records and Ratings of Congress to help you Vett Candidates. Here is a quick way to research members of Congress and their current activities. It's new on 'Popvox' https://www.popvox.com/congress . Another very good site for finding out facts about any politician and their background,contributors,voting records etc. is; http://votesmart.org/ . Don't forget to cross check all information from different sources to weed out inaccuracies.

  At this juncture forming or even thinking about uniting under another banner, would have the same disastrous effect as what happened in the 1992 and 1996 Elections, where people like Ross Perot  ran and split the votes, Handing the elections to the Progressive Clinton's. Do You Really Want To Revisit That Scenario? The Progressives would be happy to give us a hand, and I suspect they are working secretly at forming a third party right now, because it would guarantee that they reverse our wins in the last election, and hand them another Super Majority in this Cycle. Ralph Nader even split the vote for the Democrats causing them to lose, so you can see that Third Parties at this point do not have a valid chance of winning but instead skew the elections.
  I fully believe that the Progressive Socialist forces, and their many Marxist Coalitions are United, and focused against us, especially for this Election Cycle. They have infiltrated every part of our movement and are counseling us to do exactly the wrong things. They are seriously bent on splitting our Votes and Focus, so we will lose Big Time insuring the completion of their plans to turn America into another Socialist Country..
 We must remain Calm, Collected, and "Intelligently Focused", on the Main Issue of winning the many seats up for grabs with conservatives, and defeat as many Progressives as possible. That is our PRIMARY FUNCTION! Before we can move ahead with any other desire or issue we want to do or change we must first win. Without the Majority in Congress we can't do a dang thing. We have found out that it will take a true Conservative Majority and not sell out RINO's, so we must win in the primaries first and foremost. Ignore the many distractions and differences being put out there by various factions, do your own vetting and act on the information you personally find, the time to discuss the distractions is: ONLY AFTER WE HAVE WON THE PRIMARY ELECTIONS WITH OUR CHOSEN CANDIDATES!!! NOT BEFORE!!!
  To form a Third Party, Form under a New Banner, Split us between the Different Tea Party Organizations, Split the Conservatives and the Libertarians, or any other move that detracts from our UNITED DESIRE TO ELIMINATE THE PROGRESSIVE SOCIALISTS FROM POWER in our Government, will end in DISASTER for us and our cause. We must remain United and Focused on the simple fact of winning all the elections by defeating all the Progressive Candidates!!!
  To be able to win ALL the Elections will take a massive amount of Restraint on all of our parts. We each must Individually, and Organizationally, Subsume our Pet Projects and Desires, and Intentionally Create an irresistible force for winning every single seat up for grabs in every election (Federal, State, Local) this cycle. That's the simplest way I can put it. After we win, we can work out our desires for changing the Country back into the Republic that was taken from us, and the Priorities for doing it.
  I know it seems like we are up against something we can not beat. That is not so. we can beat it if we stick together and force the issues on Congress and get out in greater numbers than the Progressives in the next election. We need to beat the hidden Masters who are Ultra Rich and powerful, That is the rotten core of every form of Socialism. The very few Rich set up a Government that insures they will not meet any competition from anyone, and they get to call all the shots. they pretend that they are just for the little guy that has been victimized and play that for all it's worth. That is the other LIE about Socialism.
  Socialism completely believes that the Masters are allowed/entitled to do anything to make their viewpoint the only viewpoint. The ends justify the means. They believe that, because it works and by the time the people wake up to that fact it's too late for them to stop it. It's not too late yet, but we are fast approaching the tipping point of NO RETURN. I can promise you this, it will get worse before it gets better, and we have to be prepared for that to happen.  I don't mean we will lose, I mean that it is all out political war, a war of Ideologies we must win if we want to remain Free.
   The Choice Is Still Ours! But Not For Long!!!

Great post M..........here is a heads up on watching the  FORUM on CSPAN ....

C-SPAN Invites All 17 Republican Presidential Candidates

to an August 3 Forum

C-SPAN, in partnership with some newspapers, will host a Republican presidential candidate forum on August 3 in New Hampshire. This is three days before the Fox News debate set for August 6.

Not all Republican presidential candidates have accepted the C-SPAN invitation. The event is not sanctioned by the Republican National Committee

This is on their  FORUM AND ALL WILL BE ON THERE...

Trump has them upset. 

In more ways than one DB....we must not underestimate him...He is a tough guy ...All the deep conservative  news...loves him.......He may end up bankrupting the corrupt media...LOL...

Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race
Businessman Donald Trump surged into the lead for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, with almost twice the support of his closest rival, just as he ignited a new controversy after making disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain’s Vietnam War service, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

I am not suprised. The Donald is connecting with the common folks big time. 

DB..To me Donald fits  comfortably with the common folks like us...He does not seem to be an elitist...:)


He is really doing lots of good ...unless if he decides to run 3rd party..Although I have read that perot actually shot himself in the foot...something about protecting his daughter...

Charles, Maybe Perot did shoot himself in the foot, but I find it hard to believe he did that two consecutive times especially when he quit at the same time it was statistically impossible for Clinton to lose. I find that beyond coincidence. I may be totally wrong but Perot to me was a plant to help Clinton win. He talked the talk most of American conservatives wanted to hear and swayed many of them away from the candidate opposed to Clinton. I pray that Trump is not doing the same to insure another win for a Clinton or maybe someone worse. Let's see if the American Public can be fooled for a third time.

If that does happen then I would council that Americans of a conservative nature form a viable Third Party immediately after the 2016 Election and try and convince all the politicians like Cruz, Lee, etc. at every level of Government to join it and have a broad voter base waiting to get them into power.

Until then we will have to play it by ear and see how the campaigns go. We must also try and rally real Conservatives to try and DOMINATE the Primaries as well as get into positions in their individual precincts as precinct captains,eligibility of voter challengers (anyone can get the registered voter list and check it against the DMV to verify addresses) vote counters Precinct chairs, etc. and the time to volunteer is right now to be in place for the elections. Information on how to do that and take control of the establishment faction of the Republican Party and turn it back into a force for Conservatives is outlined in( https://theprecinctproject.wordpress.com/ ) this was first published in 2009 and updated in 2014. It is the basic primer on how to win back control of a political party and win elections. Doing this and things like it is critical to starting to restore the Republic.




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