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Epic Fail: Establishment Plan to Stop Trump ‘Anemic, Underfunded, U...

Matea Gold and Robert Costa at the Washington Post update the Republican Establishment’s struggle against 2016 frontrunner Donald Trump–and its failure to attract big-money donors such as the Koch brothers or legacy operatives such as Karl Rove.


Ted Cruz’s Surge in Polls Angers Rubio Supporters

Haters from the Rubio camp and those Democratic Party talking points-spewing armchair quarterbacks, who think they can accurately foretell the future when it comes to the 2016 Republican presidential primary race, have better come to terms with the fact that Senator Ted Cruz is very much “electable.”

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good for scarburrough more media need to shut this fascist down or call him out for what he is....wait he's doing that himself...so let him keep talking then we can know him for what he is

Say what you will about Donald Trump’s answers and such, but in this exchange he clearly has to defend himself when Morning Joe turns into a control-freak and gets...

Icon for Post #137446

Yesterday, before he grabbed headlines with his Muslim ban suggestion, el Trumpo put out a pretty funny ad hitting on John Kasich for his small campaign events. Watch...

Icon for Post #137464

I missed this over the weekend but it was too good not to share. How sad have things gotten for Jeb Bush, whose poll numbers look more like a stellar Earned Run Average?...

Icon for Post #137452

Mark Levin spent a short amount of time addressing something that he will address more tomorrow in a new column at Conservative Review, and that is Rubio’s recent...

Icon for Post #137459

This is just horrifying. Apparently the early reports of there being suspicious objects left by the terrorists at the attack in San Bernardino were true and much worse...

Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3tk9MSrKF

Muslim community is fastest growing community in USA. Is this a good thing or a bad thing...You all can decide for yourself`s...Remember, the left says that`s ok...What says you?......http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/22/report-muslim-im...

Good post Kev...These are not normal people...they seem to have an innate psychopathic nature... I know not all do bur the few that don't ..just prove the rule...No matter how good you are to them they have a totally ungrateful heart..and can at any given time..BITE OFF THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM......and why do sooo many people of color identify with them..It is extremely rare to see a white join up with them...I have never been accused of racism..but this is a fact....

To look at this  caliphate politically.. I think Trump is just learning about what a caliphate is and he is saying exactly what few people know. He is correct by saying we need to stop the immigration from Middle East. Rand Paul says same thing. I think we will see Trump educate us on a caliphate ,and when he does many who spoke out against him will be wearing egg on their faces...The caliphate is something I know about and find it easy to see where it is heading. Trump is right to say what he is saying. To me it shows he is willing to say the hard things to say..The media will try to sink him for political reasons. Thats all they know how to do.

let me get this straight ....trump who you say is just learning about the caliphate is going to teach us....teach us WHAT he's just learning....heck I know more than he does and I'm still just a bottom feeder...

maybe trump should go back to pre school and learn about this thing called the CONSTITUTION!!!!

The mainstream media is out to get Trump again over his desire to stop Muslim imagrents from entering the country until we figure out what's taking place. They say its a firestorm from the left and right point to presidential candidates but who are they?
Of course the democrats then Kasich Rubio and Bush, wow do we really care what those people think. It is not American to bring people to the US who want to kill us.  No where in the constitution are we required to do so. The constitution spells it out, congress and only congress has the right to decide who to let in and who not to.
So Trump does understand the Constitution 

Blades I am not interested one bit to get into an argument with you. Your Cruz agenda needs to take a brake. I on other hand look at things in hopes of finding the truth of it. Do not attack me with your Cruz agenda. I am not talking as a monitor. I am just sick of your cruz cruz cruz cruz. Give it a brake. I am not a Trump guy but just want to have meaningful conversation without the politics.

WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT KEVIN...when have I attacked you or anyone else with a cruz agenda...all I have done is post articles and stories about cruz...most times without my opinion.......now when are you going to say this to the trumpites that just give their OPINION about trump and almost never post his words ...except when he is in full fascist mode

so please stop with your personal attacks...or at least make some sense




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