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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Donald Trump

Businessman Donald Trump (New York)
Campaign Site: DonaldJTrump.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealDonaldTrump

Jeb Bush

Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida)
Campaign Site: Jeb2016.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JebBush
Twitter: www.twitter.com/JebBush

Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson (Florida)
Campaign Site: BenCarson.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrBenjaminCarson
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RealBenCarson

Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey)
Campaign Site: ChrisChristie.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Chris Christie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovChrisChristie
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovChristie

Ted Cruz

US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas)
Campaign Site: TedCruz.org
Government Site: Office of US Senator Ted Cruz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TedCruzPage
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Mark Everson

Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi)
Campaign Site: MarkForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarkForAmerica
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MarkForAmerica

Carly Fiorina

Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia)
Campaign Site: CarlyForPresident.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CarlyFiorina
Twitter: www.twitter.com/CarlyFiorina

Jim Gilmore

Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia)
Campaign Site: GilmoreForAmerica.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JimGilmore
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GovernorGilmore

Lindsey Graham

US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina)
Political Site: LindseyGraham.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Lindsey Graham
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LindseyGrahamSC
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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
Official Site: MikeHuckabee.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MikeHuckabee
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Bobby Jindal

Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana)
Campaign Site: BobbyJindal.com
Government Site: Office of Governor Bobby Jindal
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BobbyJindal
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BobbyJindal

John Kasich

Governor John Kasich (Ohio)
Campaign Site: JohnKasich.com
Government Site: Office of Governor John Kasich
Facebook: www.facebook.com/JohnRKasich
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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
Campaign Site: GeorgePataki.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/GovGeorgePataki
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Campaign Site: RandPaul.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Rand Paul
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RandPaul
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Marco Rubio

US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida)
Campaign Site: MarcoRubio.com
Government Site: Office of US Senator Marco Rubio
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MarcoRubio
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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
Campaign Site: RickSantorum.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RickSantorum
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Exclusive — Donald Trump Trolls His Critics Again: While Planned Parenthood Does Abortions, No Tax Dollars Should Go Their Way

The hits keep on coming for the Donald.

In response to several folks seemingly misunderstanding what the 2016 GOP frontrunner said on CNN on Tuesday morning about Planned Parenthood funding, Donald Trump has issued a statement to Breitbart News exclusively that makes it crystal clear where he stands: While the organization conducts abortions, they should receive no taxpayer dollars.

That means Trump supports one of two pathways forward for Planned Parenthood: Either they stop conducting abortions, or they lose all their taxpayer subsidies.

Trump said in his exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Tuesday evening

While Planned Parenthood is engaging in the despicable practice of abortion — in addition to then selling aborted baby body parts to the highest bidder — the organization should receive no taxpayer dollars. The liberal left wing always claims that Planned Parenthood isn’t about abortion and that it’s about other general areas of women’s health. I am totally in favor of women’s health and if they can put their money where their mouth is, and stop the abortion services at Planned Parenthood entirely, we can talk about government funding for many of the other aspects of the organization that do a lot of good.

There’s nothing Trump said in his CNN interview that suggests he is open to funding Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars while the organization continues conducting abortions.

“The problem that I have with Planned Parenthood is the abortion situation. It is like an abortion factory, frankly,” Trump said on CNN. “And you can’t have it. And you just shouldn’t be funding it. That should not be funded by the government, and I feel strongly about that.”

When asked about the other stuff Planned Parenthood does—not the abortion services—Trump said in the CNN interview that he would be okay with funding that.

“What I would do when the time came, I’d look at the individual things they do, and maybe some of the individual things they do are good,” Trump said on CNN. “I know a lot of the things are bad. But certainly the abortion aspect of it should not be funded by government, absolutely.”

Also, quite clearly–since he is Donald Trump after all–he’s definitely not backing down from his previous push for Republicans in Congress to do everything in their power up to and including shutting down the government to stop Planned Parenthood from getting any more money as long as they remain in the abortion business. As far as anyone can tell, it’s unlikely Planned Parenthood is about to stop conducting abortions–so Trump believes they need to lose their money from the taxpayers.

What’s perhaps the most interesting development here is, now that Trump has set the record straight—and made clear that he supports no tax money going to the organization while it’s in the abortion business—he seems to have exposed the entire political class yet again. All his haters crawled out of the woodwork to attack him to argue he suggested he’d be okay with funding Planned Parenthood at all while the organization is still in the abortion business, and he just exposed them all yet again.

Trump was hammered by several major conservatives like Live Action’s Lila Rose and ForAmerica’s David Bozell—whose organization’s chairman Brent Bozell is now representing the presidential campaign of Trump competitor

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

after endorsing Cruz—and directly from Trump competitor

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

. In addition, several from the GOP establishment who already dislike Trump began attacking him—and somehow, perhaps inadvertently, Planned Parenthood itself praised what it thought was Trump’s stance.

The misconception is that many people thought Trump was saying that he thinks it’s okay for the government to fund the women’s health matters as long as taxpayer money doesn’t cover abortions. Trump’s position, in fact, is that taxpayers should not fund Planned Parenthood at all if the organization is providing abortions—a position that actually undercuts the left’s argument that abortion is just a small percentage of the service the group provides.

If it’s so small a deal, Trump is challenging, why not just get rid of it? Of course, Planned Parenthood is never going to not conduct abortions—so Trump’s consistent and previously public positions, which he’s reiterating again here for Breitbart News, rings even truer: No taxpayer dollars for the group. Trump has also made clear previously that he’s willing to do everything it takes to cut off the flow of money to Planned Parenthood, including escalating to the level of a standoff or impasse that could result in a government shutdown if the GOP Congress and President Obama’s White House don’t come to an agreement.

David Bozell said:

Donald Trump simply must be clear about his position on taxpayer-funding of Planned Parenthood if he expects to be taken seriously by conservative voters. Last week Mr. Trump said he would strip $528 million of Planned Parenthood funding immediately, even if it meant a government shutdown fight with Democrats. Today on CNN, Mr. Trump claimed Planned Parenthood was an ‘abortion factory’ but does ‘some good things’ and waffled on the funding question. This ambiguous position gives voters pause. Just ask President Romney, who denied he was ever pro-choice, despite the videotape evidence. Voters seek and expect clarity on this issue. It must be made crystal clear by every candidate in the GOP field that Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer-funded lifelines provided by the federal government must be cut off. There’s nothing good about an organization that mutilates and sells the body parts of aborted babies. Defund it completely, now, and open an immediate congressional investigation.

Rose added:

Trump’s vacillation on Planned Parenthood funding is deeply troubling, and reveals an ignorance about their horrific abortion practices–their killing over 320,000 children a year, and bartering to sell the body parts of those they abort. It’s obvious from Mr. Trump’s comments that he has not watched the Planned Parenthood videos released by Center for Medical Progress. That is the only way he could recommend to continue funding this abortion conglomerate that is totally unnecessary and any organization that engages in these human rights abuses does not deserve a penny of tax payers’ money. It would be better spent on health services that would save the lives of women and babies. I challenge Mr. Trump to watch the videos.

Despite Rose’s statement, Trump has previously publicly stated—when he called for Republicans in Congress to do anything and every...—that he has in fact watched the videos.

“Maybe I should just let him debate himself…Trump Open To Continuing Taxpayer Funding of Planed Parenthood,” Paul, who has, as part of a clear coordinated campaign decision, decided to start attacking Trump very publicly, Tweeted with a link to a Breitbart News article on Trump’s CNN comments.

The Daily Beast—which previously falsely accused Trump of raping his ex-wife Ivana—ran a headline claiming Trump is “Planned Parenthood’s favorite Republican.” In the article, Daily Beast writer Betsy Woodruff quoted Planned Parenthood spokesman Eric Ferrero oddly praising Trump—again based entirely on the misconception that somehow Trump is okay with tax dollars going to the organization while it continues to conduct abortions.

“Donald Trump seems to have realized that banning all abortions, shutting down the government, and defunding Planned Parenthood are extreme positions that are way too far outside the mainstream for even him to take,” Ferrero said in Woodruff’s Daily Beast piece. “We hope that the rest of the GOP field will wake up and reconsider their extreme and unpopular positions on defunding preventive care, abortion bans, and the other economic issues that women and their families care about.”

Several folks from the right of center who have had it out for Trump from the beginning of his campaign seized the Daily Beast article as some kind of assurance they were right that Trump is no conservative.

“Oh boy,” read a Tweet from Fox News Contributor Erick Erickson, the head of Red State, who disinvited Trump to his Red State Gathering this weekend amid Trump’s spat with his Fox colleague Megyn Kelly after Kelly’s aggressive questioning of Trump during the debate last week in Cleveland.

Erickson’s Salem Communications colleague–Guy Benson at Town Hall Magazine–sent out several Tweets attacking Trump over this. Salem Communications has come under fire not just for Erickson’s actions recently, but now ahead of the next debate is facing questions about whether its nationally syndicated radio host Hugh Hewitt can be fair as a moderator when he said that Trump doesn’t have the “temperament” to be president.

“Will Donald Trump now be called a ‘RINO’ by his supporters?” pollster Frank Luntz, who held a focus group on Fox News post-debate that argued Trump was somehow damaged by the debate, Tweeted.


Megyn Kelly Announces Immediate Vacation for 1.5 Weeks – Twitter Goes Wild

FOX News host Megyn Kelly announced tonight at the end of her show that she will be going on a much needed vacation for the next week-and-a-half.

megyn kelly

Kelly has had a rough go this past week since the record-setting Republican primary debate.
Kelly reportedly received several threats after her performance at last week’s debate.

On Friday an online petition was set up to bar Megyn Kelly from future GOP debates.

On Tuesday Twitter reacted to the news that Megyn was taking some time off—

Megyn Kelly @megynkelly

What did you think of the show tonight? Share your comments with me using #KellyFile!

@megynkelly Glad you're on vacation! Take an extra week or two!

Oh gee, lookie there - ratings dropped & @megynkelly going on an unplanned "vacation" for 1.5 weeks. Being all debatey coinky-dinky n' stuff

Blondie203235 @Blondie203235

@megynkelly And a lousy performance as a so-called moderator can ruin one's career. Think about that while you're on vacation, dear.

@marklevinshow @glennbeck @DLoesch Ha how convenient Megyn Kelly on Vacation for next week or so ratings must be down convenient huh

Cwise Cwise @CwiseCwise1

@megynkelly now you ask for feedback?Take a long vacation til the election is done.

Diplomtc_Immnty @Diplomtc_Immnty

@MegynKelly Thought it was appropriate decision to take a leave on vacation after the treatment of @realDonaldTrump at the #GOPDebate

I will never see her the same way again..i will  always remember the narrowed eyes and the muttering under her breath when  He  said Rosie O'Donnel...she said .. thru clenched teeth.".more than that.".. famous last words for her...

She is used to people cowing down to her. Media is used to brow beating candidates and them going all squishy and backing off and she ran into someone who would not.

Donald Trump: If Iran Was a Stock I’d Tell You to Buy It – You’d Make 100 Times Your Money (VIDEO)

trump hannity

Donald Trump joined Sean Hannity on Monday for his first sit-down interview on FOX News since the controversial debate last week. The second part of the interview was aired Tuesday night. Trump said if Iran was a stock he’d tell you to buy it right now.

“Hillary Clinton, like it or not was the worst Secretary of State in the history of this country. Obama has been a disaster. Who does he get along with? He doesn’t get along with anybody…

…I said the other day, it’s a sad joke frankly, but I said if Iran was a stock buy it. You’d make one hundred times your money very quickly. What we’re giving them $150 billion plus other things were giving them.


Donald Trump Storms Iowa with Most Aggressive Ground Game

Donald Trump is surprising the political world with a robust ground game to achieve victory in the 2016 Iowa caucus.

From the Washington Post:

— For five days, the royal-blue bus rumbled through miles of cornfields alongside a popular annual bicycle trek across Iowa. It showed up at a country music concert in Cherokee and at a bacon festival in Ottumwa.

And when the hulking vehicle with thick white block letters that spell T-R-U-M-P pulled into a Wal-Mart parking lot in Fort Dodge this week, people flocked to it. It didn’t matter that Donald Trump wasn’t inside. The bus alone — with the “Make America Great Again” slogan extending across its sides — created an irresistible oasis of celebrity politics amid a desert of minivans and shopping carts.

“One hundred people showing up for a staffer? I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Chuck Laudner, a veteran Iowa organizer who oversees Trump’s efforts here. “They kept saying the same thing: They want something different.”

For many Americans, the Trump presidential campaign amounts to a billionaire talking endlessly, and entertainingly, on television. But here in Iowa, it’s another story. Trump is trying to beat the politicians at their own game, building one of the most extensive field organizations in the Republican field.

The groundwork laid by Trump’s sizeable Iowa staff, with 10 paid operatives and growing, is the clearest sign yet that the unconventional candidate is looking beyond his summer media surge and attempting to win February’s first-in-the-nation caucuses.


REPORT: GOP Elites Plot to Purge Donald Trump and “Trash” Who Support Him

clinton trump criminal

The Republican Guard of the Grand Old Party is plotting to take down Donald Trump.
The billionaire businessman is not refined enough and squishy for their taste.
World Net Daily reported:

In the Cleveland debate, Donald Trump refused to commit to support whomever the Republican Party nominates in 2016.

Trump would be wise to maintain his freedom of action.

For there is a plot afoot in the Washington Post Conservative Club to purge Trump from the Republican Party before the primaries begin.

“A political party has a right to … secure its borders,” asserts the Post’s George Will, “a duty to exclude interlopers.” Will wants The Donald “excommunicated” and locked out of all GOP debates until he kneels and takes a loyalty oath to the nominee.

“Marginalizing Trump” carries no risk of “alienating a substantial Republican cohort,” Will assures us, for these “Trumpites” are neither Republicans nor conservatives. Better off without such trash.

The Post’s Michael Gerson says “establishment Republicans” must “make clear that [Trump] has moved beyond the boundaries of serious and civil discourse.” He loathes the Trumpites as much as Will.

Trump’s followers are “xenophobic,” Gerson tells CNN. They have a “resentment of outsiders, of Mexico, of China, and immigrants. That’s more like a European right-wing party, a UKIP or a National Front in France. Republicans can’t incorporate that.”

But if the GOP has no room for Trump’s followers, it has no future. For there simply aren’t that many chamber-of-commerce and country-club Republicans.

Gerson mentions with disgust the U.K. Independence Party and France’s National Front. What do those parties have in common?

Both are anti-New World Order. Both arose to recapture the lost independence and sovereignty of their nations from the nameless, faceless bureaucrats of Brussels, those EU hacks who now dictate the kinds of laws and societies the Brits and French are permitted to have.

What motivates these folks is not all that different from what brought the farmers to Lexington Green and Concord Bridge and inspired colonists to stand by the original Tea Party boys in Boston.

New parties arise and outsiders are drawn into politics to fill voids and vacuums created by the failure of incumbent parties and politicians.


Breaking Poll, Donald Trump a HUGE FAVORITE with Small Business Owners


Donald Trump leads the the Republican field with small businesses. A whopping 38 percent of small-business owners support Trump for president.
CNBC reported:

Donald Trump continues to enjoy a lead in several national polls, and it looks like his popularity surge continues among the small-business crowd.

As the campaign trail heats up on the road to the 2016 presidential election, candidates are beginning to vie for the small-business vote. According to a new poll from Manta, a small-business networking platform, Trump is the top choice among small-business owners for president with close to 38 percent of respondents selecting him. That comes even even after his performance in the recent GOP debate and tussle with Fox News moderator Megyn Kelly.

Democrat Hillary Clinton came in second with 17 percent of the vote, with Republicans Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio in a virtual tie for third place with nearly 6 percent of the vote each. Manta surveyed 815 small-business owners.

Even Trump’s GOP competition, including Ohio Gov. John Kasich, have acknowledged he has “struck a nerve” among some voters. This seems to be the case on Main Street as well, said Jack Mozloom, director of media and communications at the National Federation of Independent Business, a conservative lobbying group.

Leading in Iowa too!

CNN/ORC Poll: @realDonaldTrump tops in Iowa http://cnn.it/1ILpkOf 



MSNBC Goes After “Stump for Trump” Girls, Demands Name of Their Employer, The Ladies Respond

Look out!
The “Trump for Stump” girls are taking on MSNBC.
trump girls msnbc

The two ladies, Lynette “Diamond” Hardaway and Rochelle “Silk” Richardson, better known as the “Trump-for-Stump Girls,” have become a YouTube sensation with their hilarious rants.

This weekend the duo was scheduled to go on MSNBC with Steve Kornacki but they were cancelled at the last second. The ladies said MSNBC wanted to know their location and the names of their employers. Then MSNBC cancelled their segment when they wouldn’t disclose the information. This set them off.

At the very last second, he uninvited us when we wouldn’t provide the name of our employers, and deep personal information. Why he need that? So he could do a hit piece on us! So after dedicating 4 hours to be on his show, he cancelled us because we want to protect our privacy. They try to spread hate about Trump at MSNBC, and now they try to do it to us. But we don’t play that game, we fight fire with fire!

The two Trump supporters at WeBeSisters.com vented their frustration in a new video, “MSNBC Screws US Over Because We Stump for Trump.”

Videos at link:


Lord have mercy..I'm loving it...too great...God bless them...

Trump: I'll face Biden in general election after Clinton unravels

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump predicts he will face Vice President Biden instead of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 general election.

Trump said on Friday he believes Biden will edge out Clinton once her campaign is undone by the controversy over her use of a private email server while secretary of State, according to Breitbart.

“I think so,” Trump said when asked if he can picture a fight with Biden in next year’s general election.

“It just looks like Hillary is going to not be able to run,” he said. “It looks to me like that’s what’s going to happen.

“I hear this thing is big league,” Trump added of the email controversy.

“You know what she was doing. She was guarding from the president seeing what she was doing.”

Clinton announced on Tuesday that she is turning over her personal device and its backup USB flash drive to Justice Department investigators.

Trump argued on Friday that it is unlikely voters will take Clinton seriously on national security if she jeopardized critical intelligence by placing it on her server.

“What she’s done is 10-times worse than what General Petraeus did — far more sensitive documents, top-of-the-line sensitive documents, far more of them,” he said, referencing former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus’s own email scandal in 2012.

It destroyed him, so I don’t see how she’s going to possibly be able to run,” Trump added. “I think it’s unlikely if you look at what she’s done. It’s pretty conclusive right now, too."

The outspoken billionaire said Americans expect political intrigue from Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

“I’m just looking at it saying, ‘what the Hell was she thinking?’ ” Trump said of Clinton’s private email server usage. “Why did she do it?

“Because they’re always looking to go over the edge,” he added of the Clintons. “Whether it’s Whitewater or anything else. They always want to go over the edge."

Trump is currently leading the race for the GOP’s presidential nomination next year in multiple national polls.

Clinton, meanwhile, remains the front-runner for the Democratic coronation despite falling support over her email server practices at State.

Reports emerged on Friday that two “top secret” messages on her device discussed America’s drone policies.


TRUMPMENTUM: at Top of the Polls, The Donald Catches Fire on the Trail

HAMPTON, New Hampshire — The Donald is on fire.

Arriving shortly before 7 p.m. at Winnacunnet High School here in Hampton, New Hampshire, on Friday evening, billionaire Donald Trump—and his entire campaign entourage—whizzed into a classroom-turned-into-press-conference-setup to face a room with more than 40 reporters waiting for him.

Trump fielded question after question from reporters throughout the room for more than 20 minutes, detailing his policy viewpoints, bashing his competition and lighting up the permanent political class and all the lobbyists—acting presidential throughout the press conference, laying out his vision for the United States of America clearly, concisely, with specific policy viewpoints and showing complete lack of fear of any political foe or threat to the United States. He went from domestic policy issues like the heroin and drug epidemic plaguing places like New Hampshire and nearby Massachusetts to foreign policy to trade policy to military policy to immigration policy to politics from the campaign trail to criticism of the Obama administration and the Bush administration that preceded it, sprinkling in hits on Democratic frontrunner former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“Mr. Trump, you said that the concept of global warming was created by China [to hurt the United States]. Can you explain precisely how China created the concept of global warming?” one reporter asked. Trump replied:

I said that in a very sarcastic fashion—but it’s helping China because China is doing very little about global warming and this country has gone overboard. You saw what happened the other day with President Obama’s bill. It’s going to put costs out of control, and we have to compete with China. We have to compete with the rest of the world. China loves what we’re doing on global warming, that I can tell you. You go over to China and see what their factories are doing. Their factories are doing absolutely nothing having to do with global warming and they won’t for many, many years. China is making it impossible between their devaluations—I was just talking about with somebody who really knows the subject—their devaluations and the whole thing with global warming, China is making it impossible for our companies to compete and we better get smart on this.

Next up after environmental policy was Iraq.

“Governor Bush said this week that bringing down Saddam Hussein was a good deal. Do you agree with him? Do you think it was worth it?” another reporter asked. Trump responded:

We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors who I love all over this country and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing. His brother made a horrible decision and President Obama made a horrible decision the way he left. We should have taken the oil instead of giving it to ISIS and Iran. You know who the primary beneficiary of the oil is? China. China is taking out so much oil. I said you shouldn’t have gone in, but I said once you went into Iraq you should have never in a million years, you should have never—you go in, you never won—but a lot of mistake on the Iraq wars. I heard Jeb Bush talking. First of all it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he’s now trying to backtrack—probably because his brother said ‘hey wait a minute you’re killing me here. It’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq war.’ The Iraq war is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS. Instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So you tell me: Was it worth what we paid for?

After that came U.S. foreign policy with Russia. “Mr. Trump, you said U.S.-Russian relations are destroyed. Are you going to fix—“ a reporter began to ask before Trump, at that point on a roll and gaining momentum, cut him off.

“I said they’re terrible,” Trump corrected the reporter. “They’re not destroyed but they’re pretty well-destroyed. I think I would have a great relationship with Russia and Putin.”

“Would you roll back sanctions with Russia?” the reporter followed up.

“It depends, depends,” Trump answered. “They have to behave also.”

“Why do you think you’d get along well with Russia,” the reporter pressed again. Trump replied:

I think I’d get along well with Putin. I know many of the people. I had a major event there two years ago in Moscow, as you know. It was a tremendous success. An amazing success. I think I’d get along well with Putin. And I think I’d get along with the leaders of the world well, many of them. Not all of them. And the ones I don’t get along with, they’re going to have to pay. We have to make our country great again and we’re not doing that. We’re going in the wrong direction. We’re going like this [points downward]. Laughing stock. We’re a laughing stock all over the world.

From there, Trump took on the war on drugs.

“Mr. Trump, we’re in New Hampshire—a state with a huge heroin problem—“ another reporter started asking him before he jumped in.

“Yeah, New Hampshire has a huge heroin problem,” Trump answered. “I mean, per capita, the biggest in the whole country—nobody would know that, but yeah, New Hampshire has a huge heroin problem.”

“How do we solve it?” the reporter followed up before Trump sketched out the beginnings of his plan to fix it.

“Education, working hard, we have to get people to understand the problem and it starts probably with oxycontin from what I’m hearing,” Trump said. “You have to educate and you have to do something very strong. But it does have a big problem, I’ve been hearing it from everybody. Bigger per capita than any place else.”

At that point, another reporter asked him when he would start rolling out specific policy proposals. As has been reported, Trump is working with some of the brightest minds in the country—for instance,

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)

on immigration policy—to craft his position papers.

“I have some of the most brilliant people in the country working on tax, which we will be involved in very much because I understand the system very much—probably better than anybody that’s ever run for office if you want to know truth—because I am part of the system,” Trump said. “But we have some amazing people working on immigration. I would say over the next two to three weeks, probably some time in September.”

From there, another reporter turned the conversation back to Russia and Putin. “Mr. Trump, are you worried about what Putin’s done in Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula?” Trump replied:

Ukraine is a problem, but at some point don’t you think that the countries of Europe should be a little more involved than they are? We’re leading all these fights. Ukraine is a big problem. Germany is a rich powerful country. Economically tremendous power. Tremendous unbelievable unleashed economic power. Why isn’t Germany [doing anything]? Do we have to lead every fight? So, Ukraine is a problem and we have to help them. But let Germany and other countries over there that are directly affected, let them work it. We’ve got enough problems in this country, we have to rebuild our country. China and other countries have drained us. China has created the greatest theft in the history of the United States. I mean, if you think about it, it’s the greatest theft in the history of the United States—the money they’ve taken out from us. It’s a one-way street. So we back our folks and we back our friends and we want them to straighten out Ukraine, and I want to see it straightened out also, but don’t you think Germany and those countries directly affected should maybe be fighting? It’s almost that they don’t even care. They don’t even care.

After that, another reporter asked Trump about the recent attacks that

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)

has launched on him. Trump used the answer to not just attack Paul but lay out his own vision for the military—a strong national defense with a military so big that nobody would fight with the United States. Trump said:

Rand Paul, you have to understand, is a disaster in the polls. He’s a disaster on military and defense. He’s getting decimated by everybody. And other than giving him a lot of money for an eye center—at his request, he asked me—I said absolutely because I think it’s worthwhile. But I gave him a lot of money for an eye center. But other than giving him a tremendous amount of money for his eye center, which I’m happy about frankly because I think they do good work, I hope they do good work, he is doing so badly that he figured he has to go out and attack Trump because I’m doing so well everywhere. I don’t mind because he’s never going to make it. Can’t make it. This is not a time to be weak on defense. I’m the opposite—I want to make our military so strong and so powerful and so great that nobody’s going to mess with us. And I want to take care of our vets, who are treated like third class citizens. You know, two weeks ago on Wednesday, our vets—as you know and probably reported on it, as you have a big problem here with vets not being taken care of properly—our vets had the longest wait in the history of the VA, waiting for doctors in rooms. They’ll wait four or five or six days. In one case, they waited five days and the doctor said ‘sorry, I’m going on vacation.’ So politicians are all talk no action—they’re all the same. Politicians have let the vets down. Rand Paul has let the vets down. I don’t blame him—he’s doing so poorly in the polls so he attacks the person that’s [leading]. Hey look, I’ve been attacked now by now Perry of Texas and he went ehhh like a rocket ship except in the wrong direction [while swooping his hand downward]. I was attacked by

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
and he had two points but now he has zero. Now Rand Paul has very few points but I think he’s going down too. I’ll say one further thing about Rand Paul then let’s not waste a lot of time. Rand Paul is using the people of Kentucky. Either run for Senate and do a good job, or run for president. You don’t run for president but by the way oh maybe I’ll become your senator reluctantly. If I were somebody, a good strong Republican from Kentucky, I would run against him in a heartbeat and you’d win because the people of Kentucky are being used by Rand Paul. Now think of it, they’re saying if he doesn’t make it we’ll take him? That’s not the way it works. Kentucky should get a senator that wants to represent them, not a senator that’s a backup plan. If I was in Kentucky, I’d run against him and believe me I’d win.

After that, a reporter asked Trump what he thought of the long wait times at the VA for veterans to get health services. The reporter, who also works as a veterans claims advocate, noted that some claims take over three years to process.

“Unbelievable, you hear that?” Trump asked the cameras. “It takes over three years to process one veteran’s claim!”

“My question is do you think the VA has run out of money to help them because it has been allocated to the wrong people?” the reporter finished her question.

“No I think they’ve run out of competence,” Trump responded flatly. “They have incompetent people running it. And it starts with our senators and our congressmen and our president. I run things properly. What I run runs properly. One of the things I will do is take care of our veterans. You’re a perfect example when you take three years to process a claim? It should take 24 hours.”

A reporter then asked Trump if he’d take up Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s challenge to do the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for ALS research—Trump had previously done it once before last year—but Trump shot Walsh down: “He’s a clown.” Trump joked:

He spends all this time and effort and money on an Olympic bid and then he goes out talking about Ice Bucket Challenges? Get a real mayor. He came out and he was strongly against—when we had the original problem when I was misquoted, now everybody is apologizing to me. Illegal immigration, he said ‘I don’t like Trump’s statements.’ Now everybody is apologizing to me because I turned out to be right. Massive crime. You had beautiful Kate [Steinle] in San Francisco, even three days ago a 66-year-old woman was raped, sodomized and tortured by an illegal immigrant and they caught him. It’s just disgraceful what’s going on. I brought up, and I’m so proud I brought up—I took a lot of heat, a lot of heat that first week, they called it incoming from you people [the media], incoming—now so many people have apologized to me. And it’s become a mainstay of everybody’s campaign. The problem is they don’t know what to do about it. I do. And it starts with building a wall.

After that another reporter asked him: “[Massachusetts GOP] Gov. [Charlie] Baker has said some of your recent comments were reprehensible about women,” the reporter began before Trump cut him off.

“No, I don’t think he said that,” Trump said. “Let me tell you something, when Jeb Bush said on women’s issues that he won’t fund it.”

As another reporter’s cell phone went off in the room, Trump stalled his answer and turned to that reporter: “I apologize. Are you okay?”

He started trying to finish his answer but kept getting interrupted by the cell phone over and over again. Once he finally got rolling, he said: “You ready? Third time. Jeb Bush said that on women’s health issues, he won’t fund them. Then he said, ‘I misspoke, I’m so sorry.’” Trump went on:

I cherish women. Women will be taken care of better with a President Trump than anybody else, Republican or Democrat—anybody else. You can look at my company, I have many women executives and in many cases many of them make more money. Second question, how many do you have? Many. We’re going to be introducing them over a period of time, too. They’re unbelievable. They’re paid almost—I think they’re paid, we’re looking into it, we’re studying it right now. I think they’re paid more. But they’re phenomenal. They’re incredibly talented, and even years ago in charge of major construction projects—I’ve had women in charge, which years ago was unheard of. So I’ve been way out in front and Gov. Baker should only dream about doing for women what I’ve done and what I will do. But on the women’s issue, there will be nobody better than Donald Trump.

Asked about devout socialist

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)

, an independent running for the Democratic nomination, Trump noted that “Bernie Sanders has gained a lot of traction.” Trump said:

Well they [voters] are looking for real change. You know, Obama said they’re looking for change and hey look what we got? We got ‘change.’ People want something different than what they have. Bernie Sanders is not going to end up being the standard but certainly he and I are getting by far the biggest crowds. I mean, look at the crowd tonight. Other people are getting 50 people, 54 people. We have 2,500 people and a thousand people—more than that—are standing outside listening to microphones and loudspeakers. We’ve had tremendous crowds. We had 15,000 in Phoenix and every crowd is a record crowd. He’s done something on the other side with a very different philosophy to put it mildly.

From there, another reporter asked Trump about Paul’s attacks once more. He briefly put Paul down again, then shifted into his campaign messaging:

I built a net worth of more than $10 billion. I’ve been a world class businessman. All over the world I build. I’ve got some of the  great assets of the world. That’s the thinking—I don’t say that in a braggadocious way—that’s the thinking that our country needs to take our jobs back from China and Japan and Mexico and clean up the border by the way, speaking of Mexico. But that’s the kind of thinking we need to take back our jobs, bring back our money, take back our manufacturing. You take China, what they’ve done, they’ve taken our money, our jobs, our base, our manufacturing and we owe them $1.4 trillion. That’s like a magic act. They’ve taken everything and we owe them money. We owe, right now, China $1.4 trillion. I’m telling you it’s like a magic act—they get everything and we owe them money. Not the other way around, because we’re led by people who don’t have a clue. Honestly, I think we’re led by stupid people. I don’t think they’re bad people. It used to be that it was so bad I think they’re bad people. I think they’re very stupid people. Our leaders don’t have a clue. They’re incompetent.

Trump noted that he’s spoken with legendary investor Carl Icahn and asked him to join an eventual Trump administration because America currently has horrendous negotiators on trade and other policies. Trump said:

Remember this, Bush and Hillary and every one of them has a lot of money from my friends—I used to be one of them, I’d contribute to everybody, and they’re always there for me. But that’s not good for the country. That’s not good as a system. But Jeb has raised $114 million, approximately. Everybody that puts money up for Jeb Bush, it’s like he’s a puppet. He’s totally controlled by these people. Jeb Bush is controlled by the people who put up the money and so are the other candidates. I don’t want money from people, other than small donations because I have so many people writing. One woman sent $7, another sent $20. I love that when they invest in my campaign. They invest. I don’t want that for the money, I want that because psychologically I think it’s great. But Jeb Bush has $114 million, what’s he going to do with it? He’ll start hitting me with ads, I guess. At some point, he’s got to because he’s going down the tubes. The guy’s going down the tubes. There’s no energy. So when Jeb and Hillary and all these other candidates start spending money, remember this, that money was given by people who have total control over them. Those people, many of whom I know very well, they don’t care about him, they don’t care about the color of his hair, they don’t care about the country in many cases. They only want whatever they want and they’ll get plenty of it.

That—and more—was all before he took the stage shortly thereafter and directed another short set of remarks to the overflow room with an extra thousand people.





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