We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

syrian refugees

Since President Obama wants to bring the world’s problems into this country, those 10,000 Syrian refugees will need a place to go. Here’s the list of 180 cities where they might end up.

The Hayride reports:


Go here to view list:

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory by zerohedge

US Refugee Public Affiliate Directory

Is your city on the list?




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


A new report by the Center for Immigration Studies found there is a record 42.1 million Americans in the United States today.

Democrats need the new voters–
42 million

The Washington Examiner reported:

A new analysis of legal and illegal immigrant counts by the Census Bureau revealed Thursday that there is a record 42.1 million in the United States, an explosion that is being driven by Mexicans flooding across the border.

In a report provided to Secrets by the Center for Immigration Studies, the total immigrant population surged 1.7 million since 2014. The growth was led in the last year by an additional 740,000 Mexican immigrants.

The 42.1 million tabulated by Census in the second quarter represent over 13 percent of the U.S. population, the biggest percentage in 105 years.

What’s more, the numbers of immigrants coming and going from the U.S. is actually higher since many return home every years, said the report. “For the immigrant population to increase by one million means that significantly more than one million new immigrants must enter the country because some immigrants already here return to their homeland each year and natural mortality totals 250,000 annually,” said the Center.

Then there’s this– 80% of California illegal immigrant families live in poverty and need government assistance.




There is an enormous number of Americans who have been harmed by the criminals who pass through the nation's open borders.

View victims here:


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Just Who is George Soros & How Does He Affect American Politics?

Who is George Soros? Well, we could dive in and tell you all there is to know about this man, but that would become a book with all that he is involved with, including having his hands in the back pocket of President Barack Obama! (See below!)

"In December of 2006, Soros, who had previously hosted a fundraiser for Obama during the latter's 2004 Senate campaign, met with Obama in Soros's New York office. Just a few weeks later—on January 16, 2007—Obama announced that he would form a presidential exploratory committee and was contemplating a run for the White House. Within hours, Soros sent the senator a contribution of $2,100, the maximum amount allowable under campaign-finance laws. Later that week, the New York Daily News reported that Soros would support Obama rather than Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, though Soros pledged to back the New York senator were she to emerge as the nominee. But it was clear that Soros considered Obama to be the more electable candidate of the two. Most importantly, Obama's economic and political prescriptions for America were wholly accordant with those of Soros.

For an in-depth look at the shared agendas of Soros and Obama, click here."

This is very interesting to say the least, and if one tracks information back far enough, they will find that Obama was on the board of directors of at least one group "bought and paid" for by George Soros. So the connections are there, but one just has to dig to find them! There is so much to show about this old man and what he has done so far that has nearly destroyed our United States! But let us show you just where he originated from as a beginning.

George Soros was born to Tividar and Erzebat Schwartz, non-practicing Jews, in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930. Tivadar was an attorney by profession, but the consuming passion of his life was the promotion of Esperanto—an artificial, "universal" language created during the 1880s in hopes that people worldwide might be persuaded to drop their native tongues and speak Esperanto instead—thereby, in theory at least, minimizing their nationalist impulses while advancing intercultural harmony. In 1936, Tivadar changed his family surname to Soros—a future-tense Esperanto verb meaning "will soar."

When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944, Tivadar decided to split up his family so as to minimize the chance that all its members would be killed together. For each of them—his wife and two sons—he purchased forged papers identifying them as Christians; paid government officials to conceal his family's Jewish heritage from the German and Hungarian fascists; and bribed Gentile families to take them into their homes. As for George in particular, the father paid a Hungarian government official named Baumbach to claim George as his Christian godson, "Sandor Kiss," and to let the boy live with him in Budapest. One of Baumbach's duties was to deliver deportation notices to Hungary's Jews, confiscating their property and turning it over to Germany. Young George Soros sometimes accompanied the official on his rounds. Many years later, in December 1998, a CBS interviewer would ask Soros whether he had ever felt any guilt about his association with Baumbach during that period. Soros replied: "… I was only a spectator ... I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt."

Soros today recalls the German occupation of Hungary as "probably the happiest year of my life." "For me," he elaborates, "it was a very positive experience. It's a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you and the fact you are in considerable danger yourself. But you're fourteen years old, and you don't believe that it can actually touch you. You have a belief in yourself. You have a belief in your father. It's a very happy-making, exhilarating experience."

In 1947, the Soros family relocated from Hungary to England, where George attended the London School of Economics (LSE). There, he was exposed to the works of the Viennese-born philosopher Karl Popper, who taught at LSE and whom Soros would later call his "spiritual mentor." (George Soros, Underwriting Democracy (1991), p. 170)

Though Soros never studied directly under Popper, he read the latter's works and submitted some essays to him for review and comment. Most notably, Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies introduced Soros to the concept of an "open society," a theme that would play a central role in Soros's thought and activities for the rest of his life.

The term "open society" was originally coined in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Louis Bergson, to describe societies whose moral codes were founded upon "universal" principles seeking to enhance the welfare of all mankind—as opposed to "closed" societies that placed self-interest above any concern for other nations and cultures. (David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 67) Popper readily embraced this concept and expanded upon it. In his view, the open society was a place that permitted its citizens the right to criticize and change its institutions as they saw fit; he rejected the imposed intellectual conformity, central planning, and historical determinism of Marxist doctrine. (Nicola Chalton, ed., Philosophers: Extraordinary People Who Altered The Course Of History (2008), p. 159) By Popper's reckoning, a society was "closed"—and thus undesirable—if it assumed that it was in any way superior to other societies. Likewise, any belief system or individual claiming to be in possession of "ultimate truth" was an "enemy" of the open society as well. Popper viewed all knowledge as conjectural rather than certain, as evolving rather than fixed.

Thus, by logical extension, Popper did not share the American founders' confident assertion that certain truths were "self-evident," and that certain rights—such as the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," as referenced in the Declaration of Independence—were "unalienable" and thus not subject to doubt, because they had been granted to mankind by the ultimate authority, the "Creator." We shall see that George Soros, as he grew to maturity, would likewise reject the founders' premise. Indeed Soros would harbor great disdain for modern-day American political figures who displayed unshakeable confidence in their own culture's nobility, and who embraced the tenets of the Declaration and the U.S. Constitution as timeless, immutable truths. To Soros, "Popper's greatest contribution to philosophy" was his teaching that "the ultimate truth remains permanently beyond our reach." (George Soros, The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004), p. 193)

We have only scratched the surface of this man and what he does to entire nations with the networks he has set up, a few many may have heard of and a few some may think of as being purely fictional. We are going to skip a lot of what is in the middle of this man's life and get right down to what he has been engaged in the past few years. Let us begin by showing just a couple of the places that this man has an interest in!

Again, from Discover the Networks:

"Organizations that support socialized medicine in the United States:

  • Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is a vast network of organizations supporting, ideally, a "single-payer" model where the federal government would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S. healthcare system. During the political debate over "Obamacare" in 2009 and 2010, HCAN's strategy was to try to achieve such a system incrementally, first by implementing a "public option"—i.e., a government insurance agency to "compete" with private insurers, so that Americans would be "no longer at the mercy of the private insurance industry." Because such an agency would not need to show a profit in order to remain in business, and because it could tax and regulate its private competitors in whatever fashion it pleased, this "public option" would inevitably force private insurers out of the industry. In August 2009, Soros pledged to give HCAN $5 million to promote its campaign for reform.

Organizations that strive to move American politics to the left by promoting the election of progressive political candidates:

Organizations that promote leftist ideals and worldviews in the media and the arts:

In May 2011, the Media Research Center reported that from 2003-2001, Soros had spent more than $48 million "funding media properties, including the infrastructure of news -- journalism schools, investigative journalism and even industry organizations." Among the beneficiaries of Soros's money were such entities as: NBC, ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Columbia Journalism Review, ProPublica, the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting, The Lens, the Columbia School of Journalism, the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Organization of News Ombudsmen, National Public Radio, the Pacifica Foundation, The American Prospect Inc. (the owner and publisher of The American Prospect magazine), the Nation Institute, the Media Fund, the Independent Media Center, the Independent Media Institute, Media Matters For America, and Free Press. Below are some brief descriptions of a few of these organizations: 

  • The American Prospect, Inc. is the owner and publisher of The American Prospect magazine, which tries to "counteract the growing influence of conservative media."
  • Free Press is a "media reform" organization co-founded by Robert McChesney, who calls for "a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system" and to "rebuil[d] the entire society on socialist principles."
  • The Independent Media Institute aims to "change the world" via projects like AlterNet, an online news magazine calling itself "a key player in the echo chamber of progressive ideas and vision."
  • The Nation Institute operates synergistically with the far-left Nation magazine, which works "to extend the reach of progressive ideas" into the American mainstream. 
  • The Pacifica Foundation owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and anti-capitalism.
  • Media Matters For America: For a number of years, the Open Society Institute gave indirect funding—filtering its grants first through other Soros-backed operations—to this "progressive research and information center" which "monitor[s]" and "correct[s] conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." In October 2010, Soros announced that he would soon donate $1 million directly to Media Matters.
  • Sundance Institute: In 1996, Soros launched his Soros Documentary Fund to produce "social justice" films that would "spur awareness, action and social change." In 2001, this Fund became part of actor-director Robert Redford's Sundance Institute. Between 1996 and 2008, OSI earmarked at least $5.2 million for the production of several hundred documentaries, many of which were highly critical of capitalism, American society, or Western culture generally. In 2009, Soros pledged another $5 million to the Sundance Institute.

Organizations that seek to inject the American judicial system with leftist values:

  • The Alliance for Justice consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as "radical right-wing[ers]" and "extremists" whose views range far outside the boundaries of mainstream public opinion.
  • The American Constitution Society for Law and Policy seeks to indoctrinate young law students to view the Constitution as an evolving or "living" document, and to reject "conservative buzzwords such as 'originalism' and 'strict construction.'"
  • Justice at Stake promotes legislation that would replace judicial elections with a "merit-selection" system where a small committee of legal elites, unaccountable to the public, would pick those most "qualified" to serve as judges. OSI has spent at least $45.4 million on efforts to change the way judges are chosen in many American states.

We have shown just a very small part of what this man "Controls" with his money. You can review the entirety of the report here.

Now let us take a very brief romp into George Soros's political interests.


Apart from the more than $5 billion that Soros' foundation network has donated to leftist groups like those cited above, Soros personally has made campaign contributions to such notable political candidates as Charles Rangel, Al Franken, Tom Udall, Joe Sestak, Sherrod Brown, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Ken Salazar, Patrick Leahy, John Kerry, Charles Schumer, Howard Dean, Bill Clinton, Tom Harkin, Jon Corzine, Joe Biden, Richard Durbin, Lane Evans, Dennis Kucinich, Maurice Hinchey, and Al Gore. He also has given large sums of money to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic National Committee Services Corporation."


Around the time that George Soros initially launched his Manhattan-based Open Society Institute, he established what would prove to be a warm and enduring relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton, the new American President and First Lady. When the Clintons took office in early 1993, they faced the daunting task of helping the collapsed Soviet empire rise from its ruins and cultivate a harmonious relationship with the United States. To lead this endeavor, President Clinton appointed three men: Treasury Department official Lawrence Summers, Vice President Al Gore, and soon-to-be State Department official Strobe Talbott. Talbott in particular was given a large degree of authority, prompting some observers to dub him as Clinton's "Russian policy czar."
(The Shadow Party, pp. 89-90) It so happened that Talbot had an exceptionally high regard for the financial expertise of George Soros—describing him as "a national resource, indeed, a national treasure"—and thus he recruited the billionaire to serve as a key advisor on U.S.-Russian matters.

Soros, in turn, had connections with a young economist whom he had been funding—Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Harvard Institute for International Development. The U.S. Agency for International Development assigned Sachs' Institute to oversee Russia's transformation to a market economy after more than seven decades of communism. As a consequence of this assignment, Sachs and his team essentially represented the United States as official economic advisors to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. Soros worked closely with Sachs on this project, and the pair held enormous sway over Yeltsin. (The Shadow Party, pp. 91-93) So great was their influence, in fact, that, on one occasion, Soros quipped that "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire." But before long, members of Sachs's team became involved in massive corruption, exploiting for personal gain their access to Russia's political and economic leaders. Their actions contributed to the collapse of the Russian economy and to the diversion of some $100 billion out of the country. Though Sachs himself was not accused of profiting personally from these activities, he resigned as director of the Harvard Institute in May 1999, under a dark cloud of scandal. (The Shadow Party, pp. 93-94) The U.S. House Banking Committee investigated the matter and called Soros to testify. The billionaire denied culpability but admitted that he had used insider access in an illegal deal to acquire a large portion of Sidanko Oil. Soros further acknowledged in Congressional testimony that some of the missing Russian assets had made their way into his personal investment portfolio. House Banking Committee chairman Jim Leach characterized the entire sordid affair as "one of the greatest social robberies in human history."

As the Nineties progressed, it became increasingly evident that Bill and Hillary Clinton embraced virtually all of the values and agendas that George Soros was funding through his Open Society Institute. "I do now have great access in [the Clinton] administration," said Soros in 1995. "There is no question about this. We actually work together as a team."

Soros and Mrs. Clinton in particular held one another in the highest esteem. In November 1997, when Hillary was in Central Asia for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the newly built American University of Kyrgyzstan, she delivered a speech in which she lavished praise on Soros's Open Society Institute, which had financed the school's construction. (The Shadow Party, p. 55) One source close to Mrs. Clinton's inner circle, Center for American Democracy director Rachel Ehrenfeld, reports that Soros visited Hillary at the White House during the Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings of 1998-99, when the First Lady was receiving only her most trusted confidants. (The Shadow Party, pg. 54) A few years later, at a June 2004 "Take Back America" conference in Washington, Mrs. Clinton introduced Soros as a courageous man who loved his country deeply. "[W]e need people like George Soros," she said, "who is fearless, and willing to step up when it counts." Soros, in turn, indicated that he was "very, very proud to be introduced" by someone for whom he had such "great, great admiration." He described Hillary as someone who had been "more effective than most of our statesmen in propagating democracy, freedom, and open society."
(The Shadow Party, pp. 53-54)

Here we see that George Soros is heavily involved with both Bill and Hillary Clinton. So how in the world could anyone with half a mind support Hillary Clinton with Soros' money bags controlling what she does? We will stop here and continue on with this man showing that the once thought of "Shadow Party" is a very real organization, and one that has to be looked into if anyone is brave enough to do so. In part 2, we will show this along with more of the George Soros' influence and what he has done to destroy the United States through politicians from the President to the local state representatives! It is time for the people of the United States to wake up or forever be held as slaves!

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/03/just-george-soros-affect-american...

George Soros – Obama’s Puppet Master

We left off our last article about Obama's Puppet Master, George Soros showing how he may well be connected to what many had once believed to be just a fictional idea of what is called the "Shadow Party." Just the name of such an idea alone gives just cause for concern since it implies that our nation has a party running this nation behind the shadows! However, it is not such a "Shadow Party," since many people associated with it have direct, or indirect, links back to none other than George Soros. Let us begin by showing just where the very idea of a "Shadow Party" has developed.

We begin this by disclosing what is known as the 527s, named after section 527 of the IRS Code. As shown below from Discover the Networks, the 527s, under George Soros, have taken a very hard left turn!

Historically, Republicans had enjoyed a 2-1 advantage over Democrats in raising hard money from individual donors. Democrats had relied much more heavily on soft money from large institutions such as labor unions.(David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 176) Thus it seems counter-intuitive that Soros, who clearly favored Democrats over Republicans, would seek to push legislation whose net effect—the removal of soft money—would be unfavorable to Democratic Party fundraising efforts.

But Soros's motive becomes clear when we look at the types of organizations whose fundraising activities were left unaffected by McCain-Feingold. These were "527 committees"—nonprofits named after Section 527 of the IRS code—which, unlike ordinary PACS, were not required to register with the FEC. Run mostly by special-interest groups, these 527s were technically supposed to be independent of, and unaffiliated with, any party or candidate. As such, they were permitted to raise soft money—in amounts unbound by any legal limits—for all manner of political activities other than express advocacy. That is, so long as a 527's soft money was not being used to pay for ads explicitly urging people to cast their ballots either for or against any particular candidate, the letter of the McCain-Feingold law technically was being followed. Practically speaking, of course, such things as "issue-oriented ads" and "voter-education" ads can easily be tailored to favor one party or candidate over another, while carefully steering clear of "express advocacy."

We can see just where the idea to "control" certain ideologies came into view of George Soros, and since he has a vast amount of money, he can "change" the way the United States has been able to run elections just by throwing some of it at the right people. The 527s group was now being transformed by George Soros and his money into what we can now officially call, the Shadow Party.

Once McCain-Feingold was in place, Soros and his political allies collaborated to set up a network of "527 committees" ready to receive the soft money that individual donors and big labor unions normally would have given directly to the Democratic Party. These 527s could then use that money to fund issue-oriented ads, voter-education initiatives, get-out-the-vote drives, and other "party-building" activities—not only to help elect Democratic candidates in 2004, but more broadly to guide the Democratic Party ever-further leftward and to reject the "closed" society that Bush and the Republicans presumably favored. By helping to push McCain-Feingold through Congress, Soros had effectively cut off the Democrats' soft-money supply and diverted it to the coffers of an alternative network of beneficiaries—which he personally controlled.(Republicans, meanwhile, did not build any comparable network of independent fundraising nonprofits to circumvent McCain-Feingold – probably because they historically had been successful at raising hard money.) As Byron York observed, "[T]he new campaign finance rules had actually increased the influence of big money in politics. By giving directly to 'independent' groups rather than to the party itself, big-ticket donors could influence campaign strategy and tactics more directly than they ever had previously.... And the power was concentrated in very few hands"—most notably Soros's.(Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 8)

This clearly shows just how George Soros has been able to take over the political vote by the use of a law brought forward by a Republican, John McCain. However, it also demonstrates how one individual, with enough money, can corrupt the very ideas and people of the United States. Our nation was formed upon the ideas of freedom for all. Yet, with this move, George Soros has begun to erode those ideas since money controls the elections. Those with the most money, and with the most backing, usually win. Our nation was not founded to do this; our nation was founded to stop this type of imperial action.

But now let us move on, nothing related to the George Soros controlled www.Moveon.org, to the idea of this "Shadow Party."

"While Soros's 527s were clearly devoted to Democratic Party agendas and values, they publicly professed to be independent of any party affiliations. Their partisanship was somewhat shrouded in proverbial shadows. Gradually, a number of journalists began to make reference to the emergence of certain pro-Democrat "shadow organizations" that seemed geared toward circumventing McCain-Feingold's soft-money ban. In time, the term "Shadow Party" came into use.(Richard Poe, "The Shadow Party: History, Goals, and Activities")

George Soros set in motion the wheels of this Shadow Party when he gathered a team of political strategists, activists, and Democrat donors at his Long Island beach house on July 17, 2003, to discuss how President Bush could be defeated in the 2004 election. Attendees included such luminaries as OSI director Morton Halperin; former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta; former Clinton speechwriters Jeremy Rosner and Robert Boorstin; Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope; labor leader and former Clinton advisor Steve Rosenthal; EMILY's List founder and abortion-rights activist Ellen Malcolm; and major Democrat donors such as Lewis and Dorothy Cullman, Robert McKay, Robert Glaser, and Peter Lewis.(http://www.richardpoe.com/2005/10/06/part-1-the-shadow-party/)

The consensus was that voter turnout—particularly in 17 "swing" or "battleground" states239—would be the key to unseating President Bush. Steve Rosenthal and Ellen Malcolm—CEO and president, respectively, of a newly formed but poorly funded voter-registration group called America Coming Together (ACT)(http://www.richardpoe.com/2005/10/06/part-1-the-shadow-party/ )—suggested that voters in those swing states should be recruited and mobilized as soon as possible. Agreeing, Soros told the pair that he personally would give ACT $10 million to help maximize its effectiveness. A few other attendees also pledged to give the fledgling group large sums of money: Soros's billionaire friend Peter Lewis, chairman of the Progressive Corporation, promised to give $10 million; Robert Glaser, founder and CEO of RealNetworks, promised $2 million; Rob McKay, president of the McKay Family Foundation, committed $1 million; and benefactors Lewis and Dorothy Cullman pledged $500,000.(Laura Blumenfeld, "Soros' Deep Pockets vs. Bush," The Washington Post (November 11, 2003)"

One has to look very closely at what is shown above and make sure you read it very well. We have heard the names just listed recently with Obama bringing back his dear friend, John Podesta and then look at who George Soros had with him to form up the "Shadow Party"! These names must be read and very closely scrutinized since they are as much a part of this now "open' Shadow Party and it is and has become a very integral part of the Obama Administration! Almost every one of these people that George Soros has come to use to build his "Shadow Party' have walked across the white House lawn and spoken to Obama in one way or another and recently Obama has called for the help of John Podesta to help him with the Obamacare and other issues he has caused while serving as President! Now we can clearly make the connection between George Soros, the Shadow Party and John Podesta and others. But this does not end here since it has continued even deeper into the Democratic party which has made alliances with groups such as the "Democratic Socialist Party" of whom has members such as, but not limited to, Elijah Cummings and others on committees that are supposed to hold oversight on the very items that the Socialists and the Shadow Party wish to keep hidden! We also have to recognize the fact that one of these very groups has been a strong supporter of Obama and that group is none other than - America Coming Together (ACT), this by itself should raise eyebrows in the news media, but that was bought out long ago by those with the huge money in their pockets and they are not the type of people our nation should have as custodians of the Constitution! Now let us continue with a bit more before we stop and allow you to go back over all of this and soak it up as deeply as you can, and please if you have any love for the United States, pass this on to as many as you can.

"By early 2004, the administrative core of George Soros's Shadow Party was in place. It consisted of seven ostensibly "independent" nonprofit groups—all but one of which were headquartered in Washington, DC. In a number of cases, these groups shared one another's finances, directors, and corporate officers; occasionally they even shared office space.(242- David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 182) The seven groups were:

  1. America Coming Together (ACT): Jump-started by Soros's $10 million grant, ACT in 2004 ran what it called "the largest voter-contact program in history," with more than 1,400 full-time paid canvassers contacting potential voters door-to-door and by phone.(David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), pp. 196-1980
  2. Center For American Progress (CAP): This entity was established to serve as a think tank promoting leftist ideas and policy initiatives. Soros, enthusiastic about the Center's potential, pledged in July 2003 to donate up to $3 million to help get the project off the ground.(Laura Blumenfeld, "Soros' Deep Pockets vs. Bush," The Washington Post (November 11, 2003) From the outset, CAP's leadership featured a host of former high-ranking officials from the Clinton administration.(David Horowitz and Richard Poe, The Shadow Party (2006), p. 189. (Among these were Clinton's national security speechwriter Robert Boorstin; former head of Clinton's National Economic Council, Gene Sperling; and former senior advisor to Clinton's Office of Management and Budget, Matt Miller.) Hillary Clinton predicted that the organization would provide "some new intellectual capital" with which to "build the 21st-century policies that reflect the Democrat Party's values."(Matt Bai, "Notion Building," New York Times Magazine (October12, 2003) George Soros and Morton Halperin together selected former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta to serve as president of CAP. Podesta said his goal was to develop CAP as a "think tank on steroids," featuring "a message-oriented war room" that "will send out a daily briefing to refute the positions and arguments of the right."(http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Center_for_American_Prog...)
  3. America Votes: This national coalition coordinated the efforts of many get-out-the-vote organizations and their thousands of contributing activists. (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6527 ) Soros's support for America Votes would continue well past 2004. Indeed he would donate $2.15 million to this coalition in the 2006 election cycle, (http://www.opensecrets.org/527s/527cmtedetail_donors.php?ein=204359...) another $1.25 million in advance of the 2008 elections, and yet another $1.25 million in 2010.(http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/30/us/politics/30dems.html)
  4. Media Fund: Describing itself as "the largest media-buying organization supporting a progressive message" in the United States, this group produced and strategically placed political ads in the print, broadcast, and electronic media. (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6712)
  5. Joint Victory Campaign 2004 (JVC): This fundraising entity focused on collecting contributions and then disbursing them chiefly to America Coming Together and the Media Fund. In 2004 alone, JVC channeled $19.4 million to the former, and $38.4 million to the latter. (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/funderprofile.asp?fndid=5342&...) Soros personally gave JVC more than $12 million that year. (http://www.opensecrets.org/527s/lookup.php?cycle=2010&donor=geo...)
  6. Thunder Road Group (TRG): This political consultancy coordinated strategy for the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes. Its duties included strategic planning, polling, opposition research, covert operations, and public relations. (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=6713)

MoveOn.org: This California-based entity was the only one of the Shadow Party's core groups that was not a new startup operation. Launched in September 1998, MoveOn is a Web-based political network that organizes online activists around specific issues, raises money for Democratic candidates, generates political ads, and is very effective at recruiting young people to support Democrats (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2003/11/11/55615/610)

According to Ellen Malcolm of America Coming Together (ACT), the financial commitment which Soros made to these Shadow Party groups in 2003 "was a signal to potential donors that he had looked at what was going on and that this was pretty exciting, and that he was going to stand behind it, and it was the real deal."(Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), p. 61) As Byron York observed, "After Soros signed on, contributions started pouring in." ACT and the Media Fund alone took in some $200 million—including $20 million from Soros alone. This type of money was unprecedented in American politics." (Byron York, The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy (2005), pp. 86-87.)

We should make note that this "Shadow Party" is real, and it has what seems to be an objective of destroying the very Constitution of the United States. This should not be allowed, but with the Supreme Court's recent ruling about individual "contributions" for campaigns, we need to see this for what it is: A plot to destroy the United States, and turn it into a Socialist regime at best, or a dictatorship at worst! Should we allow this to happen to our children and grandchildren? I would hope we have much more sense than to allow our posterity to be turned into what those before us fought to stop! Please, if you love the freedom of the United States, pass this on, talk about it, share it with others because the Lame Stream media will never tell you what we have revealed here, and we are far from being finished with this!

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/04/george-soros-obamas-puppet-master...

BREAKING: ISIS Planted Bomb on Downed Russian Plane – Takes Credit in Audio-Video Recordings

The US now believes ISIS or an ISIS affiliate planted the bomb on the plane.

ISIS released audio on Wednesday taking credit for the attack.

#EGYPT #ISIS release audio says it downed the #Russian plane in #Sinai but wouldn't say how did .

crash site sinai

ISIS terrorists say it was a “revenge attack” against Russia.

BREAKING: ISIS Planted Bomb on Downed Russian Plane – Takes Credit in Audio-Video Recordings

The US now believes ISIS or an ISIS affiliate planted the bomb on the plane.

ISIS released audio on Wednesday taking credit for the attack.

224 people were killed in the crash in the Sinai.
crash site sinai

ISIS terrorists say it was a “revenge attack” against Russia.

The latest video shows a Russian-speaking jihadist praising his “Sinai brothers” for “taking down” a Russian passenger jet and threatening more attacks, while both Russia and Egypt say the group doesn’t possess the means to shoot down a plane.

ISIS supporters boast they were trained to take down a plane.

CNN reported:

The latest U.S. intelligence suggests that the crash of a Russian passenger jet in the Sinai over the weekend was most likely caused by a bomb on the plane planted by ISIS or an ISIS affiliate, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter.

But the official stressed a formal conclusion has not been reached by the U.S. intelligence community.

“There is a definite feeling it was an explosive device planted in luggage or somewhere on the plane,” the official, who is familiar with the latest U.S. intelligence analysis of the crash, told CNN.

Other U.S. officials also told CNN that the analysis is pointing toward the cause being a bomb.

Based on the same intelligence, the U.S. belief is that ISIS or an ISIS-affiliated group is responsible for the attack, the official said.

The British government announced Wednesday that it had “become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device.”


BREAKING VIDEO=> Palestinian Terrorist Rams Car into Group of Israeli Police Officers

A Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into a group of Israeli police officers Wednesday.
car rammed israel
At least one officer was severely injured.

The attack was caught on video.

Video at link:


ISLAMISTS SMASH CROSSES in Spanish Church – Moroccan Screaming “Allahu Akbar” Arrested

spanish church destroyed
The Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalucia was vandalized this week.

** They destroyed a Christ and a Virgin Mary statue.

** This was the second Islamic attack on a church in Rincon de la Victoria in a month.

Express.co reported:

ISLAMIC vandals were today being blamed for breaking into a church and spray-painting “Allah” on the walls and destroying holy objects.

The attackers smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross during the shocking attack earlier this week.

They stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalucia on Monday morning.

Spain’s Civil Guard has now launched a probe into the vandalism.

The Moroccan was screaming “Allahu Akbar” when he was captured.
The SUR reported:
(rough translation)

The attack occurred yesterday religious temple in the parish of The Cea, Torre de Benagalbón, and becomes the second to be produced in the town of Rincon de la Victoria in just over a month. On September 28 , a young man of Moroccan origin was arrested for causing damage to the shrine of the Virgen del Carmen. Apparently, he hits the glass with a stone in his hand while shouting “Allah big.”

On this occasion, the author of this new attack acted during the early hours of Sunday to Monday, as denounced by the Bishop. It was the parish priest, Augustine Carrasco, who yesterday early afternoon, discovered the damage to the interior of the temple, which affect the “Sagrario, numerous articles of worship and devotional images.”

The Local Police and Civil Guard were alerted Rincón what happened about 17:00 and started to take steps to identify the perpetrators. The Civil Guard has taken charge of the investigation, which initially focused on finding out if it is an act of vandalism or, conversely, an action of a group of radicals.


Anti-Muslim militia warns against refugee invasion at Idaho statehouse: ‘This isn’t some made-up crap!’
About 300 refugees are expected to be screened and then resettled in communities throughout the state.

Federal authorities admit that gaps do exist in screening Syrian refugees, but they said these migrants will still undergo extensive background checks — although the results are confidential, which makes it difficult to assure alarmists.
Anti-Muslim extremists — including Brigitte Gabriel of ACT! for America, Pam Geller and Mark Levin — have been promoting those conspiracy theories in right-wing circles and then out onto social media.
Mark will be glad to know he made the list!

They will be flooding in here just as they are in Europe and there will be many let in that we are not aware of.


Report: $64,370 Cost to Resettle

One Middle Eastern Refugee In U.S.

The estimated cost to resettle an average, single Middle Eastern refugee in the U.S. over the first five years is $64,370 — or 12 times the United Nations estimates it costs to support a refugee staying in a neighboring Middle Eastern country, according to an analysis from the Center for Immigration Studies.

German Officials Abolish Christian St. Martin’s Holiday to Avoid Offending Muslim Migrants

St. Martin’s Day is a German holiday dedicated to St. Martin of Tours and celebrates modesty and altruism.
Many children build lanterns for the annual procession.
st martins day
A St. Martin’s Day procession in Germany.

Now German leftists want to abolish the holiday to appease Muslim migrants.
Infowars reported:

Primary schools and kindergartens in Germany are abolishing a Christian celebration and changing it into a generic “festival of lights” so as not to offend the hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants pouring into the country.

According to a translated report out of the Epoch Times, schools are re-naming the Christian-themed St. Martin’s Day, an annual celebration that takes place in numerous European countries on November 11.

Several daycare centers in Düsseldorf have abolished the festival altogether out of “consideration for the refugees,” a decision that has prompted fierce criticism from head teachers at other schools in the region.

Others have re-named the event the “Festival of Lights” in order to “facilitate the integration” of the Muslim migrants, said Nanette Weidelt, head of the Düsseldorf Don Bosco-Montessori School.

Leftist politicians have been attempting to amend the celebration for a number of years, with Rüdiger Sagel insisting the change was a necessary response to the “high proportion of Muslim children in the day care centers.”

“You should not impose the Christian tradition,” Sagel asserted.

However, some see the change as yet another example of how Germans are being forced to integrate with Muslim culture and not the other way around as it should be.


British Islamic Hate Preacher’s Son Executed by ISIS – Daughter Is a Topless Pole Dancer

omar bakri
Hate preacher Omar Bakri, second from left, attends a protest in Beirut in support of jailed Islamists in 2012. (Daily Star)

Islamist Omar Bakri warned in an interview that an al-Qaeda group was planning an attack 15 months before the London tube bombings.

Bakri celebrated Pakistani leader Benazir Bhutto’s assassination in 2007.

Omar Bakri threatened Prince Harry on his return home from the Afghanistan war.

In 2008 it was revealed that Omar’s daughter is a topless pole dancer.

Radical Muslim cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed’s daughter Yasmin Fostok is a topless, tattooed pole-dancer (Daily Mail)

Now this…
THE BRITISH son of a hate preacher has reportedly been executed while fighting for ISIS for “cursing the prophet Muhammad”, according to reports.
omar bakri son
Mohammed is thought to have been executed by ISIS. (The Express.co)

Karma is a bitch.


Ryan: Obama wants to 'go around' the Congress on immigration

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said late Wednesday that President Obama is intent on immigration reform that does not involve Congress.

“The president has proven on this issue that he wants to go around Congress, not work with Congress,” he told host Greta Van Susteren on Fox News’ “On the Record.”

“Presidents don’t write laws — Congress writes laws,” Ryan said, referring to Obama’s executive actions on immigration.

“He is transforming the country in a direction we never wanted to go in the first place,” the Wisconsin lawmaker added.

“The moment for our country is just so dire. If we don’t like the way this country is headed, then we have to change it.”

Ryan vowed that he will work during his Speakership to lead House GOP members into battle against overreach from the Obama administration.

“We need to do a better job of being an opposition party,” he said. "We need to do a better job of holding this government accountable, getting more transparency and basically speaking truth to power.”

“We [also] have to be a preposition party and tell people who we are and what we believe,” Ryan added. "[It is] about having an agenda and a vision which we do not now have.”

Ryan vowed last weekend that he would not cooperate with Obama on immigration reform given the president is “untrustworthy” on the issue.

The White House responded Monday by calling the new Speaker’s stance “preposterous.”

“It’s a little hard for him to make the claim that somehow the president hasn’t acted in good faith on immigration when Speaker Ryan actively thwarted a compromise he himself helped to broker,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest.

“And then for him to come back and claim it’s somebody else’s fault?” he asked. "It’s preposterous.”

Ryan acknowledged Wednesday that he believes he can achieve results with Obama on certain issues.

“I do think that there are things we can find common ground on,” he said, citing funding the government and military spending.





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