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syrian refugees

Since President Obama wants to bring the world’s problems into this country, those 10,000 Syrian refugees will need a place to go. Here’s the list of 180 cities where they might end up.

The Hayride reports:


Go here to view list:

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

Is your city on the list?




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

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A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies found there is a record 42.1 million Americans in the United States today.

Democrats need the new voters–
42 million

The Washington Examiner reported:

A new analysis of legal and illegal immigrant counts by the Census Bureau revealed Thursday that there is a record 42.1 million in the United States, an explosion that is being driven by Mexicans flooding across the border.

In a report provided to Secrets by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total immigrant population surged 1.7 million since 2014. The growth was led in the last year by an additional 740,000 Mexican immigrants.

The 42.1 million tabulated by Census in the second quarter represent over 13 percent of the U.S. population, the biggest percentage in 105 years.

What’s more, the numbers of immigrants coming and going from the U.S. is actually higher since many return home every years, said the report. “For the immigrant population to increase by one million means that significantly more than one million new immigrants must enter the country because some immigrants already here return to their homeland each year and natural mortality totals 250,000 annually,” said the Center.

Then there’s this– 80% of California illegal immigrant families live in poverty and need government assistance.




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

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Yes that is very good. There need to be more that are as mad as hell.

Figures. Jorge Ramos Sends His Own Kids to $30,000 a Year Private School

Univision’s Jorge Ramos wants open borders where the world’s poor can come to America for all kinds of goodies including free public education – paid for by you, the American taxpayer.
jorge ramos swimming
Jorge Ramos shows viewers how easy it is to swim the Rio Grande to America.

But Jorge sends his own kids to pricey private schools.
Patrick Courrielche at Breitbart reported:

Mr. Ramos’ open border policy has an interesting side effect though — it burdens our public schools with the children of illegal immigrants that pull resources from our kids and disproportionately so in at-risk minority communities. In places like California, as much as 13.2% of K-12 public school students are children of illegal immigrants. This open border policy has likely dragged down our schools academically as well – helping pave the way for the federal government to intervene with hugely unpopular learning standards and standardized tests in a clumsy attempt to boost lagging test scores. Coincidently, an open border has the added benefit of increasing Mr. Ramos’ potential TV audience. What a fantástico business model!

The (not so) funny thing is that Jorge Ramos actually shelters his kids from the effects of the very policy he so adamantly advocates. How you may ask? Well, Mr. Ramos sends his kids to elite private schools, including a Miami preK-12 school with tuition that reaches above $30,000 a year per student. I think it’s fair to say most illegal immigrants aren’t footing that bill.

So the next time you hear Mr. Ramos passionately arguing that the US/Mexican border does not need a wall, remember this — he does so knowing that his kids are walled off in ways that most American children are not.


Iowa poll: Nearly half want illegal immigrants deported

Getty Images

Nearly half of Iowa's Republican caucus-goers want the nation’s illegal immigrants deported, according to a new poll.

The Des Moines Register sampling released on Wednesday found that 47 percent support ousting the nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants and returning them to their native countries.

Pollsters found that number grows when surveying GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s supporters. Nearly three-fourths — 73 percent — of that demographic support deporting illegal immigrants.

Wednesday’s poll also found that 40 percent of those supporting the rest of the GOP’s 2016 presidential field additionally back that policy.

Only 45 percent, the new survey noted, believe that deporting illegal immigrants is a poor decision.

The newspaper’s latest sampling found support for deporting illegal immigrants comes across a wide variety of demographics.

Sixty-three percent of Tea Party supporters favor that decision, as do very conservative caucus-goers. Those without college degrees, meanwhile, back that move 59 percent of the time.

Some segments of the Iowa’s GOP voters were skeptical of sweeping deportation, however. Fifty-one percent of business-oriented Republicans and 58 percent of moderates think the measure is a poor idea.

Wednesday’s sampling comes as Trump leads the race for the GOP’s 2016 presidential nomination across multiple national polls.

He is jockeying with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson for their party’s coronation in the Hawkeye State, according to several Iowa samplings.

Trump has made illegal immigration a central talking point of his campaign, supporting tighter border security and calling for an end to birthright citizenship and sanctuary city policies.


Report: Immigrant Households Using Welfare At Vastly Higher Rate Than Native-Born Households

Immigrant-headed households in the U.S. use welfare at a much higher rate than their native-born counterparts and that trend holds true for both new and long-time immigrant residents, according to a new study.

According to a report released Wednesday from the Center for Immigration Studies, 51 percent of immigrant-headed households (both legal and illegal) reported using at least one welfare program during the year in 2012. Thirty-percent of native-headed households meanwhile used at least one welfare program.

The CIS report analyzed welfare data from the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). Included in the center’s definition of welfare is Medicaid, cash, food, and housing programs.

“If immigration is supposed to benefit the country, then immigrant welfare use should be much lower than native use,” Steven Camarota the CIS’s Director of Research and the report’s author said. “However two decades after welfare reform tried to curtail immigrant welfare use, immigrant households are using most programs at higher rates than natives.”

Camarota noted that the skill and education level of many current immigrants is contributing to their welfare use.

“The low-skill level of many immigrants means that although most work, many also access welfare programs. If we continue to allow large numbers of less-educated immigrants to settle in the country, then immigrant welfare use will remain high,” he added.

While welfare use among both new and old immigrants is high — with 48 percent of immigrants in the U.S. for more than 20 years reporting welfare use — the rates vary based on region of origin.

In 2012, 73 percent of immigrant-headed households from Central America and Mexico reported using one of more welfare program. Households from the Caribbean used welfare at a rate of 51 percent, African immigrants were at 48 percent, South America at 41 percent, East Asia 32 percent, Europe 26 percent, South Asia 17 percent.

The report further highlights that while immigrant-headed households use welfare at a higher rate than natives they also pay taxes at a lower rate.

“On average, immigrant-headed households had tax liability in income and payroll taxes in 2012 that was about 11 percent less than native households, or about 89 cents for every dollar native households pay, based on Census Bureau data. Immigrant households have lower average incomes (from all sources) than native households and are a good deal larger, giving them more tax deductions. As a result, their average income tax liability is less than native households,” the report reads

Other findings in the CIS report include:

• No single program explains immigrants’ higher overall welfare use. For example, not counting subsidized school lunch, welfare use is still 46 percent for immigrants and 28 percent for natives. Not counting Medicaid, welfare use is 44 percent for immigrants and 26 percent for natives.

• Immigrant households have much higher use of food programs (40 percent vs. 22 percent for natives) and Medicaid (42 percent vs. 23 percent). Immigrant use of cash programs is somewhat higher than natives (12 percent vs. 10 percent) and immigrant use of housing programs is similar to natives.

• Many immigrants struggle to support their children, and a large share of welfare is received on behalf of U.S.-born children. However, even immigrant households without children have significantly higher welfare use than native households without children — 30 percent vs. 20 percent.

• The welfare system is designed to help low-income workers, especially those with children, and this describes many immigrant households. In 2012, 51 percent of immigrant households with one or more workers accessed one or more welfare programs, as did 28 percent of working native households.

• The large share of immigrants with low levels of education and resulting low incomes partly explains their high use rates. In 2012, 76 percent of households headed by an immigrant who had not graduated high school used one or more welfare programs, as did 63 percent of households headed by an immigrant with only a high school education.

• The high rates of immigrant welfare use are not entirely explained by their lower education levels. Households headed by college-educated immigrants have significantly higher welfare use than households headed by college-educated natives — 26 percent vs. 13 percent.

• In the four top immigrant-receiving states, use of welfare by immigrant households is significantly higher than that of native households: California (55 percent vs. 30 percent), New York (59 percent vs. 33 percent), Texas (57 percent vs. 34 percent), and Florida (42 percent vs. 28 percent).


Me too.

How many agree with what was done here? As we can confirm, there is no question why so many Americans support Donald Trump. A new ...

True we need the WALL now....we needed it years ago but all the traitors dropped the ball.

Report: Immigrant Households Using Welfare At Vastly Higher Rate Than Native-Born Households

Sure Obama has the American people financing the invasion. It is all an agenda to turn this country third world.

Syrians Could Soon Be Next Refugee Group To Call San Diego Home

Credit: UN Refugee Agency

Above: A line of Syrian refugee women, some carrying children, cross into Jordan from southern Syria. The outflow this year has been staggering.

By Megan Burks
Sohaib Alagha, vice president of the Syrian American Council and a San Diego resident, sits in his office on Aug. 26, 2015.

More than 4 million Syrians are fleeing a violent civil war. The U.S. State Department has agreed to bring some of them into the country.

The U.S. State Department announced this week it will take in up to 8,000 Syrian refugees next year, and many of them could settle in San Diego.

"It's a double edge sword because on one hand, it's saddening to see the population of Syria — especially the educated class or other qualified individuals — leaving the area, which is going to keep it in turmoil for longer," said Sohaib Alagha, vice president of the Syrian American Council and a San Diego resident. "But at the same time, people are trying to survive."
Alagha, whose father is still in Syria, said "it's completely miserable — it's World War II type of destruction."

More than 4 million Syrians are fleeing a violent civil war. Tens of thousands are camping out in dire conditions, seeking access to Greece and other European Union countries.

The international community has called on the U.S. for some time to open its doors and ease the pressure.

Since the crisis began in 2011, the United States has accepted 1,000 Syrians. Alagha said four families who came to the country through a United Nations program settled in San Diego.

"We're saddened by the fact that the United States, which is the Statue of Liberty, is not taking as many Syrians in our worst, darkest moment," Alagha said.

There are no estimates yet on how many Syrians will arrive in San Diego next year.

The county settles about 2,700 refugees annually. That's about 4 percent of all refugees resettling in the United States each year, and 40 to 50 percent of those coming to California.

Alagha estimates between 10,000 and 15,000 Syrian Americans already reside in the region, mostly in North County.
"They are hardworking. They are freedom-seeking individuals, and they will contribute to any place they end up in," Alagha said. "And actually what I would hope is most of them would go back and rebuild Syria after the end of the disaster which we are in."

This is not good




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