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By soopermexican

After a few jokes about who he might pick for a Vice President on his election ticket if he won the nomination, el Trumpo finally intimated who he would pick.

From the Hill:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”
Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

Still, Trump suggested late Monday that he will turn on Cruz if he becomes a threat to his front-runner status.

“If he catches on, I guess we’ll have to go to war,” he told host Joe Kernen on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Of course it’s Cruz! He has said already that he believes he is the anti-Establishment candidate, and it’s clear that Ted Cruz has been trying to situate himself as the fallback for Trump’s followers if he begins to lose in the polling.

Would Ted take the position if that’s how the election broke? We have many months of speculation left!!

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/trump-reveals-who-hed-pick-as-vice-preside...

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Virginia, that pretty much sums it up with respect to Cruz's qualifications to be president. The constitutional experts agree with you. All the additional points have been examined and ruled by the supreme court many times. There are no issues of uncertainty. We can all move on from this subject unless we want to work towards a constitutional amendment to change the requirements to serve as president.

no Blades Rove has never been wrong 100% of the time....he is accurate most of the time...he couldn't demand the money he earns if his record was as bad as you claim. I know of no one who can demand high market value for failure. Thump would be the closest example of that person I can think of in modern time.

If your theory that Rove could not demand the money he steals if he were wrong all the time was correct. ..Then how do you explain Sharpton..No Jack .Talking heads make the money because of Sheeple who  just like someone who tells them what they want to hear. THE DEVIL IS A CRAFTY BAS-TURD 

No Kevin, you got that wrong about Sharpton. You and I may not agree with Sharpton's message, but there are millions that do, and it is those millions that follow his lead which determines his value. It doesn't matter in the market if those who follow are only sheeple, numbers of sheeple is the determining factor. Since he can demand high payment for his time means he is successful.

Jack, That`s my point . Sharpton is wrong about most things he says  (hands up don`t shot) but he says what hateful people want to hear. He does not have to be right.. And hence, he is successful.

How many campaigns did he lose it 12 and 10... ok maybe not 100% but his record aint that good lately ..and since he only support establishment people...well he is far from being one of the good guys

you are correct Blades, Rove's win record those two election cycles was not his best and he paid the price for those failures. Keep in mind they were two tough election cycles for mainstream republicans. In 2010, it was difficult to get republicans out to vote and republicans rarely have  good results in presidential election years.


Rove has been a B'tard since his days in college. He has always had a penchant for trying to utterly destroy anyone who disagreed with him or who showed him to be wrong about something. He has taken that attitude into the political arena and has ruined many by using it. He never cared about anything but his own over blown EGO.

that may be a correct analysis of Rove's personality, I don't know him personally and I certainly can't judge his motivations.  I do know that he is well respected in the political arena for his expertise.  That is all that counts when you are measuring a person worth, the value he brings to the situation. 

Here is a video over 25 years ago and Trump was saying then just the same as he says now...This man is a fighter and he will set things straight in America...as will Cruz as well...Both these guys are winners...vetting is getting really good...;)

VIDEO Uncovered Trump Interview From Over 25 Years Ago Will Shock A Lot of People

Thanks Blades..you are good at these videos..the best I cah do is give a link...




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