We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic



In what some may consider a surprising move, Tea Party Patriots co-founder Jenny Beth Martin suggested that conservatives should consider welcoming Senator Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL

Rubio’s bill, which was also endorsed by La Raza and Mark Zuckerberg, would admit seven times more permanent immigrants on green cards (30 million) than Ted Kennedy’s original 1965 legislation (4.1 million) that turned much of America blue.

In an op-ed in USA Today, Martin suggested that Sen. Rubio had somehow changed his position on immigration:

Sen. Marco Rubio famously worked with the so-called Gang of 8 to develop an immigration reform bill that offered a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants already in the U.S.; now he says he understands and shares the concerns of the broad majority of the American people, who believe that before any discussion of what to do about illegal immigrants can take place, the border must first be secured — and must be secured long enough, and well enough, that the American people believe it has been well and truly secured.

However, a review of Rubio’s public statements, comments, and legislative actions since the Gang of Eight bill failed in the House reveals the opposite — Rubio has not changed a single one of his policy positions on immigration.

In fact, he has even made clear that if elected president or vice president, he would push every single immigration policy favored by business groups like the Chamber of Commerce.

For instance, as recently as last week at a New Hampshire presidential candidates forum, Marco Rubio endorsed immediately legalizing illegal aliens and potentially granting them green cards that would put them on a pathway to citizenship, which would confer voting privileges, the ability to bring family members in to the country, and access to welfare and federal benefits.

Martin asserts that Rubio now “understands and shares the concerns” of the American people regarding border security; however, Rubio’s verbal assurances on border security are nothing new. In fact, the strongest statement Rubio has issued with regards to border security came during the Gang of Eight push, in which he called the bill, “The Toughest Border Security & Enforcement Measures In U.S. History”– a claim which, to this day, he has never retracted.

Indeed, throughout his entire push to sell the Gang of Eight bill, Rubio maintained that border security was his top priority.

As he promised talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, he would not support the bill unless enforcement measures preceded amnesty: “If there is not language in this bill that guarantees that nothing else will happen unless these enforcement mechanisms are in place, I won’t support it.”

And yet, even after he subsequently admitted in a Spanish interview on Univision that amnesty would come before enforcement, Rubio still voted for the bill.

Rubio’s recent comments calling for the implementation of e-verify, border fencing, and visa tracking are also not new. For instance, during Gang of Eight immigration debate, Rubio argued that those provisions were the main reason to support the bill. He warned that if Congress refused to act and refused to pass the bill, then “we’re not going to have the fencing… we’re not going to have e-verify, we’re not going to have entry-exit tracking.”

Yet when the bill came to the floor, Sen. Rubio joined Chuck Schumer in voting down an amendment offered by

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

which would have required the completion of a border fence. He also successfully defeated an amendment offered by Sen. Vitter (R-LA) which would require the implementation of an exit-entry tracking system in order to prevent foreign nationals from illegally overstaying their visas.

And an amendment offered by Sen. Chuck Grassley—which would have required e-verify be implemented within 18 months—was killed in committee and was, therefore, not present in the bill Rubio pushed successfully through the Senate.
Rubio’s legislative actions after the Gang of Eight bill similarly creates tension with his public statements on his immigration position. For instance, despite his continued public comments about border security, the only new immigration plan that he has co-authored and introduced since the Gang of Eight’s demise is a massive expansion of the foreign workers program. The Immigration and Innovation Act, known as I-Squared — which is backed by the same corporate CEOs and wealthy donors who backed his Gang of Eight plan — would triple the number of wage-cutting H-1B visas for big tech and would substantially increase immigration from high risk regions in the Middle East, without implementing any corresponding security or tracking measures.

Together these items demonstrate that far from flip-flopping on immigration, Rubio’s position has simply remained unchanged — it’s the same as it was in 2013, as it was in 2014, as it is today: he still supports citizenship for illegal immigrants, he still supports doubling and tripling expansions in foreign workers admitted to the country on visas, and he still supports a green card policy that would push immigration levels past all known historical records.

Indeed, in the first Republican presidential candidates debate, Rubio made another veiled reference to his plan to increase immigration — insisting that the people who don’t get enough attention and “
who never ge[t] talked about in these debates” are the foreign citizens “who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States.”

However, the United States — far from being difficult to get into — each year admits
one million plus new green cards, one million foreign workers, refugees and dependents, and half a million foreign youths sought by college administrators.

The irony perhaps is that conservative activists and publications including, for instance, the National Review, are in effect accepting an apology from Mr. Rubio, which he has never given. Rubio has never acknowledged any wrong doing in pushing the Gang of Eight bill, nor he has ever admitted that any of the multitudinous claims he made about it were false, nor has he retreated from any of the policy positions that characterized that effort.

In fact, as recently as just four months ago, Marco Rubio told Chris Wallace that “it’s not that we bailed [on the Gang of Eight bill],” Rubio said. “It’s that we don’t have the votes to pass it…
I still believe we need to do immigration reform.”

If Sen. Rubio had been president instead of Barack Obama, House Speaker

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)

would have had no difficulty getting the Gang of Eight bill through the House and onto President Rubio’s desk for signature.
So far, at this point in the race, Rubio’s policy positions on immigration have not been fleshed out to the American voter. At the Republican presidential candidates debate moderated by Fox, for instance, Rubio was asked the following questions:

“[Why are you] better prepared to be president than he [Jeb Bush] is?”

[On immigration] “Is it as simple as our leaders are stupid, their leaders are smart, and all of these illegals coming over are criminals?”
“Why is Governor Bush wrong on Common Core?”
“Describe one action you would do to make the economic environment more favorable for small businesses and entrepreneurs and anyone dreaming of opening their own business.”
“How do you justify ending a life just because it begins violently, through no fault of the baby?”
“So I put the question to you about God and the veterans, which you may find to be related.”

Rubio kept his answers vague, optimistic, and focused on the future: “God has blessed our country. This country has been extraordinarily blessed. And we have honored that blessing. And that’s why God has continued to bless us.”


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Here it comes...the BIG one. Pay up or....

Projected Crash: 72 hours

We have done our very best to reach you, organize you, get you in our networks, and lead the fight. But now we need your help to raise 4k in 72 hours or we are OUT! Current projections put us on course to crash unless we can convince more of you among the 50,000 receiving our emails and half a million signed up for our social media pages to respond! (see details below)

"Yes, I want ALIPAC to return to the fight against illegal immigration and amnesty at this critical time and my support is on the way at..."
alipac donations

The bad news is that despite our numerous warnings and appeals, we have raised only $11,050 of the minimum of $15,000 we must raise by midnight this Friday night, Sept 25! That is only 72 hours away and at the current rate of contributions we are on course to crash and burn coming in a few thousand short, which would put us in a position where we are unable to reach out to our existing donors by mail, unable to make the second funds deadline of Oct 25, unable to return to our efforts to influence elections, legislation, and policies, and forcing us to announce a permanent closure date in mid October.
emoticon run photo: Run For The Hills Smiley Smilie Emoticon Animated ...
Click here to learn more about  President of ALIPAC

No there is no shame.....if it works do it again just like

Jenny Beth's 1 2 3...you all do the work and while you are doing that work,  give me the money. This is what charlatans do for a living , find ways to live off your donations that were meant for the cause.

It is an old game and they will play it as long as it works.

Here we go AGAIN!


We are now at $15,050 of the $30,000 we must raise by Midnight on Sunday Oct. 25 after reaching our half way point this weekend. Our next funding focus is to raise the few thousands of dollars it will take us to launch our mailed envelopes to donors. There are many ALIPAC supporters who are not able to watch our operations closely who still donate to us each year and we must raise the funds to reach them as soon as possible.

So please consider a new donation at our secure donations link so we can A. prepare to mail our supporters, and B. Come out of the gate swinging hard tomorrow instead of having to slow or stop our operations to raise funds.

alipac donations

We are going to need your help! We need you to identify the members of the Cantor List in your state and prepare to

1. Seek out GOP primary challengers willing to file and run against them on an anti-Amnesty stance and a promise to back full deportation of all illegals like the front-runner Donald Trump campaign.

2. Learn how to volunteer to start going after each name on the Cantor List in your area. We need you talking to people you know in your state about these traitors, writing letters to the editor about these lawmakers who support amnesty, and getting on any talk radio show or online forum or social media page you can warning everyone that "Congressman ______ supports amnesty for illegals just like Boehner and Obama!"

3 Remember that for us to take on these millionaires in Congress and drive them back or have hopes of defeating them we must be unified and strong. Don't let a lack of funding force us to the side of the road again.

You will receive double emails on fund raising days and warnings when your response levels are too low and risking forcing us into Emergency Mode. We are going to come out fighting and we need you to keep the funding fuel for our fight flowing into our fighting machine tanks at...

alipac donations

William Gheen


You go back Jack do it again
Wheel turnin' 'round and 'round
You go back Jack do it again

Now you swear and kick and beg us
That you're not a gamblin' man
Then you find you're back in Vegas
With a handle in your hand

Your black cards can make you money
So you hide them when you're able
In the land of milk and honey
You must put them on the table, yeah

You go back Jack do it again
Wheel turnin' 'round and 'round
You go back Jack do it again

Steely Dan

It appears that when these charlatans do not get enough money they go to their very old master email lists to see if there are any people who have left their moneymaker.... who are stupid enough to donate to THEIR PERSONAL cause........ TPP has done it and now ALIPAC has done it AGAIN.

Heads UP GHEEN!!!!!!

I unsubscribed from your organization LONG AGO.

High Res Stop Sign final 150x150 Stop #10 On the Road to Brand YOU for ...


Here is the latest beg SOS for his personal bills fund to SOMEONE WHO HAS UNSUBSCRIBED... and could care less if his self serving organization crashes or not.

He is his OWN CAUSE.


ALIPAC Alerts (listmaster@alipac.us)
To: ALIPAC Alerts Subscriber

 ALIPAC Alerts (listmaster@alipac.us) Microsoft SmartScreen

classified this message as junk.

Sent: Fri 10/23/15 5:22 PM
To: ALIPAC Alerts Subscriber

We are sending copies of this alert to both our primary and emergency backup email systems since testing has found our emails are being blocked from reaching many supporters and our Facebook posts are being hindered too.


At the time of this email only 48 hours remain for us to reach our minimum operations budget goals. Only an unprecedented response from the more than 50,000 email alerts recipients and half a million social media page supporters can save our organization at this point.

Our best efforts have gotten us to $24,575 of the $30,000 we must raise to complete our mission for 2015. If anyone would like to offer some matching funds of $250, $500, or $1,000 to get us to the goal... we believe that will be necessary at this point. Please contact if you wish to help in that capacity.

Please review each item below and decide...

Do you wish for ALIPAC to fight on through 2015? If yes, please donate now via... (if no take no action)


Yes, I want to see ALIPAC's new, unprecedented, and powerful political plan deployed that will dismay the illegal alien amnesty supporting politicians and power groups and my support is on the way now via...


(if your answer is NO take no action)

Yes, I want ALIPAC to fight Ryan and harness the backlash for the elections and my support is on the way via


(if your answer is NO take no action)

Yes, Im willing to give ALIPAC another election cycle and help ALIPAC fight through the primaries 4 months away with my support on the way via..

(if your answer is NO take no action)

So far in 2015, less than 2% of the people ALIPAC has spent 11 years organizing on our email alerts list have responded as donors and less than 0.2% of the 507,000 people we have organized on social media have responded as donors this year.

While much of this is caused by financial hardship, health problems, etc... we have also learned that our Facebook posts, Google web traffic, and email alerts to many of our supporters are being blocked. But with all of that combined there is still incredible apathy.

So we appeal to the 98+% of you we have organized that have not responded with a donation despite our many appeals and efforts to please step forward to put your shoulder to the wheel with those illegal immigration fighting activists that have sacrificed at least a small donation of $10-$25 to help our cause!

We are happy to be able to offer you free email alerts and social media pages that you find interesting or important, but the ratio of Americans willing to help fund our operations must increase significantly in the next 48 hours.

Please donate now via...


William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

PS: You may receive two copies of this email as we deploy both our primary and emergency email alerts systems to get this message to enough people in time to save the group.


Boomerang Kaart: Show me the money!

Cry Baby (28)

Bill Gheen wrote:

Our best efforts have gotten us to $24,575 of the $30,000 we must raise to complete our mission for 2015. If anyone would like to offer some matching funds of $250, $500, or $1,000 to get us to the goal... we believe that will be necessary at this point. Please contact if you wish to help in that capacity.



Stephen Barnett - Shut up and get a real job.


I was a member of Alipac as well they used to be a really good Discussion Board...They supported Legal Immigration and opposed" Illegal's" sneaking into our Country illegally!!!!! For a long time it was a wonderful friendly place I looked going to going to their site everyday to talk to friends and pass around some news clips and have discussions on many of the current events of the day.... All of a sudden I noticed many of the older members began leaving...Then it became a constant request for money....I would get lots of emails and then letters being mailed to my home...I would think gee they are asking for money but they are spending hundreds on mailings.... Finally one day I went on and there was a post up by the administrator that he was going to let the Feds onto the board to copy and catalog many of our posts.  Whether he was getting paid or not I have no idea but that was it for me I posted very infrequent and when I did I complained that it was not right what he was doing.... I was of course banned.. So that was the end of Alipac for me...

The end-game is for Visa to eliminate cash and for everyone to have a biometric ID.

Some of the drivers are too many immigrants and fear of terrorism.

These are two things the government controls directly.


The government is now like Soros, it has its dirty fingers in everything.....

"I would think gee they are asking for money but they are spending hundreds on mailings..."


Usually when organizations find a cash cow they spend huge amounts for fundraising ideas and mailings so they keep the money coming in , then it becomes more about the money than the cause, and so the cycle continues with the tools of the greedy being fear and guilt.

I am sure you are relieved to be gone from that oppressive deceptive environment, I know I am.

I am all though I miss the people....

Most of the good people left.....but  I understand where you are coming from.

Good grief!! That bs is still going on? I thought it had been settled!! They are making all of us look bad!!




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