Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic
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Businessman Donald Trump (New York) |
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Former Governor Jeb Bush (Florida) |
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Dr. Ben Carson (Florida) |
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Governor Chris Christie (New Jersey) |
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US Senator Ted Cruz (Texas) |
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Former IRS Commissioner Mark Everson (Mississippi) |
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Businesswoman Carly Fiorina (Virginia) |
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Former Governor Jim Gilmore (Virginia) |
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US Senator Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) |
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Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida) |
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Governor Bobby Jindal (Louisiana) |
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Governor John Kasich (Ohio) |
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Former Governor George Pataki (New York) |
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US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky) |
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US Senator Marco Rubio (Florida) |
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Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania) |
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Republican candidates are railing against the media as untrustworthy and an arm of the Democrats during Wednesday’s CNBC GOP presidential debate.
Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), and Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) led the charge, pushing back against the moderators and lobbing bombs at the media.
“Democrats have the ultimate super-PAC, it’s called the mainstream media,” Rubio said to cheers from the audience as he referenced coverage of Hillary Clinton’s testimony to the House Benghazi Committee last week.
“She spent over a week telling the families of those victims and the American people that it was because of a video and yet the mainstream media is going around saying it is the greatest week in Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Rubio said.
“It was the week she got exposed as a liar.”
During that hearing, Clinton said that while the intelligence later proved the attack was coordinated by terrorists, she believes that the video and the protests it sparked across the Middle East “played a role.”
Cruz had ab applause line of his own when he blasted the moderators’ questions during the first half-hour of the debate.
“The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media. This is not a cage match,” he said when CNBC moderator Carl Quintanilla asked him about his stance on a major budget compromise making its way through Congress.
“You look at the questions; Donald Trump, are you a comic book villan? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kaisch, can you insult those two people over here. Marco Rubio, will you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?”
Donald Trump predicted his own distaste for the moderators before the debate even started with a tweet Wednesday morning that said that he’s “looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate.”
Trump mixed it up with CNBC moderator John Harwood when he asked whether Trump’s campaign promises amount to a “comic book version of a campaign.”
“It’s not a comic book and it’s not a very nice leading question,” Trump responded.
Rubio also took on the local media, specifically the Sun Sentinal, the Florida paper that called for his resignation over missing votes. He accused the paper of playing politics, noting that they endorsed then-Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and John Kerry for president in 2008 and 2004 respectively without mentioning their missed votes.
“It’s evidence of the bias that exists in the American media today,” Rubio said.
Many of the lower-polling candidates, including former Gov. Mike Huckabee (Ark.) and Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.), also swatted down the moderators when told their time was up, noting that many of the other candidates had been allowed to go over.
And Gov. Chris Christie (N.J.), known for his own brash personality, took issue with interruptions by moderators when he was answering a question on daily fantasy football.
“Do you want me to answer or do you want to answer?” he asked Harwood to cheers.
“I’ve got to tell you the truth, even in New Jersey what you are doing is called rude.”
It is about time that people start kicking the butts of these pompous ass talking heads.
Ben Carson defended his views on homosexuality Wednesday during the third Republican presidential debate, asserting that opposition to same-sex marriage did not connote homophobia.
Carson asserted that there was no contradiction between the two positions, telling Quintanilla that “obviously you don’t understand my views on homosexuality.”
The former surgeon went on to say that “I believe our Constitution protects everybody regardless of their sexual orientation. … I also believe that marriage is between one man and one woman [but] there’s no reason you can’t be fair to the gay community.”
Carson broadened that argument by saying that the implication of homophobia was “one of the myths that the left perpetrates on our society. This is how they frighten people and get people to shut up.”
October 28, 2015, 09:13 pm
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas won some of the biggest cheers of the first segment of the Republican presidential debate Wednesday with a vigorous attack on the media in general, and the CNBC moderators in particular.
Cruz, asked about the debt limit, diverted to assert that the questions posed in the first half-hour of the debate “illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media. This is not a cage match.”
The first-term senator went on the paraphrase what he argued were excessively hostile questions directed at a number of the other candidates on stage, including Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
“You look at the questions; Donald Trump, are you a comic book villan? Ben Carson, can you do math? John Kaisch, can you insult those two people over here. Marco Rubio, will you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen? How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?” Cruz asked, almost being drowned out as the audience in Boulder, Colo., loudly voiced its approval.
Cruz has been edging up in the poll ratings of late, now fifth in the national averages according to RealClearPolitics and fourth in early-voting Iowa. He is positioned as a potential conservative standard-bearer should Trump and Carson, the current front-runners, falter.
The Texas senator contrasted CNBC's questions with the ones posed to Democrats during their debate last week, where he said "every fawning question" was about which of the candidates was "more handsome and wise."
"The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense than every participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks."
Attacks on the media often benefit Republican candidates, as former Speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.) proved in the 2012 race.
Cruz’s remarks appeared to score big with the audience beyond the hall as well.
Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who is running a focus group of debate-watchers, said that the comments caused the dials measuring approval to hit 98. “That’s the highest score we’ve ever measured. EVER,” Luntz tweeted.
The Texas senator’s remarks also found sympathy in a more unlikely quarter. Left-leaning TV talk show host Bill Maher tweeted: “oh my god did i just hear Ted Cruz say something awesome that i agree with? Yes. The media is even stupider than the pols.”
by AWR Hawkins28 Oct 20150
His statements on gun free zones came in response to a question from debate moderator Carl Quintanilla, regarding the fact that part of Trump’s reaction to the Umpqua Community College attack was to point out that the college was a gun free zone. Trump and Quintanilla bantered back and forth regarding the fact that Trump has a permit to carry a gun in New York, and Trump explained that he does not always carry but he likewise does not broadcast when he is carrying in order to keep the element of surprise.
Trump then seized on gun free zones and suggested that would-be attackers literally “look around” for such zones, so as to find to victims who cannot defend themselves; cannot shoot back.
He segued from the danger of gun-free zones in general to gun-free military bases by calling attention to the four Marines and one Sailor who were gunned down in cold blood in Chattanooga on July 16 of this year. He spoke of how “highly decorated” two of the victims were and spoke to the absurdity of the fact that “they weren’t allowed–on a military base–to have guns.”
Trump stressed that the Chattanooga gunman was able to kill them because they were unarmed. He added, “If they had had guns, [the attacker] wouldn’t have been around very long.”
He summarized his position thus: “I think gun free zones are a catastrophe. They are feeding frenzy for sick people.”
by Matthew Boyle28 Oct 2015BOULDER, Colorado7
“I’ve endorsed Donald’s 15 percent corporate tax rate many times,” Kudlow told Breitbart News in a brief interview during a commercial break.
I don’t know all the details about his entire tax program, it’s certainly moving in the right direction lowering rates but specifically on the 15 percent corporate tax rate I have argued for it for several years. And by the way, I happen to think it would grow the economy, attack capital from all over the world—China’s at 25, we’d be at 15, it would easily pay for itself. Easily. I believe it would lower the deficit. Again, I can’t speak for the whole plan—I can speak for the 15 percent corporate tax rate. He’s spot on. And I’m honored that he mentioned me. Honored.
Kudlow’s comments to Breitbart News come after an exchange in the opening part of the CNBC debate here where co-moderator John Harwood asked Trump extraordinarily contentiously about his tax plan.
“Mr. Trump, you’ve done very well on this campaign so far by promising to build a wall and make another country pay for it, send 11 million people out of the country, cut taxes $10 trillion without increasing the deficit, and make Americans better off because your greatness would replace the stupidity and incompetence of others,” Harwood opened the debate by asking Trump. “Let’s be honest. Is this a comic book version of a Presidential campaign?”
In Trump’s response he cited Kudlow’s previous praise of his tax plan.
“It’s not a comic book, and it’s not a very nicely asked question, the way you say that,” Trump said.
Larry Kudlow, as an example, who I have a lot of respect for, loves my tax plan. We are reducing taxes to 15 percent. We’re bringing corporate taxes down, bringing money back in, corporate inversions. We have $2-1/2 trillion outside of the United States, which we want to bring back in. As far as the wall is concerned, we’re going to build the wall, we’re going to create a border. We’re going to let people in, but they’re going to come in legally. They are going to come in legally. And it’s something that can be done, and I get questioned about that. They built The Great Wall of China. That’s 13,000 miles.
Here, we actually need a thousand, because we have natural barriers. So we need a thousand. We can do a wall. We’re going to have a big, fat beautiful door right in the middle of the wall. We are going to have people come in, but they are coming in legally. And Mexico is going to pay for the wall, because Mexico — I love the Mexican people, I respect the Mexican leaders, but the leaders are much sharper, smarter and more cunning than our leaders. And just to finish, people say, Oh, how are you going to get Mexico to pay? A politician — other than the people on this stage. I don’t want to insult — a politician cannot get them to pay. I can. We lose. We have a trade imbalance of $50 billion.
From there, Harwood followed up by asking Trump specifically about his tax plan. “I talked to economic advisors who have served presidents of both parties,” Harwood asked. “They said that you have as much chance of cutting taxes that much without increasing the deficit as you would of flying away from that podium by flapping your arms around.”
Trump again cited Kudlow in his response.
“Then you have to get rid of Larry Kudlow, who sits on your panel, who is a great guy, who came out the other day and said, ‘I love Trump’s tax plan,’” Trump said.
Looks like Kudlow confirms: He agrees with Trump, and Harwood may been out of line in those questions.
Jim Hoft Oct 28th, 2015 8:42 pm 10 Comments
CNBC host Carl Quintanilla went after Dr. Ben Carson tonight at the GOP debate after a company used his image without his permission.
And he was loudly booed for it!
Dr. Ben Carson: That’s easy. I didn’t have involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society…
CNBC reporter Quintanilla: To be fair you were on the homepage of the website with the logo over your shoulder.
Dr. Carson: If somebody put you on their website they did it without my permission.
Quintanilla: Does that not speak to your vetting process or judgement in any way?
What a hack.
Jim Hoft Oct 28th, 2015 9:03 pm 10 Comments
Governor Mike Huckabee tonight defended businessman Donald Trump and bashed the Clinton machine saying:
“I’m the only guy who spent a lifetime fighting the Clinton machine in every election I was ever in over the last 26 years… Not only did I fight them and win ‘I lived to tell about it’ and I’m standing on this stage.
Jim Hoft Oct 28th, 2015 10:12 pm 226 Comments
Sean Hannity slammed CNBC debate moderators tonight after the very biased debate in Boulder, Colorado.
BOZELL: Forum Was an ‘Encyclopedic Example of Liberal Media Bias’…
Sean Hannity closed his debate analysis with this:
You know I got to tell you something. Between the comments of Ted Cruz tonight, and the comments of Marco Rubio tonight and the comments of Chris Christie tonight and the comments of Mike Huckabee tonight, you know, I’m looking at The Drudge Report and “The debate was an encyclopedic example of liberal media bias.” You know what? This is going to go down in history as a really bad night for the media.”
MSM needs to be outed over and over AND their puppet masters. Their BS needs to stop!
by Alex Swoyer28 Oct 2015Boulder, CO42
BOULDER, Colorado — GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s spokesperson Deana Bass told Breitbart News that fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump was right – CNBC planned to have a much longer debate until Trump and Carson negotiated it down to two hours, despite CNBC’s John Harwood arguing the debate was always going to be only two hours.
“It was going to be much longer,” Bass told Breitbart News after the GOP debate in the media spin room, affirming Trump’s statement in his closing remark.
In Trump’s closing statement at CNBC’s “Your Money, Your Vote: The Republican Presidential Debate,” he said, “We don’t win,” referring to America’s stature on the world stage.
Let me give you one quick example, these folks – CNBC – they had it down to three, three and half hours… I went out and said it’s ridiculous nobody – I could stand up here all night – nobody wants to watch three and a half or three hours. It was a big sacrifice and I have to hand it to Ben. We called Ben. He was with me 100 percent. We called in, we said that’s it – we’re not doing it. They lost a lot of money. Everybody said it couldn’t be done. Everybody said it was going to be three hours, three and a half – including them – and in about two minutes, I renegotiated it down to two hours, so we can get the hell out of here…and I’ll do that with the country. We will make America great again.
But Harwood challenged Trump arguing, “Just for the record, the debate was always going to be two hours.”
Trump fired back, “That’s not right. That is absolutely not right, you know that – that is not right.”
The Trump-Carson alliance continued after the debate, when Trump appeared on CNN and was asked about Carson. Trump said, “I have a lot of respect for him, I like him.”
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