We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The big Lie. 
Joseph Goebbels:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."
The Democrats created the big lie and to defend it they created the PC culture. Today in America you will note there is no tail to large told by the left that demands apology from the PC culture. On the same token you see there is no truth to small from the right that an effort by the PC culture will not demand silenced.
Freedom of speech in PC culture basically says what ever the left wants us to believe is good and everything else needs to be censored.
Look at the media war coming from the left today, they tell us we all want illegal Mexicans and Muslims in our country. They tell us if we don't want them we are racists and bigots and make every effort to convince us if we don't want them there is something wrong with us.
That's another big lie and we see and hear it through the media everyday, and when anyone points out that many of these Mexicans are rapists and thugs the PC culture comes to the rescue by not reporting it and telling us this is not the view of the majority just a few conservative crazies. We see the deaths at the hands of Mexicans, we see the growing drug problem because of our borders to the south.
The left says the war on drugs is a failure so lets legalize it and let those incarcerated out of jail, those crazy conservatives want to build a fence and patrol it, they want criminal aliens deported. However the big lie lives on in the media telling us all forget it, your neighbor does not want it.
If you take the time to read the Qur"an you would be shocked, researchers have stated this is the most violent religion http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/11/research-islam-really-is-the-worl... and yet the media and the POTUS lies and tells us the Qur"an is peaceful.
The Muslim religion teaches it is not just OK but you must lie to the infidel if need be to further the cause. It teaches killing the none believer is righteous these are not the acts of a friendly religion.
I am proud to be a crazy conservative, I don't want illegal immigrants taking benefits away from Americans that need them. I don't want to see 94 million Americans out of the work force as millions of illegal's take jobs at ridiculously low wages. I don't want to go to a football game a mall or a restaurant in fear of a Muslim attack. I have a concealed carry permit not be cause I want to carry a gun but because the left forces me to as they bring a new level of fear in to American streets in the form of illegal's and Muslims.
If I'm crazy to support Trump and Cruz because they want what I want then so be it, at least if enough of us crazies get out and vote we can take back our country from those smart people who want to destroy it.
 I even say God bless America, just more proof of how crazy I really am.

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here let me help

 Reply by Dmitri Veans 18 hours ago

Some think there is something wrong with the world today:
Things you will be prosecuted for:
Hate speech against Muslims
Hate speech against Blacks
Hate speech against LGBT
Things you will not be prosecuted for:
Hate speech against Jews.
Hate speech against whites.
Hate speech against Christians.
Hate speech against God.
Hate speech against Police.
The DOJ seems to endlessly show how Obama wants to impose his idea of fairness on the world. If we had a republican president who only prosecuted Muslims, Blacks and Gays would the media turn a blind eye to it?  


no need to thank me

to be clear dont put this on the Nazi's remember it was an American that taught this to goebbels...think it was edward bernais..the nephew of sigmond frued if I am correct...regardless we are still dealing with this with not just dems but the GOP has adopted this same strategy  

As the Democrats voted out all the bluedog democrats they started running as republicans and in some cases got elected. We call them Rino's but on the conservative side we are slowly kicking them out of the party. The liberal voters on the other hand embrace the big lie. 

Like I said I'm glad the PC left thinks I crazy, I ware it as a badge of honor. 

DV I wear that badge of honor ritht along with you...I love being a hard line right winger..in everyday language it means we are both Conservatives...LOL

Funny thing about propaganda or as I call it "the big lie" no one on earth does not agree the the Nazi's were socialists. In America the only socialist party is the democrat party and yet as the big lie goes from the socialist left the conservatives are bigots and so the Nazi party will be tied around there neck.
The funny thing is segregation in government was made law by a democrat President, we all talk about the Jim Crow laws as the foundation of segregation and yet he was a democrat, the confederate flag was the Democrat flag. Democrats in the south fought to keep slavery and republicans in the north fought to stop it. And yet the BIG LIE it is the conservatives who are bigots.  

agreeded that the dems are as you state thow they do not hold the only candle in that...but then how do you explain the GOP's support for the socialist agenda for the last 50 yrs...medicaid,SSI,welfare,food stamps and so on

So we respond to the truth with another big lie. LOL

Joseph Goebbels: also said to keep the propaganda lie alive obviscate the truth by switching the subject.. 

You seem to be a good PC democrat. LOL

are you calling me a liar without pointing out where I lied...caution ...cause what I stated is proven FACT!!!

You always call out others to post links to prove their Facts, and yet you state everything you say is a fact with no links by just demanding such.
As with all on the left hipocracy rules.
You should also tell your own party to stop lying about republicans trying to take away all those in their adds campaigns at election time. So which is it are you calling out the Dems on another big lie or are you lying.
Based on your comment one of you are. LOL

first I have no party I am an American to the core...and what I stated is just common knowledge...sorry you are so un informed....but if you would look at the record of the GOP it is clear they have no intention of stopping or reducing any of the policies/programs I stated..and that also goes for defunding or removing any of the socialist dept's in the fed. gov....you know like the dept of ed,EPA,and many others as well as the NGO's that are creating havoc across our country and the world

wondering if you calling me a Democrat if that falls under the rules as calling people names...if not then it would be OK for me to call you a fascist Nazi party member for supporting trump who I believe is a fascist Nazi dictator wanna be...just saying I dont want to break any rules...


Well it is clear you get hot under the collar every time someone says something bad about democrats. You also use the phrase "you Republicans" that suggests you are not one of us. 

Whats nice is you call your self out all the time just like today:

BLADES PC attack of the day, and I quote.

"if not then it would be OK for me to call you a fascist Nazi party member for supporting trump who I believe is a fascist Nazi dictator wanna be"

why do you selective post my response's that is half of what I said and out of context.. and please post what I was responding too

and you mistake what I say when all I point out is that the GOP has blame as well and at no time did I defend the dems..in fact I have stated and agreed with those of you that make comments about dems being a cancer on this country and the world...but I will NEVER ignore the actions of the GOP even if you do..

so tell us what you think about the GOP's support for all the things I listed above???  should we just ignore them and act like the GOP has not supported and advocated for them????




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