We The People USA

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So the question I have is, are all lawyers and judges stupid?


Maybe I am just wrong, but the dictionary definition of Tyranny is forcing ones will upon another. Now unless im mistaken using the courts to force your will upon another in the form of silencing their opinion would fall under the definition of Tyranny. Taking offense to the words of others is a matter of choice, therefore, using the courts to silence anothers speech because you got your feelings hurt is essentially forcing your will upon another. Any lawyers out there want to take a stab at this, maybe why this isnt being pointed out in a court of law...

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I am not a lawyer, And iI do not have friends that are lawyers. Lawyers for the most part are deceitful greedy slugs. I have very little use for a lawyer..I know this is no help in this discussion. But I needed to get it of my chest.


The Original 13th amendment that simply disappeared from the books without being repealed would have prevented Lawyers from serving in congress because they had the title and were working for another branch of the government (the Judicial Branch) and it would have enhanced Article 1, Section 6, Clause 2, of the Constitution 

( See; http://www.barefootsworld.net/real13th.html

If ISIS targeted Lawyers, would anyone stop them?

I can definitely understand everyone's desire to want to beat up on lawyers, but that was not my intent with this post, the root question is about individual rights, most specifically the first amendment and the freedom of speech. I never people pop up and say wait, person A has every right to voice their opinion and if person B is offended that is a choice that person B made. What makes person B's choices more important than person A, so much so that person A's freedom of speech, freedom of thought even, is violable because of the choices of person B?

Why aren't there any lawyers out there making this argument?   

That is too simple. Lawyers do not like simplicity. Keeping arguments within society, keeps them relevant....Greed and selfishness are tools of the devil..

Shakespeare's Dick the Butcher (HenryVI) was on the mark w/"Firstly, let's kill all the lawyers."

The world would be much better off without their type of deceitful criminal .It truly would.

Dick's friend

free speech is protected until the speech is judged to inflict harm on another person, then the speech is not protected.

There in lies the problem, real harm compared to perceived harm, taking offense is not true harm, it is choice made to illicit a specific response in order to force ones ideology on another.  

This election year, the unions will be pushing the race card and mobilizing their minions to protest and reek havoc in every city over immigration while the MSM whips them into a frenzy. Know your enemy.


In our system for resolving issues criminal or civil, it is left to current law interpretation by a judge and a jury in most cases.




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