We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The United States Needs Donald Trump To Who Will Work For U.S. Citizens

The United States needs a leader and not a politician with baggage that preaches the Tea Party message but has done nothing to further Tea Party values other that run their mouths about how much they will get done when they are already in elected offices and have done nothing but run their mouths. We don't need any first term senators that have done nothing but speak the game then avoid staying away from getting rid of all the illegal aliens. Closing the border is one thing but getting rid of the illegal aliens that are here is the first and foremost issue the Tea Party wants "Done" without question. Time for some new blood and Donald Trump fits the Tea Party agenda.

Please take a moment to view this new Donald Trump web site. All Tea Partiers are invited. We support all "Tea Party" true conservative anti illegal alien web sites, persons and candidates.

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Yes Hat from your viewpoint they might be, but so are the numbers you accepted by the polls. My numbers show Trump in the lead as of this date but in no way do they indicate that he wins. That would be like betting your whole stash of money in a poker hand after seeing your first card. Not a very smart move or predictable at that stage of the hand. I haven't a clue at this stage of the game who will win the nomination, but neither does anyone else. Trump could be that person to win and the republicans will have to deal with it. You certainly have the right to challenge my views and not accept them. As the political race gets closer to the actual primary voting you will see that the polls will be wrong again and I will have a closer match to the outcome.

So "those numbers you posted are way out in a space odyssey in the middle east where the left wing democrats only let foreigners vote" are they?????

When one is attempting to persuade or win an argument, English grammar and syntax is appropriate rather than illiterate blather, nonsensical malarkey; unless, of course, one is vying for some kind of clown accolade or looking for a gig on SNL.

TVC. I will tell you like I told hat. Just because I critique Jacks posts, does not open the door for your demeaning comments...That is not nice at all.

yes, that is correct Kevin, and I should have noted that in my comment. Just for the record, I would guess that 99.9% of what I post on a subject is my opinion. Even if I get some information from another source, I am agreeing with the source therefore, it is still my opinion if I agree with it. I have no way to verify most anything that is written.

No problem Jack. We all have opinions. And you know what they say about that. It was just looking like you copied from some other web site. If you do bring from another web page, give location or paste link so others can verify. That helps keep all the bs out of discussion...Like I said ,just trying to keep it pure...Thank You for understanding my friend.......PS. if you need help to bring links here. just ask me to help...

I appreciate the offer to help Kevin. Typically when I voice my opinion it is generally on an issue that is soon to transpire. In that case, all I need to do is reference back to my original comment to compare to the actual issue outcome.

For the record, I was jesting which you missed, but thanks for your sanctimonious comments, My suggestion is that you police Jack and resist the temptation to read my posts. This will spare you a lot of agita.

If Jack calls someone names or demeans anyone I will call him out on it. Disrespecting others will not be tolerated. I do not chose sides in my analysis. I do not agree with Jack on any of his politics, but no one has the right to disrespect others on this site. Argue and debate all you want. But if you can not keep it civil, you will be removed from discussions... I may miss some of it. For that I am sorry. But when I see it , It will be called out. I do not care who you are.

Still say my way works well enough.

Why Trump? 


Right now I would say there is more anger for the RNC than for the Dems among the remnants of the Tea Party.

What remnants? The Tea Party that's pushing Trump into the presidency is 70% of the GOP base. I guess you are most likely referring to the remnants of the libertarian party that are being slowly but surely removed from the Tea Party.

Nice, go personal right out of the chute. Ok short answer...

Thing is that no one you know is more critical and has more disdain for the Libertarian party than I. Bet you missed that ...

I dont equate the TP with the anger over what has happened to us. This is what is driving the Trump campaign. Such is the stuff of the media and its nonsense if this was the TP's doings.

The anger existed long before the TP ever was (poorly) named. It was a great thing at first, giving proof to people they were not alone and their anger justified. Ideas were exchanged and people had a common point to focus efforts.

Enter then the RNC...

Well I can point to the fact the days of large TP rallies being long over and I even know why it happened.

What can you point to?

I can point to the obvious that people are angry over the co-op job done on the TP by the RNC.

What can you point to?

Actually this a very good thing considering how we were all sold down the river by certain individuals. People didn't give up completely and just go back to the status quo desired by both the RNC and DNC.

See that exists outside the TP though the TP may have had a part to play its part is fairly done.

My attitudes and beliefs are NOT due to the TP, no one gets to claim that but myself as I am the one that has to be responsible for them. 

Right now I would say there is more anger for the RNC than for the Dems among the remnants of the Tea Party.

Because the media turned tea party into an eval word, many conservatives quit admitting to being aligned with the tea party. However when you see over 60% of conservative support running from establishment candidates the tea party has grown not shrunk. We just went under ground. 




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