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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


By soopermexican

After a few jokes about who he might pick for a Vice President on his election ticket if he won the nomination, el Trumpo finally intimated who he would pick.

From the Hill:

Donald Trump on Tuesday named Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) when asked about his possible running mate in 2016.

“Ted Cruz is now agreeing with me 100 percent,” he said when asked about his vice presidential pick, according to Lifezette.

“Well, I like him,” Trump told radio host Laura Ingraham during her broadcast. “He’s backed everything I’ve said.”
Unlike most of the Republican presidential hopefuls, Cruz has mostly refrained from attacking Trump, even appearing alongside him at a rally in September against the Iran nuclear deal.

The pair has also struck similar tones on topics such as border security and illegal immigration.

Still, Trump suggested late Monday that he will turn on Cruz if he becomes a threat to his front-runner status.

“If he catches on, I guess we’ll have to go to war,” he told host Joe Kernen on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

Of course it’s Cruz! He has said already that he believes he is the anti-Establishment candidate, and it’s clear that Ted Cruz has been trying to situate himself as the fallback for Trump’s followers if he begins to lose in the polling.

Would Ted take the position if that’s how the election broke? We have many months of speculation left!!

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/trump-reveals-who-hed-pick-as-vice-preside...

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Jack You have fooled around and removed all doubt...:)

Jack .If you would please explain why Cruz`s time in Washington is limited. I do not see it. Maybe I am missing something.

As you all can see today, the democrat took the governor's race in Louisiana. Boby Jindal made sure that was going to happen.

Louisiana is full of Catholics..who prefer to vote for dems...that said..that dem ran on a VERY CONSERVATIVE MESSAGE..lying of course...as no dem is  going to operate as a conservative...Jindal would have made a great Conservative POTUS... He is a policy wonk and did not have a message that the American wanted to hear....Jack you and I must talk when this election is over ....;) LOL

Jack..you need to read this....:)


My opinion; Ted Cruz is the only truely proven constitutional conservative, and is the only candidate that WILL do what he says he will do.


There simply is no other candidate that the progessives "FEAR" in a national debate, more than Ted Cruz. He terrifies the left.

Trump has volumes of dirt that will be "hurled" and gleefully parroted by the media jackals in a national election. Ted Cruz is cleanest by far and he is a firey and fierce debater.


Anything less than Ted Cruz and the voter balance (illegal invasion of a formerly sovereign America), will be forever tipped.


And that voter balance that will be tipped forever in the favor of America-hating Progressive/Marxists.

Voter fraud "will openly be part of their daily operations".... And you won't have the political clout to stop it, EVER.


This will effect all SCOTUS appointments, all Federal Judical appointments, all taxes on all job holders, all national debt and deficit issues, all overreaching regulations, and unlimited other critical legulatory and national monetary issues. 


Ted Cruz "absolutely will take more action to stop it", than any other candidate.


I am not at all confident in anyone else. Trump (if nationally electable) will possibly take action on a "few issues", but he certainly "will not" on too many others that are critical to saving our "sovereign' constitutional republic..


"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny

If Trump does win...He needs Cruz to secure the base...who all loves Cruz...

Cruz could certainly sure up the conservative base with him on the ticket, but it certainly wouldn't help Trump beat Hillary. I will give Trump this credit, if he wins the nomination he will be the only republican candidate who will keep the election results from being called before 9 PM eastern time.

DE, what is it that I have to read in "Silence in the face of tyranny"? What tyranny are you expecting? The democrats didn't win Louisiana because Catholics vote democrat, they won because Jindal was not liked in Louisiana. This was an easy race for the republican's to win, but you cannot win in states with a purely conservative message. That is why Jindal had no traction in his bid for the presidential nomination. In a republican primary, candidates with a purely conservative message can remain competitive for a long time, but it is not likely they can win the nomination and certainly not the general election. In my lifetime, and I am passed 70) I have never seen a pure conservative make it to the white house, Cruz is by far the truest form of constitutional conservative running in this election, which is the main reason why he has no chance of getting the nomination. DE, I would enjoy having political discussions with you anytime. Why should we wait until after the election, you or I could be scoring points right now.

Jack..Just hoping to help educate  you to the wonderful point of view of an Oath Keeper ..a true Conservative man.... Everything you said about conservatives being unelectable was what they said about Reagan...A man on the TPPs forum got me interested in Reagan and I read his and Barry Goldwater's life story...The establishment was able to keep Reagan down in his first run..that said...they could not do it the next time he ran...You are operating on the nothing ever changes theory....We only had the media who were an arm of the dem party back in the day...Now we have lots of conservative news sources...FNC is establishment oriented ..but  they do make some attempt at fairness and balance...That is why I offer the convenient gathering of conservative news sources to many older  folks here who were  addicted to newspapers  in the past...98% of which were partners in crime with the dems..pure propaganda and nothing more...My Mom loved her newspaper...but she was a repub as was all my family and she pointed out to me that these were basically  totally propaganda pieces held together with a bit of local and some national news and she was able to discard the crap....I was a late in life baby and she was concerned with teaching me as much as she could...I grew up mostly surrounded with adults...My sister was married and out of the home before I was born...I got a good education because of what she taught me....The times they are a changing ..Jack..People have learned about DC and that all politics are NOT JUST LOCAL.....They are getting an education in spite of what the political crowd wants....and they hate what they have learned ..they hate  the status quo and want CHANGES MADE....Boehner is gone and McCarthy could not get his job...The jury is still out on Ryan..we shall see...Cruz if elected will be out next Washington/Reagan....He will go over the heads of the people to get whatever is best for America to be done...just as Reagan did..and he will force Congress to co-operate...JMHO

DE I am open to learning from any source you would like to offer. First let me advise you that Reagan was far from any conservative form you are speaking of today. He was a blend of common sense with some conservative values and most of all he knew how to get people to work with him. I was a Reagan supporter from the very beginning of his political career and helped in any way I could to get him elected. He won both terms because he projected a likable image to the general public, but it was also very helpful in both races he ran against some of the weakest democratic candidates they could possibly put up against Reagan. Yes, some things in politics have changed like the addition of Fox News and the conservative internet outlets. But Fox news and all the conservative internet and radio broadcast aren't a fraction of the pubic the liberal news outlets and the social media reach. More import is the fact that fewer people even tune-in to politics or even bother to vote. Boehner is gone because he knew his staying as speaker was only going to weaken the republican for 2016 and he was not happy to continue the bickering with the right wing part of the caucus. McCary is gone because he made a stupid statement but if he chose to fight he would have probably succeeded in the end with the help from the democrats. You see that is exactly how Reagan got most of what he wanted done.

Jack..we will simply have to agree to disagree...sorry but you are just sooo wrong on so many things that It is not time expedient for me to deal with your education...Let us just remain friends...if you will  with a conservative to the bone little critter like me...I do believe you are a good guy...just mistaken...;)  JMHO

That is fine DE...I never assume I am right unless I have the facts on my side...I am always willing to correct my views if factual evidence can be presented. You might be more conservative than I DE, but I don't base my political views on emotion. I would rather remain friends so we can keep that opportunity available to learn from each other. As enemies, we can learn nothing.




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