We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


By soopermexican

After a few jokes about who he might pick for a Vice President on his election ticket if he won the nomination, el Trumpo finally intimated who he would pick.

From the Hill:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”
Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

Still, Trump suggested late Monday that he will turn on Cruz if he becomes a threat to his front-runner status.

“If he catches on, I guess we’ll have to go to war,” he told host Joe Kernen on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Of course it’s Cruz! He has said already that he believes he is the anti-Establishment candidate, and it’s clear that Ted Cruz has been trying to situate himself as the fallback for Trump’s followers if he begins to lose in the polling.

Would Ted take the position if that’s how the election broke? We have many months of speculation left!!

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/trump-reveals-who-hed-pick-as-vice-preside...

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yes, Trump was correct 25 years ago when he said Japan was eating our lunch in trade but he is wrong on the reason then and now. Japan and China have been eating our lunch on trade, not because of bad trade deals negotiated, both countries are out engineering our products with the latest technologies and innovations. That trend is expected to continue only with more countries outpassing our global abilities. Until we fix our education problems we will never be able to compete with advanced countries technical advantages.


China and Japan have a track record of copy catting our tech advancements changing them just enough that no copyright or patent would be invoked. That changing can be looked at as cheapening the product

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Washington Post, by Anthony Faiola    Original Article
Posted By: earlybird- 11/19/2015 10:25:21 AM     Post Reply
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Denver bookstore named ISIS is vandalized
CNN, by Ed Payne    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 11/19/2015 10:25:08 AM     Post Reply
What´s in a name? Apparently a lot of expensive headaches. Isis Books & Gifts in Denver has the misfortune of sharing its name with the terrorist group. Over the weekend, someone threw a brick through the sign outside the business. It´s the fourth time in recent months someone has vandalized the bookstore. "We´re all very heartbroken (about the Paris attacks) so I don´t know if somebody walking down the street just saw our name on the sign and kind of lost it for a moment and threw a rock through it," Karen Charboneau-Harrison, the store owner told CNN affiliate KDVR.

Two New Hampshire Polls Produce
Almost Identical Results – Donald
Trump Extending Lead, Carson
Support Shrinking Quickly…
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Posted By: earlybird- 11/19/2015 10:11:56 AM     Post Reply
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America´s Ridiculous Refugee Debate
Real Clear Politics, by Heather Wilhelm    Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55- 11/19/2015 9:47:49 AM     Post Reply
If you’ve watched President Obama’s various speeches and press conferences over the past few days, you can be forgiven for coming away with the distinct impression that he doesn’t like you. First came the president’s robotic, tone-deaf press conference in Antayla, Turkey, a mere three days after the horrific Paris terror attacks by ISIS. Appearing peeved that he even had to discuss it, Obama repeatedly defended his ISIS strategy in somnolent tones, blandly describing the slaughter of 129 innocents as “a setback.”

450 illegal tamales from Mexico seized at LAX
Los Angeles Times, by Veronica Rocha    Original Article
Posted By: jimincalif- 11/19/2015 9:42:40 AM     Post Reply
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Left-Wing Arguments for Taking
Syrian “Refugees” Are Stupid
Canada Free Press, by Tim Dunkin    Original Article
Posted By: snowcloud- 11/19/2015 9:38:40 AM     Post Reply
The battle of the refugees continues in Washington, DC. With 33 state governors (at the time of this writing) refusing to take in any additional refugees, Pres__ent Obama (D-ISIS) has been absolutely flipping his wig, petulantly calling his opponents names while attempting to berate the governors into reversing their decisions. The radical Left has not been negligent to back him up, either. The past couple of days have seen them advance a number of arguments against rejection of the refugees—ranging from the simply wrong to the outright laughable. I’d like to address some of these arguments below. The most sophisticated


Illegal Immigrants Attack
And Bite Summerdale Cop
WKRG-TV [Mobile, AL], by Pat Peterson    Original Article
Posted By: Ribicon- 11/19/2015 9:17:57 AM     Post Reply
Summerdale, AL — 10-48: officer needs assistance. It’s an emergency radio call no officer wants to hear. Summerdale police Corporal Vince Miller was forced to call for emergency back-up when he and his partner were overpowered and attacked by three men on a traffic stop. The driver was the one who initially resisted when he was arrested for DUI, but Cpl. Miller says the situation took a potentially deadly turn when the driver’s two buddies got out of the car. Miller took two or three good licks and was bitten by one of the men. You can see bite marks on Miller’s arm.

The incredible shrinking president:
Obama´s words belittle the office
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 11/19/2015 8:19:29 AM     Post Reply
Constitutionally, Barack Obama has 427 days left in his second term. But actually, the Democrat has already abdicated his role in the highest office that his countrymen can ever bestow. His petty, petulant remarks recently and especially abroad this week confirmed the sadness. Obama´s not even a lame duck anymore. Ironic that he controls the most power on the planet. But stands before us and the world now as a mere shell of an American leader, bereft of any real influence or earned stature. He´s ignored by Russia, defied by Iran. Instead of respect, he gets heads shaking.

Pew: 30% of refugees say they´re
Syrian but they´re NOT
Washington Examiner, by Paul Bedard    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 11/19/2015 7:25:00 AM     Post Reply
Despite assurances from U.S. officials that the background of potential Syrian refugees are being vetted, at least one third lie about being Syrian to get into sympathetic European nations, according to reports and the Pew Research Center. German officials recently raised concerns that 30 percent of over 500,000 refugees have claimed to be Syrian and even carried forged Syrian passports, making it difficult to research their background. The reason is simple. In Europe and the United States, Syrian refugees are winning residency in much bigger numbers than those from other nations.

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Posted By: Attercliffe- 11/19/2015 7:24:24 AM     Post Reply
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podesta - Copy


The interview will air on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 this weekend at these times:

Saturday (11-21):


Sunday (11-21):

10PM-11PM ET


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Big Government, Big Journalism, 2016 Presidential Race


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