We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

Ben Carson: We need to unite, not divide America

On 'Hannity,' GOP candidate discusses in-fighting among Republicans, 'Black Lives Matter' movement

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

Charles Koch opens up about his 'classical liberal' views

On 'The Kelly File,' the billionaire addresses attacks from Democrats, motivations behind political involvement

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Fiorina: Poll numbers will rise as people learn my story

On 'The Kelly File,' GOP candidate reflects on state of her campaign, remarks by competition

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US troops in Afghanistan longer, Netanyahu's unhappiness with America and more

Trump: If I was a Dem, I'd have Secret Service protection

Presidential frontrunner Donald Trump goes 'On the Record' on seeking Secret Service protection, why disagrees with the format of the next GOP debate, Obama's decision to keep US t...

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Clinton's email scandal not an 'issue' for mainstream media?

Reaction from The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway

Presidential candidate surges in latest Fox News nomination poll; Insight on 'The Kelly File'

Money Men: Carson, Bush, Cruz lead latest round in GOP cash race

Ben Carson, Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz appear to be leading the money race in the Republican presidential primary, according to third-quarter numbers released by the campaigns ahead of ...

He has the cash, the ground game and he's rising in the polls. Will Ted Cruz's campaign path lead to the GOP nomination? Republican Lauren Claffey and Democrat Richard Fowler discuss the Texan's strategy with Chris Stirewalt.

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Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine
Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’
Breitbart Big Government, by Thomas D. Williams, PH.D.    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/25/2015 11:50:48 AM     Post Reply
The politically correct Glamour Magazine has reportedly waived the one defining requirement of candidates for its “Woman of the Year” honor—a double X chromosome—in conferring the title for 2015 on crossdresser Bruce Jenner, a move many women are finding insulting. The magazine is expected to formally announce its choice of Jenner as woman of the year, along with actress Reese Witherspoon, on November 3. Criticisms are already piling up from women who find the choice of Jenner to be demeaning, and are falling into two main camps. First, out of all the real women in the world, could Glamour not

David Vitter Ekes Out a Place in
a Runoff for Governor of Louisiana
New York Times, by Campbell Robertson    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/25/2015 11:46:57 AM     Post Reply
NEW ORLEANS — In a race that made a late but convincing case for the enduring entertainment value of Louisiana politics, Senator David Vitter, a Republican, barely squeaked out a second-place finish in Saturday’s primary election for governor to make a runoff against John Bel Edwards, a Democratic state representative. While Mr. Edwards, with roughly 40 percent of the vote, performed much more strongly than many expected, Mr. Vitter, with around 23 percent, just beat a late surge by one of the other Republicans running in the nonpartisan contest. If no one wins a majority in the primary, as in this

On duty, under fire
Washington Post, by Amy Brittain    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/25/2015 11:41:20 AM     Post Reply
Fond du Lac, WI - Stopped in his patrol cruiser, Trooper Trevor Casper searched for a gray Toyota Corolla on a busy stretch of Highway 41. Behind the wheel was Steven Timothy Snyder, a bank robber and killer on the run. When Casper spotted Snyder about 5:30 p.m., he eased his cruiser into southbound traffic, following the Corolla at a distance, keeping his lights and siren off. But Snyder soon realized he was being followed. Outside the Pick ’n Save grocery store, he abruptly turned his car around. He raised his semiautomatic pistol and opened fire, striking Casper in the



The Banana Republic of America
National Review Online, by Jazz Shaw    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/25/2015 11:36:27 AM     Post Reply
The American justice system is not without its flaws as we’ve seen all too many times. A grievous crime is committed and the perpetrator is never discovered. Sometimes there is a suspect who seems to be the perfect candidate but a grand jury doesn’t find sufficient evidence for the prosecutors to move forward. And in other cases, even if you get them to trial a jury doesn’t see things the same way as the public. (O.J anyone?) In very rare cases a pardon can be issued and the system seems to have been short sheeted. (Democrats will always cite Nixon

Pope lectures Catholic elders at closing
of synod on family
Washington Post, by Anthony Faiola    Original Article
Posted By: ramona- 10/25/2015 10:59:49 AM     Post Reply
Pope Francis on Sunday appeared to lecture church elders at the closing of a landmark summit on the family here, suggesting they should not be quick to exclude a broad array of people deserving of God’s grace. (snip) Francis seemed to target narrowness, focusing his homily on the biblical story of a blind man named Bartimaeus whom Jesus engages during a journey. “None of the disciples stopped, as Jesus did,” Francis said in what at times appeared to be a scolding tone.

Britain´s Blair says 2003 Iraq invasion
played role in Islamic State rise
Reuters, by Kylie MacLellan    Original Article
Posted By: Emerson- 10/25/2015 10:52:16 AM     Post Reply
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair acknowledged the 2003 invasion of Iraq played a part in the rise of the Islamic State militant group, and apologized for some mistakes in planning the war, in an interview broadcast on Sunday. Blair´s decision to send troops to back the U.S.-led invasion is still a live political issue in Britain, where a six-year public inquiry into the conflict is yet to publish its findings. [ID:nL5N1113IL] Asked whether the offensive was the principal cause of the rise of Islamic State, which now controls large areas of Iraq and neighboring Syria, Blair said there were "elements of

Insurance premium increase
of 85 percent a stunner
Santa Cruz Sentinel [CA], by Hindi Gumz    Original Article
Posted By: SiliconValleyDude- 10/25/2015 10:51:47 AM     Post Reply
SANTA CRUZ >> The owners of the Sockshop & Shoe Co. face a stunning 85 percent increase in the cost of their group health insurance plan for their employees. “When you’re doubling the cost, it’s threatening,” said Eric Gil, co-owner with his wife Ellen of the longtime downtown business. Ellen, with 2016 quotes from the insurance agent in hand, said, “One choice is the nuclear option — don’t offer insurance.” This is not what they expected from the Affordable Care Act. They thought rates could go up 10 to 12 percent, hoping as more people got health coverage, costs would come down, but



Canada´s new liberal prime minister:
the disaster has already begun|
American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 10/25/2015 10:50:20 AM     Post Reply
Canadians have spoken – well, 39.5% of them – and installed a new liberal government headed by Justin Trudeau in office, and the disasters have already begun. Fasten your seat belts, Canucks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Ezra Levant reports at The Rebel: The Canadian dollar dropped nearly two percentage points after Justin Trudeau´s Liberals swept to a majority in the federal election. That´s almost two cents in four days. (snip) he has plans to embark on a vast program of public works spending. I guess President Obama has shared his approach on “shovel-ready jobs.” Trudeau might want to examine

Guest Column: Obama and
Reid drive shutdown
Daily Times (Farmington, NM), by Rodney L. Tahe*    Original Article
Posted By: cjjeepercreeper- 10/25/2015 10:34:00 AM     Post Reply
I write in response to Sherry Robinson: ‘Govt. shutdown has consequences here:’ “Never allow a good crisis go to waste,” said former chief of staff to President Barack Obama, and now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Robinson takes a page out of the Chicago Machine’s playbook in her criticism of U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce. She blames conservatives for pursuing a shutdown strategy when the only ones cooking up a shutdown are Obama and his obstructionist lieutenant — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. In his former years as Majority Leader, Reid was well-known for throwing sand in the gears of government. From 2009 to

Pearl Clutching Jeb Bush Declares
This Campaigning Stuff Is Just
Too Hard “I’ve Got Better Things
I Could Be Doing”…
Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance    Original Article
Posted By: Emerson- 10/25/2015 10:33:30 AM     Post Reply
In a rather typical presentation of pouty-faced Jeb Bush today he declared this competition thing is just too much, too much. In essence saying he didn’t get into this race because he was actually expected to do any work or anything. Look, if you’re not just going to hand it to me, well, to heck with all y’all – go on and elect Trump. (Via New York Times) A day after his campaign slashed staff and salaries to retrench ahead of the Iowa caucuses, Jeb Bush decried the toxic tone of the presidential race and suggesting that “demonizing” people isn’t

Didn’t they know Hillary would win?
Daily Inter Lake [Kalispell MT], by Frank Miele    Original Article
Posted By: davesenior- 10/25/2015 10:28:43 AM     Post Reply
I suppose I owe it to my faithful readers to weigh in on Hillary Clinton’s appearance before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.After all, I have written six or seven columns on the tragic attack on our consular mission in Benghazi on Sept. 11,2012, bemoaning the lack of accountability for the deaths[SNIP]Sadly, the public questioning of Clinton on Wednesday did not change anything. Give Clinton credit.The Democratic presidential frontrunner, aided capably by the Democratic members of the select committee, was able to deter and deflect all efforts by her Republican questioners to try to find out who was to blame


Icon for Post #133963

Conservative Dinesh D’Souza outlined the big lie that was exposed during the Benghazi hearing during Hillary’s testimony. Watch below: The media has...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3pb4KflZp

Icon for Post #133892

This is only peripherally related to politics, but I just had to post it. I would say this kind of bad-assness could only come out of Texas. And certain parts of Montana...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3pb4zP6dc

The Donald

Donald Trump, during a campaign appearance Saturday in Florida, sought to make an issue of Ben Carson´s Seventh-day Adventist faith. "I´m Presbyterian," Trump said. "Boy, that´s down the middle of the road folks, in all fairness. I mean, Seventh-day Adventist, I don´t know about. I just don´t know about." In light of these comments, we are re-posting the below, which we first posted last month in light of Carson´s comments opposing a Muslim president. Carson´s church, as you´ll see, has faced many questions in the past and has only pretty recently gained widespread acceptance. On May 4, the day that



Rubio gives up on Senate:
‘He hates it’
Washington Post, by David A. Farenthood    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/26/2015 8:01:32 AM     Post Reply
Marco Rubio is a U.S. senator. And he just can’t stand it anymore. “I don’t know that ‘hate’ is the right word,” Rubio said in an interview. “I’m frustrated.” This year, as Rubio runs for president, he has cast the Senate — the very place that cemented him as a national politician — as a place he’s given up on, after less than one term. It’s too slow. Too rule-bound. So Rubio, 44, has decided not to run for his seat again. It’s the White House or bust. “That’s why I’m missing votes. Because I am leaving the Senate. I am not running

Republican presidential
ticket is a toss up
New York Post, by Fredric U. Dicker    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/26/2015 7:59:13 AM     Post Reply
With no clear front-runner and Donald Trump and Ben Carson continuing to dominate the crowded presidential field, two top New York Republicans predict a brokered convention in Cleveland next summer — with the possibility of a surprise GOP ticket emerging. “At this point, I see a brokered convention in Cleveland,’’ former US Sen. Alfonse D’Amato, who backs long-shot Ohio Gov. John Kasich and plans to attend the July convention, told The Post. “It would be the first time in a long time, but I believe there’s a reasonable chance that there will be no clear winner after the primaries are

Powerful earthquake strikes northern Afghanistan
BBC [UK], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 10/26/2015 7:45:38 AM     Post Reply
The magnitude 7.5 quake was centred in the mountainous Hindu Kush region, 75km (46 miles) south of Faizabad, the US Geological Survey reported. Buildings were evacuated in the capitals of all three countries and communications disrupted in many areas. Initial reports say at least 13 people have been killed in Pakistan. There are also reports of a stampede triggered by the quake at a girls´ school in the Afghan province of Takhar, which left 12 students dead. Another five people died in the eastern Afghan city of Jalalabad, hospital sources said. Officials said the quake happened at a depth of 212km. The magnitude was initially

The Terrible Pain of Letting
Go of The Donald
American Thinker, by Laura Hanson Mason    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 10/26/2015 7:33:20 AM     Post Reply
The problem with letting go of Donald Trump has nothing to do with how much his supporters love the man – because he isn’t very lovable. It isn’t because they are all that impressed with his career as a successful builder. It isn’t because of his inspirational oratory (his oratory is unremarkable). Yet his message, delivered as if he were your next door neighbor, seemingly unscripted and completely in touch with who we are as a people, has struck a nerve that stopped us cold in our tracks. We couldn’t take our eyes off him, even as the political establishment



MSM Deploys Mediscare Against Carson
American Spectator, by David Catron    Original Article
Posted By: garnet- 10/26/2015 6:54:31 AM     Post Reply
The partisan press has been desperately seeking some weapon that will destroy the GOP presidential candidate who frightens them the most—Ben Carson. Last month, when they realized Carson had defied expert predictions that he would fade away due to lack of funding and earned coverage, the “news” media went after him with all the racist venom they reserve for black conservatives. That failed. Carson’s rise in the polls has continued unabated and recent surveys suggest that he will beat Donald Trump in the Iowa caucuses. This has panicked these purported journalists into activating the ultimate Democrat doomsday machine—Mediscare.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel,
Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
Front Page, by Morton A. Klein & Daniel Mandel    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/26/2015 4:58:54 AM     Post Reply
After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded? Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility. Obama officials have been doing this in five ways: 1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the

Poland elections: Conservatives
secure decisive win
BBC.Com (World), by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: John c- 10/26/2015 4:53:44 AM     Post Reply
Poland´s conservative opposition Law and Justice party has won parliamentary elections. Exit polls suggest it has enough seats to govern alone, with an anticipated 39% of the vote. Its eurosceptic leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has claimed victory, and the outgoing Prime Minister, Ewa Kopacz of the centrist Civic Platform party, has admitted defeat. Law and Justice has strong support in Poland´s rural areas. If the numbers suggested by the exit poll are confirmed, it will be the first time since democracy was restored in Poland in 1989 that a single party has won enough seats to govern alone, the BBC´s Adam

How Paul Ryan Went
From Wingnut to RINO
Daily Beast, by Matt Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:50:32 AM     Post Reply
The surprising reasons why the one-time conservative wunderkind is now considered a traitor by many on the right. There’s a lot of range between being a heartless, grandma-murdering ideologue and being an effete, squishy RINO—but in a short period of time, Paul Ryan has run the gamut. What is interesting is that this has happened in a relatively short period of time—and that Ryan hasn’t undergone any sort of David Brockian-type worldview change that would warrant labeling him an apostate. It’s important to establish two things. First, even when the tea party set loved him, Paul Ryan has never a


Whose Shrinking Island?
Power Line, by John Hinderaker    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:45:17 AM     Post Reply
Yesterday President Obama riffed in front of a Democratic audience, attacking the only enemies he cares about–Republicans. He described Republicans as “extreme,” and said, among other things, “Washington Republicans are alone on their own shrinking island.” Put aside the hatefulness for a moment. Like so much that Obama says, this characterization is delusional. National Journal published this map of the United States, by Congressional district, after the 2014 election. It can easily be seen that one of our parties is turning into a “shrinking island,” but it isn’t the Republicans:

Veteran NOPD officer shot
while driving to his father´s home
WWL-TV [New Orleans, LA], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:42:20 AM     Post Reply
NEW ORLEANS - A veteran NOPD officer was off duty and driving to his father´s home in an unmarked unit in the Desire neighborhood when an SUV pulled up alongside and fired into his vehicle, striking him in the neck. Police said 24-year veteran Derek Frick, who had recently been named a commander in the force, was shot in the neck. He was aided by bystanders and brought to University Medical Center where he was said to be in stable condition. "Doctors tell us that at this time they don´t think it´s life-threatening," said Mayor Mitch Landrieu. Police said they are looking for

End the Civil Rights
Commission’s Reign of Error
National Review Online, by John Fund    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:38:38 AM     Post Reply
Everywhere you look, someone is accusing governments of abusing the rights of people crossing their borders. The United Nations just accused the Czech Republic of human-rights abuses for holding migrants in “degrading” conditions. Last month, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights issued a report in which it demanded that illegal-immigrant families be released from detention centers. Conditions in the centers, the commission suggested, were worse than the abuse and persecution they had fled in their home countries. It demanded that Congress stop funding detention centers. If we know anything about the human-rights community, it’s that it often combines lofty idealism

Clinton paying a price now
for her 2012 Benghazi lies
Washington Examiner [DC], by Michael Barone    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/26/2015 4:35:13 AM     Post Reply
Nothing new there. Nothing to see here, time to move on for good. That was the attitude of most in the mainstream media to the 11-hour questioning of Hillary Clinton by the House Select Benghazi Committee. It was not the prevailing attitude, as I remember, to the hearings of the Senate Watergate Committee or the impeachment debate at the House Judiciary Committee (on whose staff Clinton served) 40-something years ago. Of course there were different motivations at work. In 1973 and 1974, many in the media wanted to see Richard Nixon disgraced and removed from office. In 2015, many in the media



Is There a Cure for Trumpophrenia?
PJ Media, by Roger L. Simon    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/26/2015 4:31:09 AM     Post Reply
I am not a schizophrenic (not yet anyway). But… I cannot tell a lie… I am a Trumpophrenic. Some of the time I really like the guy — especially when he mocks the asinine political correctness that has infected every inch of our nation from the mountaintops to the ships at sea. I’m also with him in a big way when he talks about reviving America and making her great again. Other times, when he acts like a kindergartner throwing mud pies at classmates, I want to bang my forehead on the desk until he goes away or at least retires permanently

Citizens are no longer
equal under Obama
Boston Herald, by Adriana Cohen    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/26/2015 4:29:13 AM     Post Reply
Disgraced former IRS chief Lois Lerner is enjoying her “Get Out of Jail Free” card care of the Obama administration. Who’s surprised she won’t face charges given the fact that most Americans believe the White House was in on allegations the IRS targeted Tea Party and conservative groups ?applying for nonprofit status? It gets worse. During the “investigation,” IRS head John Koskinen stonewalled big time, refusing to provide Congress with information including Lerner’s “missing” emails. Sound ?familiar? If Americans don’t see a pattern here — of obfuscation and obstruction — under the Obama administration, I have a bridge I want to sell you. “Lerner

EPA’s litigation merry-go-round
Washington Times, by Chance Weldon    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:24:29 AM     Post Reply
Property owners can rest easier these days knowing that filling a prairie pothole with sand miles away from any navigable water will probably not violate federal law under the Clean Water Act at least not for now. Recently, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a preliminary stay delaying the implementation of new regulations that dramatically expand the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate private property under the Clean Water Act. The stay remains in effect while the court determines whether it has jurisdiction to hear multiple states’ challenges to the new regulations. While the court mulls over the particulars

The myth at the heart
of Palestinias’ dilemma
New York Post, by David Kaufman    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/26/2015 4:19:56 AM     Post Reply
Of all the myths told about the Middle East, none has been maintained more strategically than the “myth” of the “State of Palestine.” It’s a myth that has inspired countless activist groups and funded billions in aid packages. It has frustrated generations of political leaders. Mostly, this myth has fueled cycle after cycle of deadly violence amid the Jews and Arabs bonded to the land between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea. “Statehood” propelled the Palestinians during the first two intifadas, when it aimed to overthrow the yoke of Israel’s occupation. And its eternal elusiveness has ignited days of rage once again

Hillary´s Worst Crime
Was Against the ´Filmmaker´
American Thinker, by Jack Cashill    Original Article
Posted By: DW626- 10/26/2015 4:18:49 AM     Post Reply
It would be as ethically bankrupt for the Democrats to nominate Hillary Clinton after Benghazi as it would have been for the Republicans to nominate Richard Nixon after the Watergate hearings. More bankrupt actually. No one died at Watergate, and the only people who went to prison were the ones who committed the crimes. At Benghazi, of course, four Americans died, and the
Icon for Post #134014

Another Hollywood idiot said something very idiotic, and the NYPD union is calling on his movies to be boycotted because of it. From the NY Post: The Patrolmen’s...

Icon for Post #134011

Pamela Geller found this video of Muslims taking over a street in Los Angeles in order to fulfill their daily prayers: Pretty remarkable. Of course, we’re called...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3pgogCpqt

CHQ In The News

Print Media

Here's the latest buzz in the media about ConservativeHQ.com and CHQ Chairman and author Richard Viguerie. Members of the media seeking interviews with Richard Viguerie, please call 703-392-7676.

  • Politico, April 17, 2014
    The GOP has been hijacked. That’s right, hijacked. Over the past 100 years, an elite progressive minority has taken the Republican Party far afield from its conservative platform and the interests and values of its grassroots conservative base.

    WND.com, March 30, 2014
    In “Takeover,” Viguerie – who in the 1960s and ’1970s pioneered the use of direct mail as a means for conservatives to bypass the liberal media – dares to name names when discussing the big-government Republicans waging the war on the tea party movement and other advocates of limited government. 

Washington Examiner [DC], by David M. Drucker    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/27/2015 1:14:56 PM     Post Reply
ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Ben Carson is such an unconventional candidate, it´s hard to tell sometimes if he´s running a real presidential campaign. The renowned pediatric neurosurgeon, a quasi-celebrity since retiring from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, at times adds to that impression with peculiar moves — like piggybacking a national tour to promote his latest book on top of his existing 2016 campaign schedule. The odd pairing forced Carson to spend several days fending off accusations that his presidential bid was but a front for selling books and padding his personal bank account. So it might surprise some Republicans to find out

Exclusive Pictures: ´I love them all -
plump, skinny, tall or short.´ John Wayne´s
insatiable love for the ladies, devotion
to his seven children and advice to President
Nixon revealed in personal letters and photos
Daily Mail (UK), by Caroline Howe    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/27/2015 12:48:33 PM     Post Reply
John Wayne is arguably the most iconic name in American film - more than an actor, he was a national treasure. Now the Wayne Family is sharing the star´s personal letters, telegrams, cards and never-before seen photos in Duke: In His Own Words, published by Media Lab Books. ´The guy you see on the screen isn´t really me,´ said Wayne. I´m Duke Morrison, and I never was and never will be a film personality like John Wayne. I know him well. I´m one of his closest students. I have to be I made a living out of him. ´I´ve found

South LA Religious Leaders
Want ‘Black Lives Matter’ To
Apologize For Alleged Pastor Threat
KCBS-TV [Los Angeles, CA], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 10/27/2015 12:38:30 PM     Post Reply
LOS ANGELES — A coalition of South Los Angeles religious and civil rights leaders gathered Monday to publicly denounce alleged threats made to a pastor by a group claiming to be affiliated with “Black Lives Matter.” Reverend Kelvin Sauls of Holman United Methodist Church in South L.A. along with the National Action Network and other groups are demanding an apology from Black Lives Matter after the group disrupted an appearance by Mayor Eric Garcetti last week and planned to protest a visit by the mayor to Sunday services. “Black Lives Matter acted like idiots,” said Najee Ali spokesman for the



Charlie Rose to Socialist Bernie
Sanders: Your Ideas Are ‘Not Radical’
Newsbusters, by Scott Whitlock    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/27/2015 12:37:29 PM     Post Reply
PBS host Charlie Rose on Monday night embraced many of Bernie Sanders’s positions and announced that the socialist’s positions are “not radical.” At first, the journalist suggested the Democratic candidate not use the label when campaigning: “I´m the first person trying to argue you away from the idea that you´re a socialist.” Rose told Sanders, “But you don´t believe that the state should control your life.” The senator began reciting his positions: “We need to make public colleges and universities tuition-free. We need to praise raise the minimum-wage to $15 an hour over the next few years.” (Video) Rose, who

How the FBI Could Derail Hillary
Clinton’s Presidential Run
Fiscal Times, by Liz Peek    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 10/27/2015 12:04:34 PM     Post Reply
James Comey – not Bernie Sanders -- is the biggest challenge to Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions, a prospect that should keep the former Secretary of State up at night. The fiercely independent head of the FBI is directing the investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email server and attendant issues raised during the Benghazi inquiry, which could lead to indictments of the former Secretary of State or her various aides. If the probe determines that Hillary or her aides mishandled classified information or obstructed justice, her campaign will likely collapse. (Hence, the rumored possibility that Joe Biden could still emerge

Liberal host: Clinton ´pathetic´ for
playing ´sexism´ card
Washington Examiner (DC), by Eddie Scarry    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 10/27/2015 12:02:45 PM     Post Reply
Mika Brzezinski, liberal co-host of MSNBC´s "Morning Joe," said Tuesday that it was "pathetic" for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to charge one of her opponents with sexism. Over the weekend, Clinton had referred the first Democratic debate two weeks ago, wherein her closest rival, Bernie Sanders, said that "all the shouting in the world" would not solve gun violence. "I´ve been told to stop, and I quote, shouting about gun violence," Clinton said at a campaign event on Friday. "Well, first of all, I´m not shouting. It´s just when women talk, some people think we´re shouting." On Tuesday, Brzezinski,

Court filings: ABC Liquor store employee
robs another ABC Liquor store
Tampa Tribune, by Elaine Silvestrini    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 10/27/2015 11:06:34 AM     Post Reply
TAMPA — An employee of the ABC Liquor Store on West Kennedy Boulevard called in to his workplace in April to let them know couldn’t come in because his mother was sick for several days. He didn’t tell his bosses the truth, according to court filings — that he was in the hospital after being shot in the hand while robbing another ABC Liquor Store at 3727 E. Hillsborough Ave. During the gunplay on April 19, the Kennedy Boulevard employee also shot two Hillsborough Avenue store employees in the face, according to federal court documents. Abdul Farid Naim Muhammad is scheduled to plead



Four brothers arrested in
Tampa gun shop burglary
Tampa Tribune, by Keith Morelli    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 10/27/2015 10:56:55 AM     Post Reply
TAMPA — Four brothers remained in jail Monday, charged in the theft of more than 40 handguns from a Tampa gun shop Thursday - but the firearms remain missing. Hillsborough County sheriff’s detectives received a tip on Saturday about the identities of the men who smashed through a concrete exterior wall at Shooting Sports, 7811 N. Dale Mabry Highway. Deputies worked through the night to arrest them, said sheriff’s Maj. Chad Chronister. “It was a very long weekend,” he said. “We received several tips. A lot were unfounded, but one came in that was viable. We were able to identify all four

How Do You Spell Apparent Fraud?
The Clinton Foundation, Shady
Accounting And AIDS
Byline.com, by Ken Silverstein    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 10/27/2015 9:34:59 AM     Post Reply
The Clinton Foundation has until November 16 to amend more than ten years’ worth of state, federal and foreign filings, but it’s going to be virtually impossible to do so without acknowledging that it has engaged in massive accounting fraud since its inception The Clinton Foundation has gotten a good deal of unflattering attention as of late, which isn’t surprising given that its best known namesakes are Bill, a former president and chronic philanderer, and Hillary, who hopes to be the nation’s next leader. Furthermore, the foundation portrays itself as do-gooder nonprofit organization but a cursory look reveals questionable and incomplete
The Donald vs. the Doctor
Boston Herald, by Chris Cassidy    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 5:22:37 AM     Post Reply
Donald Trump’s front-runner status is on the line during tonight’s Republican primary debate — as new polls show Ben Carson surging — setting up a high-stakes prime-time showdown between the brash billionaire and the mild-mannered neurosurgeon. “He’s going to come out guns-a-blazing on Ben Carson because that’s the person who poses the most immediate threat to him,” GOP strategist Ford O’Connell said of Trump. The reality TV star — who had projected an image of invincibility up to now — has suffered a series of setbacks in the last week, trailing Carson in three different Iowa polls and a national New

NY Times: Greenland Is Melting!
Daily Caller, by Michael Bastasch    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/28/2015 5:19:00 AM     Post Reply
Greenland is melting due to global warming and will raise sea levels 20 feet, according to an in-depth The New York Times article. The Times followed climate scientists on their quest to collect data from Greenland to help explain exactly what’s happening to the world’s second-largest ice sheet. “For years, scientists have studied the impact of the planet’s warming on the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets,” the Times reported. “But while researchers have satellite images to track the icebergs that break off, and have created models to simulate the thawing, they have little on-the-ground information and so have trouble predicting precisely how

Who wants to be “Willie Hortoned”
Power Line, by Paul Mirengoff    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/28/2015 5:12:44 AM     Post Reply
Willie Horton was an inmate at a Massachusetts corrections facility serving a life sentence for murdering a man when he received a weekend pass thanks to a prison furlough program maintained by then-governor Michael Dukakis over the objection of the state legislature. While out of prison, Horton twice raped a Maryland woman after pistol-whipping, knifing, binding, and gagging her fiancé. When Dukakis ran for president against George H.W. Bush, a PAC supporting Bush ran an ad about Horton’s release called “Weekend Pass.” The ad is thought to have damaged Dukakis’ election prospects. At that time and for years thereafter, Democrats complained that



To Die in an Unserious War
Commentary Magazine, by Max Boot    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 5:09:09 AM     Post Reply
Last week, Delta Force staged a raid inside Syria along with Kurdish Peshmerga to free prisoners held by the Islamic State. The operation reportedly freed 70 hostages, but resulted in the death of Master Sargent Joshua Wheeler, one of Delta’s storied “operators.” It was one of the few times in the past year that there was news of a Joint Special Operations Command raid against ISIS, coming after a May operation in which the “operators” (again, reportedly Delta) swooped into Syria to try to snatch an ISIS organizer and financier whose nom de guerre was Abu Sayyaf. That raid resulted

No to the Budget Deal
National Review Online, by Editors    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 5:06:36 AM     Post Reply
John Boehner said last month that he wanted to “clean the barn” for his successor as Speaker of the House. But his eleventh-hour budget deal is a pigsty-worthy mess. The speaker’s office is advertising the deal, struck Monday with Senate leaders and the White House, as a necessary debt-limit increase that will be offset by spending cuts and entitlement reforms. In reality, it is a “clean” debt-ceiling increase appended to a bill that effectively breaks the budget caps established by the Budget Control Act of 2011, the notorious “sequestration” that has proven about the only fiscal discipline of which Washington,

Bill Clinton’s Confession to Friend: ‘I
Thought DOMA Was Right at the Time’
Washington Free Beacon, by Alana Goodman    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 5:02:56 AM     Post Reply
Bill Clinton told a close friend in 1999 that he signed the Defense of Marriage Act because he “thought it was right at the time,” according to an audio recording obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The explanation contradicts Hillary Clinton’s recent comment that her husband signed the 1996 law banning same-sex marriage as a “defensive action” because he wanted to prevent gay marriage opponents from passing a constitutional amendment. Bill Clinton discussed DOMA with his close friend and biographer Taylor Branch in June 1999 and said he initially supported the law but was starting to have doubts, according to Branch’s contemporaneous

The Gowdy Committee as
Seen From the Left and the Right
American Spectator, by R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 4:55:32 AM     Post Reply
We are told that our political system here in Washington is “broken.” The left and the right do not get along, and usually it is because the right is obdurately partisan. Actually, it is not the political system that is broken. It is much wider than the political system. It is the political culture, that is to say: the politicians, the operatives, the financial supporters, and the voters (left and right). It is also the commentators, the reporters, the editors; in a word the media (left and right). The left-wing press sees things one way and reports on it. The



Liberal hero James Comey now the
enemy for telling the truth about cops
New York Post, by Michael Goodwin    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 4:52:03 AM     Post Reply
When James Comey threatened to quit the Bush administration over a wiretapping dispute, he was an instant liberal hero. The incident certainly impressed President Obama, who cited Comey’s “fierce independence” when he made him FBI director in 2013. But now that Comey is resisting Obama’s party-line claims about police brutality and mass incarceration, the White House is furious with him. Its chief propaganda arm, The New York Times editorial page, is harshly denouncing the man it praised for resisting Bush. Same Comey, same streak of independence, but now he’s goring the wrong ox. Thou shalt not contradict Dear Leader! Comey’s sin is that

Why Congress needs to keep
probing the Clinton cash register
Washington Times, by David N. Bossie    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 4:48:11 AM     Post Reply
Now that Hillary Clinton’s much anticipated congressional testimony is in the rearview mirror, the House Select Committee on Benghazi can move toward completing its investigation and issuing a final report. It’s also an appropriate time to urge standing congressional committees on both sides of the Capitol to press new investigations into a crony capitalism network the Clintons built inside the State Department. They ran a political cash register that blurred the lines between official government business and private enrichment and left behind many unanswered ethical questions. The blueprint for this shakedown machine is laid bare in emails that the group I

A Letter To Rand Paul: Stop Using
Fake Founding Fathers Quotes
Buzzfeed, by Andrew Kaczynski    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/28/2015 4:41:43 AM     Post Reply
Dear Sen. Rand Paul, Four months ago, we brought to your attention that your first two books contained several quotations incorrectly attributed to our founding fathers. In The Tea Party Goes to Washington, you write eloquently of the need to limit government, quoting Thomas Jefferson as saying, “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” But Jefferson never said this. In Government Bullies (an e-book best seller!), you argue against tyranny and oppression, quoting James Madison as saying, “If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will be in the guise of fighting

Amish man sues to buy firearm
without photo ID in gun rights,
religious freedom lawsuit
Washington Post, by Justin Wm. Moyer    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 10/28/2015 4:38:12 AM     Post Reply
Lately, Americans have argued both about their right to bear arms and whether the free exercise of religion allows businesses and state officials to claim exemptions from requirements that conflict with their religious beliefs. It’s not everyday, however, that the two issues, guns and religion, wind up together in a single case. In a suit that brings together the Second Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), an Amish man filed a federal lawsuit in Pennsylvania last week because he wants to buy a gun without the required photo ID — and because getting that photo ID would violate his


Donald Trump May Need New
Playbook Against Surging Ben Carson
NBC News, by Leigh Ann Caldwell    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/28/2015 4:35:38 AM     Post Reply
As polls show Ben Carson catching - and even surpassing - Donald Trump, the brash businessman´s attacks against his closest challenger have intensified. His remarks could backfire for being redundant, vague and hypocritical. While Trump has been known for direct and personal verbal lobs against his opponents in the campaign, this is the first time he has found himself faced with another outsider who has risen above him in some recent key polls. And his strategy so far has yet to have any impact on Carson as the former pediatric neurosurgeon has refused to take the bait. On MSNBC´s Morning Joe Tuesday,

Carly Fiorina, Presidential Candidate,
Available for Paid Speeches
Wall Street Journal, by Reid J. Epstein    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 10/28/2015 4:33:19 AM     Post Reply
Carly Fiorina is running for president – and also available for paid speaking gigs. The former Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO has “limited availability” for paid speeches, according to solicitations sent to prospective clients Tuesday morning by her Washington-based speaking firm, Leading Authorities Inc. “I wanted to send you a quick, private note about Carly Fiorina. Though she maintains an active campaign calendar, she has limited availability for speaking engagements,” two separate sales representatives from the speakers firm Leading Authorities, Inc., wrote to prospective clients Tuesday morning.
Hillary’s defense of VA: One too
many rides on the VRWC pony
Hot Air, by Ed Morrissey    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/28/2015 4:26:54 AM     Post Reply
In 2008, Hillary Clinton repeatedly found ways to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in her failed bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, losing to Barack Obama. In the intervening seven years, she has not improved much as a candidate. Immediately after winning pundit plaudits for surviving her appearance at the Benghazi hearing by shrugging off the investigation as nothing more than silly politics, Hillary then made the same argument about … the Veterans Administration wait-list scandal: She said the problem is real, but cautioned that “it’s not been as widespread as it has been made out to be” on

Lenny Dykstra proudly
claims he blackmailed umpires
New York Post, by Brian Lewis    Original Article
Posted By: Pluperfect- 10/28/2015 4:19:59 AM     Post Reply
Lenny Dykstra says his prodigious walk totals didn’t come from a great eye, but hiring great private eyes. The former Met told Fox’s Colin Cowherd that – in his effort to get a huge contract – he spent $500,000 to hire private investigators to turn up dirt on Major League Baseball umpires, and then used that intel

Marco Rubio Faces Attacks for Quitting Senate

When it was reported that Sen. Marco Rubio hated being in the U.S. Senate and was running for president because he was “frustrated” with how that chamber of Congress worked, it took me back to 2012, when I first caught wind of this frustration he had with the governing body in which he was elected to serve.


House Freedom Caucus Surrenders To Big Government As Rand Paul Plan...

The House Freedom Caucus has officially surrendered to big government by refusing to stand up against a debt-ceiling increase wrapped in the two-year budget deal.


Rubio: ‘Legitimate Issue’ That People Feel ‘Targeted’ By Police, Bu...

Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco Rubio argued that “there’s a legitimate issue in this country…with minority communities in general, that feel like they’re targeted or they have a bad relationship with local law enforcement,” but also criticized the White


Spring Valley High: Sheriff Says Video Shows Student Assaulting Off...

As the FBI and Department of Justice have been called in to investigate, new facts are still emerging in what Black Lives Matter activists have dubbed the #AssultAtSpringValleyHigh after videos of a Columbia, South Carolina, deputy forcibly removing a non-compliant student from a desk went viral after the Monday incident.


MSNBC ‘Hardball’ Panel: Trump Sexist, Carson’s Plan Nazi-Like, Huck...

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews and guests Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post, Michelle Bernard of The Bernard Center and Liz Mair, a Republican strategist, went after Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee for

Chris LaCivita/Twitter

Debate: RNC Gives Donald Trump Presidential Suite, Rand Paul Gets B...

BOULDER, Colorado—The RNC divided up workspaces for each of the GOP presidential campaign staffs during Wednesday night’s GOP primary debate hosted by CNBC in Colorado—but the workspace for each campaign wasn’t quite equal, according to one Republican political consultant.


Matthews, NYT’s Confessore: Hillary Will Claim Sexism On ‘Anything ...

MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews and New York Times Nick Confessore political reporter argued that Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s sexism claims against fellow Democratic candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) were “a cheap shot” and that Hillary will


MSNBC’s David Corn on Ben Carson: ‘Serious Issues About His Faith’

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” MSNBC analyst and Mother Jones DC editor David Corn called into question 2016 Republican presidential nomination contender Ben Carson for his faith, noting that he is a Seventh Day Adventist and said that particular denomination of Christianity

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Davi: Years of Leftwing ‘Indoctrination’ Paved Way for Socialist Be...

Years of purposeful, subversive leftwing indoctrination have made some Americans open to a radical socialist candidate like Bernie Sanders.

South Carolina

What Each Candidate Must Do at CNBC GOP Debate

On Wednesday evening, CNBC will host the third GOP debate. Here is what each candidate should do.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) heads to the floor for a vote following a GOP conference meeting in the U.S. Capitol October 26, 2015 in Washington, DC. The White House and House Republicans may be nearing a two-year budget deal, according to published reports, that would avert a government shudown, increase defense spending by $80 billion and extend the debt limit to March 2017, clearing it away until after the 2016 elections. ()

Exclusive — Rand Paul: If Paul Ryan Doesn’t Stop Budget Bill Now, F...

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, tells Breitbart News in an exclusive email interview that he thinks members of the House Freedom Caucus should consider withdrawing their previous support for a Speakership bid from Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) unless Ryan can stop the giant budget and debt ceiling deal that’s before Congress.


Savage: Black Lives Matter Protesters Are Obama’s Shock Troops, Lik...

Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” host of “The Savage Nation” radio talk show and author of “Government Zero” Michael Savage declared Black Lives Matter movement activists to be President Barack Obama’s shock troops, like Hitler’s Brown Shirts. Host Malzberg asked,


Carson: I Support Redistributing Education Dollars, But With Title ...

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson defended a prior statement calling for the redistribution of education funding in an interview broadcast on Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper,” but he maintained that he only supports Title I funding,




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