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Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida) |
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Dr. Ben Carson (Florida) |
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Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey) |
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US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) |
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Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi) |
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Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia) |
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Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia) |
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US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) |
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Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida) |
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Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana) |
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Governor John Kasich (Ohio) |
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Former Governor George Pataki (New York) |
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US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) |
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US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida) |
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Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania) |
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By Mark Hensch
Donald Trump said on Sunday that big donors will not influence his Republican presidential campaign.
“I don’t want lobbyists, I don’t want special interests,” he told host John Dickerson on CBS’s “Face the Nation.”
“I don’t want any strings attached,” Trump said. “I turned down $5 million last week from a very important lobbyist because there are total strings attached to a thing like that.”
“He’s going to come to me in a year or two years,” he added. “And he’s going to want something for a country that he represents or a company that he represents. That’s the kind of money I won’t take.”
Trump then took aim at hedge funds, arguing that the investors involved with them are not properly regulated.
“I would change it,” he said of the rules governing hedge funds.
“The hedge fund guys are getting away with murder,” Trump said. “It’s the wrong thing. They’re making a tremendous amount of money. They have to pay tax.”
“The middle class is … getting absolutely destroyed,” the outspoken billionaire added. “This country, it won’t have a middle class very soon.”
Trump, the GOP front-runner, has repeatedly argued he is independent of establishment politics because of his vast wealth.
By Alexander Bolton - 08/23/15 10:30 AM EDT
Liberal activists and strategists argue Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) would be beating Hillary Clinton in the polls by now if she had opted to run for president as a champion of Wall Street reform.
At a time when nervous Democrats are eyeing 72-year-old Vice President Biden and former Vice President Al Gore — who left office 15 years ago — as potential alternatives, some liberals say it’s not too late for Warren to jump in.
“I think she’d be beating Hillary. That’s my opinion,” said Charles Chamberlain, executive director of Democracy for America, who earlier this year worked on a campaign to draft Warren to run for president.
“Based on the support Bernie’s got and the way he’s surged in the polls, that shows anything is possible,” he added in reference to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has exceeded expectations by drawing big crowds on the campaign trail.
Clinton leads Sanders by about 20 points in national polls, but he has shown flashes of strength.
A Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald survey from mid-August showed him topping her 44 percent to 37 percent in New Hampshire, the second state in the primary process.
While Clinton has broader support within the Democratic Party, Sanders has generated more enthusiasm on the stump.
Nearly 2,000 supporters flocked to his event in Dubuque, Iowa, this week and more than 27,000 filled the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena earlier this month to hear him speak.
Clinton’s largest crowd to date numbers a mere 5,500, according to The Washington Post. The overflow area her campaign set up for a June 13 launch event on Roosevelt Island wasn’t needed.
As much as Sanders has surprised the pundits, some Democrats think Warren would have run an even stronger campaign against Clinton because of her name recognition and reputation as a committed Wall Street reformer.
Clinton could generate more enthusiasm by embracing some of the financial regulatory reforms long championed by Warren, Democrats say.
Chris Shelton, the newly elected president of the Communications Workers of America, said cracking down on Wall Street’s excesses are a top priority for his union’s members.
“My members and the general public believe that it’s time we got some economic justice in this country. The ultra, ultra rich are running things,” he said. “My members and the public think it’s time Wall Street stops controlling Main Street and Main Street has a shot to get this country moving again.”
Shelton said he would love it if Warren gave a second though to running for president.
“Have you heard that Elizabeth Warren is going to change her mind? I’d be real interested if she did,” he said.
“I’m a big fan of Elizabeth Warren. I think she’d do well,” he added, though he declined to speculate whether she’d be leading the polls now had she jumped in.
Democrats say Clinton has some trouble generating excitement because she’s been on the national political stage for more than two decades, first as first lady, then as New York’s junior senator and President Obama’s secretary of State.
“Hillary is a consummate insider and has been now for more for almost a quarter of a century or so. People are more excited by someone who takes no big money and can show that he’s the real deal and is independent,” Robert Borosage, co-director of Campaign For America’s Future, said of Sanders. “That excites people a lot and they want to be part of building the movement he will build.”
Some liberals believe Warren would have matched or even exceeded Bernie’s success in drawing crowds and building excitement.
“She’d be doing as well or better than Bernie,” Borosage said, adding that it’s not too late for Warren to change her mind.
“I don’t think it’s too late but I don’t think she will. You can get in pretty late in the modern world because you can raise so much money so quickly with so little effort over the web,” he added. “If Hillary collapsed in Iowa or New Hampshire, somebody could get in and make a difference.”
Clinton’s poll numbers have sagged in recent weeks amidst a barrage of Republican criticism over her use of a private email server while at the State Department. She has pushed back by arguing she did not send or receive classified documents. The FBI is attempting to recover deleted material from the server to find out whether she violated government policy.
An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll from early August showed Clinton’s positive rating had dropped to 37 percent from 44 percent in June.
Liberals, however, say they are more concerned about Clinton’s stance on the issues, especially on the question of reining in Wall Street and stopping what they call the “revolving door” of corporate lobbyists and advisors who shuttle between government and the private sector.
Many say they will judge her campaign based on how it lives up the benchmarks set by Warren, who is beloved on the left. They want her to back expanding Social Security benefits, endorse reestablishing the barrier between risky investment banking and ordinary commercial banking, and vow to keep former lobbyists and Wall Street veterans out of her administration.
If Warren had run for president, she would have put Clinton on her heels, liberals say.
“The enthusiasm, the energy that Warren tapped into would have made her an incredibly strong contender. She obviously decided not to get in the race but there’s no doubt that her agenda is exactly where the primary electorate is,” said Ilya Sheyman, the executive director of, which helped launch the “Run Warren Run” campaign.
Sheyman argues the race is still wide open and is pushing Clinton to embrace, as has Warren, a proposal to expand Social Security. Her campaign rivals, Sanders and former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, have already done so.
“Progressives are incredibly eager to hear if Secretary Clinton will come out for expanding Social Security. At this point it’s a wide open race and we’re looking forward to vigorous conversations,” he said.
But not all Democrats agree that Warren would have given Clinton a viable challenge. Some say she would struggle, like Sanders has, in appealing to African-American and Latino voters.
Joe Trippi, a strategist who served as campaign manager of Howard Dean’s insurgent liberal bid in 2004, downplayed Clinton’s vulnerability.
“If she were threatened and her supporters thought, ‘Hillary is in trouble,’ there would be more energy in her campaign,” he said. “The majority of people don’t see Bernie Sanders as a threat yet.”
He noted that in Democratic presidential primaries going back to 1984, African Americans have been a key demographic, and argued that Clinton has those voters in her camp at this point. He said a potential game changer would be if Obama endorsed Sanders, but virtually no one in Washington expects that to happen.
“The easiest thing on the planet is for the most progressive person in the race to get to 25 or 30 [percent,]” Trippi said.
“Among a bunch of white candidates, the one who wins the Democratic nomination is anyone who dominates among minority voters,” he added.
This is where Clinton’s long history on the national stage comes in handy. She has developed strong relationships with many of the so-called political gatekeepers of the black and Hispanic communities. She also benefits from being married to Bill Clinton, who used to be called the nation’s first black president because of his appeal to African Americans.
August 23, 2015, 09:00 am
GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said Sunday that she admired Hillary Clinton, but also accused the Democratic front-runner of lying about her emails and the attack in Benghazi.
Fiorina, the only woman running for the GOP nomination, said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she might not be taken seriously without Clinton’s 2008 bid for the White House.
Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive who unsuccessfully ran for Senate in 2010, also called Clinton “hardworking,” “intelligent” and someone who “has dedicated herself to public service.”
“She was the first serious woman candidate for president. We do owe her a debt of gratitude,” Fiorina said. "Look, unlike liberal women, liberal women have called my candidacy an offense to women, okay? Unlike liberal women, I celebrate every woman's right to live the life she chooses.”
But Fiorina insisted that Clinton was not only lying about the personal e-mail server she used as secretary of State, but also by not immediately saying in public that the 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack.
Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive who unsuccessfully ran for Senate in 2010, also called Clinton “hardworking,” “intelligent” and someone who “has dedicated herself to public service.”
No to that Carly.....she is a conniving criminal who is dedicated to the communist agenda and the downfall of this nation.
August 24, 2015, 08:35 am
Rupert Murdoch wants former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a fellow media mogul, to launch a 2016 presidential bid, he said in tweets sent Sunday night.
Murdoch is the head of News Corp, which owns newspapers including the New York Post and The Wall Street Journal, and oversaw Fox News and other networks until recently as CEO of 21st Century Fox.
The Australian billionaire's apparent desire to draft Bloomberg, the Democrat-turned-independent who left office in 2013 and has sent no signals he's interested in a 2016 White House bid, came amid a tweet apparently indicating newfound respect for the bid of Donald Trump.
Earlier this summer, Murdoch hit Trump, himself a billionaire real estate tycoon and the current GOP presidential frontrunner, as "wrong" with his remarks on Mexican immigrants committing crime and for "embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country" after Trump questioned Sen. John McCain's (R-Ariz.) status as a war hero.
He also sent a tweet suggesting Trump could emerge "unscathed" from the first GOP debate earlier this month and another saying his popularity is “based on frustration with DC and endless regulations over people's lives."
Rupert Murdoch wants former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a fellow media mogul, to launch a 2016 presidential bid, he said in tweets sent Sunday night.
Sure he does, we all knew he was not a conservative, just making money off Fox.
By Jesse Byrnes - 08/24/15 07:44 AM EDT
Voters in the swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania oppose the international nuclear accord with Iran by margins of more than 2-to-1, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll.
Florida voters oppose the deal 61 percent to 25 percent, Ohio voters oppose it 58 percent to 24 percent and Pennsylvania voters oppose it 61 percent to 26 percent, according to the poll.
A majority of voters in each of the states said the deal brokered by the Obama administration to limit Iran's nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief would make the world less safe.
At least one lawmaker from those states, Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, Jr., is among 13 Democrats still undecided about the accord in The Hill's Whip List. Lawmakers return to Washington in September.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Sunday became the latest Democrat to endorse President Obama's top foreign policy initiative, further boosting the deal on Capitol Hill.
While many oppose the deal, a majority of Americans nationally also thinks Congress should reject the accord, a CNN/ORC International poll released last week found.
The issue could also play into the 2016 presidential race, with Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton backing Obama's proposal while most Republicans have opposed the deal.
The survey of 1,093 Florida voters, 1,096 Ohio voters and 1,085 Pennsylvania voters was conducted Aug. 7-18 via landlines and cellphones with a margin of error of 3 points.
Way back in 1963, a list of communist goals was given to congress. Certain parts of the list seem like they were tailor made for what’s happening in America today.
Bruce Deitrick Price of Renew America reported:
Communism’s goals, 1963 and now
The list provides a snapshot of Communist thinking in the middle of the Cold War a half-century ago. It provides insight into how thorough and methodical our Communist antagonists were and are.
Remarkably, many smart people still hesitate to use the word conspiracy. This is bizarre. When you have a large organization mobilized against you and trying to destroy your country, you need to look unflinchingly at each of their objectives.
This list was excerpted from “The Naked Communist” by Cleon Skousen, a bestseller in 1961, and placed in the Congressional record by Congressman A. S. Herlong of Florida.
Here are some choice items from the list of goals:
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Does any of that sound familiar?
August 22, 2015
In 1919, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was created in Chicago as a 5th Column by the U.S.S.R. in order to form “fighting organizations for seizing control of the state, for the overthrow of government and the establishment of the workers’ dictatorship.”
With the eventual collapse of Communist Russia the CPUSA needed to form new alliances with groups also hell bent on destroying the United States from within. Luckily for them, they found the Democratic Party.
During an interview with Fox News contributor Alan Colmes,CPUSA National Chariman John Bachtell stated that not only does he believe that Socialism and Communism are basically interchangeable (Communism being more of the utopian form of Socialism), but that he believes the CPUSA is the Progressive, Pro-Labor Wing of the Democratic Party:
Colmes: “Well, you’ve talked about working in the two party system. So you support Democrats for the most part? Are you supporting Bernie Sanders let’s say in this election?”
Bachtell: “Ah well, Yea we’re apart of what I kind of call the Progressive, pro-labor wing of the Democratic Party. I mean it’s no secret and we’re apart of a very broad movement of organizations: labor movements, civil rights movements, other movements, women’s movement, what not, that find their home in the Democratic Party.
Video below (Comment begins at 6:40):
Jim Hoft Aug 24th, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson went on with Steve Malzberg on NewsMax TV on Monday.
Dr. Carson told Steve that CNN treats him the way they do so that people won’t take him seriously.
Steve Malzberg: Why are they (CNN) badgering you?
Dr. Carson: Because they don’t want people to take me seriously. And they’re very afraid of my message getting out there because it flies directly in the face with the secular-progressive movement. I’m a huge threat to them. Therefore, if they can find a kink in the armor and they can concentrate on that, they can get you off of the things that are so important to our nation.
Jim Hoft Aug 24th, 2015 7:50 pm 8 Comments
Donald Trump warned Bill O’Reilly on Monday that what China is doing leads to depression. Trump went on The Factor to discuss the current financial market crisis.
Donald Trump told Bill O’Reilly he’d skip the official state dinner with Chinese leader Xi Zinping and buy him McDonald’s instead.
“I would not be holding him a dinner. I’d get him a McDonald’s hamburger and tell him we gotta get down to work… Yeah, but I’d give him probably a double-sized Big Mac.
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