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Trump has only kind words for rivals

Main Politics Trump has only kind words for rivals

  1. 11.11 / 15:50 abc17news.com
    Trump has only kind words for rivals
    The morning after the fourth Republican debate, Donald Trump is playing Mr. Nice…
    Donald Trump

by David Wright CNN

POSTED: 05:48 AM CST Nov 11, 2015 UPDATED: 09:46 AM CST Nov 11, 2015

During a lengthy interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Trump refused multiple opportunities to jab any of his opponents.

He instead struck a conciliatory tone, saying he "didn't think anybody did poorly," and noting that the GOP candidates were "getting better" with each passing debate. He also had some faint praise for chief rival Ben Carson, saying, "I thought he was good." He said other opponents like Jeb Bush "couldn't be nicer."

And the business mogul was effusive in his praise of Fox Business Network, who hosted the debate following a performance by CNBC moderators in the previous debate that was widely panned by its participants and other Republicans.

Asked by MSNBC whether he would let Ben Carson run one of his companies -- a wink at an attack Trump launched at Marco Rubio days earlier -- Trump passed on the opportunity to hit the retired neurosurgeon. He quipped, "I'd let him operate on a friend of mine -- not necessarily me, but a friend of mine," before conceding that he would let him run one of his companies.

Earlier that morning, Trump used Twitter with much the same message, crowning himself the winner of the debate and lavishing praise on its moderators.

The GOP…

article at link below

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Yep.. The lost art of taking things with a grain of salt....Sounds like a good title for a book.....Yep, a good history book !

what does that mean anyway???...just sounds like an excuse for making a bad statement to me....I like my fry's with a little salt but thats about it

Thank You for proving my point. 

you never made a point 

 Since Love o
Hillary is the best Republican that the Democrats could ever put up.

to get back on topic..


Ben Carson’s campaign has responded to Trump’s despicable attacks on him, suggesting that Trump is imploding before our eyes and it’s really just sad to watch. Carson’s business manager said that Dr. Carson really believes people should just pray for Trump:

REUTERS – U.S. presidential candidate Ben Carson recommended praying for rival Donald Trump after the real-estate mogul and television personality, in a 95-minute rant in Iowa, likened him to a child molester, Carson’s business manager said on Friday.

“When I spoke with Dr. Carson about this yesterday how we should respond, you know he was so sad about it. He said: “Pray for him.” He feels sorry for him because he really likes Mr. Trump,” Armstrong Williams, who often acts as Carson’s surrogate in the media, told CNN.

“To see him just imploding before our very eyes – it’s just sad to watch,” Williams said.

Perfect response from Carson, taking the high road, because the last thing Carson would want to have happen is this thing turning into a food fight between the two men.

Right now Trump is the only one who looks like a chump. If Carson had responded in kind, then he risks looking that way as well and hurting himself.

So kudos to him for not taking the bait.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/carson-responds-to-trumps-despicable-tirad...

Trump trashes voters as STUPID for believing Ben Carson

Trump is really lashing out these days at Ben Carson and in a very ugly way. He’s not only calling Carson a liar, but as we already know he’s comparing Ben Carson to a child molester, suggesting he still has a ‘pathological anger’ from his childhood that can’t be cured. And he did it again last night.

But he went further last night, calling both the people of Iowa and Americans at large ‘stupid’ for believing Ben Carson’s story:

watch video at;

Read more: 

CNN also did a short video on this;

I don’t have a problem with Trump hitting Carson on his positions. That’s totally fair game. But to character assassinate Carson like he’s trying to do is simply something I cannot support. Trump has absolutely crossed a line here, comparing Carson to a child molester, and he’s a puke for doing so. He needs to get out of the race before he completely destroys himself.

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/trump-trashes-the-people-as-stupid-for-bel...

Trump uses CNN phony attack to hit Carson in new attack ad

Trump is continuing his Carson offensive, making a new ad on Instagram calling Carson a pathological liar and using CNN’s phony attack on Carson from a few days ago to do so:

There’s a better chance of Trump being a pathological liar than Ben Carson. After all, Trump claimed on the debate stage that he got to know Putin very well during his interview on 60 minutes because they were ‘stablemates’. But in reality Trump’s interview was in New York and Putin’s interview was conducted in Russia. 
They never met each other.

Yet he has the audacity to call Carson a pathological liar? C’mon.

Read more: 

How could Oscar Wilde (1890)  have known?
Picture of Dorian Gray
The Picture of Dorian Gray Theme of Morality and Ethics
Everyone in The Picture of Dorian Gray has his or her own moral scale, and the result is a world in which we're not quite sure what's right or wrong. That being said, some things are definitely wrong – for example, like killing your former best friend, then having his body chemically…um, for lack of a better word, disappeared. The interesting thing is that characters in this novel have a way of adjusting their personal moral and ethical codes to suit their own needs and desires.

It would appear Candidate Ted Cruz is now aligning himself with the position of Donald Trump. It was several months ago when Trump told media he would immediately repatriate any Syrian refugee tak...

Ted Cruz Calls For End To Syrian / U.S. Refugee Program Following P...

It would appear Candidate Ted Cruz is now aligning himself with the position of Donald Trump.  It was several months ago when Trump told media he would immediately repatriate any Syrian refugee taken by the Obama administration – the media blasted him for it.    This move by Ted Cruz has a particular whiff of political opportunism to it.

Ted Cruz Value Voters SummitTED CRUZ RESPONDS TO PARIS ATTACK – “America must stand with our allies against the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism. This is an evil that does not discriminate between French, German or American, Christian, Muslim or Jew, soldier, football player, or concert goer. Their only goal is to murder those who do not submit to their vicious, totalitarian ideology. Our deepest condolences go out to our French allies, and I know the government of the United States stands by to offer any assistance necessary.


“We must now face the facts. Between the downing of the Russian jet over Egypt and this massive coordinated attack on Paris, we are seeing an unmistakable escalation of ISIS’ ambitions and the scale of their terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq. Even as chaos rages in Paris, we need to take immediate, commonsense steps to preserve our own safety.

We need to consult closely with our NATO allies who may be targeted for additional attacks. We need to immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been infiltrated by ISIS to the United States. We need to redouble our efforts to prevent ISIS agents from penetrating our nation by other means.

“Such steps, however, are defensive reactions to an enemy that will continue to try to attack us until they succeed once again. We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ‘violent extremism.’ It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west. It will not be appeased by outreach or declarations of tolerance. It will not be deterred by targeted airstrikes with zero tolerance for civilian casualties, when the terrorists have such utter disregard for innocent life. We must make it crystal clear that affiliation with ISIS and related terrorist groups brings with it the undying enmity of America—that it is, in effect, signing your own death warrant.”  ~ Ted Cruz

~ The Repatriation Force ~

trump and sessions


dont know how cruz is aligning himself with trump just by making a common sense decision ...but hey at least you can trust what cruz says...trump..not so much




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