Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
Keep it going guys and gals...this is just what is needed....The biggest thing to overcome is the people with tea parties who only want their voice heard and no one else's...Like dogs they hike their legs and mark their territories..that is hard to overcome...Folks like that are in it for themselves and not their sad really..just like the sorry politicians who only care about their jobs and power...all about themselves...
each grass-roots organization is a very profitable revenue stream for those that run the organization. That is the main reason why each group wants to maintain its independence and control. When you have many smaller organizations having competing interests it is very difficult to have a coordinated central office. The plan sounds good but to organize this movement to be a broad coalition will be very difficult. Unions are organized so that the power and the revenues all flow to the top. That is why it works.
Kevin, DE, Jack,
You three have outlined and showcased the problems we face, in fact what all the various groups face. What we need to do is to overcome those factors and see if we can generate the same unity and focus that the movement had in 2009. If we don't get back to that point we will not be successful in what we want to see done in this nation. In short, we'll lose.
Realistically, we can't get the ("PERFECT") types we really want in office, and all of us will have to make some concessions. No, that is not the same as picking the lesser of two evils. It is making honorable choice compromises, and not one sided compromises either. It's taken the progressive socialists over a hundred fifty years to bring us to this point, how long do you think it will take us to return to the starting point? All we can do is to work to the best of our abilities and require the politicians to do the same. No one can ask for more than that.
It's not going to happen overnight, and many of us here now will have passed on due to old age before we see the endgame happening. That's all the more reason to keep fighting in what is destined to be a generational and possibly a never ending fight.
Sometimes we'll go forward, sometimes back, but we must never stop fighting even when the available candidates seem totally opposite of what we envision as the best for the job.
If we could figure out a way to vote for the one we want .In a private group vote through out the Tea Party groups and come up with a single Tea Party nominee that we all promise to get behind. This is democratic, and could be a pathway to unite behind one, rather than arguing about who is best. I am sure and confident that our Tea Party society will chose someone we can all feel good about. I think most of us would feel ok with this way of conducting Tea Party buisness .Hey, the first question asked in the Fox debate was by show of hands would support the other candidate who won. So it`s` really not that out of the ordinary . Unions intimidate their members to vote a certain way.It would put a real powerful punch in the Tea Party arsenal.
Bottom line: We are one Supreme Court Justice away from a defacto abolition of the U.S. Constitution. No more 2nd amendment rights; no more Freedom of Speech; No more religious freedom. We need to have political victories, but we also need to change the culture. Cases in point: Many movies today are but an excuse for a cinema of PORN. TV feels it must promote "diversity" by including homosexuals and other "protected" groups; hidden in dialogues and scripts is the culture of the left. We don't have to put our media in a Burka, but neither do we have to put up with a purported nation that is being OCCUPIED by a Socialist invader force. Conservatives have our culture. We need to subscribe to it, defend it, promote it, advance it and grow it. To do that we need our own media, our own journalists, our own writers, artists, and these need to be promoted and advanced and supported and financed. Many watch the "main stream media/TV, such as "American Idol." I tuned in some years ago to find one of the judges almost drooling over one of the contestants. That was a man nearly three times the contestant's age. And that was supposed to be a "family" show." Also, It is quickly becoming illegal to be a Christian. That trend must be reversed before all religions are declared illegal, as was the case in the Soviet Union: "...The USSR became the first state to have, as an ideological objective, the elimination of religion and its replacement with universal atheism. The communist regime confiscated religious property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in schools. The confiscation of religious assets was often based on accusations of illegal accumulation of wealth. The vast majority of people in the Russian empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designated areas were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. State atheism in the Soviet Union was known as gosateizm, and was based on the ideology of Marxism–Leninism. As the founder of the Soviet state, V. I. Lenin, put it: Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class. Marxist–Leninist atheism has consistently advocated the control, suppression, and elimination of religion. Within about a year of the revolution, the state expropriated all church property, including the churches themselves, and in the period from 1922 to 1926, 28 Russian Orthodox bishops and more than 1,200 priests were killed. Many more were persecuted..."
Because the U.S. is considered the "seat" of capitalism by Socialists it is targeted to be destroyed. The rest of the world will fall in line after it is gone. Socially and politically, it is almost gone, but that does not mean there cannot be a renaissance of Freedom. We get today from our politics, the farce of the illusion of participatory government. We elect candidates on the basis that they will stick to their platforms and yet they stab us in the back again and again. We need to "up" the stakes and the "ante." We need to aggressively politicize and raise the consciousness, and facilitate the mobilization into action of those who are "conservative, but yet do not participate in the political process. I am talking here about other than voting in primaries and in local and national elections. We cannot be a culture of bystanders and spectators. We must have, as our goals, that we include that one must get into action and contribute actively to our cause. It is already part of our culture, in that we are motivated to be productive, and this must extend into cultural and political action.
So are you ready? Are you ready?
Well, grab a handle of ability, willingness, and responsibility. We start here. We begin with the basis that WE can cause our destiny. We are not victims, nor do we submit or surrender. We must not recognize, acknowledge, or permit the right of anyone or anything to intervene, thwart, stop, or delay the result of any of our intentions in the accomplishment of our goals and purposes in any of the areas in which we endeavor, and we must assume full right of determination over those endeavors. We do understand, that some will have come through the social manifestation (the travesty, pretense, confusion, and lies) that is referred to as "culture, society, or civilization," but we stop the "buck" right here.
Here and now, YOU have the choice, of self determination, and the responsibility that emerges with it. You have the right and the responsibility to make a decision to take charge of your own Life and its associations and "adjacents." This is in contrast to the philosophical outlook that someone or something, other than yourself, is responsible for the condition you find yourself in today. We can end that here and now, and emancipate ourselves with a declaration that We (you) are the determining factor in your existence.
How do we form up a coalition? We start with an emancipation. And then we provide the means to enable, empower, and advance individuals and groups that will advance our culture and create the politic that will advance our cause and build a nation. That means establishing the basis and the platforms in order to enable the ability and power to organize and advance so that we can take and occupy territory... figuratively, but the physical territory will result from it... And that means that we have to aggressively go after and secure the resources and finances to be able to do what we need to do. This is already too long a message, so if you want details, email me at
In brief:
1. Recruit and get the "troops" needed.
2. Indoctrinate, train, and drill toward action
3. Create the strategic elements that are needed to achieve the goals of the group
4. Place the indoctrinated, trained and determined "troops" in the areas in #3.
5. Create the step by step actions needed to achieve goals into programs that result in targeted advancement.
6. PUSH the programs and "targets" to completion.
7. Acknowledge and reward accomplishments and reinforce successful actions.
As there are "casualties" then:
8. Correct unsuccessful actions.
9. Rehabilitate, renew and salvage resources (human or otherwise) and redirect into correct actions.
Adan Vance
You certainly have put some thought into it...
sounds like a military excercise?
no doubt
Oh, Dear God, looking at all the various replies, response to 'Proposal of A Tea Party Coalition' has my head in a tailspin!
Without losing my mind, I can, at least, calmly note and thank DE for her comment that it's "exhilarating"!
I wouldn't know a "ding-bat" ("weeping willows and Archie Bunker") from a 'plant' from an 'infilitrator' here or at any other tea party group with which I have associated myself!
The diversity of responses is good thing, I pray, responses and even plans of action, e.g., Vance's very plan, including the need to "emancipate" Tea Party Members!
Please excuse me if I cant attribute each point of view to the correct contributor!
It's goes from -- that's how it works; unions, just like!!!, 'training camps', and on and on, with the common theme being $$$$$! If you haven't seem the film "Cabaret" with Joel Gray and Liza Minnelli, this is a perfect time for you to see it!!! A "moving picture-a talkie even" is worth a thousand words!
"Cabaret" runs the gamete of all contained in the responses to "Proposal"!
One just popping up as RipVanW., might wonder if The Tea Party weren't just another member of the 'good ole boys club'--and that conclusion might well be on the money, all PUNS intended, Puns and sarcasm, cynicism !
See why we need to put "God" back in our schools and lives!
We, left to our own devices, will devour each other like cannibals, all the while, the evil lurking about every turn grows more powerful and cunning, daring, duplicitous, and, alarmingly, in our midst!
Caveat Emptor! Spelled wrong! U get the point!
Good Morning, God God Morning to all! Still Fighting for My ( and your) Liberty & Freedom!
God Bless America!!!
Why not set up an event in your local area between the groups you belong to where you can discuss how to help each other and plan strategy for mobilizing members to attend any protests that come up. You can use the add an event function on the main page to advertise it to our members and anyone who scans the site.
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