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In what some may consider a surprising move, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin suggested that conservatives should consider welcoming Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL

Rubio’s bill, which was also endorsed by La Raza and Mark Zuckerberg, would admit seven times more permanent immigrants on green cards (30 million) than Ted Kennedy’s original 1965 legislation (4.1 million) that turned much of America blue.

In an op-ed in USA Today, Martin suggested that Sen. Rubio had somehow changed his position on immigration:

Sen. Marco Rubio famously worked with the so-called Gang of 8 to develop an immigration reform bill that offered a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.; now he says he understands and shares the concerns of the broad majority of the American people, who believe that before any discussion of what to do about illegal immigrants can take place, the border must first be secured — and must be secured long enough, and well enough, that the American people believe it has been well and truly secured.

However, a review of Rubio’s public statements, comments, and legislative actions since the Gang of Eight bill failed in the House reveals the opposite — Rubio has not changed a single one of his policy positions on immigration.

In fact, he has even made clear that if elected president or vice president, he would push every single immigration policy favored by business groups like the Chamber of Commerce.

For instance, as recently as last week at a New Hampshire presidential candidates forum, Marco Rubio endorsed immediately legalizing illegal aliens and potentially granting them green cards that would put them on a pathway to citizenship, which would confer voting privileges, the ability to bring family members in to the country, and access to welfare and federal benefits.

Martin asserts that Rubio now “understands and shares the concerns” of the American people regarding border security; however, Rubio’s verbal assurances on border security are nothing new. In fact, the strongest statement Rubio has issued with regards to border security came during the Gang of Eight push, in which he called the bill, “The Toughest Border Security & Enforcement Measures In U.S. History”– a claim which, to this day, he has never retracted.

Indeed, throughout his entire push to sell the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio maintained that border security was his top priority.

As he promised talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, he would not support the bill unless enforcement measures preceded amnesty: “If there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won’t support it.”

And yet, even after he subsequently admitted in a Spanish interview on Univision that amnesty would come before enforcement, Rubio still voted for the bill.

Rubio’s recent comments calling for the implementation of e-verify, border fencing, and visa tracking are also not new. For instance, during Gang of Eight immigration debate, Rubio argued that those provisions were the main reason to support the bill. He warned that if Congress refused to act and refused to pass the bill, then “we’re not going to have the fencing… we’re not going to have e-verify, we’re not going to have entry-exit tracking.”

Yet when the bill came to the floor, Sen. Rubio joined Chuck Schumer in voting down an amendment offered by

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

which would have required the completion of a border fence. He also successfully defeated an amendment offered by Sen. Vitter (R-LA) which would require the implementation of an exit-entry tracking system in order to prevent foreign nationals from illegally overstaying their visas.

And an amendment offered by Sen. Chuck Grassley—which would have required e-verify be implemented within 18 months—was killed in committee and was, therefore, not present in the bill Rubio pushed successfully through the Senate.
Rubio’s legislative actions after the Gang of Eight bill similarly creates tension with his public statements on his immigration position. For instance, despite his continued public comments about border security, the only new immigration plan that he has co-authored and introduced since the Gang of Eight’s demise is a massive expansion of the foreign workers program. The Immigration and Innovation Act, known as I-Squared — which is backed by the same corporate CEOs and wealthy donors who backed his Gang of Eight plan — would triple the number of wage-cutting H-1B visas for big tech and would substantially increase immigration from high risk regions in the Middle East, without implementing any corresponding security or tracking measures.

Together these items demonstrate that far from flip-flopping on immigration, Rubio’s position has simply remained unchanged — it’s the same as it was in 2013, as it was in 2014, as it is today: he still supports citizenship for illegal immigrants, he still supports doubling and tripling expansions in foreign workers admitted to the country on visas, and he still supports a green card policy that would push immigration levels past all known historical records.

Indeed, in the first Republican presidential candidates debate, Rubio made another veiled reference to his plan to increase immigration — insisting that the people who don’t get enough attention and “
who never ge[t] talked about in these debates” are the foreign citizens “who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States.”

However, the United States — far from being difficult to get into — each year admits
one million plus new green cards, one million foreign workers, refugees and dependents, and half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators.

The irony perhaps is that conservative activists and publications including, for instance, the National Review, are in effect accepting an apology from Mr. Rubio, which he has never given. Rubio has never acknowledged any wrong doing in pushing the Gang of Eight bill, nor he has ever admitted that any of the multitudinous claims he made about it were false, nor has he retreated from any of the policy positions that characterized that effort.

In fact, as recently as just four months ago, Marco Rubio told Chris Wallace that “it’s not that we bailed [on the Gang of Eight bill],” Rubio said. “It’s that we don’t have the votes to pass it…
I still believe we need to do immigration reform.”

If Sen. Rubio had been president instead of Barack Obama, House Speaker

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)

would have had no difficulty getting the Gang of Eight bill through the House and onto President Rubio’s desk for signature.
So far, at this point in the race, Rubio’s policy positions on immigration have not been fleshed out to the American voter. At the Republican presidential candidates debate moderated by Fox, for instance, Rubio was asked the following questions:

“[Why are you] better prepared to be president than he [Jeb Bush] is?”

[On immigration] “Is it as simple as our leaders are stupid, their leaders are smart, and all of these illegals coming over are criminals?”
“Why is Governor Bush wrong on Common Core?”
“Describe one action you would do to make the economic environment more favorable for small businesses and entrepreneurs and anyone dreaming of opening their own business.”
“How do you justify ending a life just because it begins violently, through no fault of the baby?”
“So I put the question to you about God and the veterans, which you may find to be related.”

Rubio kept his answers vague, optimistic, and focused on the future: “God has blessed our country. This country has been extraordinarily blessed. And we have honored that blessing. And that’s why God has continued to bless us.”


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Well you and I can agree to disagree on Tio, he was constantly trying to get me to go PC , perhaps because of those above him and he enjoyed trying to strong arm because of his ego which of course never worked on me. That being said if they never get rid of the trolls, chaos will prevail.  I am always on GOOOOOOO! LOL

Tea Party PACs reap money for midterms, but spend little on candidates

April 26, 2014

When the Tea Party Patriots threw its support last month behind Matt Bevin, the underdog conservative challenger trying to unseat top Senate Republican Mitch McConnell, President Jenny Beth Martin vowed the group would be “putting our money where our mouth is.”

So far, its super PAC has mustered just $56,000 worth of mailers in Kentucky on Bevin’s behalf — less than half the amount it has paid Martin in consulting fees since July.

The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund, which blew through nearly $2 million on expenses such as fundraising, polling and consultants in the first three months of this year, is not alone in its meager spending on candidates.

A Washington Post analysis found that some of the top national tea party groups engaged in this year’s midterm elections have put just a tiny fraction of their money directly into boosting the candidates they’ve endorsed.

The practice is not unusual in the freewheeling world of big-money political groups, but it runs counter to the ethos of the tea party movement, which sprouted five years ago amid anger on the right over wasteful government spending. And it contrasts with the urgent appeals tea party groups have made to their base of small donors, many of whom repeatedly contribute after being promised that their money will help elect conservative politicians.

Tea party spending on candidates

Out of the $37.5 million spent so far by the PACs of six major tea party organizations, less than $7 million has been devoted to directly helping candidates, according to the analysis, which was based on campaign finance data provided by the Sunlight Foundation.

The dearth of election spending has left many favored tea party candidates exposed before a series of pivotal GOP primaries next month in North Carolina, Nebraska, Idaho and Kentucky.

Roughly half of the money — nearly $18 million — has gone to pay for fundraising and direct mail, largely provided by Washington-area firms. Meanwhile, tea party leaders and their family members have been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees, while their groups have doled out large sums for airfare, a retirement plan and even interior decorating.

The lavish spending underscores how the protest movement has gone professional, with national groups transforming themselves into multimillion-dollar organizations run by activists collecting six-figure salaries.

Three well-known groups — the Tea Party Patriots, the Tea Party Express and the Madison Project — have spent 5 percent or less of their money directly on election-related activity during this election cycle. Two other prominent tea party groups, the Senate Conservatives Fund and FreedomWorks, have devoted about 40 percent of their money to direct candidate support such as ads and yard signs.

On average, super PACs had spent 64 percent of their funds on directly helping candidates by roughly this stage in the 2012 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission data.

Leaders of the tea party PACs defended how they have been using their resources, saying that securing the small-dollar contributions that sustain their organizations requires investment.

More here:


A Washington Post analysis found that some of the top national tea party groups engaged in this year’s midterm elections have put just a tiny fraction of their money directly into boosting the candidates they’ve endorsed.

The practice is not unusual in the freewheeling world of big-money political groups, but it runs counter to the ethos of the tea party movement, which sprouted five years ago amid anger on the right over wasteful government spending. And it contrasts with the urgent appeals tea party groups have made to their base of small donors, many of whom repeatedly contribute after being promised that their money will help elect conservative politicians.

Point here is that it appears at times the patriot organizations are many times no better than the politicians.....they beg for the money...promise you the world....get the money then do whatever they want.....many get favors for backing a puppet masters candidate while taking donations from small donor for something else soooo they are getting double their money from both ends and do whatever they want including putting it in their pocket.  Who is the loser..... the small donor who puts his or her trust in an organization that is no longer grass roots but is being run as a big business.

I get these emails from JBM that say something like "if we cannot raise 250K we cannot march on Washington. please donate!" (see below)

from Jenny Beth Martin..

President Obama is clearly not hearing the national outcry - even from many in his own party - against his rotten nuclear deal with Iran.

He is now saying that he’ll implement parts of this deal on his own, even if Congress votes it down!

This is why we need to rally at Congressional offices across America.  This is why we need to send thousands and thousands of Tea Party volunteers to D.C. to peacefully confront this Administration head on!

Please make a generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, $200, or whatever you can possibly afford to help us execute our massive grassroots campaign to stop this Iran deal.

Senator Cruz and conservative leaders in Congress are counting on us.  They are very, very close to getting enough votes to torpedo this rotten deal.

But they desperately need backup from grassroots Americans to sway the last few votes.  That’s why Senator Cruz personally asked me for our help.

It’s why we MUST raise $250,000 for this historic grassroots effort. Please give whatever you can right now.

Just imagine scores of activists pouring into local Congressional offices on August 27th.

Just imagine in September thousands and thousands of American patriots marching on Capitol Hill, demanding that this treaty be scrapped.

Imagine the look on President Obama’s face when thousands of us stand up to him and demand that his signature foreign policy “achievement” be scrapped!

That’s our goal.  However, it simply won’t happen if we can’t raise the funding to pay for everything from transportation to advertising to signs to microphones and amplifiers.

Please make the most generous contribution you possibly can. We’re running out of time.

Senator Ted Cruz specifically asked for help from the grassroots.  He said he and his allies in Congress can’t stop this treaty without us.

However, unless we can raise the money we need, we will have to scale back or even scrap this plan altogether.

This treaty is yet another political stunt by the Obama Administration.  The President believes that by selling out America and appeasing the terrorists in Iran he’ll become an international hero.

He doesn’t care if Iran gets a nuclear bomb and points its missiles at Israeli or American cities.  He doesn’t care if the mullahs use the billions we’ll give them to fund terrorism and kill Americans.

Barack Obama wants to force this Iran deal down our throats purely for the sake of his own left-wing legacy.

And the Tea Party must go to Washington and stop him.

Please make the very best contribution you can.  We must raise this $250,000 as soon as possible. It’s our only chance to stop this historic surrender.

Thank you so much for your help.


For Liberty,

Jenny Beth Martin
CEO and Co-Founder

Yeah hank, it seems they always have their hand out for more money, but they accomplish very little in comparison to what they say they want to accomplish. 

Hi Hank,

Yes they spend alot of money on a good fund raising strategist and they get those emails out by the thousands so they can get thousands.... They are going the  IF YOU DO NOT SEND money we will fail, it is on you strategy that works most of the time because people think the organization is truly on their side. Hope you are doing well.

L of C


If padding their pockets is their main objective....it would appear they accomplish exactly what the goal was. I am personally sick of all the puppet organizations and puppets with their hands out for the money because we know from experience when the rubber hits the road they are Not going to Do a thing  for us. It has become ALL about the money. They all should be exposed.

L of C

Not to be left out of greed factor....check out Tea Party Express. Incredible big or small it seems like these organizations are all riding on the greed factor. It is all about getting those funds from the sheep.  People need to get a clue, that is the only way these charlatans will stop, as long as they can shake the money tree they will.


My friend Robbie Eagle brought my attention to this.


Fundraising Fundraising mailings & calls $6,664,376
Fundraising consulting $1,494,181
Fundraising data & technology $757,762
Fundraising fees $327,684
Fundraising events $50,509
Miscellaneous fundraising $24,085
Media Broadcast ads $203,433

Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund

There biggest expenditures are strategic fundraising, how to get more money from you and unclassified where no one really knows where the money went.... or does not provide info to say where it went for sure....



Fundraising $2,045,600



"Barack Obama wants to force this Iran deal down our throats purely for the sake of his own left-wing legacy.And the Tea Party must go to Washington and stop him.

Please make the very best contribution you can.  We must raise this $250,000 as soon as possible. It’s our only chance to stop this historic surrender."

Stop him like she is stopping RINO RUBIO....I 'll pass on that Jenny, hope your sheep wake  up.....where oh where will the 250,000 really go.....will it be fund raising or the unclassified .....hmmm lets ponder. IF enough people call her out  or stop funding her, it MIGHT just have to go where the people donating say.

We can go to DC and bring microphones amplifiers rock bands carpenters banners flyers flags recreational vehicles motorcycles etc.. we can get our self heard for a lot less than a quarter million dollars!
Jenny beth can go to lunch on her own dime.

There..... you go..... the original American Way. I like it Hank, well said.

Yes Jenny can finance herself...we can do patriotic without her..... :-)




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