We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Donald Trump is licking his chops. He has a good chance to win the Republican nomination. He knows he can beat Hillary as I do also. .Donald is in the know of people that can take Hillary And Bill out of the picture for good. The Career politicians are not privy to the same knowledge that Mr. Trump is. This is a little sample of what I mean.

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Why Romney ?Why now?
Bombshell: Insider Leaks Koch Bros, Rubio Plan to Stop Trump
Bombshell: Roger Stone reveals establishment using Mitt Romney as Plan B if Rubio fails!
“First they’ll ramp up an enormous, negative campaign on TV against Trump and they’re going to hit this phony Trump University issue,” he continued. “They claim to have personal dirt on Trump – I doubt that – and they are also going to try and delve into his business affairs, but if Rubio fails to grab the Florida primary, then Rubio’s out and Mitt Romney’s in.”
Won't take long to find this out!

I'll make a prediction, and it won't be a pleasant one. Most people will be put off by it but I stand by it.

If Trump runs against Hillary, Hillary will most probably win because too many Conservative voters will not even come out to vote.

If Trump runs against Sanders Trump will most likely win because too many Conservative and even Liberal voters will come out to vote against official Socialism in a President.

Various other scenarios will happen if other candidates are chosen instead of Trump.

Trump could decide to run as an independent and that would throw the election to the Democrats just like Ross Perot did for Billy.

Trump could decide to form a third party and that would not only shatter the Republican Party but would severely damage the Conservative cause.

Sanders could do the same things to the Democrats if he would do either of those things.

If both Trump and Sanders did those things we could actually end up as a Four Party system for a few decades.

The way to insure the integrity of America and the Constitution is to push for the highest possible turn out at the polls. We must invigorate all the apathetic individuals who would rather sit back and complain after the fact than take the initiative and go vote their preference.

The real problem is in the perception that has been imposed on the American Consciousness over the past fifty years that there must be a "Perfect Candidate" who embodies all the values of all the Conservative or Progressive voters. No such candidate ever existed except in the Rhetoric of the various political machines of the candidates.

What we need to do is to come together among ourselves and;

First, Decide what we want in a candidate, and what we want our future to be.

Second, Define again what our morals and beliefs truly are aside from what the machines have been programming us with through the Media and Political Correctness.

Third, We must as a group, and by that I mean a group in the broadest sense evaluate all the candidates and see which one comes closest to our mutual values remembering that NONE OF THEM will ever fit all or even most of the diverse desires of the public at large.

Fourth, We must realize that the President is merely a figurehead like the CEO of a Corporation, and Congress like a Board of Directors is the main power that decides what direction we will take. So we must expend as much caution selecting our Congressional Representatives as possible.

While selecting the President is important, liken him to a quarterback and Congress to the team that does the work which decides whether we win or lose the game. Both are important and co-dependent on each other. 

What we have in this administration is more like a Chinese Fire Drill than a properly working government

I see no fault with your predictions M but I do not see republicans coming together.

That is the main problem facing Americans. they won't come together to decide how we want the Country run and what morals and values are common ground any more. We are on the verge of an Oligarchy with the elite progressives calling the shots and we won't stand a chance of pushing them back if we don't unite against their crap!

.exacatly M....the progressive position is the easiest philosophy to follow for the masses...it represents giveaways for me.

That's why we need to take control and stop it.


Seriously drop all the BS cliche answers to that question and it becomes unanswerable.

Education doesn't work, the state controls that.

Voting fails due to the above.

Force will just destroy everything claimed to be gained once it is used for such proposes. 

Faith in God? He tells us flat out most will never do this, I trust His wisdom.

So exactly how?


I agree about turning to God, but he helps those who help themselves. In other words, we must do the leg work and utilize everything we have to use, then in our doing so, God will see to it that we do in fact win.

"but he helps those who help themselves"

Exactly where do you find that stated in the scriptures?

Serious question as I've only seen it applied when someone wants us to do things that have absolutely no bearing on the will of God as if that could be circumvented by anything which we as humans are capable.

Now if we are discussing nature's laws then I agree, well directed effort yields better results. But that is not what is in discussion as not one person has any idea what the heck to do about things. Almost as if things were proceeding to a designed outcome err?

Frankly the world has not contained this level of stupidity in high places since 1914. Want to know what it looks like then learn those times, it will teach it.

So again the question... How?

Have plenty of the gauze bandages and iodine ready this Tuesday, around mid-night, when the primary results are finalized and heads explode among the Despise Trump Gaggle. Notice their grammar. It's always, "It will" never "It might." Such certitude is astounding given the reality that there is never a solitary fact or figure given to support their fantasies.

Anyway, Trump has galvanized the electorate, be they friend or foe; a cold hard fact. What is missed by his detractors is that his support among the 40% of non-voting eligibles, continues to rise, as Gallup has determined. Whether they turn out remains to be seen but the notion that Hillary is a lock is blissful ignorance driven by wishful thinking, paranoia and refusal to let go of the R tree branch.

Bye the way, will the Rubio fan club please make sure they send him a condolence card on the nite of the Florida Primary, as he will be out of work. Please include any job leads. Much appreciated.

The message that God helps those who help themselves is the message of self-reliance and Scripture has nothing to do w/it.In fact, the eternal wisdom of the Greeks, among them Aristotle and Plato as well as the Scholastics, among them Aquinas, Scotus and William of Ockham isn't in Scripture either. So what?


It's not verbatim, but it is underscored in the following examples; Proverbs at 6:10-11, 12:11, 12:24, 13:4, I Timothy 5:8.




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