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Islamic Invasion of The United States of America! THIS IS NOT A DRILL, NOR A JOKE!


New comment] Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos)


New comment] Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos)


Creeping Sharia

4:13 PM (13 hours ago)
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Gingersnap_ (@Gingersnap_) commented on Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos).

in response to creeping:

…and New York…and things get bloody in Detroit. Diversity alert (and warning).  h/t Iron Burka Nashville, Tennessee Houston, Texas What has Ted Cruz been doing to protect the border and stop the influx of Muslims to Texas? It’s a top destination for illegals, legals and Muslim refugees. Detroit, Michigan – where it’s about to get […]

muslim pop increasing by astounding rates, Obama working feverishly to take away our guns, shariah laws are being passed simply by intimidating behavior toward the host nation. military being infiltrated and slowly dismantled, patriotic military generals fired and being replaced by “yes” men and those favorable to islamic direction; FBI and other agencies sworn to protect us from this very thing is backed up against the wall and diverting the truth by simply ignoring it. when you cant or aren’t allowed to even name your enemy, your enemy has won a huge victory. all that’s left is to admit it to yourselves. and behind all this are the over 30 czars Obama has which are accountable to NO ONE but Obama. we don’t even know what they are being paid. Obama hasn’t submitted one budget since hes been in office which is a DEMAND OF THE CONSTITUTION. why are the politicians letting him get away with this outrageous action and numerous others? every politician currently in office should be stripped of all pensions, and other benefits until and unless they start DOING THEIR JOBS and protect this nation from this INSIDIOUS CANCER = ISLAM

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Creeping Sharia

4:13 PM (13 hours ago)
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New comment] Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos)


New comment] Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos)


Creeping Sharia

4:13 PM (13 hours ago)
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Gingersnap_ (@Gingersnap_) commented on Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos).

in response to creeping:

…and New York…and things get bloody in Detroit. Diversity alert (and warning).  h/t Iron Burka Nashville, Tennessee Houston, Texas What has Ted Cruz been doing to protect the border and stop the influx of Muslims to Texas? It’s a top destination for illegals, legals and Muslim refugees. Detroit, Michigan – where it’s about to get […]

muslim pop increasing by astounding rates, Obama working feverishly to take away our guns, shariah laws are being passed simply by intimidating behavior toward the host nation. military being infiltrated and slowly dismantled, patriotic military generals fired and being replaced by “yes” men and those favorable to islamic direction; FBI and other agencies sworn to protect us from this very thing is backed up against the wall and diverting the truth by simply ignoring it. when you cant or aren’t allowed to even name your enemy, your enemy has won a huge victory. all that’s left is to admit it to yourselves. and behind all this are the over 30 czars Obama has which are accountable to NO ONE but Obama. we don’t even know what they are being paid. Obama hasn’t submitted one budget since hes been in office which is a DEMAND OF THE CONSTITUTION. why are the politicians letting him get away with this outrageous action and numerous others? every politician currently in office should be stripped of all pensions, and other benefits until and unless they start DOING THEIR JOBS and protect this nation from this INSIDIOUS CANCER = ISLAM

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Creeping Sharia

4:13 PM (13 hours ago)
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http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/79aa55d0e08c2d916e18d60e1e788658?s=60&..." height="60" width="60" class="CToWUd"/>

Gingersnap_ (@Gingersnap_) commented on Muslim processions take over Nashville & Houston (videos).

in response to creeping:

…and New York…and things get bloody in Detroit. Diversity alert (and warning).  h/t Iron Burka Nashville, Tennessee Houston, Texas What has Ted Cruz been doing to protect the border and stop the influx of Muslims to Texas? It’s a top destination for illegals, legals and Muslim refugees. Detroit, Michigan – where it’s about to get […]

muslim pop increasing by astounding rates, Obama working feverishly to take away our guns, shariah laws are being passed simply by intimidating behavior toward the host nation. military being infiltrated and slowly dismantled, patriotic military generals fired and being replaced by “yes” men and those favorable to islamic direction; FBI and other agencies sworn to protect us from this very thing is backed up against the wall and diverting the truth by simply ignoring it. when you cant or aren’t allowed to even name your enemy, your enemy has won a huge victory. all that’s left is to admit it to yourselves. and behind all this are the over 30 czars Obama has which are accountable to NO ONE but Obama. we don’t even know what they are being paid. Obama hasn’t submitted one budget since hes been in office which is a DEMAND OF THE CONSTITUTION. why are the politicians letting him get away with this outrageous action and numerous others? every politician currently in office should be stripped of all pensions, and other benefits until and unless they start DOING THEIR JOBS and protect this nation from this INSIDIOUS CANCER = ISLAM

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And we can't forget....And we can't forget this son

Probably right here in USA and compensated through Obama's largess with American Tax-Payer Dollars!  This underscores the progs definitions of their terms of "redistribution", 'social justice' (whatever that is)!

What this American Patriot Citizen Voter sees is a Traitor in the White House, In The Office of the Presidency (which, by his actions over the past 7 or so years, Barack Hussein Obama abandoned almost immediately after taking the Oath-of-Office For The First Time in a Private Ceremony during which a Quoran was used! The second time he took the oath-of-office, Bible & all, was just a dog & pony show for We The People to swallow as valid--all the while Obama's "hope and change" waiting in the wings to be slapped on We The People with invisible shackles, a Regulation Nation choking all possibility of success as a small entrepreneur, and fanciful invention of policies placing Islam and Muslims in "preferred status" groups, granting extraordinary preferential treatment in all matters!  While at the same time, providing "his people" with sufficient funds, aid, food, Military-Grade weaponry and Tactical Military Education to those who stand against The Republic of the United States of America, Her Allies, USA Military Personnel, both deployed and Stateside, as well as against American Law Enforcement Officers!


Each day, Obama is that much closer to naming Islam the official state religion of the USA using another number of executive orders' pens; and while it he at it, supplanting, or completely infusing Sharia Law, within The Laws of Our Republic!  Of course, much of it will probably not apply to those "exempted" like  some (this time) members of Congress, along with Obama himself and his family and some staff! All completely Unconstitutional, of course, but in his view The Constitution is nothing more than a dusty Euro-Relic, and one which he has disregarded upon usurping The Office of The Presidency of The USA!

Barack Hussein 'Osama bin' Obama deserves exactly this: swift capture, arrest, Charges of Treason, Prosecution and Sentencing, to the full extent of the Law of The Land, The Constitution! 

I may kid about the Bacon folks but you sure are right USA Kat and our leaders seem to be in cahoots with this infiltration or the very least helping it  along as well..To me that is treason because they are indoctrinating our children and in a small way some of the "public". In the meantime they are trying to change our laws and beliefs bit by bit with indoctrination...Americans need to wake up..

Read this, I took it from your link, now notice, this was in 2011 how far have they progressed :

Sharia Law taught at about 100 law schools in US accredited by Amer...

Just stumbled on this after posting, “Sharia’s creeping at the DC Bar,” just yesterday. It’s leaping. via Law professor representative of distinguished KU faculty / LJWorld.com.

KU has an impressive roster of distinguished professors, but the reason for pointing out Bhala is that his latest book has just been released and is sure to be a national and international bestseller at university law schools, as well as governmental centers, international bodies and military schools and training centers.

The book is titled “Understanding Islamic Law (Shari’a).” It is a 1,500-page, 50-chapter book that covers the history and religion of Islam as well as Shari’a. The book examines all of the specialty legal fields of Shari’a: banking, business associations, contracts, criminal, family law, inheritance, international law and property.

The book is the first comprehensive text written on this topic by a non-Muslim American law professor and, although it is a huge collection of information, it is written and presented in a way that is interesting, informative and easy reading for those outside the legal field.

Bhala says, “The book systematically compares and contrasts Islam and Islamic law not only with U.S. law, but also Catholic Christianity.” He adds that he hopes his book serves to expose a vast degree of common ground, highlight genuine distinctions, delineate authentic from inauthentic Islamic precepts and “thereby increase understanding.”

It’s doubtful the book could have been made available at a more important time. Islamic law is a hot and important topic.

Bhala says, “I enjoy teaching courses in two specialty fields: international trade law and Islamic law. My students, who come from around the world and represent many faith traditions, encouraged me to write a textbook on Islamic Law. This course is taught at about half of the 200 law schools in the United States accredited by the American Bar Association and many foreign law schools.” The book represents three years of research.

From earlier in the piece:

One such faculty member is KU professor of law Raj Bhala. The Rice Distinguished Professor teaches courses in Islamic law, international trade law and advanced international trade law.

The unassuming Bhala joined the KU faculty in 2003, coming from George Washington University. He is a graduate of Duke University and received master’s degrees from both the London School of Economics and Oxford University. He obtained his law degree with honors from Harvard University and then worked with the Federal Reserve in New York, where he twice was awarded the President’s Award for Excellence.



President Obama wants to flood this country with “Syrian refugees.” As most AT readers know, we should not admit a single one. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are in the dark about what’s going on and/or are so brainwashed by politically correct thinking they dare not acknowledge the truth. We need to keep chipping away at this gargantuan problem of Americans choosing stupidity over survival.

13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'

President Obama wants to flood this country with “Syrian refugees.” As most AT readers know, we should not admit a single one. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are in the dark about what’s going on and/or are so brainwashed by politically correct thinking they dare not acknowledge the truth. We need to keep chipping away at this gargantuan problem of Americans choosing stupidity over survival.

Any one of the reasons noted below should be sufficient to make the case as to why we must close our doors to Muslims pouring out of Islamic countries heading points West. But in case you encounter someone who is truly thick (and there are a lot of them out there), it’s always best to have several facts on hand.

  • They are not “refugees.” They are invaders; soldiers of Allah: What is unfolding is hijra, otherwise known as immigration jihad. It is written in the Quran and is a powerful strategy the Islamic world has used for many centuries to overwhelm nations and assert dominance. We must not allow our culture to be undermined and destroyed by increasing the population of Muslims in the United States. (See here, here, here, and here. See here for a book on the topic by Ann Corcoran.)
  • The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men: We are being invaded by an army of young fighting-age men from across the Islamic world. Muslim males often wreak havoc wherever they go, including disproportionately high levels of involvement with criminal activity, rape, threats against others, terrorism, and everything in between. We should not be importing a demographic of people who have a propensity toward violence. (See here, here, here, and here.)
  • We can’t vet these invaders: The FBI has stated we are unable to screen people leaving Islamic countries en route to the West. That should count for something. It’s madness to invite people into one’s home – one’s nation – when we know next-to-nothing about them. In addition, the FBI is stretched to its limit with nearly 1,000 ISIS investigations spanning all 50 states. We are doing a poor job of playing offense and we’re on the verge of losing our ability to play defense. That is a dangerous combination that will lead to increased violence against Americans. (See here, here, and here.)
  • The teachings of Islam are incompatible with Western civilization: Although the FBI can’t vet these invaders the way they would like to, they’re already sufficiently vetted because we know they will bring an ideology with them that is in direct conflict with our values. Islam is a totalitarian vision that seeks world domination. As in convert, pay the jizya tax, or die. As in the teachings of the Quran. As in what is unfolding across the Middle East and beyond. As in the death knell for any nation these conquerors infiltrate in relatively large (or even small) numbers. (See here, here, here, here, here, and here. List of jihad attacks in America, here, and here.)
  • Terrorists will be among them: The FBI has stated this will be inevitable – that terrorists will slip through. It has already been documented in Europe. We cannot afford to import terrorists. Not a single one. (See here, here, here, and here.)
  • Some invaders morph into jihadists: Many may not be terrorists. Yet. But plenty will undoubtedly become radicalized once they’re here. We know this from past history. We cannot risk importing one more person who may become a jihadist. (See here, here, here, and here.)
  • The number we admit will increase exponentially in a year or two: Once approved for refugee status invaders can petition to bring immediate family members. And they do. And not just one or two (though that would be bad enough), but often as many as eight family members. This increases the base number initially admitted dramatically from, for example, 200,000 (which is 200,000 too many) to nearly 2,000,000. (See here and here.)
  • Support for sharia law: More than half of Muslims in America want sharia law and 25% support violence against Americans who commit blasphemy against their religion and their prophet. The more Muslims we admit, the higher those already staggeringly high numbers will likely go. Sharia law conflicts with our Constitution. It makes no sense to import people who embrace an oppressive legal code that is not in line with our laws and our values, nor is it in our best interests to admit (more) people who feel justified in committing violent acts against Americans. (See here, here, here, and here.)
  • Lack of assimilation: Muslims in Western countries often form their own enclaves and do not assimilate. This is another way they assert supremacy and maintain Islamic values (such as they are) instead of adopting the values of the host country. It also increases the risk of developing no-go zones. It is not in our interest to admit people who prefer to live in insular communities, living life as if still in their native country. Assimilation is necessary to maintain our values and our identity as a nation. (See here, here, here, and here.)
  • There will be increased proliferation of mosques and Islamic schools: The more Muslims we admit, the more mosques and Islamic schools that will be built. More than 80% of mosques in the United States teach jihad and/or advance the idea of sharia law while many Islamic schools indoctrinate their students to distain non-believers. We cannot afford to have more Islamic institutions that teach hate and incite members to violence. In addition, mosques also double as military installations when the time is ripe. (See here, here, here, here, and here.)
  • Inbreeding: Half of the Muslim population worldwide is inbred because Mohammed married his cousin and stands as the model of the perfect man. Inbreeding deteriorates human genetics. We should not be importing people who are genetically compromised and who will continue to perpetuate inbreeding and genetic decline, including a baseline drop in average IQ currently 10-16 points below normal. (See here, here, and here.)
  • Disease: Many of these invaders have diseases, many of them contagious and life-threatening, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, cholera, typhoid, and HIV/AIDS among many others. There are also diseases unknown in the West. This demographic of people are also not inoculated against diseases we eradicated a long time ago, such as polio. We should not be admitting people into this country who will introduce and spread disease in society that will cost money to treat, and more importantly, that will cost American lives. (See here, here, here, here, here, and here.)
  • They will rely on the public dole: Many invaders from Islamic countries are uneducated and unemployable, if not also genetically damaged. A disproportionately high percentage of them will be dependent on a wide array of public assistance for all manner of things, including medical care, food, clothing, shelter, education, job training, transportation, child care, interpreters, and other goods and services. This dependence occurs, at the very least, during the initial period after their arrival. For many, independence is never attained. It makes no sense to import people who will siphon off huge sums of money from the public dole. (See here, here, here, and here.)

Each and every one of us must do all that can to educate others about this Islamic advance against the West and what it means for our future.




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