We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

The Article V movement Is Not Well Received By The Uber Left

Source; http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/4/18/1516803/-Nutjobs-on-the-R...

You know that you are doing something right when you get such a heated response from the Far Left Press like this one below. Consider this, The We The People comment is not on the Article V site so that's a cheap Shot to discredit the Article V movement and is completely typical of the LIES and SPIN the Left customarily uses when they are losing the argument.


Article V Movement

Make no mistake, if the hardcore Right of the GOP (AKA “The Freedom Caucus”) takes control of all three Branches, the "Article V" movement within that Party will seek to repeal the 14th, 16th and 17th Amendments to the Constitution, achieving the "victory" for States' Rights (read: "right to discriminate") that they were not able to achieve in 1865. It is frightening to read their stuff, but they cite many "mainline" GOP supporters in Congress so this isn't as farfetched as some of us would like to think.  Hello, and welcome to Red State Amerika's version of Kristallnacht...

Here are some small extracts from their Site.  I suggest that people who care about our country's future look into this movement very closely.

Objectives: Propose a Twenty-eighth Amendment*

  1. The fourteenth, the sixteenth, and the seventeenth articles of amendment to the Constitution of the United States are hereby repealed.

        2.  The article shall be inoperative unless it, [Section 1]; shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the conventions in several states, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of submission hereof, to the States by the Congress.

* If not successful in that Proposal, this group maintains the position that secession is a viable alternative:

“We The People, in the interests of maintaining a peaceful solution to redress our legitimate concerns, will accordingly petition our fellow Nation States within the Union for permission to remove ourselves from that Union which in our considered opinion no longer represents our interests. We are basing that decision on the sections of the Declaration of Independence which is the moral basis for our Nation’s founding. We will agree that we will only invoke the declared secession valid and enforceable with the express permission of our Sister States. We will do this by requiring the same percentages of votes by our Sister States to approve Secession as the same percentage necessary for ratification of an amendment. We will accord every State that wishes to leave the "Perpetual Union" the right to secede using that peaceful artifice.”

“We The People, according to the current Constitution, are invested by it as the highest embodiment of government and governmental power and authority, that being codified and protected by the very Constitution itself. We do not take this step lightly, nor do we take if frivolously. We take it because all of our pleas of the the vast majority of our fellow citizens, amounting to approximately 3/4 of the population of the United States, have in fact been denied their lawful desires by the very representatives who were elected expressly to represent their desired cases for incorporation into general law.  We stand in the circumstances that our forebears did before the American Revolution with King George. We seem to be facing King Obama and his Parliament of Congressional Fops who kowtow to his every whim with no regard to the people whom they are legally and honor bound to represent. It is the sickness of modern Progressivism that has brought us to this brink.”

“Furthermore, if any States decide to Secede, We The People will annex all the Regular Military Assets, and Materials, and all Assets of the National Guard units residing in the respective States. We will take peaceful political control of all the Regular Military and National Guard Bases within those States. We will contract with their support industries within those respective states to supply the necessary items to protect and defend our New Nation. However if any of the Military or National Guard Personnel stationed within those Seceded States decide they do not want to be part of the New Nation, we will give them leave to remove themselves peaceably to any States that decided not to secede, but they will not be allowed to take their issued equipment with them other than their personal gear and uniforms.”



You can't make this stuff up.  These nutjobs are serious.

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Typical far left hit piece that uses cut and paste to present their desired message. For the Article V Project does not recommend secession as a remedy. It recommends using Article V to repeal 3 amendments the 14th, 16th and 17th which will restore the Sovereign Republic form intended by the Founders. The left has usurped powers not given Article I section 8 of the actual constitution.

States right were retained in the 9th and 10th amendment further guaranteed in Article V Section 4. So, it is the current tyrannical Federal central government and the courts that have ignored the Constitution. First they used the courts to limit States powers, then they used tax money to bribe the voters and the States to let the Federal Government use the 14th amendment to place all Federal laws above those of the states.

Freedom and Liberty must be fought for and defended everyday as government will seize property and wealth to use for their purposes of gaining more power over individuals.

Jefferson and the Founders knew this day could come and warned us in many quotes like this one.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson


I see this response has been added to the Article V site. Thumbs Up On This Commentary


I posted it on the daily kos as it looks like he mixed our stuff with others and did not identify?

Let me address one of Paul's comments and suggestions for the people;

 Hello, and welcome to Red State Amerika's version of Kristallnacht...
Here are some small extracts from their Site.  I suggest that people who care about our country's future look into this movement very closely. "

If I were British and part of the Fabian Socialist movement I would probably publicly Laud what he said, regardless of how damaging it would be to the goals of Socialism. Privately so as not to publicly  further damage the Fabian Socialist Goals, I would think 'Cor Blimey, What a total Wanker that moronic twit is.'

He seems oblivious to the fact that Fascism is in reality the right hand side of the Socialist movement, Fabian or otherwise. Either that, or he thinks that the Conservatives are too ignorant or stupid to know that fact. You decide which it is.


The young ones have never even taken Western Civics and nothing on the Constitution.

Where is it in the Constitution that the President can tell England what to do?

"Barack Obama is planning to make “a big, public reach-out” to persuade British voters to stay inside the European Union, the chair of the US Senate foreign relations committee has revealed."


The far left are the worst seceders of all ! Stridently advocating nations forget their sovereignty and come together under world governance. They just don't say as much about the "world governance" part. That's to be kept secret and silent until the time comes we can't back away from it. Obama is playing a big initial role in this deception ... and he has complete control of the military, even sacking top brass, why did he do that?, my guess, to replace them with compliant "globalist" officers

How human are the far left, what did they say after the summariness shooting of Lavoy Vinicum? ... "It's done, let's move on"... How politically correct was that?

Ozzie, It is nice to see that some on the other side of the globe understand the truth of it all...We here in America need Trump. .But the truth of it is the whole world needs Trump to win here. I for some reason think you see that. Trump knows of the realism of the Bilderberg Groups agenda of a one world order. It is hard for him to run on that because there are not enough well informed people yet...It is up to us to teach these things to the unknowing. It is really starting to catch on. Things like what happen in Burns Oregon and the Bundy Ranch are teachable events. Bilderberg members see that the masses are learning of their intent. If we have a person in the White House that will define the liberty movement. The World will have a place to be headquarters, in the fight against Globalization.




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