We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


Many of you know I am passionate about sharing what I know and what I am finding out more about these elite rulers who are hell bent on achieving a NEW WORLD ORDER. My intent here is to bring forth people, corporations , industries such as Hollywood , news-media and etc.as it pertains to The Bilderberg Group...I hope to keep it interesting as well as enlightening.

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Jack, I do think you may have missed my point. You say you want a tech. savy President. I do not think a ceo of a Tech. Co. will be well rounded enough to keep the checks and balances in place. The Tech. industry will thrive if we have the right environment for it and other industries to be productive. Being productive under the rule of law of the people. Like I said ,for a president to be a good keeper of the constitution, He should have God in his heart first and foremost.Capitalism needs to get the cronyism out of it.The constitution is meant to provide that, providing the keeper(President) of it has a pure vision of it...If God is in his heart , his vision will be pure.To understand how the devil works is beyond human kinds ability. We must employ God `s ways to help keep evil at bay.

Kevin, if the government is not tech savvy in every facet of its operation it will never be effective. Checks and balances are already in place. Little needs to be changed or added to keep that working well except upgrade all the tools and skills so that those who have the responsibility can easily monitor the progress. Without technology leading the way, there will be mistakes made on leading this country effectively. We have most of the problems today because we failed to recognize many decades ago how important the advancement of technology would have on every aspect of our life. 

Jack ,I disagree with you. Our Government needs to be tech. savvy. But our President needs to be well rounded . If it was as simple as just being super tech savvy. It would be a much easier job. The president needs to know a lot . He can always hire Carley. If she has the best Tech. mind out there. I would think even Hillary knows you have to be sharp at the tech game...Besides I do not think she is a Tech. wizard. She hired Tech. wizards.

Do not agree Kevin, a leader must have the wisdom to interpret what is going on around him and the imagination to come up with the right solutions. Having smart people around you is a good thing but understanding what those people are telling you is more important and having the intellect to discuss the details is critical to guide you to the right decision. The last five presidents we have had have all been weak on technology and couldn't envision how important our shortfalls in this area were causing all the problems we have today.

Trump or Cruz or any of the republican and democratic candidates in a room with six Carley type advisors  and none of them would have a clue what they were being told. You don't get technical savvy by listening to tech people. The more information a person has without the proper training the more dangerous that person is.

Now I agree, Well rounded..

Jack, Do you think government needs to get smaller.

absolutely, that is one of the benefits of technology. It would take thousands of people today to build one automobile and it wouldn't be near as good as the one built today without technology. And time would be much longer to build each car at a cost hundreds of times more.

I am not talking about less people in government. I am talking for it to be less intrusive . Government is not a business. The concept is way different.It is not about profit. Government is about rules and regulations. Some people think we need to run it like a business but that is only to use business models to help stream line the expenses and stop the waist. It certainly is not a business per say.Your comparison to manufacturing, does not fit.(IMO)....PS  Less people would be needed if the Government did not regulate as much.

A government is a business a service business. Fewer people in the administrative part of the government are always good especially if you can provide the service at a better rate and quality. Technology allows you to achieve that and since we are a government which functions on checks and balances the use of technology to monitor that system and make it less intrusive is the most effective way to go. You eliminate most of the ideological thinking in the process. You have to remove as much of the emotion out of government as possible. What better tool to use then technology. 

Government that supplies service`s is known as a socialist government..I am starting to wonder about you Jack.

Kevin, our government provides our military forces, our national security team, out international negotiating team, our national electric grid, our interstate hwy system, our air travel air control system, among many other services, are all of these socialist services?

Actually Jack it is.  We as a society have morphed over to become a socialist society more and more.Protecting us is the job we wanted them to do. But The government has crossed that line long ago and we let them. And many want them to. We are and have been a socialistic government for some time now. We have set the stage for rulers like Obama to get in power.. And if we do not push back . The socialism train will keep rolling....Socialism is the first step towards communism...To me it sounds like you are happy that our government takes care of our lives in so many areas.




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