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Sheriff David Clarke: Obama Doesn’t Have the Courage to Be Honest With Black Community

Hundreds of race activists turned out in New York City for the #RiseUpOctober march and rally on Saturday.
The Rise Up October movement is a three day protest against police killings and brutality.
The rally was organized by local Communist leaders.
fight back protest

The protesters chanted “F*ck the police!“ as they marched to Bryant Park in midtown.
** Barack Obama supports this anti-police movement.

On Monday Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke slammed Barack Obama for his shameless support of this radical anti-police movement.

“Well, there is no way to understand this nonsense… The claim made by President Obama that “this is not based on emotion, it’s real,” is just plain wrong. These claims are based on fiction. Once you strip away the myths, the lie, the propaganda all that remains is the facts. Lies put out and repeated over and over again by the President of the United States are not a substitute for empirical research… The President of the United States lacks the courage to look at the black community and tell them to look in the mirror as the source of their problems.


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RUSH LIMBAUGH: Mizzou President Resigned for “Crime of Being White” (Audio)

Missouri President Tim Wolfe resigned this morning after a weekend of vicious race protests.
This afternoon Chancellor Loftin announced he will step down at the end of they year.

Several Mizzou black athletes announced late Saturday they would boycott all future football games until President Tim Wolfe resigns.
They were upset about the way the school’s president has handled racial incidents on campus and that he defunded Planned Parenthood.

rush white

Today Rush Limbaugh offered some real perspective on the debacle at Mizzou.

The Mizzou President resigned for “committing the crime of being a white male.”

Here’s the audio:

Via The Rush Limbaugh Show:

What’s happening on the American college campus, the vaunted academy, to me, takes the top spot in the Stack of Stuff today. For those of you who are just now getting attuned to what’s happening during the day, the University of Missouri’s embattled president has resigned. His name is Tim Wolfe. He just quit, just resigned because of committing the crime of being a white male.

If you dig deep into this, I first heard about this, I think it was Friday after I got home from work. I got a note from a friend of mine about this whole story and the subject line: “Wow, your home state’s a weird place.” And I said, “Well, I already knew that. What’s this about?” And that’s when I started becoming familiar with the story on campus at the University of Missouri. I did not attend. The family did, but I am not a member of the alma mater there.

Now, if you haven’t been following this story, this is a Social Justice Warriors story. Some of the students as Mizzou have been calling for the president of the University to resign. It’s all an extenuation, a continuation of what started boiling over in Ferguson, Missouri, which is 120 miles down the road, down I-70. And of course Ferguson had nothing to do with any of this that’s happening on campus. What’s happening on campus had nothing to do with anything in Ferguson, and I wouldn’t be surprised if what’s happening at the University of Missouri has been imported from Ferguson in terms of leaders of the community organizers and agitators are concerned.

The pressure on the university president, I guess it really began, a student began a hunger strike with a list of demands. None of them specific. I mean, if you go through the list of demands here and the complaints, you don’t find anything specific. You find the major problem is that there are too many white people at this place, and they apparently are not nice enough or considerate enough to the 10% of the people there who are black, and so there has to be some changes. But don’t forget, folks, this is the place, it was just a couple of short years ago the University of Missouri got a gold star. The University of Missouri was the leading, most sensitive university in America because that’s where Michael Sam went to school.

Unhinged Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Apologizes For Goading Protesters to Assault Reporter

Mizzou prof apologizes for calling on protesters to assault reporter.

On Monday protesting Mizzou race activists harassed an Asian reporter while protesting in a public place.
reporter mizzou

Mizzou professor Melissa Click, an assistant professor of mass media at the University of Missouri, ordered a journalist to leave an area where demonstrators had gathered on the Missouri campus.

She then called activists to “muscle” the Asian journalist off campus!

This morning Mizzou journalism faculty voted to revoke the appointment of activist professor Melissa Click.
The faculty have not yet announced the results of their vote.

Tonight Melissa Click apologized for threatening violence against a campus reporter.
Buzzfeed reported:

The assistant mass media professor seen on video asking for “muscle” to help remove a journalist covering public demonstrations at the University of Missouri issued an apology Tuesday as fellow faculty decided whether to remove her courtesy title.

“I regret the language and I used, and sincerely apologize to the MU campus community, and journalists at large, for my behavior, and also for the way my actions have shifted attention away from the students’ campaign for justice,” Melissa Click said her statement issued through the university.

AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Gun Control Group Urges City to Defy State Law and Ban Open Carry

On November 10 the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Josh Horwitz called on Colorado Springs to defy state law and end open carry within city limits.

Colorado is being held hostage by the leftist. They need to get Hicken- pooper out of office.

CONFIRMED: There Is Absolutely ZERO EVIDENCE of Any Racist Incident on Mizzou Campus in Last 6 Months

Today the Columbia Missourian listed a timeline of the alleged racist incidents this fall at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri.

protest mizzou

According to the Missourian here are the alleged racial incidents that led to the resignation of the University of Missouri President and Chancellor on Monday.

Sept. 12: Missouri Students Association president Payton Head posts about a racial slur directed at him. Head alleged he was walking around campus when the passenger of a pickup repeatedly shouted the “N-word” at him.

Oct. 5: Legion of Black Collegians members are allegedly the targets of racial slurs by a man on campus. The Legion of Black Collegians shared a letter on social media describing the group’s encounter with overt racism the night before. The group was rehearsing for a performance at Traditions Plaza when a “young man” talking on his cellphone walked up to the group. After being politely and repeatedly asked to leave, the man walked away but referenced LBC members using racial slurs.

Oct. 24: A swastika using human feces is drawn on a bathroom wall in MU’s Gateway Hall.
The case is still open.

That’s it.
Those are the three alleged incidents that led to the resignation of the top university officials.

The thing is – there’s absolutely no proof that any of these incidents actually happened.

1.) The Student’s Association President Payton Head said he was called the n-word.
There is absolutely no proof of this.

2.) A group of black students said they were called the n-word by some guy in a car.
There is absolutely no proof of this.

3.) A poop swastika was painted in a dormitory restroom at 2 in the morning.
Once again, there is absolutely no proof of this. The Federalist contacted campus authorities and discovered no one even saw the poop swastika.
It was just a rumor.

The kids are holding hunger strikes. The football players threatened a boycott.
The campus executives resigned.
And there is no proof anything ever actually happened.


Another BLM set up ........

Actually BLM only matters when they use against non-blacks;

From the;

Conservative Tribune

Gangbanger Thugs Do The Unthinkable To Black Kid… Where’s Black Lives Matter Now?

On Monday, several gangbanger thugs in Chicago lured an innocent 9-year-old black child, Tyshawn Lee, from a park and into an alley, where they then executed him to get back at his father, a fellow gangbanger whose clique was reportedly feuding with theirs.

“This was not a drive-by, this was not a spray of bullets … a baby was executed,” Rev. Michael Pfleger, known for attending anti-cop and anti-gun rallies, complained to the Associated Press in regard to this tragedy.

“We have gone to a new low that’s removed what used to be some codes, some barriers, some lines that used to be drawn in the community, some things in our city that were not acceptable,” he added.

Local police Superintendent Garry McCarthy agreed, describing the execution as the most “unfathomable” crime he had ever witnessed in his 35 years of policing.

“Everybody is sick; everybody is disgusted,” he said.

But the story got worse. According to McCarthy, the boy’s father, Pierre Stokes, refused to cooperate with the police, though Stokes disputed this allegation.

“I answered every question they asked me,” he told reporters. “They’re not asking me questions that I know. I don’t know the questions that they asked me.”

The investigation remained ongoing as of Saturday morning, with police having reportedly focused their attention on a “person of interest.” Furthermore, authorities had offered a $35,000 reward for information regarding the execution.

What seemed rather shocking was that “Black Lives Matter” activists, known for hollering and pounding their fists on the behalf of thugs justifiably gunned down by the police, apparently had nothing to say about the death of Tyshawn Lee.

There were no riots, no marches and no rallies. The tragic irony is that if one of the gangbanger thugs winds up dying during an altercation with the police, then “Black Lives Matter” types will no doubt crawl out from their hiding places and start protesting again.

I guess only “Thugs Lives Matter” to them.

What do you think should happen to the gang members who executed this 9-year-old boy? Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think


Actually BLM only matters when they use against non-blacks;

From the;


Mizzou Professor RESIGNS

Education | Kerry Picket
Melissa Click [YouTube screengrab]

'I regret the language and strategies I used'

Just more Politically correct crap from the Progressive enemies to destroy America

Missou Professor Resigns Following Outrage Over His Refusal to Cancel Class Exam

Mizzou Race Hoax Takes Another Victim–

dale brigham
Missouri Professor Dale Brigham

protest mizzou

A beloved University of Missouri professor resigned after he refused to cancel a school exam during the hunger strike and athlete’s boycott.
Campus Reform reported:

Dr. Dale Brigham, considered one of the most beloved professors at the University of Missouri, has resigned after refusing to cancel an exam for students who claimed to feel “unsafe.”

“If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class,” Dr. Brigham told his students. “I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class,” he continued, imploring his students to stand up to the bullies on campus. “If you give into bullies, they win. The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them.”

dale brigham

Dr. Brigham was sharply criticized in the media for requiring his students to attend class and take their exam. Salon ran a story with the headline “White Missouri professor shames black students for heeding violent ....”The Washington Post featured similar coverage of “a white professor” who “challenged his students to come to class.”

Those upset with Dr. Brigham’s decision to hold class took to Twitter calling for Brigham to be firedand calling him “a failure as a human being.”

Under intense pressure, Dr. Brigham has both cancelled the exam and resigned from the university, according to screenshots posted online of an email from Dr. Brigham to his students.


We should have known.....he had something to do with this...

Figures. MU Student Body Prez and Race Activist Payton Head Met With Obama at White House

In September Missouri Students Association president Payton Head posted a report about a racial slur directed at him. Head alleged he was walking around campus when the passenger of a pickup repeatedly shouted the “N-word” at him. There were no witnesses.

Yesterday Payton Head warned students the KKK was on campus. He later retracted the claim.
The Blaze reported:

University of Missouri Student Body President Payton Head issued a chilling warning of a “confirmed” Ku Klux Klan presence on campus Tuesday — only to admit it was not true hours later.

He quickly sparked panic with a Facebook post claiming he was actively working with “the MUPD, the state trooper and the National Guard” on the so-called threat.

Now this…
Race activist Payton Head – who complains about white privilege and racial slights but was voted student body president – is linked to Barack Obama.
What a shock.
payton head obama
Dan Riehl reported on Breitbart — Per Payton Head’s Facebook page, the two met in July, 2011 when Head visited the White House.





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