We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by RINO Republicans, that confirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

Spending Bill was a 100% all-out BETRAYAL by Establishment Cartel Republicans, and it fully confirms and reaffirms progressive RINO contempt for its conservative voter base.

It also shouldn’t be any surprise, at least to any of us with a brain who’ve kept our eyes and our ears open.

Voters that are "infinitely wiser" than sheltered elite establishment progressive Cartel Republicans think that they are. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

The majority of “establishment” Republicans voted to maintain funding for treasonous “sanctuary cities”, treasonous illegal executive orders, treasonous illegal executive amnesty, 400% increases in immigration Visa's for aliens, fully tax payer funds (FREE) heinous baby murdering abortions and the funding of planned Parenthood's sales of baby body parts like that of an old Buick from a salvage yard.

It’s hardly any surprise to find that the bill was once again (of course) crafted in secret by a handful of elite congressional insiders taking their cues from progressives and lobbyists, and once again considering nothing from the base of constitutional conservatives that put them (the progressive RINO's) into power.

Or that Obama called Ryan afterward to thank him for passing Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi's far left-wing Tax-and-Spend agenda without any challenge what-so-ever from establishment Republicans.. yeah,... without any challenge #@*%*#%$*. http://wethepeopleusa.ning.com/forum/attachment/download?id=2482704...

It’s no surprise that, “Senate Democrats” on Friday "boasted that they successfully managed to get everything that they wanted in a massive spending bill”, “despite" being the "minority party" "in both the House and Senate,” the Washington Examiner reported Friday.

What we’re being told to swallow is that Republicans “couldn’t allow the government to shut down”, because Obama and the Democrats and the parrot media would “blame them”.

They’re apparently so incredibly dimwitted, so incredibly inept, and so incredibly incapable of countering "with the actual factual truth", that it would be Obama and the Democrats fully responsible for blocking the spending bill and shutting down the government because like whining little brats, they didn’t get everything they demanded from those incredibly dimwitted, incredibly inept, and fully incapable establishment RINO's.

At least that’s the excuse we’re expected to swallow whole like a less than tasty warmed over crap-sandwich.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, IS your consent to that tyranny"

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I am "ALL-IN" for Ted "the Cruz-Missle" CRUZ financially, and also on many fronts.

I look forward to a contingent of Patriot Oath Keepers conferencing with him at the "Ted Cruz White House" some future day.

Ted, Heidi, and the girls will be a breath of fresh air and Godly reverence in the White House once it is wrenched away from the present America hating Muslim swine.

Use every form of social media possible to Hawk for Ted Cruz.

Help SAVE and restore our constitutional Republic!

Donate what you can to the campaign, stand-your-ground firmly when debating "ANYBODY about Ted Cruz" being the best vaccine to cure or abate the despicable lawless constitution usurping DFL Islamo-butt kissing Progressive-Marxism of present day.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Silence, You know I love what you are about, But Ted is just a career politician. .This election will not solve our countries Constitutional problems. I hope you have a plan B for after the elections, when the masses realize our country is still in peril .I know you realize we as a country need to get constitutional again. Vote for Who ever. The fight will remain to get our country back in line with the Constitution.I will pray that this election will make a difference. But I have seen this act before a few times..If the right person got in to fix things, He will just be killed.

Ted Cruz is a "DNA" Constitutional Conservative.

No one in Congress is a more principled Constitutional Conservative. No one.

No one in Congress has been a more principled Constitutional Conservative "IN ACTUAL DEEDS" for about 240 years.

Ted Cruz's actual actions have been anything but those of "just a career politician".

Actions are actions, but words are mere meaningless words.Ted Cruz has already walked the walk.

Ted Cruz is the single biggest individual threat to Progressive-Liberalism and Marxism, from an individual, that exists in this nation today.

Because of this absolute truth, Ted Cruz has put himself in harms way, and possibly in grave danger, especially if Constitutional Conservative patriots are smart enough to coalesce around him as the absolute strongest candidate to "NOT-SELL-US-OUT" after we put him into the White house to restore constitutional law and order, and to really, finally, down size Leviathan and to start to reign in its egregious abuses of power.

Ted Cruz "is the George Washington of our time".

And the next President will be picking at least two Supreme Court justice's.

Would you "TRUST", really really trust (now first think America loathing COMMIES, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Elana Kagan, Sonya Sotamayor, Stephan Breyer), would you "TRUST", really really trust the very existence and future of our constitutional Republic and Judaeo-Christian humanity to anyone else other than Ted Cruz???

Our "RIGHT or wrong decision", will absolutely alter the very trajectory of the future of global humanity.

I am NOT telling you how to think.

But please understand, that if we fail to think this through correctly, that we will not recognize what once was our constitutional Republic, and we will all have Progressive-Marxist-Islamo hell to pay for many generations to come,.... if we get it wrong.

Ted Cruz is the vaccine for the cancerous disease of America hating Progressive-Liberalism and Marxism.

And because of this very FACT,... the very progressive politico's involved, and also Leviathan's teat suckling minions that have stuffed the $20,000,000,000.00 of taxpayer debt into their own pockets,..... "WILL DO ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING", no matter how ridiculously absurd, creatively radical or illegal,... to stop TED Cruz. Yes, that certainly includes them killing him.

I run in some very seriously conservative hard core activist circles, and that subject has already been very widely discussed and circulated.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

I for one would not like to see Oath Keepers become another Washington Bureaucracy. Washington needs to stand in fear of We the People...That is called Freedom.To have Oath Keepers become another political chip is not the answer.IMO.

No, but recognizing their selflessly bold patriotism, personal sacrifices and heroism for 15 or 20 minutes some day,.. would be very well deserved, .. and kind of cool..

Well we shall see. I urge you to keep your B plan in tack.I give little hope in a political solution,alone. It will take Patriots standing shoulder to shoulder.If we have a Liberty loving President It would help for sure. I see Ted as a  false flag Patriot. He pounds the Patriot drum only to advance his career. I am glad Rand dropped out. The liberty movement is being beat down by MSM. We need him in the Senate at least. He will fight another day for Liberty.

Rand serves us all best as a sitting U.S. Senator.

His voice of generationally dedicated constitutional liberty varies a little from mine, but it would be absolutely horrible if he screwed up his Senate seat.

No one in the USA has a stronger, more formalized, or more muscled "plan B", than the Oath Keepers and their associated PPN Pacific Patriots Network..

If anyone else does,... sign me up!

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

Silence, I need to ask. I love the 3%ers. The PPN is doing good work in Burns. My question is , Where the frig is Rhodes at. All I heard from him was asking Oath Keepers to stand down. If they were there ,Lavoy would be alive.

OK is made up of a high percentage of LEO's and military, and therefore needs to have a very good plan before they jump into anything and get their members in legal trouble.

Leviathan would love nothing more than to do grave harm to OK and to Stewart.

OK is a perceived threat to Leviathan for very good reasons.

Malheur Refuge was conceived as a non logistically supported, ill-conceived, clandestine operation by Ammon Bundy, Blaine Cooper, and Ryan Paine.

The Hammond's have been definitely victimized by a tyrannical BLM.But this Bundy operation could have been supported, and planned out much better than it was.

It had virtually almost no prior coordination or actual strategic planning.

Ammon is a very good and Godly man, (a kind of selfless hero to me), but acting without formal support or planning was a mistake.

However, many Oath Keepers are definitely at Burns providing command leadership and site perimeter security among other things that are not public information. Stewart has been meeting with law enforcement and the FBI and many others to establish a formal game plan for OK's role in bringing the FBI murderers to justice..

You can go to oathkeepers.org and search "overtaxed' and you will see my extensive OK policy positions.

And I am in direct private contact with Stewart as necessary.

I myself, PPN, and OK is providing a wealth of logistical support for the rotations of staff present during the protests and investigation of the FBI's cold blooded murder of Robert "Lavoy" Finnicum.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"

That sounds good and all for sure. I will not doubt for a second your truth of what you say. For I do see you as an honorable man.It gives me ease to hear that Stewart is working to bring justice. ( we shall see ).This was a peaceful occupation that just needed more Patriots on the ground. If Ammon was wrong . He was wrong in giving the Liberty movement to much credit for really giving a Rats Ass.To point fingers that a man is wrong on how he stood up to Tyranny is a little too much for me to stomach...We can excuse and keep kicking the can. ..Bottom line if people showed up. with out showing an armed force it would have been the beginning of something good. To think that we need a centralized chain of command is only a target for self centered egos to ruin the movement...He should have gave orders to go and proceed with caution of false flag but to show support by just being present....I give the PPN lots of love for what they did. Too bad there were not more of them.

Brandon Curtiss is a smooth, tough, but level headed leader for the 3%er's and works shoulder-to-shoulder with OK and with Stewart.

The question was asked by many why Stewart didn't call for an immediate armed response against the State Police and the FBI when they tricked and isolated Lavoy, Ammon, and Ryan Bundy on a desolate road, 30 miles away from the nearest 3%er or Oath Keeper, and then shot Lavoy, first in the back, and then multiple times in the head with his arms raised high..

The Obama "pervert lackey Oregon Governor Kate Brown" (www.oregonlive.com/.../governor_kate_brown_bisexual..OregonLive.com

Feb 18, 2015 - Kate Brown will be the nations "first sitting LGBT governor", and hopelessly corrupt Burns County BLM operative Judge Steven Grasty, and brother-in-law and ex-BLM agent, mercenary, Rent-A-Sheriff (not elected) David Ward, just simply had to stop Lavoy and Ammon from delivering seized evidence from the Malheur BLM offices, that is proof of illegal BLM actions against the Hammond ranchers, to an Oath Keeper Sheriff Glenn Palmer in the Grant County community of John Day 70 miles away.   

Most civilians don't have any idea of the pressure Stewart Rhodes is under.

People are asking Stewart to issue the command to start a standing battle against the U.S. Military which would be an unprecedented bloodbath.

Are Patriot civilians and militia members prepared to start and carry out an extended guerrilla war, and leave their homes, not knowing when, if ever, anyone will come back?

Are Patriots prepared to live off the land for years if necessary?

The military has motion senors, cameras, mini-transmitters, drones and satellites.

Every word you would say or every twig you step on will be monitored, and videoed with night vision and thermal imagery.

Are you really that enthusiastic, that if Stewart Rhodes says ‘yes, we will do that.

Will you all be willing to quickly be there?

Are you sure?

There will be an immediate imposition of NDAA 2012 authorized martial law and roadblocks, no fly zones plus curfews.

Many have pressured Stewart to make the decision to retaliate for Lavoy's murder and start the Civil War.

Many think Barack Hussein Obama and the Washington Cartel is a hopeless constitution usurping quagmire that can no longer be resolved without the use of force.

We all need to give Stewart a chance to weigh up the consequences and see all of the evidence associated with the overreaction and the murder committed by the FBI on orders from Barack Hussein Obama and sick-o pervert Progressive far left-wing Governor Kate Brown.

Heavily armed patriots are still making their presence felt with boots on the ground. So no options are off the table at present.

Lavoy isn't even buried yet.

If people didn't elect mentally defective DFL perverts, much of this far left wing garbage would never escalate to such radical heights in the first place.

"Silence in the face of tyranny, is your consent to that tyranny"




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