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Lindsey Graham

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Mike Huckabee

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee (Florida)
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Bobby Jindal

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John Kasich

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George Pataki

Former Governor George Pataki (New York)
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Rand Paul

US Senator Rand Paul (Kentucky)
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Marco Rubio

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Rick Santorum

Former US Senator Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania)
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Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people ...


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Christie, Huckabee get cut from main debate

Getty Images

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee are the first casualties of the winnowing GOP debate field, as Fox Business Network announced Thursday night that they both officially missed the cut for next week’s contest.

Christie and Huckabee are the only two candidates who had previously appeared on the main debate stage to get cut by the network, which set a threshold of 2.5 percent in four major polls for the top contest. They’ll instead participate in the undercard debate, a demotion that could serve as a major blow for his fledgling campaign.

The writing was on the wall for Christie by Wednesday night, when he received 2 percent of the vote in Fox News’ latest poll. Poll watchers noted that with Christie’s stagnant numbers in a handful of recent surveys, including the Fox one, made it increasingly unlikely that he’d be able to stay above that threshold. 

Because Fox Business did not release which polls it would use in advance, Christie's fate remained in limbo until the network announced the lineup on “Lou Dobbs Tonight.”

Huckabee, who received 4 percent support in the Fox News poll, had been considered in a safer spot by most pundits. He is a former Fox News host who won the 2008 GOP Iowa caucus and finished second behind Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. 

Both Christie and Huckabee barely missed the mark, finishing with 2.25 percent in the four polls considered--those conducted by Fox News, NBC/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac University, and Investors Business Daily. If either candidate scored just one percentage point higher in any of those polls, they would have made it onto the debate stage. 

Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) just made it in with an average of exactly 2.5 percent. 

Just an hour before Fox Business was scheduled to announce the lineup, Christie’s campaign announced that he would be on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren,” presumably to push back against the fears that the debate snub would hurt his presidential bid. 

Despite missing out on the main stage, Christie had received praise in recent weeks for his late October debate performance as well as deeply personal remarks on drug addiction captured by The Huffington Post.

Christie tweeted just moments after the announcement with a reference to that Huffington Post video. 

Huckabee was also defiant in the face of Fox’s decision.

“I’m happy to debate anyone, anywhere, anytime,” he said on Twitter. “We are months away from actual votes being cast and neither the pundits nor the press will decide this election, the people will.”

The main debate stage will include the eight remaining candidates who participated in last months’ CNBC debate: Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas), Carly Fiorina, former Gov. Jeb Bush (Fla.), Gov. John Kasich, Ohio) and Paul. 

Huckabee and Christie will join Gov. Bobby Jindal (La.) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (Pa.) in the undercard debate. Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and former New York Gov. George Pataki missed qualifying for the undercard because they failed to poll at one percent in any of those four polls.

Neither Graham nor Pataki received any support in three of the polls. The fourth poll, NBC/WSJ, did not initially include the names of any of the candidates who had previously appeared in the undercard. Their names were only included if a respondent declined to support any of the top-tier candidates.  

None of those candidates — Graham, Pataki, Jindal, Santorum, or former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore — received any support in that poll. 
Graham’s campaign indicated it would continue on despite Thursday’s setback.
"Regardless of this decision tonight, Senator Graham continues to be the foremost expert on foreign policy and national security in this field of candidates, on either stage,” Graham campaign manager Christian Ferry said in a statement.  
“It is ironic that the only veteran in the race is going to be denied a voice the day before Veterans Day,” Ferry added. 
“In the end, the biggest loser tonight is the American people and the Republican Presidential primary process that has been hijacked by news outlets."
Bush took to Twitter to lament Graham being unincluded, saying the senator's “foreign policy message is an important one.”
Pataki adviser Dave Catalfamo said the former New York governor is not dropping out of the race, noting he will be in New Hampshire on Friday.
Pataki said in a statement that he is “very disappointed” in the results.
“This new trend is a danger to our primary system, a disservice to voters everywhere — especially those in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina — and a clear boost to the worship of celebrity over accomplishment and ideas,” he said.
“Running for the most important leadership position in the world shouldn't be reduced to the level of “American Idol” or “Survivor.’ ”

They need to go!

Yeah when you are BATTING 0 time to GO!

Time to cash in the chips.

VIDEO=> Open Borders Activists – Chanting in Spanish – Hold “Dump Trump” Rally Outside SNL Studio

Open borders activists from several Hispanic groups – chanting in Spanish – held a protest outside Saturday Night Live’s studio at the Rockefeller Center on Wednesday.
trump protest snl

The immigration activists want SNL to “Dump Trump” from hosting the show this weekend.

The protesters delivered a petition decrying the Republican presidential candidate’s upcoming appearance on SNL to the executives at NBC.

Carson: CNN thinks I’m a ‘pathological liar’

Cameron Lancaster

Ben Carson attacked CNN late Thursday for questioning his accounts of violence in his youth.

“Those claims are absolutely true,” he said of attempts he made as a teen to stab a relative and hit his mother with a hammer.

Carson, a frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, has told the stories to mark how his life changed. 

But CNN reported Thursday that Carson’s past classmates, friends and neighbors did not recollect him as the violent youth he has often described. 

“You know, I’m a hundred percent sure that they’re true,” Carson told host Megyn Kelly on Fox News’s “The Kelly File." "This is simply an attempt to smear and deflect the argument to something else.

“The media is ruthless,” the retired neurosurgeon added. "So, you know, I would say to the people of America – do you think I’m a pathological liar like CNN does? Or do you think I’m an honest person? I’m going to leave that up to the American people to make that decision.”

Carson then argued that CNN is trying to discredit him given his surging popularity with voters nationwide.

“It’s a smear campaign,” he said. "They’re going to go back and try to find anything that I’ve ever said and try to get me on the defensive about it in order to distract away from the things that are important.

“There’s so much going on that we need to be dealing with,” Carson added. "This is just garbage. They don’t want to talk about it because they don’t have good solutions for it.”

Carson is coming under increased scrutiny from the media and other candidates as he has risen in polls. Comments he made about Egypt's Pyramids being used to hold grain have also come under attention in recent days.

On Friday, Trump tweeted:


Carson has repeatedly recounted his early years in poverty as a period of frequent aggression and rage.

Carson argued Friday that CNN is wrong in its reporting given the severity of the situations he is describing.

“I want to point out how silly the CNN investigation is,” he said. "Because when I have flashes of temper, it would only be the people who were directly involved.

“They were not anxious to be involved,” Carson added of the other parties mentioned in his violent incidents. "I didn’t want to put their lives under the spotlight.”


WOW come to find out gentle Ben is not so Gentle. Sometimes a calm low key exterior hides the reality.

Yeah I have heard that of SERIAL KILLERS over and over. Their neighbors all say they were nice quiet guys who said GOOD MORNING... all the while body parts in the freezer.

Many times very bad people have very good facades.

Far-Left Rag: The Silent Majority of Americans Are Socialists

Guest post by Patch Adams

hitler socialist

It is said that the difference between a Democratic Socialist and a National Socialist can be measured by the thin line between a mob voting to seize your private property and a dictator, elected by a mob, ordering to seize your private property.

The United States is a Constitutional Republic which was designed to prevent such systems of government. You would think we wouldn’t have to worry about a Socialist takeover in America.

But today we have a major political party openly embracing socialism.

According to the left-wing Progressive rag The Huffington Post, a new poll proves that the silent majority of Americans are actually Socialist:

“It took the excitement generated by the political campaign of a self-described socialist, Bernie Sanders, to put into stark relief the extent to which the United States political system fails to reflect and respond to the aspirations of most Americans.

That’s because decades of income stagnation have transformed political attitudes in ways that don’t appear reflected in Washington. A recent Marketplace-Edison poll suggests that though they might not know it, many Americans, at one time hostile to socialism, have become democratic socialists. Their socialism is not the version that called for the public ownership of the means of production. Rather, what they support are programs that reduce the risks that accompany life in a market society.

The survey, released late last month, asked a representative sample of Americans about their attitudes toward seven different “safety net” programs — the kind that characterize democratic socialism in Europe and are espoused by socialists elsewhere. As Bernie Sanders has put it: “20 years ago when people here thought about socialism they were thinking about the Soviet Union, about Albania. Now they think about Scandinavia.”

The Soviet Union, Cuba, Socialists, of all stripes, do not respect individual liberty and the rights to private property encased in the US Constitution. The collectivist beliefs of left-wing Socialist radicals are not, and should never be, compatible with our Constitutional Republic not if liberty is expected to survive… another decade or two.


I remember Glenn Beck explaining Socialism like this; Communism is the left side track of socialism, and Fascism is the right side track of socialism. 

I ask this simple question; Did the concept of Socialism come in after the American Revolution inspired the world to throw off the yokes of the Monarchies? If so is it the Monarchies and their sycophants that is using the cover of Socialism to trick the low information populaces into putting them secretly back in power by pretending to be for the people when they are putting the yokes back? 




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