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Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic


The RNC is preparing a brokered convention...to not allow Marco Rubio to win...They will bring in an establishment candidate to give it to that candidate...What can be done  about that..We know it will be Jeb or Rubio..They can do this  because of the ways that they have structured the riles...this is incredible.. the pick at a brokered convention never wins..they said FDR was the last to ever win a brokered convention.What they are really doing is saying they had rather elect Hillary than have Trump win............I AM TOO DISGUSTED FOR WORDS


Cleveland Cliffhanger? Prospects of a Deadlocked GOP Convention

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

The big winner in Iowa’s Republican caucuses on Monday night might not have been Ted Cruz.  It may have been a nominating process that fails to yield a clear winner.  A clear winner being a candidate who goes to Cleveland this summer with the presidential nomination in hand.    

At the end of Monday night, which count really mattered?  Delegates acquired.  As of this writing, Cruz has bagged eight delegates, Trump and Rubio, seven each, with four other delegates going to also-rans. 

Raw vote totals are what most folk tend to watch and weigh.  But in 2016, it pays to more closely follow the candidates’ delegate totals.  Thanks to the Republican National Committee (RNC), caucuses and primaries held prior to mid-March mandate proportional distribution of delegates based on candidates’ vote totals in given contests.  Most early caucuses and primaries impose threshold minimums to win delegates (say, Alabama, with a 20% threshold). 

Prior to Mid-March, 25 States, along with DC, Guam, and Puerto Rico, will hold proportional contests.  That accounts for 1,022 bound delegates (“bound” being delegates committed to a candidate for the first vote).  45% of the bound delegates will be picked proportionally or in “hybrid” formats, which include triggering provisions for larger delegate yields for candidates who meet higher vote percentage thresholds.  There are WTA (winner-take-all) thresholds, but those will be quite difficult to achieve.          

Starting with Super Tuesday, March 15, most of the remaining states have opted to hold winner-take-all contests, though a handful will continue to make proportional distributions.  From mid-March forward, 1,238 bound delegates will be chosen (Colorado’s delegates declare at convention). 

The number of delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination is 1,237.  There are a number of unbound (3 per state) and unpledged delegates.  The unpledged delegates are mostly establishment picks who would factor in at a deadlocked convention.  

Short of a breakout by one the major contenders (Trump, Cruz, and Rubio), it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where the proportional phase of the nominating process yields tightly packed delegate counts among the three.  Complicating matters is if new life is breathed into the Carson, Kasich, or Christe campaigns (as improbable as that appears).

But, say you, won’t the nomination fight be resolved with Super Tuesday and the subsequent contests? 

That could happen, but consider this prospect.  Cruz, Rubio, and Trump take roughly a third each of the delegates in the proportional phase.  For illustration, say, 340 delegates per man.  That means in the winner-take-all phase, one of the principals would need to capture 897 of the available 1,238 bound delegates to win.  That’s about 73% of the total or three out of every four delegates. Possible, but how likely?  This assumes, too, that the principals are competitive with one another, affording each the chance to pick off states.

Cruz, Trump, and Rubio have the resources to stay the course.  Trump is self-funding.  Cruz’s fundraising operation is already solid and benefits all the more from his Iowa win.  Rubio’s stronger than anticipated finish in Iowa boosts his fundraising.  And as Rubio consolidates establishment voters -- as he began doing in Iowa -- and lesser establishment candidates drop out, expect a significant upswing in his campaign’s financial fortunes.  

Writes Michael Snyder at “Before It’s News”: 

[I]f no candidate is able to secure enough delegates, that means that we would end up with a “brokered convention”. The mechanics of a brokered convention can get quite complicated, but on a practical level what that would essentially mean is that the party establishment would get to hand select the nominee. And in case you are wondering, that would not be Donald Trump or Ted Cruz. 


Snyder’s assessment is flawed in a couple of respects (though not his conclusion about the candidates). 

“Deadlocked” versus a “brokered” convention, the more accurate designation is “deadlocked.”  A brokered convention suggests that party bosses call the shots nearly exclusively.  The party boss era in American politics is long past.

Though unpledged delegates -- who are likely establishment recruits -- will play a critical role at a deadlocked convention, it’s important to remember that bound delegates are only committed to their candidates on the first ballot. 

Thereafter, they’re unbound.  Candidates’ and, perhaps, dark horses’ (yes, a draft is possible) primary focus for vote gathering will be among all those plentiful unbound state delegates.  If the convention deadlocks, it’s going to be the Wild West, with plenty of wheeling and dealing, barroom brawls, shoot-outs, shenanigans, and backroom deals.  But all that will occur across delegations and not just among the establishment few.

Snyder’s guess that the nominee won’t be named “Cruz” or “Trump” should a deadlock occur is reasonable.  Deadlocked conventions -- if past brokered conventions are any guide -- tend to nominee candidates who at least appear more centrist or moderate.  At a deadlocked 2016 Cleveland affair, the buzz word may be “electable.”  Right now, Marco Rubio seems to fit the bill.  As Snyder pointed out in his article, that’s not an endorsement; it’s merely an observation.

If the Republican field narrows to two principal candidates, then the chances for a deadlocked convention melt away.  But if, as anticipated, Cruz, Trump, and Rubio (and possibly one or two others) remain in the race, then a deadlocked convention moves from “maybe” to “probable” with each passing primary, caucus, and state convention.  The Republican presidential nominee who emerges will have done so after the fight of his political life – and ours.  

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/02/cleveland_cliffhang...
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PowerLine, by Scott Johnson    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 1/18/2016 11:03:22 AM     Post Reply
When Martin Luther King, Jr., brought his nonviolent campaign against segregation to Bull Connor’s Birmingham, he laid siege to the bastion of Jim Crow. In Birmingham between 1957 and 1962, black homes and churches had been subjected to a series of horrific bombings intended to terrorize the community. In April 1963 King answered the call to bring his campaign to Birmingham. When King landed in jail on Good Friday for violating an injunction prohibiting demonstrations, he took the opportunity to meditate on the counsel of prudence with which Birmingham’s white ministers had greeted his campaign. King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” was

Obama’s last SOTU reminds
us why we’re angry
Tampa Tribune, by Tom Jackson    Original Article
Posted By: Hazymac- 1/18/2016 10:28:25 AM     Post Reply
For the sturdy majority of Americans who have disapproved of President Obama’s job performance for most of the past seven years, the best that can be said about Tuesday’s State of the Union address is that it was his last. Indeed, for a substantial subset of that majority, “Obama delivers final State of the Union” supplanted “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi” and “Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid” as their new favorite political phrase. Oddly — and this might have been the singular highlight of the hour-long speech — Obama seemed to acknowledge helping topple his top congressional allies when he conceded his

Muslims in France: Everywhere an outsider
CBS News, by Christina Capatides    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 1/18/2016 9:45:24 AM     Post Reply

The coordinated attacks by Islamic extremists around Paris in November left millions of people looking for answers. What went wrong? Six of the 10 attackers were French themselves. So, what makes a group of young people hate their country enough to pledge their allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and commit such terrible acts on their home soil? CBSN decided to investigate. We visited the slums of the French suburb Saint Denis and spoke with a handful of young men who live in the rent-controlled housing projects there. These teenagers, many the products of immigrant families from






How would Dr. King have felt about
´Black Lives Matter´?
PJ Media, by Roger L. Simon    Original Article
Posted By: Hooverdog- 1/18/2016 9:37:07 AM     Post Reply
For a white guy to speculate about how Martin Luther King, Jr. would have felt about "Black Lives Matter" is foolhardy indeed. You can´t get more un-PC than that. Someone should (and undoubtedly will) tell me to "check my privilege" and put me in the racist corner with a dunce cap, probably one wired for electro-shock therapy. But Martin Luther King Day is a national holiday for all of us to celebrate, so I am going to go for it -- and, not just because, once upon a time, I was a civil rights worker. That was 1966, fifty years

Lottery veterans question family’s
behavior before claiming winnings
Yahoo! News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: NorthernDog- 1/18/2016 9:17:11 AM     Post Reply
Godspeed, John and Lisa Robinson of Munford, Tennessee. The 50-somethings may have been Average Joes a day ago, but not after Friday morning when they revealed themselves on national television as big time winners in this week’s record-breaking lottery. The Robinsons’ decision to fly to New York City to appear on NBC’s “Today” show several hours before claiming their stake in the Powerball jackpot left some lottery veterans uneasy about the couple’s exposure. I definitely would not have recommended that — very ill-advised for a number of reasons. Now, every long-lost relative and friend will approach them with a sob

Exclusive: In negotiating to free Americans
in Iran, U.S. blinked on new sanctions
Reuters, by Lesley Wroughton, Patricia Zengerle*    Original Article
Posted By: Drive- 1/18/2016 9:10:13 AM     Post Reply
VIENNA/WASHINGTON - The day before the Obama administration was due to slap new sanctions on Iran late last month, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry the move could derail a prisoner deal the two sides had been negotiating in secret for months. Kerry and other top aides to President Barack Obama, who was vacationing in Hawaii, convened a series of conference calls and concluded they could not risk losing the chance to free Americans held by Tehran. At the last minute, the Obama administration officials decided to delay a package of limited and targeted

Candidate Donald Trump Speech
to South Carolina Tea Party –
Standing Ovation…
Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance    Original Article
Posted By: Emerson- 1/18/2016 9:04:34 AM     Post Reply
Scanning through some of the comments there appears to be some kind of misinformation, or disinformation, campaign regarding a Donald Trump speech in South Carolina yesterday while appearing at a Tea Party Convention. It was a great speech and the audience gave Trump a standing ovation upon completion. Here’s the video: (Video)It would be wise for everyone to remember, Donald Trump stood up to defend the Tea Party when the left-wing nuts and the media attacked them/us. A full year before Ted Cruz emerged as a Texas senate candidate, Trump was doing all he could to advance grassroots efforts against entrenched political





Tearing down the Calais ‘jungle’: Bulldozers
move-in despite migrant backlash
Daily Express [UK], by Katie Mansfield    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 8:11:46 AM     Post Reply
BULLDOZERS have started destroying the notorious Jungle camp as French authorities finally evict thousands of migrants from the site. Riot police are on standby ready to clear the makeshift camp in Calais, which is home to some 7,000 migrants. Up to 2,000 migrants have been ordered to leave with thousands of refugees seen carrying their belongings across the wasteland in recent days. There have been scenes of chaos as refugees hurry to pack their belongings before the eviction begins.

The Republican race heats
up while Hillary Clinton falters
Washington Examiner, by Michael Barone    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 1/18/2016 8:10:08 AM     Post Reply
The race for president is accelerating into high gear — or rather the races for president, in the Republican and Democratic parties, in the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire primary and the primaries and caucuses to come. How´s it going? Let´s look at what amounts to separate races. The Iowa Republican caucuses: The polls show a two-way race here between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, with little room for an outsider to crash through to victory a
Clinton´s ´no individual too
big to jail´ tweet backfires
Washington Examiner, by GABBY MORRONGIELLO    Original Article
Posted By: Toledo- 1/18/2016 8:02:22 AM     Post Reply
Hillary Clinton´s campaign encountered heavy backlash Sunday night shortly after tweeting a statement made by Clinton during the fourth Democratic primary debate. "There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail," Clinton told the moderators during the first hour of the debate Sunday. Within seconds, the remark was tweeted out to the former secretary of state´s five-plus million Twitter followers.

Hillary’s subconscious acts up
in Dem debate, provides 6 words
that will haunt her
American Thinker, by Thomas Lifson    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 1/18/2016 7:26:50 AM     Post Reply
There may still be a reasonable debate on whether or not Hillary Clinton has a conscience, but Sunday night’s Democratic Presidential Debate proves that she does have a subconscious. That part of her mind put words into her mouth that her conscious mind would rather not admit. The critical 6 words: “No individual too big to jail.” The declaration came as an add-on to anti-Wall Street rhetoric she deployed in response to attacks on her acceptance of vast monies from Wall Street: "There should be no bank too big to fail and no individual too big to jail." Even worse, her campaign tweeted the




IDF orders removal of Palestinian workers
from Gush Etzion, after attacks
Jerusalem Post [Israel], by Staff & Yaakov Lappin    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 7:22:00 AM     Post Reply
Etzion Brigade commander and the Judea and Samaria Division make decision following security assessment Monday. The IDF’s Etzion Brigade commander Col. Roman Gofman ordered on Monday the removal of all Palestinian workers from the Gush Etzion settlement cluster in the West Bank. The decision was made following a security assessment by the Etzion Brigade commander and the Judea and Samaria Division after two separate terror attacks on Sunday and Monday in the West Bank left one woman killed and another wounded. The duration of the order was not immediately known. Earlier on Monday, a pregnant Israeli woman in her 30s

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders clash over
guns just blocks from Emanuel AME
Post & Courier [Charleston, SC], by Schuyler Kropf    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 7:06:48 AM     Post Reply
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders sparred over their record on guns in a city wounded by one of the worst incidents of gun violence in America as criminal justice--particularly as it is applied to the black community--was front and center in the Democrats’ last debate before the Iowa caucuses. In a night that bounced around from guns to Wall Street, global warming to foreign affairs, the Emanuel AME Church shooting emerged as an early backdrop while bringing out some of the fiercest displays between the three candidates on stage at the Charleston Gaillard Center. Clinton accused Sanders of being “a

US Democratic debate:
Candidates spar on gun control
BBC [UK], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 6:08:36 AM     Post Reply
Candidates for the Democratic race for the White House have clashed on gun control and healthcare in their liveliest TV debate so far. Hillary Clinton attacked Bernie Sanders´ record on gun control, and said his healthcare plan risked derailing recent legislation. Mr Sanders accused Mrs Clinton of being in the pocket of financial institutions responsible for the 2008 crisis. While Mrs Clinton leads nationwide, Mr Sanders is a threat in key states. Hours before the debate in South Carolina, Mr Sanders - a Vermont senator - had unveiled a healthcare plan for all American citizens. This was the final Democratic

Hillary Pledges to Ask Husband Bill
for Ideas, Advice as President
Breitbart TV, by Trent Baker    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/18/2016 6:04:09 AM     Post Reply
(Video) Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was asked Sunday at the Democratic Debate on NBC what type of role her husband and former president Bill Clinton would have if she became president. Clinton stated she would lean on her husband and ask for his ideas and advice in the White House. “Well, it’ll start at the kitchen table; we’ll see how it goes from there. And I’m going to have the very best advisors that I can possibly have. And when it comes to the economy, and what was accomplished under my husband’s leadership in the ’90s, especially when it





Why the Media Don´t Want You to
See the Must-See ´13 Hours´
American Thinker, by Jack Cashill    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/18/2016 5:59:33 AM     Post Reply
The more naïve members of the Hillary Clinton campaign have long dreaded the release of Michael Bay´s factual account of the Benghazi attack, 13 Hours. The more sophisticated members of that campaign were less worried. They were confident their friends in the media would scare off all but the most deluded "tea-baggers." Yes, the media will try. They are trying. I am not sure, however, that they will succeed. In the age of social media, word of mouth is much more significant a force than it ever was before. And the word of mouth on 13 Hours will be justifiably

WATCH: Moment US bombs pulverise ISIS bank
turning ´millions of Caliphate dollars´ to dust
Daily Express [UK], by Tom Batchelor    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 5:58:24 AM     Post Reply
THIS is the explosive new footage of a US airstrike that hit an ISIS cash store in Iraq, pulverising "millions of dollars" of cold hard cash. The 47-second video, released by the US Defence Department, reveals the ferocity of last week´s missile strike on a jihadi ´bank´ in the Iraqi city of Mosul. After the pair of 2,000-pound bombs hit their target, bank notes are seen erupting into the air like confetti. The destroyed loot then rains down on neighbouring rooftops while plumes of smoke continue to billow from the flattened building. General Lloyd Austin, head of the US Central Command,

Missing Hong Kong Publisher
Appears on Chinese State
Television in Bizarre Twist
Time, by Rishi Iyengar    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/18/2016 5:57:09 AM     Post Reply
A Hong Kong–based publisher who disappeared while on holiday in Thailand more than two months ago has resurfaced in China, appearing visibly distressed on Chinese state television Sunday night to claim that he was turning himself in for a crime supposedly committed 12 years ago. The case of Swedish national Gui Minhai has caused widespread fear and alarm in Hong Kong, where it is widely speculated that he was abducted from his Thai vacation by mainland Chinese agents on account of his company’s specialization in works highly critical of Chinese Communist Party leaders. Gui is one of five people

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Scolds Bernie Sanders
For Commenting About Bill Clinton’s Bad
Behavior [Video]
Daily Caller, by Chuck Ross    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/18/2016 5:55:39 AM     Post Reply
NBC journalist Andrea Mitchell turned the issue of Bill Clinton’s past sexual indiscretions — which includes numerous affairs and accusations of sexual assault — against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders during Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate, taking him to task for answering a question about the issue last week in Iowa. “You called Bill Clinton’s past transgressions ‘totally, totally, totally disagraceful and unacceptable,´” began Mitchell, who moderated the debate with her colleague Lester Holt. “Do you regret saying that?” “I was asked a question,” Sanders responded, lamenting that he is frequently asked on the campaign trail to attack his opponent. “I cannot

NYC Deal Reached to Keep
Some Horse-Drawn Carriages
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/18/2016 5:50:37 AM     Post Reply
New York City officials announced Sunday that a deal has been reached to keep some horse-drawn carriages in Central Park and build a new in-park stable for the horses rather than ban them altogether. "We are pleased to have reached an agreement in concept on the future of New York´s horse carriage industry," Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a joint statement with City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito and the Teamsters union, which represents the carriage drivers. The horses currently live in private stables on Manhattan´s West Side, and animal rights advocates have been fighting to get the carriages banned entirely,




Democratic debate pits Clinton and Sanders
in a one-up contest on gun control, racism,
health care reform and the economy
Daily Mail [UK], by David Martosko & Wires    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/18/2016 5:48:44 AM     Post Reply
Sunday´s Democratic Party presidential primary debate was promised as a long-awaited bare knuckle brawl between Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and it didn´t disappoint. While both White House hopefuls--and former Maryland Gov. Martin O´Malley--have near-identical economic positions, squabbles have broken out between the Clinton and Sanders camps over gun control and the future of Obamacare. Hours before the debate, the last one before the upcoming Iowa Caucuses, Sanders released a health care proposal that generated instant controversy because of tax-increase proposals buried in it--despite his earlier pledge not to tax middle-class Americans to pay for

Senate to consider stricter
screening for Syrian refugees
Associated Press, by Richard Lardner    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/18/2016 5:24:20 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The Senate will consider rigorous new screening procedures for Syrian and Iraqi refugees seeking to enter the United States as national security looms large for voters in an election year. Propelled by the Islamic State group´s attacks in Paris, the GOP-backed legislation raced through the House last November with 289 votes. That veto-proof margin included 47 Democrats despite the Obama administration´s opposition to the measure. The legislation will have a much harder time making it through the Senate in the week ahead. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., needs at least six Democrats to join all 54 Republicans to approve a motion

Iraqi forces set up roadblocks,
search for missing U.S. citizens
Reuters, by Ahmed Rasheed and Saif Hameed    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/18/2016 5:18:05 AM     Post Reply
Iraqi security forces set up checkpoints in southeast Baghdad and sent out helicopter search parties on Monday after confirming three U.S. citizens had gone missing. Media reported three U.S. contractors or trainers had been kidnapped with their translator in the Dora neighborhood on Friday. But a senior police officer said authorities were still not certain what had caused their disappearance. Two Iraqi army helicopters were seen hovering over Dora while police SUVs patrolled the streets, residents said. The predominately Sunni Muslim district was a bastion of the insurgency against the

Dead Certainty
New Yorker, by Kathryn Schulz    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/18/2016 4:43:25 AM     Post Reply
Argosy began in 1882 as a magazine for children and ceased publication ninety-six years later as soft-core porn for men, but for ten years in between it was the home of a true-crime column by Erle Stanley Gardner, the man who gave the world Perry Mason. In eighty-two novels, six films, and nearly three hundred television episodes, Mason, a criminal-defense lawyer, took on seemingly guilty clients and proved their innocence. In the magazine, Gardner, who had practiced law before turning to writing, attempted to do something similar—except that there his “clients” were real people, already convicted and behind bars. All

Tennis match fixing: Secret files
allege corruption at Wimbledon
and other top-level tournaments
Independent [UK], by Doug Bolton    Original Article
Posted By: MissMolly- 1/18/2016 4:41:13 AM     Post Reply
Secret files which allegedly contain evidence of widespread match fixing at the top levels of world tennis, including at Wimbledon, have been revealed. An investigation by the BBC and BuzzFeed News alleges that dozens of top world players are suspected to have been involved in match fixing, with some reported to tennis officials over suspicions that they deliberately lost matches. All of these reported players, some of whom are alleged to be Grand Slam title winners, were allowed to continue playing. The news organisations were passed the documents by anonymous whistleblowers inside the world of tennis. These documents included the

State of Emergency Declared Over
Man-Made Water Disaster in Michigan City
New York Times, by Ashley Southall    Original Article
Posted By: Honeybadger- 1/18/2016 4:36:47 AM     Post Reply
President Obama has declared a state of emergency in response to the water crisis in Flint, Mich., where thousands of residents have been exposed to toxic amounts of lead. The president’s action on Saturday authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency to “coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency” in Genesee County. FEMA can provide up to $5 million in federal aid to help provide water, filters, and other items for up to 90 days to residents whose water has been contaminated since the city switched water supplies in

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Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas holds a town hall at Praise Community Church in Mason City, Iowa, Friday, Jan. 8, 2016.

Des Moines Register‘s Jennifer Jacobs: Sanders May Upset Hillary In...

The Des Moines Register’s chief politics reporter Jennifer Jacobs was a guest today on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon to discuss her assessment of events in Iowa as we near the first-in-the-nation caucus.

Republican presidential candidate, businesswoman Carly Fiorina speaks during a town hall-style campaign stop at the Ray-Free Senior Center, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016, in Raymond, N.H. (

10-Year-Old Muslim Girl: ‘Donald Trump is a Moron’

The Daily Mail reports that Carly Fiorina found herself agreeing with a child at a campaign rally.

Screen Shot 2016 Donald Trump Tea Party

Trump: ‘Everybody Hates Ted’

Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump was asked about feud with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who he is competing against for the GOP presidential nomination. Trump explained that despite criticisms from conservative talk

Republican presidential candidate, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie shakes hands with supporters at a town hall Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016, in Le Mars, Iowa.

Chris Christie: Ted Cruz ‘Asinine,’ ‘Consummate Washington Insider’

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joined the throng condemning Ted Cruz after he criticized “New York values” in the Fox Business debate.

Republican presidential candidate, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson speaks during the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate at the North Charleston Coliseum, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, in North Charleston, S.C. (

Ben Carson: ‘Get Rid Of The Caliphate’

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson says if he were president, one of the first things he would do would be to “get rid of the Caliphate.”

Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton shakes hands with supporters at the end of the NBC, YouTube Democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center, Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016, in Charleston, S.C. (

Hillary Clinton’s Potential Indictment Leads Google Searches

The American public wants to know: is Hillary Clinton going to be indicted?

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. speaks at a rally, Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016, in Johnston, Iowa. (

Rubio: Criminal Aliens Can Stay In U.S.

Marco Rubio’s interview with Meet The Press host Chuck Todd— in which he pledged to allow illegal aliens remain in the U.S.— has received widespread attention.

Democratic presidential candidate, former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley , left, Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton and Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt, stand together before the start of the NBC, YouTube Democratic presidential debate at the Gaillard Center, Sunday, Jan. 17, 2016, in Charleston, S.C. (

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders Ignore Terrorism In List of Prio...

When asked their top three priorities if they become President, neither Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders nor Martin O’Malley mentioned terrorism or national security.

GettyImages-159930678 hillary glasses 1

Clinton Says “The Details Really Mattle”

Hillary Clinton tripped over her own words in a telling gaffe in Sunday night’s Democratic debate in Charleston, South Carolina hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute.

NBC News/YouTube/screenshot

NBC News Democratic Debate Gets Low YouTube Viewership

Sunday night’s Democratic presidential debate was live-streamed on YouTube, but only a small fraction of the U.S. population actually tuned in.

judge pirro

Judge Jeanine on Nikki Haley’s Criticism of Trump: ‘Republican Part...

On the Sunday broadcast of “Justice” on Fox News Channel, host Judge Jeanine Pirro criticized Nikki Haley for targeting GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump in the GOP response to President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union address on Tuesday. In Pirro’s

Scott Olson/Getty Images

‘Will Hillary Clinton Get Prosecuted’: Most-Googled Hillary Search ...

“Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted” was the most Googled search result for Clinton during Sunday night’s Democratic debate in South Carolina.


Paul Begala: Andrea Mitchell’s Question to Hillary About Husband’s ...

Sunday on CNN following NBC’s Democratic presidential debate, former Clinton adviser Paul Begala, a network contributor for CNN, criticized debate moderator Andrea Mitchell for raising the past of former President Bill Clinton in a question to Hillary Clinton, one of the

<> on January 17, 2016 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Bernie Sanders Beats Hillary Clinton In Facebook Interest During De...

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders topped his rival Hillary Clinton in Facebook interest during Sunday night’s debate in Charleston, South Carolina.

Jeb Bush Calls Education a ‘Civil Rights Issue,’ Quiet on Support o...

Republican presidential contender Jeb Bush announced his “budget neutral” education plan on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as he also lamented income inequality, asserted that education is a “civil rights issue,” and advocated for more opportunities for pre-K education for

Rand Paul Anti-Cruz Cartoon Ad

Rand Paul Attack Ad Against Cruz: Audit The Ted

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has released a new ad attacking rival Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for missing a vote on proposed “Audit the Fed” legislation.

Rubio Center Gang of Eight AP

Steve King: Marco Rubio Continues to Embrace Gang of Eight Bill in ...

In a Sunday evening interview on Breitbart News Daily, influential Iowa Congressman Steve King slammed donor-class favorite Marco Rubio for continuing to embrace the policies outlined in his Obama-backed 2013 Gang of Eight bill.

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Trump Campaign Aims To Win New Voters, Alienated Voters

Donald Trump seems to be attracting new, or formerly disgruntled, voters into the Republican primary. The impact of this phenomenon will vary by state, depending on unique voting rules, but it could propel Trump to securing the nomination must faster than many folks expect.


Breitbart News Daily — Bill Clinton’s Women and ‘The Case for Trump’

On the January 19 Breitbart News Daily show, broadcast on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 from 6AM to 9AM EST, host and Breitbart News executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon will interview a number of guests, including former associate political director

Marco Rubio with Bible AP Nati Harnik

No Polling Evidence to Support Claim Younger Evangelicals Favor Rub...

As Ted Cruz and Donald Trump fight for the top spot in the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Marco Rubio is looking to move into a solid third position above the fading Dr. Ben Carson, in part by appealing to evangelical Christian


Jeb: Trump Hasn’t Been Scrutinized to the Extent He Will Be in a Ge...

Monday on Concord News Radio’s “New Hampshire Now,” former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-FL), a candidate for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, said his rival Donald Trump’s proposals aren’t conservative and are dangerous to our economic security. “There is a double standard,”

Glenn Beck Fox News

Fox News: Bill O’Reilly To Correct Glenn Beck’s Trump-Misinformation

Friday on Fox News’s “O’Reilly Factor,” Glenn Beck spread the false information that Donald Trump voted for Barack Obama in 2008. To back his erroneous claim, Beck cited a fake photoshopped tweet from faketrumptweet.com. Responding to an inquiry from Breitbart

Republican presidential candidates (L-R) Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are introduced during the CNN republican presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thirteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the fifth set of Republican presidential debates.

Cruz: If You Want to ‘Cozy Up’ To Dems, Support ‘Part Of’ DC Corrup...

On Monday’s “Kuhner Report” on Boston’s 680 WRKO, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator Ted Cruz criticized fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump by saying Trump has  “a record of standing with Wall Street and the giant banks,” “someone who has

Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan Wave AP Photos

Ted Cruz: Donald Trump ‘Rattled’ and ‘Very, Very Dismayed’

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is continuing to throw punches at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, telling reporters in New Hampshire on Monday that Trump is different than President Ronald Reagan, but also adding that he won’t engage in

GOP Presidential Candidates Debate In Las Vegas

Exclusive — CNN, Three Other Media Partners Win Houston GOP Primary...

The Republican debate scheduled for Feb. 26 in Houston will be hosted by four media outlets: CNN, National Review, Salem and Telemundo, the Republican National Committee is set to announce.

<> on January 15, 2016 in North Charleston, South Carolina.

Exclusive–Jeb Bush: Marco Rubio Can’t Beat Ted Cruz, Donald Trump

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a 2016 GOP presidential candidate, told Breitbart News exclusively that he is better suited than Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to take on GOP frontrunner billionaire Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)—in large part because Rubio has failed to stand firmly behind his open-borders positions, which Bush made clear are more leftist than his own.

Ted Cruz

Cruz on Trump Comparing Himself to Reagan: Voters Are Going to Asse...

Monday Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) took on his opponent Donald Trump over claim he is like former President Ronald Reagan who was a Democrat before becoming a Republican. A reporter asked, “Donald Trump says Ronald Reagan had

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, speaks during a campaign stop, Monday, Jan. 18, 2016, in Washington, N.H. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Ted Cruz: Trump ‘Rattled’ by My Gains

Ted Cruz accused his Republican rival Donald Trump Monday of exhibiting inconsistent conservativism and said the billionaire investor is becoming “rattled” and “dismayed” by his gains.


England's parliament debates to ban Donald Trump from the country

Pamela Geller: UK Trump Ban Debate ‘Clown Contest’; Muslim Apologis...

On Tuesday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125), Pamela Geller blasted the UK for debating whether to ban Donald Trump while allowing in Islamic hate preachers. She said the West is living in “Operation Fetal

Getty Images

Ted Cruz: Donald Trump ‘Nowhere To Be Found’ In Amnesty Fight

Senator Ted Cruz continues to criticize Donald Trump on the campaign trail, pointing out that the billionaire was “nowhere to be found” when it came to fighting Congress’s effort to combat the amnesty effort pushed by the Senate “Gang of Eight.”

AP Photo

Killing Coal: The Obama Administration’s Intentional Assault on an ...

By now, most people are aware of President Obama’s 2008 campaign promise to bankrupt the coal industry—which he acknowledged would “necessarily” cause electricity to skyrocket. Seven years later, that is a campaign promise he is keeping.

Sarah Palin attends the SNL 40th Anniversary Special at Rockefeller Plaza on Sunday, Feb. 15, 2015, in New York. (Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP)

Cruz Spokesman: Palin Endorsement of Trump a ‘Blow to Sarah Palin’

In an appearance CNN’s “New Day” on Tuesday, Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) presidential campaign, reacted to the news of a “major announcement” that includes a “very special guest” at a campaign event for GOP presidential front-runner Donald

Liberty University students, Austin Miller, of Salisbury N.C., left, James Ford, of Elkton Md., second from left, Jeremy Boyd, of New York City, center, Josian O'Boyle, of Toronto Canada, second from right, and Cody Hildebrand, of Fayetteville W.Va., pose for photos with their home made t-shirts as they wait for a speech by Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., Monday, Jan. 18, 2016. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)

Jeffrey Lord: Donald Trump a Good-Hearted Soul, Concerned For Ameri...

Former associate political director in the Reagan administration and now author of “What America Needs: The Case for Trump,” Jeffrey Lord joined host Stephen K. Bannon today on Breitbart News Daily to discuss his new book and the case for electing Donald Trump.

Republican presidential candidates (L-R) Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Carson, Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are introduced during the CNN presidential debate at The Venetian Las Vegas on December 15, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Thirteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the fifth set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by

Brent Bozell: RNC Made ‘Right Move’ Cutting Ties With NBC News

Media Research Center President Brent Bozell says the RNC made the “right move” by cutting ties with NBC News for the GOP primary debate scheduled for February 26, 2016.


Hillary: ‘I Don’t Pay Attention to the Polling When It’s Good or Bad’

On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton was asked by host Rachel Maddow how she might court the supporters of her opponent, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), if she were her party’s nominee. Clinton

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., attends a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the nomination of Victoria Nuland to be assistant secretary of State for European and Eurasian affairs, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, July 11, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Word Games: Rubio Pitches Same Old ‘Path to Citizenship’ Under a Ne...

In a Monday town hall in Iowa, Marco Rubio employed a deceptive rhetorical trick to mislead voters about his longstanding support for citizenship for illegal immigrants.

AP Photo

Donald Trump Leads in Florida, Marco Rubio Slips to 4th

A new poll of Florida Republicans shows Donald Trump opening his biggest lead in the Sunshine State. The poll, from Florida Times-Union and Fox35, has Trump in first place, with 31 percent support, twelve points higher than Ted Cruz, who is in second place with 19 percent.


Geller: The Nation That Gave the World the Magna Carta Is Dead

The British Parliament on Monday debated whether or not to ban Donald Trump from the country for the crime of saying that in light of jihad terrorist attacks, there should be a temporary moratorium on Muslim immigration into the U.S.

Marco Rubio and Wife Rally APWilfredo Lee

NY Observer: Rubio–Brazen, Dishonest, Corrupt

When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of—naturally—the great State of Florida.



 Debate Florida Poll – Donald
Trump With Commanding Lead 31%…

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance    Original Article
Posted By: Emerson- 1/19/2016 8:35:03 AM     Post Reply
A recent Florida poll conducted after the South Carolina GOP debate is almost identical to the last South Carolina poll (Trump leads with 32%). In Florida Donald Trump holds a commanding lead with 31%, Cruz second with 19%, Bush 13% and Rubio 12%. Rubio/Bush combined total 25%, still behind Trump.The jump into Third Place for Jeb Bush is an important part to watch. As we have previously shared, we should expect to see Bush begin inching out his own GOPe teammates. Also, as previously explained, Bush/Rubio support should be considered a combined UniCandidate total. One will endorse the other, depending on timing

RNC Officially Gives Cold Shoulder
to NBC, Partners With CNN
Townhall, by Cortney O´Brien    Original Article
Posted By: Lalo- 1/19/2016 8:28:32 AM     Post Reply
CNBC´s disastrous handling of the Oct. 29 Republican presidential debate in Boulder, Colorado has come back to haunt them. The Republican National Committee, disgusted with the blatantly biased moderating, has officially severed ties with NBC and will offer the February Houston debate to one of their rival networks. In a statement released Monday, the RNC informed voters where they should now plan to tune in: “The Republican National Committee has decided to move forward without NBC’s participation in the February debate in Houston, Texas. The RNC has awarded the debate to CNN, who will broadcast it on Thursday, February 25


The U.K. Can Survive a Trump Visit
Bloomberg, by Editorial    Original Article
Posted By: drive- 1/19/2016 8:24:24 AM     Post Reply
Surely the British Parliament has a better way to spend three hours. On Monday, MPs will debate the merits of a petition signed by more than 500,000 Britons demanding that the government block Donald Trump from setting foot on their sceptered isle. It might be the worst idea since London Mayor Boris Johnson decided to ride a zipline during the 2012 Olympics -- and to his credit, Prime Minister David Cameron’s government has declared there’s no chance of it happening. Nevertheless, British law requires Parliament to consider for debate any petition receiving 100,000 signatures. Whether Trump should be banned is a question

Obama joins Snapchat where his
promises can vanish even faster
Investor´s Business Daily, by Andrew Malcolm    Original Article
Posted By: SurferLad- 1/19/2016 8:22:37 AM     Post Reply
Fallon: Wherever he is after a late-night speech Donald Trump always flies back to sleep in New York. Unless he´s really tired. Then, he buys a hotel. Conan: Donald Trump’s wife is speaking out. Melania Trump said she was initially attracted to Donald because of his energy. By the way, “energy” is the Slovenian word for “money.” [Snip] Meyers: The White House admits Obama met privately with Bernie Sanders. When she heard this, Hillary Clinton fake-smiled so hard, her ears touched in the back. Fallon: President Obama criticized companies for not being loyal enough to their employees. Employees would agree,

Will The Republican
Establishment Stand Down?
Town Hall, by Phyllis Schlafly    Original Article
Posted By: Periwinkel- 1/19/2016 8:20:49 AM     Post Reply
As Republicans prepare to cast their first presidential ballots in Iowa and New Hampshire, the field remains dominated by "outsider" candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, while establishment favorites Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Marco Rubio have been unable to advance to the finals. Will the Republican kingmakers and consultants who picked every nominee since Reagan step aside to let the grassroots, also known as the "base," work its will this year? After months of waiting for Trump to self-destruct, the Washington-based Republican establishment has finally found a way to take back control of the party from the

Here´s a list of Bernie Sanders´
$19.6 trillion in tax hikes
Washington Examiner, by Philip Klein    Original Article
Posted By: drive- 1/19/2016 8:17:54 AM     Post Reply
Sen. Bernie Sanders´ populist message has put him in the position to potentially win Democratic nomination contests in both Iowa and New Hampshire, shaking the sense of inevitability that has surrounded Hillary Clinton. As the socialist senator from Vermont gains traction in polls, Clinton has more aggressively attacked his policy proposals, forcing Sanders to release details on how he would pay for his ambitious economic and social agenda. Taken together, Sanders is proposing $19.6 trillion in new taxes over a decade, according to an analysis by the Washington Examiner, of which $14 trillion would come from his healthcare plan alone. To



The ´will of the people´ means us ---
this time we must enforce it
Jewish World Review, by Alicia Colon    Original Article
Posted By: abuela10- 1/19/2016 8:04:16 AM     Post Reply
Never have I been so disgusted with politics and I´ve been writing political op-eds since 1998 and I´ve been a political junkie since I was 16. Much of my disdain is due to the machinations of the mainstream media which has taken advantage of the political disinterest of the low-info voter. Punditry has become predictable and inane. Columns in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times will inevitable be hostile to the GOP and web columns on the right will be just as forthright but are generally ignored except by the choir it preaches to. The powerful influence

Iraq conflict: UN documents
´staggering´ violence
BBC [UK], by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/19/2016 6:35:19 AM     Post Reply
The UN says the violence suffered by civilians in Iraq "remains staggering", with at least 18,800 killed between 1 January 2014 and 31 October 2015. Some 3.2 million people have also been displaced internally over the same period, according to a new report. The UN accuses so-called Islamic State of systematic and widespread violence, including holding some 3,500 mainly women and children as slaves. Alleged abuses by troops, militiamen and Kurdish forces were also recorded. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Raad Al Hussein said the report "starkly illustrates what Iraqi refugees are attempting to escape when

UKIP question on safety of UK lorry drivers
dismissed by EU as ‘offensive to migrants´
Daily Express [UK], by Greg Heffer    Original Article
Posted By: Attercliffe- 1/19/2016 6:29:54 AM     Post Reply
UKIP have reacted with fury after they were told they could be refused permission to grill senior eurocrats over the safety of British truck drivers in Calais - after Brussels ruled their question ‘offensive’ to migrants. The anti-EU party’s defence spokesman Mike Hookem submitted a written question to top Brussels chief Jean-Claude Juncker’s European Commission over the ongoing crisis in the northern French town. British truck drivers have recently warned of escalating violence as refugees camped out in Calais and at other French ports turn to increasingly desperate measures in their bid to stowaway on lorries and enter the UK.

Obama Dealing Terror
American Thinker, by Lauri B. Regan    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/19/2016 5:20:28 AM     Post Reply
President Obama began releasing illegal aliens with criminal records from the early days of his presidency and well before the sequester that he used as an excuse for doing so. Despite Obama’s misrepresentation to the American people that these criminals were not dangerous, tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, many with violent criminal records, have been released from jail including illegals “charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, drug trafficking and homicide.” A House Judiciary Committee report revealed that between 2009-2011, the Obama administration released criminal illegal aliens who were later charged with 19 murders, three attempted murders and 142 sex crimes.

Benghazi film flops at the box office
The Hill (Washington, DC), by Caitlin Yilek    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/19/2016 5:17:32 AM     Post Reply
Michael Bay’s action movie about the Benghazi, Libya, terror attacks stumbled at the box office this weekend, opening at No. 4 in American theaters. “13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi” opened with an estimated $19.6 million domestically, according to The Hollywood Reporter. “American Sniper,” which opened the same weekend a year prior, pulled in a stunning $107.2 million, while “Lone Survivor” opened to $37 million in early January 2014. Bay´s last opening as a director — for "Transformers: Age of Extinction" — brought in more than $100 million. “13 hours” was politicized by Republicans who slammed former Secretary of


The Federal Government Should Follow the
Constitution and Sell Its Western Lands
National Review Online, by Robert Perry Pendley    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/19/2016 4:51:20 AM     Post Reply
‘Time and again [the president] preached cooperation and partnership. . . . And time and again he was the first to ignore his own call,” says the governor of Colorado. Wyoming’s governor complains: “The federal system is badly out of kilter. Federal encroachments on state and local governments are at an all-time high.” The governor of Arizona fumes: “What galls westerners is . . . the federal insistence that it is entitled to act not only as landowners, but also as sovereign.” Adds Colorado’s governor: “[Government bureaucrats] can’t figure out whether they’re landlord or king,” as they “steamroll state agencies,

Radio Days
Washington Examiner [DC], by Noemie Emery    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/19/2016 4:48:16 AM     Post Reply
If there has been one big loser in the Republican primary season (aside from Jeb Bush) it has most certainly been the conventional wisdom, which, in its predictions about his extinction, has been wrong about Donald Trump every time. Time and time over, it has said he was sliding; and time after time it´s been wrong. How strange is it that now, just as the conventional wisdom turns and declares him the winner (two weeks before any votes have been counted), it seems this Titanic may have hit its own iceberg, in the form of a force called Ted Cruz. Suddenly,

Hillary Clinton´s hatchet job
The Week, by James Poulos    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/19/2016 4:43:29 AM     Post Reply
In a sign of exactly what world we´re living in, a Vine of Bernie Sanders´ side eye was the most retweeted tweet during Sunday night´s Democratic debate. There, it was the youthful and blandly futuristic Martin O´Malley who was irrelevant; Sanders, the throwback to the anti-corporatist liberalism of old, radiated a principled gruffness too authentic to be merely earnest, supplying a dose of earthy reality that social media often treats ironically but genuinely longs for. Nobody, of course, genuinely longs for Hillary Clinton. This ought to be seen as more than the product of bias, but the signal of a much

Trump’s bad bet: How too much
debt drove his biggest casino aground
Washington Post, by Robert O´Harrow Jr.    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/19/2016 4:40:31 AM     Post Reply
For months in 1987, Donald Trump maneuvered to take control of the hulking, unfinished Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City. He snapped up stock in the parent company after its owner died and then made a surprise bid to take the company private. With the Taj, along with two casinos he already owned in the city, Trump could dominate gambling on the East Coast. But first he needed to convince state gambling regulators that he was financially stable and could raise enough cash to complete the $1 billion project. On Feb. 8, 1988, at a licensing hearing in front of the state

Robert E. Lee, American icon
Washington Times, by Phillip McMath    Original Article
Posted By: StormCnter- 1/19/2016 4:31:10 AM     Post Reply
Robert E. Lee rode south on a morning in April 1861, crossing the Potomac to his estate in Arlington. He had turned down President Lincoln’s offer of every soldier’s dream — command of the army of the United States, a position he had longed for, and now he rode toward a position and a destiny he had never dreamed of. He could not know what lay ahead, but he could see a storm gathering. Lee had hoped Virginia would not secede, indeed, hoped that none of the states would. The man who has been called America’s greatest soldier hardly resembles

Next 25 Articles


Supreme Court will rule on President
Obama´s immigration plan
USA Today, by Richard Wolf    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 1/19/2016 9:54:35 AM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court will give President Obama a final shot at implementing his plan to shield more than 4 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. The justices agreed Tuesday to hear the administration´s contention that Obama has the power to change immigration policy without going through Congress. The court´s agreement to hear the appeal to a challenge brought by Texas and 25 other states led by Republican governors will add fuel to the heated debate over illegal immigration in the 2016 presidential campaign. The case will be heard in April and decided in June, a month before the two parties´

Trump, Cruz and New York Values
American Thinker, by Selwyn Duke    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/19/2016 9:41:49 AM     Post Reply
New York City values are going through the roof. And it’s not just real estate. A prime story the last many days has been the GOP debate dustup between Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz. After the senator impugned “New York values” in an effort to call into question the businessman’s conservative bona fides, Trump responded with an impassioned defense of New Yorkers’ character. Trump won the exchange on style with rhetorical effectiveness, but, frankly, Cruz was right on substance. This is not a commentary on whether Trump exemplifies NY values. In fact, I love most of what The Donald is

13 Hours: A different take
American Thinker, by Arnold Cusmariu    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 1/19/2016 9:33:07 AM     Post Reply
Various and sundry nail-biters losing sleep over Michael Bay´s just released 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, worried sick that it might pose a threat to the coronation (um, election) of Hillary Clinton as president of the United States, can relax. The movie actually does a good job of covering up the criminal incompetence of the Obama administration and its then secretary of state, the aforementioned H. Clinton. Back in the day when movies weren´t just glorified video games, it was made clear early on who the good guys were and who the bad. Westerns and crime stories pretty much



Marco Rubio: Poor Little Rich Boy
Runs Into Real Estate Trouble
New York Observer, by Ken Silverstein    Original Article
Posted By: KarenJ1- 1/19/2016 9:25:39 AM     Post Reply
When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of—naturally—the great State of Florida. (Snip) For example, in his autobiography, An American Son: A Memoir, Mr. Rubio describes how he allegedly grew up poor and mowed the grass and walked dogs to make a bit of spare change. Technically this may be correct, but most poor kids don’t get paid by relatives heavily involved in narcotics trafficking and whose pets double as guard dogs

Bernie Sanders: Unfit to Be President
American Thinker, by E. Jeffrey Ludwig    Original Article
Posted By: magnante- 1/19/2016 9:18:26 AM     Post Reply
During the last Democratic presidential debate, Bernie Sanders described himself as “revolutionary.” (snip) even though Sanders is running as a Democratic-Socialist, thereby reflecting the strong leftward shift of the Dems over the past 40 years, and his lifelong admiration for Eugene Debs, his entire career, including his support for the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and visits to Cuba, reflect a strong Communist attachment. His entire career is based on a criticism of capitalism with no expressed respect for its enormous successes. Further, where is Sen. Sanders love of country? What does he say about the opportunities America has afforded for hundreds of

Trump Warns WaPo Reporter If They Run
Story About Casino Bankruptcy, ‘I’m Suing You’
Mediaite, by Josh Feldman    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/19/2016 9:11:35 AM     Post Reply
The Washington Post has a very in-depth report tonight about his role in the bankruptcy of his Taj Mahal Atlantic City casino back in 1991. They concluded that Trump has repeatedly “play[ed] down his personal role” in its downfall. And Trump responded by warning the paper he might sue them. The Post––which chronicles Trump’s history in the casino business––obtained documents showing plenty of the people he interacted with at the time were very bitter because of unfulfilled promises. At one point, the report features Trump’s testimony before the Casino Control Commission years before, in which he argued to get a

Fresh Prince of Bel Air’s Janet Hubert
Bashes Jada Pinkett Smith for
Boycotting Oscars
People Magazine, by Karen Mizoguchi    Original Article
Posted By: Emerson- 1/19/2016 9:11:08 AM     Post Reply
Janet Hubert a.k.a. the original Aunt Viv from Fresh Prince of Bel Air has a lot to say about Jada Pinkett Smith and her thoughts about boycotting this year´s Academy Awards. Hubert released a YouTube video on Monday bashing the 44-year-old actress for pondering the idea of an Oscars boycott when addressing the lack of diversity surrounding this year´s nominations. "First of all, Miss Thing does your man not have a mouth of his own with which to speak?" the 60-year-old wrote. "The second thing, girlfriend, there´s a lot of s--- going on in the world that you all don´t



Speculation Grows That Sarah Palin
Will Endorse Donald Trump Today
Mediaite, by Alex Griswold    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/19/2016 8:59:53 AM     Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump announced on Facebook Sunday that he would receive a yuge endorsement Tuesday. (Tweet) So who’s the mysterious endorser? Most signs point to former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The most convincing evidence is that a private jet took off yesterday evening going from Anchorage, Alaska to Des Moines, Iowa. From there, the jet is scheduled to go to Tulsa, where Trump has a rally on Wednesday. Conservative Iowa radio talk show Steve Deace, who is pretty tuned in to the Iowa conservative circles, also confirmed that the talk of the town was all Palin.

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s blessing may give
Donald Trump edge with evangelicals
Washington Times, by Seth McLaughlin    Original Article
Posted By: JoniTx- 1/19/2016 8:52:02 AM     Post Reply

Jerry Falwell Jr. said Monday that Donald Trump has lived his life in the spirit of Jesus Christ, giving a major boost to the billionaire businessman as he campaigned at Liberty University — a bastion of Christian conservatism that has become a must-visit stop for GOP presidential contenders. Mr. Falwell, the school president, said he even saw parallels between his late father, Liberty founder Jerry Falwell Sr., and Mr. Trump, whom he praised for financially supporting Christian causes and for an expansive generosity of spirit. “In my opinion, Donald Trump lives a life of loving and helping others, as Jesus


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Read more: http://therightscoop.com/#ixzz3xhjCwXpv

Cruz: If You Want to ‘Cozy Up’ To Dems, Support ‘Part Of’ DC Corruption Trump

18 Jan, 2016 18 Jan, 2016

On Monday’s “Kuhner Report” on Boston’s 680 WRKO, Republican presidential candidate and Texas Senator

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)

criticized fellow GOP candidate Donald Trump by saying Trump has  “a record of standing with Wall Street and the giant banks,” “someone who has been part of” DC corruption, and “if you want yet another Republican to cozy up to [Sen.] Chuck Schumer (D-NY)” you should support Trump.

Cruz said Trump, “seems very rattled right now. He has been launching an awful lot of attacks in the last couple of days, and, you know, it seemed every time his his poll numbers go down he gets angrier and angrier, and he lashes out.”

Cruz added that while, “I have no intention of responding in kind. I like Donald Trump I respect Donald Trump. And I don’t intend to choose to engage in a food fight or personal insults.” Voters are interested in issues.

Cruz then stated, “his critique of me today on TV is that he says we need a leader who will get along in Washington and make deals with the politicians in Washington. Well, if you think the problem with Republicans is they haven’t made enough deals, they haven’t been willing to get along with Democrats enough, and give in to [Sen.] Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and [Rep.]

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

enough then maybe his critique has some force, but if you think the problem is we haven’t had enough leaders in Washington who actually honor the promises they made to the voters, who actually stand and fight for conservative principles, who stand and fight for the Bill of Rights and Constitution, then that explains why conservatives are uniting behind our campaign, because frankly, they don’t want someone who is well-liked in Washington because he’s going along to get along, and contributing to the loss of freedom and the bankrupting our country.”

The discussion then turned to Trump’s charges that Cruz took loans from large banks and didn’t disclose them. Cruz said, “It is a ridiculous charge.” He continued that when he ran for the Senate, his opponent had lots of financial backing, so he and his wife “put our entire liquid net worth into the race. We put our savings into the race. We sold some stocks and put that money into the race, and then we took loans against our life savings and put those loans into the race. Those are the loans he’s talking about, is that I put up our life savings as collateral to then take that money and invest in our campaign to mobilize and energize courageous conservatives across the state. And by the way, those loans were entirely disclosed on public filings with the US Senate. This entire hit, was a hit piece that came from the New York Times, because of a paperwork error. We filed it on one public form with the United States Senate, but we didn’t file it on a second public form with the FEC, and so it was entirely publicly disclosed, but there was a paperwork error.”

Cruz then argued, “it is more than a little rich for Mr. Trump to make that accusation. You want to assess who stands with Wall Street? Then look at the actual records of the candidates. Every day I’ve been in the US and I have stood against the cronyism, and the Washington cartel. I have stood up to both Democrats and Republicans. Listen Donald Trump, vocally and enthusiastically supported TARP, the bailout of the big banks. He vocally and enthusiastically supported Barack Obama’s stimulus plan, and indeed, he said the stimulus wasn’t big enough, it needed to be a larger. And Barack — and Mr. Trump argued that Obamacare should be expanded to make it socialized medicine. Now, that is very much a record of standing with Wall Street and the giant banks. My record is exactly the opposite.”

Cruz further said, “You know, you and I are both, like every one of your listeners, have been burned over and over again, where we listen to politicians, they sound great, as they say what we wanna hear on the road. And if you noticed, by the way, in a Republican primary nobody ever runs and says ‘I’m an establishment moderate. I don’t stand for anything.’ They all say they’re a conservative. … And so the most important question for anyone in Republican primary to ask is how do we distinguish between who’s telling the truth, and who is yet another politician just saying on the trail what they think we wanna hear. And the only way I know to do that that is effective is to not listen to what any of us say. Don’t listen to what I say. Don’t listen to what Donald Trump says. Don’t listen to what any of us say on the campaign trail. But rather, follow the biblical principle, you shall know them by their fruits. Ask what have they done? And I would point out there is a marked difference. My entire life, I have stood and fought for conservative principles. I have been a consistent conservative. A fiscal conservative, a national security conservative, a social conservative, stood and fought with the American people. And you know, Jeff, you want to understand a very simple difference. I’m pretty confident, that you, Jeffrey Kuhner has never contributed a 100,000 dollars to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation. Donald Trump has. Now that indicates something. I’m fairly certain you, Jeffrey Kuhner, didn’t give 50,000 dollars to Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama’s chief of staff, and I would note that that contribution came in December of 2010, after the 2010 Tea Party tidal wave.”

Cruz was then asked about Trump’s defense that he only donated this money because it was smart business. He responded, “Number one, if you’re looking for someone to take on the corruption of Washington. You should look to someone who has a record of standing up to the corruption of Washington, not someone who has been part of it, and whose explanation is, ‘Well, fine, I was buying politicians, but everybody does it.’ That’s not how you break the Washington cartel. You know what, I could just said, in Washington, ‘Well, I’ll go along to get along with Republican leadership, because everybody does it.’ That’s how we got this problem. Look, Donald Trump’s critique of me this morning is that I’m not going to be willing to make deals with the Democrats and go along to get along, and that’s what we need. If you agree with that, if you want yet another Republican to cozy up to Chuck Schumer, by the way he’s written checks to Chuck Schumer, I never have, then you ought to be backing him. But if you think we need Republicans who are willing to stand up to Washington, then this decision becomes. far far easier.”

Cruz also argued that while Trump claims his donations to liberal politicians were just business moves, Trump “agreed substantively with the Democratic politicians on issue, after issue, after issue.” He then declared,  So, if he’s giving checks to Democratic politicians, and he supports their views, whether it’s partial-birth abortion, whether it’s TARP and the big bank bailout, whether it’s expanding Obamacare to make it socialized medicine, whether it is Obama’s stimulus, then it starts to suggest, gosh, if he publicly supports their views, if he finances their causes, and if he’s done so for sixty years of his life, and then suddenly when he announces as a candidate for president, every single one of his views changes, listen, if he has had a change of heart, I am thrilled, and I welcome more and more people coming over to the conservative side of things. But as voters, we’ve been burned by politicians who say what we want to hear. And I’ll tell you, the only test that has ever worked is to look at who has walked the walk, and who has actually stood up.”

(h/t Andrew Kaczynski)


Ted is despised by most in the senate because he has walked the walk...He and Jeff Sessions are both despised by most senators..of course all the dems and all the establishment..because  he entered the senate determined to keep the  promises that those who voted from him asked for...Sessions had done the same....God bless both of them..true Mavericks...not RINOS.......




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