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Abundance of riches in the republican debate... THEY HANDED CNBC THEIR REAR END ON A BARBED WIRE PLATTER LOL and other good info...;)

Donald Trump: Gun Free Zones Provide ‘Target Practice for the Sickos’

During the October 28 Republican debate in Boulder, Colorado, presidential hopeful Donald Trump criticized gun free zones as being “target practice for the sickos and for the mentally ill.”

Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, October 28, 2015 at the Coors Event Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado. AFP PHOTO/ ROBYN BECK

Exclusive — Larry Kudlow On Donald Trump’s Corporate Tax Plan: He’s...

“I’ve endorsed Donald’s 15 percent corporate tax rate many times,” Kudlow told Breitbart News in a brief interview during a commercial break.

I don’t know all the details about his entire tax program, it’s certainly moving in the right direction lowering rates but specifically on the 15 percent corporate tax rate I have argued for it for several years. And by the way, I happen to think it would grow the economy, attack capital from all over the world—China’s at 25, we’d be at 15, it would easily pay for itself. Easily. I believe it would lower the deficit. Again, I can’t speak for the whole plan—I can speak for the 15 percent corporate tax rate. He’s spot on. And I’m honored that he mentioned me. Honored.” Kudlow’s comments to Breitbart News about Trump come after an exchange in the opening part of the CNBC debate here where co-moderator John Harwood asked Trump extraordinarily contentiously about his tax plan.


Watch: CNBC Anchor Booed for Question Aimed at Carson

Wednesday at the CNBC Republican presidential debate, when moderator Carl Quintanilla questioned Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson over a company for which he gave paid speeches, the audience disapproved by loudly booing the anchor. Quintanilla  asked, “This is a company


Rubio: Media Is Hillary’s Super PAC

Florida Senator Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio dubbed the mainstream media Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s super PAC at Wednesday’s part two GOP presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio stated, “The Democrats have the super PAC. It’s

Donald Trump

GOP Debate: Trump Did Call Rubio ‘Zuckerberg’s Personal Senator’

Donald Trump was doing well at the GOP Debate on Wednesday evening until a blunder in which he claimed not to have called Marco Rubio “Mark Zuckerberg’s personal senator.”


Bill Maher Celebrates Ted Cruz Fight with CNBC Debate Moderators

After Sen. Ted Cruz lashed out against the Republican debate moderators at CNBC, Comedian Bill Maher celebrated on Twitter.


Rubio Accuses Sun-Sentinel Of Bias, Spars With Jeb Over Voting Record

Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco Rubio defended his voting record while accusing the South Florida Sun Sentinel of bias and sparring with fellow candidate former Florida Governor Jeb Bush at Wednesday’s Republican part two presidential debate on CNBC. Rubio, in

tedc r

Cruz Scolds CNBC Anchors: Ask Questions About ‘Substantive Issues’

Wednesday at the CNBC Republican presidential debate, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) scolded the anchors of the debate for asking only inflammatory questions saying, “Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary.” Cruz


Watch: Trump, Kasich Spar Over Taxes, Lehman Brothers

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ohio Governor John Kasich got into a confrontation over taxes and Kasich’s time at Lehman Brothers at Wednesday’s Republican part two presidential debate on CNBC. Kasich said, “I’m the only person on this stage


CNBC’s Harwood to Trump: ‘Is This A Comic Book Version of the Presi...

Wednesday at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood asked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, “Is this a comic book version of the president?” Harwood said, “Mr. Trump, you have done very well in this campaign so


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You betcha SA...and his  criminal injustice dept....I was sooo proud of the repubs on that stage....any one of them would be 10,000 times better POTUS than the lawless criminal satan serving communist dems....would be

Well to me the moderators sure left a lot to be desired!!!!   The questions asked were pathetic much like what is going on in our Country today, a lot of nothing!!!  Hot Air, and Rhetoric.. My opinion of course.

LOL..grea one Kathyet.......Hillary's super pac....

And today the evil one in the WH released 6000 prisoners.  He will only escalate his war on the USA for the next 14 mos.  If we don't put a true Conservative in the WH, then we are a doomed nation. This TPP deal he is pushing thru is really about subverting the Constitution once again. This is really making us a clone of Europe.  Can anyone say NWO?

My picks are favorite Ted Cruz.  Anyone the establishment hates is aces in my book.  However, I will accept Trump/Cruz.  Christie would be a good AG.  Carson might be a good pick for Surgeon General.  As far as Bush, Fiorina, Kasich go, it will be fine when they are gone.  I cannot stand Kasich. 

It is still too early to tell.  To be honest, I don't like to listen to the news much nowadays other than to be kept abreast of what is happening.  But I refuse to look at Haglery, Pelosi, Reid, Obama and Wasserman-Schultz.  I regurgitate at the sight of them.

Hey SA..Been cooking Thanksgiving and a pre thanksgiving meal for the last 2 days Chichen pies and today dressing....some are going to the beach house for thanksgiving and some from out of town coming in for thanksgiving with me..cooking enough for both to freeze....I barely know if the world has come to an end or not...at this point...I love the Cruz Missle best of all ..that said....trump will do a good job as well...Gentle Ben needs to be surgeon General...Brilliant but too slow and no fighter....NWO...Yes he is paving the way for it....I agree those should go...I always love to hear from you..SA..WE are total right wingers....LOL

Hey Kathyet...The old wicked witch of the  West...LOL...I am naughty I call  her the old whore of Babylon....I was in Loews awhile back and a salesman in I were talking about her and we soon had a fan club gathering around us...Bama is Conservative to the core..so they are always ready for a   Hillary Bahinng....

GOP candidates to exclude RNC from talks about changing debates: report

Getty Images
Republican presidential campaigns will meet together to discuss changing the debate process this weekend and will not include representatives from the Republican National Committee (RNC), Politico reported Thursday evening.
The news comes after a series of complaints about Wednesday’s presidential debate hosted by CNBC. Candidates complained during and after the event about the network and the debate moderators.
The weekend confab is being organized by the campaigns of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Politico reported. 
The campaigns of Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.), as well as Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee, are expected to participate as well.
The report added that the campaigns feel the RNC has not prioritized the candidates in the debate process. The discussion will center on structuring upcoming debates.
During Wednesday’s debate, candidates repeatedly sparred with moderators John Harwood, Becky Quick and Carl Quintanilla over their questions.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) accused the hosts of pitting the candidates against each other in order to promote a “cage match,” and Rubio slammed a question about his “maturity.” 
After the event, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus criticized CNBC, saying it “should be ashamed of how this debate was handled.”
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush added: “They didn’t control the debate, plain and simple. It was not a fair debate in that regard.”
The next debate, on Nov. 10, will be hosted by Fox Business Network.
Maybe they need to talk about how different things will be if they get elected, oh wait that won't happen because nothing will change!!!! What is INSANITY, doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result!!!! DUHHHHH  That is one of the reasons I like TRUMP he isn't afraid to say what he thinks and he is beholden to anyone.. So Far at least he isn't....

Kathyet...I detest the RNC..this has been a long time coming.....It is a disgrace that our debates are always in the hands of flaming  Liberals and  the dem debates are in the hands of flaming  liberals  ....always...Thank God that the Candidates are taking this into their own hands....finally Cruz and Trump are calling a halt to it...I want to see Hannity and Rush etc..moderating  in our debates...High time I say!!....Thank yo so much for posting that ned to know info here....You are a good Patriot and you find lots of interesting stuff...God bless you...:)

Troll season is upon us and I found this piece by a fine gentleman on another tea part forum..good info from s good conservative........

"The subject of “trolls” has been on my mind recently.  I knew what they were, basically, but wasn’t aware that their activities are often coordinated and sometimes professional, that is, that they are paid.  This was brought to my attention by a friend who told me that another friend had told him that in Washington, there is an organization working for both Republicans and Democrats, whose job it is to surf conservative sites and social media to counter material or opinions considered to be damaging to the ruling class.  I didn’t find any evidence of such an organization, but given that the networks have lost so much of their former clout to online media, media out of their control, I can’t say that I would be surprised to find out that such an organization did in fact exist.  I did, however, learn more about trolls and came upon one place where someone claimed to be one of the “professionals”.  He did not give his name, so not sure it’s at all credible.  I’ll provide the link so you can decide for yourself. http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread738780/pg1

Another item I found was from The American Thinker, which I believe is a fairly reliable source.  They discussed an episode where a Democrat activist lied about having enrolled in Obamacare shortly after it was launched, at a time when no one was having any success in doing so.  The news media picked it up without questioning it, but when someone did question it, it was found to be a lie.  The man eventually admitted that an organization paid him quarterly to do such things online. http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2013/10/confirmation_of_paid_democrat_trolls.html

From there I went to WorldNetDaily, another source I believe to be credible in most things, especially when they are reporting on their own efforts to root out trolls on their site.

The following is a quote from their article: “Trolls appear to perform a “disinformation” function typical of counter-intelligence efforts by intelligence agencies to confuse political enemies and refute or deflect opposing political views that are less susceptible to refutation by more traditional methods of debate and argumentation.”   

They went on to note ( the italics are mine)  ““Typically, trolls operating on WND forums attempt to defend Obama by posting specious and diversionary arguments with the goal of changing the subject and obscuring topics that could damage Obama, such as his birth records, life narrative, political history and policy preferences, including his current positions as president.”  Of course, they wrote this in relation to Obama, but it applies to all conservative commentary.  Other characteristics of trolls they identified as follow:

“Particularly offensive is the proclivity of trolls to use obscene or blasphemous language mixed with personal invective.”

“Dominating discussions. Trolls may attempt to throw a discussion off course and frustrate participants whose purpose is to engage in a serious and respectful exchange of views.”

“Raising straw-man arguments. Here a troll will accuse his opposition of subscribing to a certain point of view, even if the argument is irrelevant and never actually raised.”

They also mentioned that they seldom or never use their real names and that when banned from the site, will re-register under a new, false name.

Another source cites frequent targets as the following (again, my italics):  “Hot-button issues like illegal immigration, the two-party political system, the “war on terror” and even alternative medicine are among the most common targets of such attackers, known as internet “trolls” or “shills,”  http://www.infowars.com/yes-there-are-paid-government-trolls-on-soc...

I’ve experienced all of this in the comments on my posts.  But as WND noted, trying to excommunicate them is usually fruitless because they’ll just re-register under a new false name.  So, now that I’ve been educated on trolls, I’ll be looking out for them here.  Maybe this will be helpful to many of the readers here at TPN.  Here’s a link to the article if you’re interested: http://www.wnd.com/2012/11/leftist-trolls-in-ongoing-war-with-wnd/"

Good info and many of them call themselves principled Conservatives..their end game is to disgust you to the point of not voting in this election...they say..why bother when noting will ever change...The know how disgusted we all are with DC and they are here to take advantage  of our disgust..The difference in us and the trolls it that wer are voting out the dems, God willing, and can't be persuaded not to vote or do a throaway vote................

Icon for Post #134361

Paul Begala sneered through a CNN appearance where he challenged the GOP candidates by saying his pro-Hillary superPAC would actually pay for an “unfettered”...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3q6hHkswk

Icon for Post #134393

In a really good segment on the absurdly insulting and snide questions asked during the CNBC debate, Megny Kelly compares them to the serious questions asked to Dems...




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