We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

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A message for Harry Reid from Ammon Bundy`s lawyer....

Harry Reid trades insults with Cliven Bundy`s wife Carrol Bundy http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/apr/08/harry-reid-cliven-bu...

Governor Brown should have took this mans advice...This crooked Government needs to be rebooted.

I am thinking about taking a trip to Nevada. Got me a towing package put on my truck. Looking to get a small travel trail er...If the SHTF, I will bug out to Bunkerville maybe.

Harry Reid will get his in the end...

...Mark Callahan stands with the Bundy`s..He is a Republican running for the Senate in Oregon. He needs to win.

Grant county Sheriff is under attack from the Tyrannical Federal government. This situation is being swept under rug while Americans stand and watch....That is exactly how Hitler did it. The German population just stood back and allowed it..Tyranny is getting stronger because we do nothing....This Sheriff fought for our constitution. He deserves our support.




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