We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Now that we are pretty sure that Trump is going to be nominated to run as a Republican . We need to come together and get behind him. During the remaining  primary battles,Trump will start to mend the fences and start to focus on defeating Hillary. My guy Rand Paul lost. I got over it, and moved on. I ended up seeing Donald Trump as the best choice. Through my research, I have found that he just may be a better choice than Rand. I said from the beginning I would not vote for a progressive (establishment) type. Ted through my research is to connected to the UN`s project Agenda 21 .I would vote for him in the General , only because he is a constitutional conservative.But I do not trust him.to follow up on his promises. He is a career politician, and his canned speeches prove that.He will just become a political correct conservative ,with good skills of deceptively measured speeches....As the next few weeks unfold, and Trump starts to unite us all. I ask all to listen with an open mind. We The People ,all have a job to do. We will have to be good Patriotic Citizens. We must loose our selfish ways and become united to make us Whole again...LOL. This saying is a joke when Hillary says it.. But in fact, the truth is. We do need to become friendlier with one another.We need to stop the division that the politics of this past administration has dished out. The President can not help us, if we do not help him. I do not know about you guys. But I am sick of all the hatred within our community`s....If Trump is not right one, we will only truly know that if we give him a fair chance....It is time to take a deep breath, and gather ourselves to begin to explain to doubters, that we have the better choice over Hillary. ....This video is a Black mans view of why Trump should be the President...

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"Nothing is more powerful that an idea whose time has come"

You could have stopped right there TVC, it is the truism that belays all plans to the contrary.

This is the revolt, the next stage, where anyone with establishment stink on their bloody hands find themselves very interested in the French Revolution in a manner of speaking. Say what we will of "off with their heads" and the woes that came of it there is one very important point not to be lost.

The aristocracy did indeed fall.

Rhodes, indeed!

For their own sake, history (hopefully) will be kinder to our political "aristocracy".


Just wondering.

Hm.......................prolly cuz, essentially, I'm a non-violent person.

Ok thanks

Cars on endorses Trump

this is only a small sample we can expect should Trump make it to the WH only this will be magnified 1000 times with other countries trying to take a bite out of our hide. Trump breeds trouble.

Hey Jack...Your leader George Soros founded and funded group MOVE ON . ORG   has been promoting this protest. So it is your team that is pushing to shut down free speech...This is being reported by fox.

Kevin, Soros is not my leader. He may be funding the protestors but Trump is giving them the reason to protest. Soros is not going to fund a protest to watch the sun rise!

Good there is a season for all things and this is the looming zenith in the season of troubles by all evidence.

Imagine if you will that these troubles are nothing but the natural correction caused by past and current foolishness that attempts to violate the laws which govern. We may not like it but it is here all the same and it can be strongly suggested that only foolishness would attribute it to one man or that it can be avoided.




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