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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



In what some may consider a surprising move, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin suggested that conservatives should consider welcoming Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL

Rubio’s bill, which was also endorsed by La Raza and Mark Zuckerberg, would admit seven times more permanent immigrants on green cards (30 million) than Ted Kennedy’s original 1965 legislation (4.1 million) that turned much of America blue.

In an op-ed in USA Today, Martin suggested that Sen. Rubio had somehow changed his position on immigration:

Sen. Marco Rubio famously worked with the so-called Gang of 8 to develop an immigration reform bill that offered a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.; now he says he understands and shares the concerns of the broad majority of the American people, who believe that before any discussion of what to do about illegal immigrants can take place, the border must first be secured — and must be secured long enough, and well enough, that the American people believe it has been well and truly secured.

However, a review of Rubio’s public statements, comments, and legislative actions since the Gang of Eight bill failed in the House reveals the opposite — Rubio has not changed a single one of his policy positions on immigration.

In fact, he has even made clear that if elected president or vice president, he would push every single immigration policy favored by business groups like the Chamber of Commerce.

For instance, as recently as last week at a New Hampshire presidential candidates forum, Marco Rubio endorsed immediately legalizing illegal aliens and potentially granting them green cards that would put them on a pathway to citizenship, which would confer voting privileges, the ability to bring family members in to the country, and access to welfare and federal benefits.

Martin asserts that Rubio now “understands and shares the concerns” of the American people regarding border security; however, Rubio’s verbal assurances on border security are nothing new. In fact, the strongest statement Rubio has issued with regards to border security came during the Gang of Eight push, in which he called the bill, “The Toughest Border Security & Enforcement Measures In U.S. History”– a claim which, to this day, he has never retracted.

Indeed, throughout his entire push to sell the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio maintained that border security was his top priority.

As he promised talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, he would not support the bill unless enforcement measures preceded amnesty: “If there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won’t support it.”

And yet, even after he subsequently admitted in a Spanish interview on Univision that amnesty would come before enforcement, Rubio still voted for the bill.

Rubio’s recent comments calling for the implementation of e-verify, border fencing, and visa tracking are also not new. For instance, during Gang of Eight immigration debate, Rubio argued that those provisions were the main reason to support the bill. He warned that if Congress refused to act and refused to pass the bill, then “we’re not going to have the fencing… we’re not going to have e-verify, we’re not going to have entry-exit tracking.”

Yet when the bill came to the floor, Sen. Rubio joined Chuck Schumer in voting down an amendment offered by

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

which would have required the completion of a border fence. He also successfully defeated an amendment offered by Sen. Vitter (R-LA) which would require the implementation of an exit-entry tracking system in order to prevent foreign nationals from illegally overstaying their visas.

And an amendment offered by Sen. Chuck Grassley—which would have required e-verify be implemented within 18 months—was killed in committee and was, therefore, not present in the bill Rubio pushed successfully through the Senate.
Rubio’s legislative actions after the Gang of Eight bill similarly creates tension with his public statements on his immigration position. For instance, despite his continued public comments about border security, the only new immigration plan that he has co-authored and introduced since the Gang of Eight’s demise is a massive expansion of the foreign workers program. The Immigration and Innovation Act, known as I-Squared — which is backed by the same corporate CEOs and wealthy donors who backed his Gang of Eight plan — would triple the number of wage-cutting H-1B visas for big tech and would substantially increase immigration from high risk regions in the Middle East, without implementing any corresponding security or tracking measures.

Together these items demonstrate that far from flip-flopping on immigration, Rubio’s position has simply remained unchanged — it’s the same as it was in 2013, as it was in 2014, as it is today: he still supports citizenship for illegal immigrants, he still supports doubling and tripling expansions in foreign workers admitted to the country on visas, and he still supports a green card policy that would push immigration levels past all known historical records.

Indeed, in the first Republican presidential candidates debate, Rubio made another veiled reference to his plan to increase immigration — insisting that the people who don’t get enough attention and “
who never ge[t] talked about in these debates” are the foreign citizens “who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States.”

However, the United States — far from being difficult to get into — each year admits
one million plus new green cards, one million foreign workers, refugees and dependents, and half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators.

The irony perhaps is that conservative activists and publications including, for instance, the National Review, are in effect accepting an apology from Mr. Rubio, which he has never given. Rubio has never acknowledged any wrong doing in pushing the Gang of Eight bill, nor he has ever admitted that any of the multitudinous claims he made about it were false, nor has he retreated from any of the policy positions that characterized that effort.

In fact, as recently as just four months ago, Marco Rubio told Chris Wallace that “it’s not that we bailed [on the Gang of Eight bill],” Rubio said. “It’s that we don’t have the votes to pass it…
I still believe we need to do immigration reform.”

If Sen. Rubio had been president instead of Barack Obama, House Speaker

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)

would have had no difficulty getting the Gang of Eight bill through the House and onto President Rubio’s desk for signature.
So far, at this point in the race, Rubio’s policy positions on immigration have not been fleshed out to the American voter. At the Republican presidential candidates debate moderated by Fox, for instance, Rubio was asked the following questions:

“[Why are you] better prepared to be president than he [Jeb Bush] is?”

[On immigration] “Is it as simple as our leaders are stupid, their leaders are smart, and all of these illegals coming over are criminals?”
“Why is Governor Bush wrong on Common Core?”
“Describe one action you would do to make the economic environment more favorable for small businesses and entrepreneurs and anyone dreaming of opening their own business.”
“How do you justify ending a life just because it begins violently, through no fault of the baby?”
“So I put the question to you about God and the veterans, which you may find to be related.”

Rubio kept his answers vague, optimistic, and focused on the future: “God has blessed our country. This country has been extraordinarily blessed. And we have honored that blessing. And that’s why God has continued to bless us.”


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Even when the old BS is over there is always new BS to come.....and always people talking out of both sides of their mouths, usually with their hands out......

Another sad thing is that these organizations use the member to raise money by having them put links on other sites, having them beg over the phone for funds as well as posting beggar notes on site. These members think they are doing it for the cause when they are really doing it so the leader of organization can take a trip. Now it is the member or the sheep that is betrayed, lets be clear who the true victim is , not the outed leader but the sheep.

Permalink Reply by FreedomRider on Monday

I supported this site for years. I am done. What a liar he is. He said he was once a democrat lobbyist. That is where he got his manipulations and they worked for years. The cause is a great one but he uses it for putting money in his pocket and that is unacceptable.


When ANY organization is putting more in their pocket than into the cause, there is a problem. They will all lie if it works to get funds in , they have consultants who tell them the best ways to get to a person's wallet through psychological manipulation. Open Secrets is a blessing IMO. The tabs on site list many things including donors. People need to check out an organization on Open Secrets before they donate then they know how much is going to the cause and how much is going into fundraising strategies and salaries. I like to belong to sites where the leader has a job other than the site then they are less likely to fleece the members. Time for accountability.

There was a big fight in 2011 about who owned the money maker....

Jury decides: Who owns "Tea Party Patriots"-battle over IP, Trademark Rights

By Stella Lohmann

A Cobb County jury holds the fate of who controls and owns the rights to the "Tea Party Patriots" name in a trial between two recognized figures within the two and a half year old Tea Party Movement. At odds are two founders of Tea Party Patriots organization — Roswell, GA resident, Amy Kremer (currently Chairman of Tea Party Express), and TPP President, Jenny Beth Martin, of Kennesaw, GA — co-workers after CNBC reporter, Rick Santelli called for 'a tea party' in protest to a pending stimulus bill by President Barak Obama and Congress in February of 2009.

The Woodstock-based Tea Party Patriots Inc. alleges that Amy Kremer... — Marietta Daily Journal. Both sides are suing for punitive damages and attorney fees.

Now more than two and half years after the two women began working on tea parties together, Kremer sat on the witness stand telling her side of why in September following the 9/12 March on Washington that drew an estimated 1.2 million at the Capitol she was 'kicked off a board that I never agreed to be a part of."

"I was 'set up' by Martin and other initial organizers: Mark Meckler, a lawyer from Sacramento, CA; Rob Neppell who Kremer says became involved by 'default' when another initial organizer Michael Patrick Leahy of TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter), recommended Neppell's technical involvement; and legal counsel, Doug Chalmers, a political law attorney from Atlanta suggested by Martin in May of 2009.

Tea Party Patriots grew exponentially following the March on Washington in numbers of members and donations. Martin has given interviews nationally claiming millions of members and thousands of local groups under the umbrella of the corporation since then. Donations are solicited through its website, emails and other promotional pieces on a regular basis. Martin testified that early on she was the only one paid early on and Meckler added, "It wasn't based on the volume of work but the need...Jenny Beth couldn't remain working."

Kremer was paid $3,000 for her work for the month of August 2009 but not for June through September which became part of her countersuit for reimbursement of those expenses incurred on behalf of TPP for road trips to Washington with Martin and with her daughter, Kylie.

"How could they be squabbling over $134 food receipt when they are spending $150,000 in TPP donations to litigate this case against the woman that created it? The donors don't know that their money isn't going toward fighting for fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets — but rather for lavish buffets, high end hotel suites and near six digit salaries for Jenny Beth and Mark," said Toby Walker, a Texas tea party organizer and member of TPP. Walker was in town to support Kremer and sit in on the proceedings.

Billie Tucker, Co-founder of First Coast Tea Party of Jacksonville, Florida said after court adjourned that she was disappointed that the judge interrupted her testimony saying it was not admissible since she had never met Kremer and had only been told by other board members to reach a settlement with Kremer in September, but TPP filed a lawsuit instead. Tucker, a professional corporate governance consultant, resigned from the TPP Board of Directors due to concerns over the focus on the Kremer controversy and lack of transparency and governance by the board of directors.

On re-cross examination, Meckler was asked about his role as treasurer for TPP, Inc. and said, "It's about being good stewards over the donors' money." During closing arguments, he shook his head a number of times when Kremer's attorney said that both Meckler and Martin had a reason to maintain control — "the sound of money."

Meckler and Martin are said to earn salaries upwards of six digits and extensive expense accounts according to Scott Boston of St. Louis before closing arguments on Friday. "They used their accounts for everything."

"I believe Doug Chalmers saw this as a 'cash cow'" as he worked with the other board members to have me removed Kremer stated matter of factly. Why? "He knew this was becoming big...His August bill was outrageous...."

Deborah Ausburn of the Galleria-based Taylor English Duma firm, Martin's attorney played a taped recording that Kremer provided the court of the conference call where Meckler, Martin and Neppell agreed if Kremer remained on the board of directors' conference call that she is stating that she is part of the board to protect confidentiality. "Did you lie by remaining on the call indicating your were part of the board of directors?

Repeatedly Kremer explained she was protecting her interests and was afraid of if 'these people are capable of doing this, then what else can they do?"

Chalmers was the last witness to testify reaffirmed he signed the consent of incorporation listing Kremer as a board member after she said yes to remaining on the board of directors call that evening in her house.

Martin never contested Kremer's statements as fact that she indeed purchased and created sites using Tea Party Patriots name. Kremer's attorneys, Shaun Daugherty and Kevin Leipow of the Atlanta firm Hall, Booth, Smith & Slover entered receipts as evidence of social networking sites that she purchased as early as March 6, 2009 — teapartypatriots.ning.com and teapartypatriots.org and later .us, .net and .info domains. She also created a Tea Party Patriots group on the Smart Girl Politics website using the name of her personal website "Southern Belle Politics" name to direct traffic to tea parties being planned nationally for Tax Day Tea Parties (TDTP). "It had Southern Belle name I use and my picture," Kremer told Martin's attorney, when asked if her name was found anywhere on the created pages early on.

Tea Party Patriots became Tea Party, Inc. following an incredibly successful TDTP effort, led by Kremer as the Nationwide Coordinator, when it became necessary to incorporate in order to solicit donations. The legal process required establishing a nonprofit and the initial four organizers decided on a 50l C4 status in lieu of a PAC which could support candidates. That decision laid the foundation for a controversy surrounding Kremer's involvement with the Tea Party Express, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, that had received national attention with its promotional bus tour across the country — on its way to the Tax Day Tea Party in Washington, D.C. on April 15, 2009.

Meckler was not part of the initial team of nationwide organizers and Kremer said Meckler had sent her emails wanting to be involved since he organized tea party efforts in Sacramento, CA. "I never would sit on a board with Mark Meckler and Rob Neppell, never. I didn't know these people." Meckler testified that he was the one who began talking with Martin and later was introduced to Kremer. As events unfolded Meckler would be the one to suggest Kremer accept an invitation to join the TPX bus tour representing TPP as well as the one to push for incorporation, the hiring of Doug Chalmers, and later with Martin and Neppell, Kremer's removal from 'the board.'

In testimony, Chalmers admitted he had researched 'how to remove someone from the board' the night before after having discussions with Meckler, Martin and Neppell. Kremer testified Chalmers never returned her calls the night before all three voted her to be removed from the board of directors of TPP.

Today, Kremer is Chairman of TPX and is seen regularly on all network and media outlet. In 2010, she was named The Most Influential Person in the Tea Party by a United Kingdom media outlet. Martin was listed among the Most Influential People in the World by Time Magazine in 2010.

"I'm just a regular person who had never been active in politics but I was concerned about the direction my country was going in," explained Kremer. "I saw a void and I wanted to fill it."

Martin, mother of boy and girl twins, testified that she was also concerned and had spent countless hours 'tweeting' about what was happening in Washington. "I was one of its (Twitter) first adopters...'Mommy' blogging." A self proclaimed active participant in politics since age 14, Martin listed her involvement in campaigns and associations with elected officials as well as her technical business training from Reinhardt College '90 and University of GA '92.

"I heard (about Santelli's Rant) on Rush (Limbaugh) radio show," while cleaning houses at the time, explained Martin who had lost her home with husband, Lee in bankruptcy and fo... before the tea party movement began. She testified that she posted on the Smart Girl Politics internet site and was asked by its founders, Teri Christop and Stacy Mott to be actively involved.

It wasn't long before Kremer's and Martin's social networking crossed paths. Kremer credits Michael Patrick Leahy of TCOT as the one who got 'the movement' organized and set a conference call of 22 across the nation to decide how to move forward after Santelli's rant. Martin was one of those on that first conference call. She and Kremer would talk privately immediately after that initial call and determine to host a tea party at the GA Capital a week later.

The Atlanta Tea Party event was created Fox News made contact wanting to broadcast LIVE from the rally which drew more than an estimated 20 thousand, one of the largest of 48 held nationally that day. Martin credits her relationships with elected officials for their involvement at the rally and Debbie Dooley of Gwinnett County for securing the site permit and promotion on several media outlets. Both worked on the March on Washington in 2009.

Who knew behind the scenes of rallies, signs, and chants of 'fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and free markets' — the principles promoted by TPP — that their efforts and friendship would lead to the civil court and charges of wrongdoing individually and corporately in counter suits.

"It's so sad. I thought she was my friend," Kremer told the court tearfully. When asked if Kremer was a friend, Martin responded, "No, she was a political associate."

"What would you do if you had ownership of Tea Party Patriots trademark again?" Ausburn asked ending her cross examination.

"It was never intended to be a money maker. I would return it back to what I envisioned at the beginning — a tool for others to connect and communicate in the movement."


"How could they be squabbling over $134 food receipt when they are spending $150,000 in TPP donations to litigate this case against the woman that created it? The donors don't know that their money isn't going toward fighting for fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets — but rather for lavish buffets, high end hotel suites and near six digit salaries for Jenny Beth and Mark," said Toby Walker, a Texas tea party organizer and member of TPP. Walker was in town to support Kremer and sit in on the proceedings.

I was one of the first members on TPP and first moderator , I remember that it was Amy Kremer who founded TPP.

Yeah it is now all about the money, the sheep need to get a clue and shut down the money train.

An internet search for IRSS form 990 along with the non-profit name will provide a document that shows the money taken in each year and the amounts paid for salaries.

"How could they be squabbling over $134 food receipt when they are spending $150,000 in TPP donations to litigate this case against the woman that created it? The donors don't know that their money isn't going toward fighting for fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets — but rather for lavish buffets, high end hotel suites and near six digit salaries for Jenny Beth and Mark," said Toby Walker, a Texas tea party organizer and member of TPP. Walker was in town to support Kremer and sit in on the proceedings.

This is the problem the donors do not know where the money is going especially if the person is depending on it for their livelihood, the person uses it for frivolous lawsuits, entertainment and lifestyle. Numbers do not lie and the proof is in the pudding so to speak and truth prevails. It is about time I would say. I appreciate sites like OPEN SECRETS that shines the light of truth in the dark corners where dark things lurk.

There is a troll on the thread so am closing it for now.




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