We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Now that we are pretty sure that Trump is going to be nominated to run as a Republican . We need to come together and get behind him. During the remaining  primary battles,Trump will start to mend the fences and start to focus on defeating Hillary. My guy Rand Paul lost. I got over it, and moved on. I ended up seeing Donald Trump as the best choice. Through my research, I have found that he just may be a better choice than Rand. I said from the beginning I would not vote for a progressive (establishment) type. Ted through my research is to connected to the UN`s project Agenda 21 .I would vote for him in the General , only because he is a constitutional conservative.But I do not trust him.to follow up on his promises. He is a career politician, and his canned speeches prove that.He will just become a political correct conservative ,with good skills of deceptively measured speeches....As the next few weeks unfold, and Trump starts to unite us all. I ask all to listen with an open mind. We The People ,all have a job to do. We will have to be good Patriotic Citizens. We must loose our selfish ways and become united to make us Whole again...LOL. This saying is a joke when Hillary says it.. But in fact, the truth is. We do need to become friendlier with one another.We need to stop the division that the politics of this past administration has dished out. The President can not help us, if we do not help him. I do not know about you guys. But I am sick of all the hatred within our community`s....If Trump is not right one, we will only truly know that if we give him a fair chance....It is time to take a deep breath, and gather ourselves to begin to explain to doubters, that we have the better choice over Hillary. ....This video is a Black mans view of why Trump should be the President...

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Bilderberg is working hard. I just hope People are starting to see what many of us have been saying for some years now. Exposing and educating the truth of it is the key. Shinning the liberty light on evil, will make evil retreat to the shadows. Keep teaching the truth of it....Many Foreign leaders are part of Bilderberg, just like our leaders of the past 28 years...America will lead the way against the evil shadow government....

It's been longer than that Kevin. The first conference was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg  in  Oosterbeek,  Netherlands, from 29 to 31 May 1954

M, Trust me I know the history of the Bilderbergs like the back of my hand. I said 28 years to reference our leaders who have been own by them I do not think Reagan was owned by them. The Bilderberg influence on this side of the Ocean started with Bush 41. Reagan I think seen what they were up too , and it worried him. They probably ran some ideas passed him....That is my guess.....I have stayed awake at nights researching these dirt bags for years now...I have way too much knowledge about them. I just keep my lessons short and simple. ..You do not want me to start speaking on the different scenario`s  You would call for a rubber suite. lol Make mine 2x...lol...The davos meetings are the winter time version of the Bilderberg meetings. They are not the secret meetings like the summer time ones.There are many u tube videos of Davos meetings. They are boring to most people .But research is research...They are very telling of the type of mentality we are faced with.

Still more research to be done.

Thousands of Union workers in the entertainment industry are protesting over the oppressive control unions have over the industry

in Hollywood.

Russian billionaire Lebedev buys Independent News & Media


Alexander Lebedev has bought the Independent titles for £1. Photograph: Frantzesco Kangaris/Getty Images

The Independent newspapers ushered in a new chapter in their history today when they were sold to Russian billionaire and former

KGB agent Alexander Lebedev.

Should I trust this source? If so, why do think so?

This website, The Independent, also published the article titled "UN rights chief seeks world support for uprisings"

(http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/un-rights-chief-se...). Let us examine

it. The title of the article stated the position of the United Nations (U.N.). The article did not elaborate much. It was a

sound-bite-in-print. It omitted relative facts and only promoted the U.N. position. Are these unchallenged statements designed to

lull the reader into accepting the U.N. is an incontrovertible source or a credible governing body?

Taken on its face, the information is brief and factual. When examined along side growing fields of media complicity, it clarifies

the U.N.'s role within a larger body of propagandists. The U.N. calls for support for world uprisings on one hand, while the

Washington Post reported "tens of thousands of Egyptian workers went on strike". Last time I checked, strikes are called by Union

leaders, uprisings are not.

It may seem a subtle difference but it says something important about U.N. fellowship. Unless you are a Russian Coal Miner, you

may not see the pattern developing across the globe. Every place I see "democracy" rising, I look for the union label. I see an

outer circle of oblivious do-gooders and gold-diggers hustling what they can with government money. The inner-circle is a dark

Corpro-Mafia alliance. The AFL-CIO has replaced the Democrat party and hammered a nefarious coterie into a Global Union

Caliphate. The AFL-CIO controls the media outright issuing propaganda to sedate the unenlightened. Union bosses bribe the

citizenry with their own money. Unions control supply chains and send cell phones by the millions to organize riots in the Middle

East. The U.S. cabinet, the U.S. Department of Justice, and every other agency is inept. Appointees make up a Russian-style

presidential bloc of incapable minions. Still, they move hastily toward advancing their single-minded purpose. Plotting the

abolition of capitalism and openly advocating communism, their true aim is totalitarianism.

In my opinion, The Independent should welcome scrutiny, suspicion, and alternate viewpoints.


Workers toppled a dictator in Egypt, but might be silenced in Wisconsin

The coup de grace that toppled Hosni Mubarak came after tens of thousands of Egyptian workers went on strike beginning last

Tuesday. By Friday, when Egypt's military leaders apparently decided that unrest had reached the point where Mubarak had to go,

the Egyptians who operate the Suez Canal and their fellow workers in steel, textile and bottling factories; in hospitals, museums

and schools; and those who drive buses and trains had left their jobs to protest their conditions of employment and governance.


You know Trump is making waves when something like this comes out on SNL;

SNL will be doing clips featuring Bernie, Hillary and Trump long after the election is over no matter who wins. They are gold for the show, just as Palin was.

There is a new video out, its darning,creative,inspiring,informative, and its all ready making the internet media look. People are sharing the video, and soon independent news networks will do the same.

Donald J Trump for President- 2016 Elections


Will trump stop the IRSS?

Ohio Governor John Kasich: a tax-happy, liberal RINO
The liberal media calls him a “conservative Republican” but don’t you believe it. Ohio Governor John Kasich is an Obama appeasing, tax crazy RINO, and the citizens of Ohio need to watch out.

This past week we reported here at Poor Richard’s News that Kasich was preparing to cave in to Obama and implement a massive expansion of Ohio’s medicare program under Obamacare.

Now Kasich is taking his RINOism a giant step even further and planning to expand Ohio’s sales tax to include a giant list of transactions that have previously been exempt.

from the Columbus Dispatch:

Jerry Brown: If Trump wins, California might need a wall of its own.
Great maybe we can stop paying their unemployment compensation!

Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/articl...
California's unemployment benefits fund is mired in debt
The fund owes nearly $10 billion to the federal government — so much, the problem won't fix itself even if disbursements fall to pre-recession levels, the Employment Development Department says.

Ted Cruz finds new allies in GOP establishment he rails against
CONCORD, N.C. — Sen. Ted Cruz stood on a stage straddling the lanes of a dragway at the Charlotte Motor Speedway on Sunday, speaking directly to blue-collar workers with “calluses on your hands” and railing against the political establishment — prompting cheers and stomps on the metal bleachers.

Meanwhile in Florida, a group of volunteers, including wealthy donors who supported Jeb Bush’s candidacy, was knocking on doors this weekend in Jacksonville, asking voters to cast ballots for Cruz (Tex.) in Tuesday’s Republican primary.




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