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I have a feeling that most here have not looked into the who what where and when`s of this Muslim movement that is embraced by the majority of Muslims. A small percentage use Jihad to spread the caliphate, while the huge majority use peaceful ,yet deceiving ways to spread the growth of Islam. If Christians were to use caliphate methods to promote Christianity, there would be outrage and violence towards Christians at Biblical proportions.. To many are taking there eye off the agenda of all Muslim`s. They ride cover to the extreme element and we are falling for their guise.Not enough of you have figured that out so I think we need a lesson about the Caliphate, and the Muslim agenda.
Sharia law is getting settled in all over the world...
Sharia here there and everywhere. I wonder how many people are saying that the world will never be dominated by Sharia. ..Pretty sure everyone said that about the Nazi`s.......
The violent part of the Caliphate has spread fear into the Muslim world. Islamic leadership is afraid to speak out against the Jihad, They have stayed silent in fear and will not speak out to harshly.The movement known as the Caliphate is spreading on a non violent threat easier because they get no resistance from moderate members of their religion. It is obvious to me that the moderate Muslims have become paralyzed like the Germans under Hitler`s rule. They just prod along in fear and actually some join in the Jihad. In fear they just give in to survive. The non violent use Lawyers to infiltrate our legal system. The PC culture in America must end. This phenom of PC gives their movement much camo........................I have a video of my new favorite Muslim and I would like to share it with you....I must warn you that there are some F-BOMBS used in this video..But I think you all will like it
...................4 years ago If I said that Obama was a Muslim. People would just say I am out of my head. How many say that now. Any one who does not see that he is a Muslim is blind. I come from the simple school of common sense...IF IT SOUNDS LIKE A DUCK, IT`S PROBABLY A DUCK.
Those who deny that Obama is a Muslim are part of a cover up. No one can be that dumb.
Once in a while Beck earns his bread.
The lesson here that is missed over and over is that we must stay out of this mess and just take care of our own.
Of course this is disparaged as "isolationist" by exactly the same method as valid observations on culture are labeled "racist" "sexist" or whatever logosphobia is in vogue that day. Of course the statist mentality cannot suffer non-involvement as then there is no place to expand government.
There is not one instance where our (the US) meddling and out right tyranny in foreign matters has not bit us right in the arse. Had the US refused to become involved in WW1 none of what we deal with today happens. Which frankly is exactly why the progressives and their bankers insured we would be involved in a big way.
Little gains being touted as justification ignoring the brutal cost of such to life, treasure, and liberty.
Painted into a corner with slow drying paint, the only way out is to just walk over the paint.
Walk out of the room and take the consequences, its all that can be done to avoid far worse.
That wont happen and that is why this mess is on very borrowed time.
The Caliphate has been in motion for a long time . It has it`s own lobbying group in Washington called CAIR.. This group is very Deceitful.
We recently had a visit from Hank Jordan who dropped of a video called a soldiers silent night. This to me is a perfect example of propaganda used to gain our compassion and respect for Islam. I urge you all to watch this video, stopping it to absorb the messaging to see how they woo us...Pay attention to everything written especially in the second half of the video. ...WE HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED....
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