We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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Like I have been saying since 2009, If people want the cleanest election possible they have to actually do something about it. It's still not too late for people to volunteer in every precinct in America to become A Precinct chair or a poll watcher, or a challenger of voter eligibility. Registered voter lists can be requested from County clerks offices and cross checked with postal addresses and Drivers Licence addresses and death records.All are public records and can be legally accessed by anyone. Finally putting feet on the ground and visiting anyone who seems questionable can be combined by groups going around in the precincts where they live to do a dual purpose; 1. To find out who needs to be registered or needs help to get an absentee ballot or needs help getting to the polls. 2. To see if the questionable persons are actually living at the addresses listed on the official voter list for their precinct.  Challenges can be directed to the Elections commission via Registered Mail on any discrepancies that are found by going through the list and cross checking it with the public records. Registered Mail return receipt requested is necessary to insure the elections commission will act. One other thing; Petitioning the elections commission again through Registered Mail around June asking them if they have sent out timely absentee Ballots to Active Military members and Americans working in Foreign Countries so their votes will return in time to be counted. Another request to the Judge Advocate General's office to request that Officers are tasked at each military post/station here and abroad, to see to the timely distribution and return of Military personnel votes. Also ask the JAG to instruct the officers charged with seeing that votes get counted on how to access the FVAP.gov sites and to instruct their personnel how to use them as an alternative if the ballots don't get to the troops on time.

Here in Georgia. Voter ID is require to vote .I would be concerned more of district 1 rather than my district 12. District 1 is the coastal area that includes Savannah. What I am saying ,is do i have to live in the precinct to be a poll watcher. Or can I only do it were I live.


That would depend on the rules in your State. My idea is to get enough teams together so every precinct can be covered, especially during the Primary Elections. But also main Elections too. The idea is to encourage everyone eligible to vote. The powers that be are terrified of a massive turn out at the polls because they will lose when that happens.

M I am a transplant here in Georgia, Southerners do not tend to follow the lead of A northerner, I will find out who has taken the up the task and lend a hand. I would assume what ever roll they feel comfort in giving me.Chief Cook and bottle washer ,,That`s me..What ever it takes...Every roll needs filling.

Humane nature! Volunteers can cheat too. Look what just happened in Iowa.




I do not believe that any cheating would be so wide spread that it would encompass every Precinct in the Nation, and if it is, we have already lost to the dark powers.


I don't deny there is a lot of corruption but I don't believe even that's consistent in every State and every precinct in the entire nation.We need to get active and actually do something other than complain back and forth to each other on the internet.

True that is why I am going to offer my services as well as creating a Freedom Festival which is in my wheel house. I can take leadership in festival development for I have been involved on food end ti creating Huge food courts in many up north Mainly Big concerts like Woodstock Reunions. I have many old contacts of different producers and promoters who I have gain their trust. They could get big entertainment if I could sell my idea to them. With that said I will follow someones lead here on the voter fraud workshop. That will allow me to get the trust of local officials for gathering permits of my idea. Two birds with one stone if you will.




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