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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Just when we thought it could not get any more disgusting....

SICK! New Planned Parenthood Video Features Advisor Saying “EVERYTHING WE PROVIDE IS FRESH”

This may be one of the worst Planned Parenthood videos so far. An official laughs and sips her drink as she talks about eyes, hearts, spinal cords and gonads. She also says everything they provide is “fresh” as if she was talking about pieces of meat.


Hot Air has a partial transcript:

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.” Westhoff continues, “Obviously, we would have the potential for a huge P.R. issue in doing this,” before offering to introduce the buyers to “national office abortion people” from Planned Parenthood.

If you made this up, no one would believe you. It’s like something out of a horror movie.


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Ted Cruz is slicing and dicing Hitlery Rod-em-all Clinton in a televised debate like an Arby's roast beef, ..........,


Then with-out any warning what-so-ever,.. Ted slowly and casually unbuttons has sport coat, and opens it wide open to display this photo emblazoned accross his chest. All while facing down Hitlery Rod-em-all Clinton and displaying this image to "60 million debate viewers".


An image that is now FORCED by Ted Cruz to be "FREE" prime-time "HEADLINE NEWS" with every Media Jackal on the continent, for days and weeks and months.


Totally using these despicable progressive parrot media jackals against themselves to provide tens of millions of dollars of "FREE" media coverage against their own lefty baby killing agenda's.


Fight to WIN. Absolutely no holds barred.


And win big.


"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny"


From the;

Conservative Tribune

Gangbanger Thugs Do The Unthinkable To Black Kid… Where’s Black Lives Matter Now?

On Monday, several gangbanger thugs in Chicago lured an innocent 9-year-old black child, Tyshawn Lee, from a park and into an alley, where they then executed him to get back at his father, a fellow gangbanger whose clique was reportedly feuding with theirs.

“This was not a drive-by, this was not a spray of bullets … a baby was executed,” Rev. Michael Pfleger, known for attending anti-cop and anti-gun rallies, complained to the Associated Press in regard to this tragedy.

“We have gone to a new low that’s removed what used to be some codes, some barriers, some lines that used to be drawn in the community, some things in our city that were not acceptable,” he added.

Local police Superintendent Garry McCarthy agreed, describing the execution as the most “unfathomable” crime he had ever witnessed in his 35 years of policing.

“Everybody is sick; everybody is disgusted,” he said.

But the story got worse. According to McCarthy, the boy’s father, Pierre Stokes, refused to cooperate with the police, though Stokes disputed this allegation.

“I answered every question they asked me,” he told reporters. “They’re not asking me questions that I know. I don’t know the questions that they asked me.”

The investigation remained ongoing as of Saturday morning, with police having reportedly focused their attention on a “person of interest.” Furthermore, authorities had offered a $35,000 reward for information regarding the execution.

What seemed rather shocking was that “Black Lives Matter” activists, known for hollering and pounding their fists on the behalf of thugs justifiably gunned down by the police, apparently had nothing to say about the death of Tyshawn Lee.

There were no riots, no marches and no rallies. The tragic irony is that if one of the gangbanger thugs winds up dying during an altercation with the police, then “Black Lives Matter” types will no doubt crawl out from their hiding places and start protesting again.

I guess only “Thugs Lives Matter” to them.

What do you think should happen to the gang members who executed this 9-year-old boy? Please share this post on Facebook or Twitter and let us know what you think


Is Planned Parenthood Committing Murder? A Tale of Four Babies

Full video of the House Judiciary Committee Hearing (4:48)

By Cheryl Sullenger

Washington, DC — On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee convened a hearing to investigate allegations that Planned Parenthood may be engaged in criminal activity related to the selling of aborted baby remains, altering abortion procedures to ensure sellable organs, and intentionally killing babies born alive during abortions in order to harvest their organs. These allegations were brought by evidence presented in a series of undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

The question of whether or not Planned Parenthood is committing murder – by far the most serious charge – has been generally obscured by the public focus on whether or not Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of aborted baby parts and on Planned Parenthood’s dubious “analysis” that has given abortion supporters the ammo they desired to question the veracity of the videos.

The murder allegations really boil down to a tale of four babies.

The first baby was a little boy born at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in San Jose, California. We learned about him during one of those CMP videos at the heart of Wednesday’s hearing. In that video, Holly O’Donnell described her experience at Planned Parenthood while in the employment of the biologics firm StemExpress. He was born during a second trimester abortion and brought to the pathology lab so his organs could be harvested. But there was a problem, at least for Ms. O’Donnell. The baby boy’s heart was still beating. Nevertheless, O’Donnell was ordered to cut open the baby’s face and harvest his brain.

The second baby, known to us as Baby A or the Abrams Baby, may have played no part in the hearing, but is important to consider nonetheless. His mother wound up in a run-down abortion clinic in a poor urban neighborhood of West Philadelphia operated by a then little-known abortionist named Kermit Gosnell. The mother was given an abortion, but her son was born alive and moving. One of Gosnell’s employees later told authorities that Gosnell cut the baby’s neck, but the baby continued to struggle until he finally died. Later, Gosnell joked, “This baby is big enough to walk me to the bus stop.”

The third and fourth babies were also born during abortions, one in Sioux City, Iowa, and the other in Los Angeles, California. Just like the two previous babies, they survived their abortions and were born alive with tiny hearts beating in their chests. However, their stories ended much differently than the first two. Thankfully, caring people rescued these tiny baby girls, who survived to be adopted and raised into adulthood.


Those abortion survivors, Gianna Jessen and Melissa Ohden, offered testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that was convened to investigate Planned Parenthood’s alleged illegal selling of aborted baby remains, and spoke emotionally about how glad they are that they survived and have been able to experience the gift of life.

“I have long believed that if my birthmother’s abortion would have taken place at a Planned Parenthood, I would not be here today,” stated Ohden. “Completing over 300,000 abortions a year provides them with the experience to make sure that ‘failures’ like me don’t happen.”

It was Jessen who asked perhaps the most important question of the day. After describing the abortion she survived and the impact it has had on her life and health, she asked, “If abortion is about women’s rights, then what were mine?”

The significance of what happened to the four babies should not be ignored.

A baby born alive is protected by law, yet it is the dirty secret of the abortion cartel that when living babies are born at abortion clinics, they are either intentionally killed or left to die.

When authorities in Philadelphia discovered Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” abortion clinic, he was rightfully convicted of three counts of first degree murder for killing Baby A and two others, and is currently serving life in prison.

Yet, Jessen and Ohden testified that had they been killed instead of rescued after having been born alive during abortions, they would have simply become another abortion statistic just like the baby born with a beating heart at the Planned Parenthood clinic in San Jose. They would have received no justice.

O’Donnell’s recorded statements along with other admissions of Planned Parenthood executives as revealed by the CMP videos only bolster the case for murder.

When David Daleiden, the project lead for the Center for Medical Progress was asked by Fox News anchor Shannon Bream if he was accusing Planned Parenthood of murder, his answer was unequivocal.


The House Judiciary Committee’s goal is to determine if Planned Parenthood is breaking the law in order to defund the abortion giant of the half-billion of Federal tax dollars it receives annually. But if defunding Planned Parenthood is the focus, we miss the point of the CMP videos. Those at Planned Parenthood responsible for the killing of living babies birthed during abortions must be prosecuted for murder or else we own Kermit Gosnell an apology. Planned Parenthood must not be held above the law, especially when it comes to the heinous crime of murder.


Sue Thayer, a Planned Parenthood manager for 17 years, says her Iowa clinics bought birth control pills for under $3 and were reimbursed $26 by Medicaid.

One heck of a money making organization with no controls and no morals......

You have heard the old saying many times, "follow the money". Women's health? Don't make me laugh till I puke, babies are females too, and they indiscriminantly part them out like old salvaged Buick's for their parts.

It's really all about an insatiable LUST for hundreds and hundreds of milllions of tax payer dollars.

Everything else is merely a "SMOKE SCREEN to cover-up a demonic criminal enterprise".


"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny" 

I think we are on the same page with this and I agree it is lust for millions of taxpayers dollars that we do not want spent on cold blooded murder. If we did not have traitors representing us this would not be happening!

The "RINO'S" could stop this TODAY if they were on our side of the issue.


Many people, especially souless Lefty Progressives, will do horrible, vile, unthinkably demonic things,... for $575,000,000.00 of "FREE" CONFISCATED TAX PAYER DOLLARS!


We should have stopped this before it was ever started, tax payers and the government Leviathan has no legal role here. None!


The government has no busines "re-distributing the wealth" back to themselves through their complict baby murdering CRONY devils. The video's prove 100% that these PP animals are "diabolical murderers for profit". What other logical conclusion could you possibly come to after seeing and hearing so many examples of this level of pure evil with your own eyes and ears??


Anyone that tells me that at its root, PP is about women's health needs a firm smackdown to the brain.

Of course it is about the $575,000,000.00 "FREE" CONFISCATED TAX PAYER DOLLARS first (1st), and selling dismembered baby parts second (2nd) to pad the already wildly lucaritive profits,... and everything else is merely part of the devilish cover-up and the smoke screen.


"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny" 


and everything else is merely part of the devilish cover-up and the smoke screen.

Very true!


A staggering, mind altering 866% gross profit. All 100% paid for with confiscated tax payer dollars.


Stop and think, and then dwell on it for a moment; ExxonMobil averages 3~4% net return on capital invested, and they are "demonized" and called horrible names everyday for filling legitimate vital consumer needs (like gas for your car and fuel for electricity and heat) by lefty brain-dead evil progressives just like these axxholes are.


Think about how these evil lefty devil-dog progressives and their complicit media jackals have "manipulated" the American publics perception of real reality. The media jackals have many in the populace "believing" that the Lucifarian devil-dogs in Planned parenthood are some kind of Saints. 


This proves just excatly how "brain-dead" the average ObamaBot Zombie low information voter progressive enabler actually is. They are so incredibly brain-dead, that they are dangerous to us and themselves, and are a serious threat to our republic.


"Silence in the face of tyranny, (and brain-dead ObamaBot Zombies), IS your consent to that tyranny" 

This proves just excatly how "brain-dead" the average ObamaBot Zombie low information voter progressive enabler actually is. They are so incredibly brain-dead, that they are dangerous to us and themselves, and are a serious threat to our republic.

IMO they are devoid of good conscience.





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