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Kevin, the Middle East was destabilized long before Obama and Clinton. The Bildeberg Group has no power over Russia or China. They could care less what the Boilderberg Group wants.
See Jack you are a trump supporter! That's what hey says!
Charles I have no idea how you can think I am a Trump supporter? There is nothing that I have been saying about him that he would agree with.
America’s Deconstruction Complete Under Obama.Rule of Law Gutted.Where Is The Nation Heading? Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
THE deconstruction of traditional America did not start under Barack HUSSEIN Obama, but it will cement itself under his reign. This is not for nothing. Who better than a Marxist, socialist, communist-leaning, racial hybrid and Islamic-infused POTUS to seal its fate?
AND the very fact that the Dictator-in-Chief is declaring executive amnesty for millions of illegals, well, that too is not incidental to the aforementioned decades-in-the-making deconstruction. Its tipping point, regardless of anything else, requires flooding the nation with those whose allegiance lies elsewhere, in addition to the infiltration and penetration of terrorists and criminal elements. A cooked up recipe for national disaster
Hillary already said she's with him!
M the agenda of the left has been pushed on us for nearly 100 years and they have made some progress. However, whatever progress they have made has not altered your life style or mine. We all enjoy more opportunities then ever in our lifetime. Hillary has no ability to alter that process. Trump on the other hand will have the power to end all of our lives in a matter of minutes. You maybe willing to take that risk but that is not in my makeup to give up that easily. Hillary is certainly a setback but Trump is a disaster for America.
November 5, 2007
The liberal contradiction -- their own worst enemy
By JR Dieckmann
Remember back in the sixties where modern American liberalism got its start? They were the days of Woodstock in New York and Woodstock West in Los Angeles, which, by the way, I attended. They were the days of young people searching for alternatives to the routines established by older generations. We wanted to be the pioneers of a new way of life.
There was a war going on in Vietnam and the threat of nuclear world war. It wasn't so much the war itself that we objected to, but rather the fact that we and our friends were being drafted into the Army to participate in it and many didn't come back alive. Many took to the streets in protest and many protested just to be a part of a group and blow off steam.
The slogan in those days was "Turn on, tune in, drop out." Young people quit their jobs with established companies, burned their draft cards, and their bras, and disappeared into the underworld to escape from the much feared and hated "Establishment."
The music of the day was all about love, peace, drugs and global unity which worked for small groups but ignored the larger threats from foreign countries overseas which had other agendas. We thought we could change the world, but that wasn't to be.
We were neither Republicans nor Democrats and most didn't even vote in the elections. We simply went our own way, out of sight of the system, and let the rest of the country go it's way. Communists eager to infiltrate our country saw their opportunity and took full advantage of it. Nikita Khrushchev stated at the time "We will take you over from the inside."
Webster defines the word "Liberal" as "One who is open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways; an advocate or adherent of liberalism especially in individual rights." Also: marked by generosity: openhanded; given or provided in a generous and openhanded way; lacking moral restraint; not literal or strict; broad-minded."
Under the word "liberalism" we find also: "A theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard; a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties."
That's what liberals were back in the sixties and early seventies. It was our intention to detach ourselves from the government and the establishment, become independent entrepreneurs dependent only upon ourselves for our survival. We rejected the established rules of society and encouraged individuality, freedom, and liberty. We found ways to support ourselves through our own ingenuity. We wanted no ties to the government or the established system at all.
There is no freedom like the freedom you feel when you wake up every day with no commitments or obligations to anyone and have the day free to do whatever you feel like doing. We survived by taking personal responsibility for our own lives and provided for ourselves by whatever means we could.
We were interested in gaining intellectual enlightenment and a better understanding of the world through "mind expansion" which often involved the use of drugs like pot and LSD but not limited to that. We also studied alternative social philosophies and religions, most anything that was an alternate to the current government and establishment that we grew up with.
Some, like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and John Kerry even went so far as to study the alternate philosophies of our enemies in books written by authors like Saul Alinsky, Noam Chomsky, and Karl Marx. They found those teachings more to their liking than the American system of social liberty and free enterprise. They never grew up and learned to understand American history and the American system. They still haven't.
Fast forward to 2007 and here we find the problem. Liberalism was the promotion of independence from government, and reliance on the self. When the Democrat Party began electing liberals to serve in the government, they tried to incorporate those same principles into the government, which creates a huge contradiction. You can't have a government that rejects itself. Liberals became their own worst enemy.
The Communist infiltration started with Lenin placing Reds in Universities that were responsible for training teachers. Stalin carried it forward and started to infiltrate the media and entertainment industries in the 1930's Remember that Communism's Lies appealed to the people being ground under by the great depression with it's promises of redistributing wealth. then came Khrushchev and the infiltration of the regular colleges during the Vietnam war when patriots went and hippie cowards ran. Like it always has, the Communist version of Socialism originally uses the least smart by pandering to their needs with free stuff to get them to commit to their benefactors and keep them in power.
free stuff is attractive to the conservative as well as the liberal. The less educated have just as much access to the better things in life as the educated. If fact the less educated are much more ingenious in getting what they need and desire than the educated. Conservatives don't hold a monopoly on success, liberals move up the social status latter with monetary rewards faster than conservatives do. Most liberals have given up on politics in general, it is only the hardcore conservatives that continue to hang on with the remaining communist thinking voter, and both groups are a very small segment of our population.
Considering the low turn out for the last two elections I have to agree with you about the majority of people on both sides have given up on politics. I believe that was a contrived situation to give the public the semblance of Freedom and of being able to change things. My Opinion on this is; If we don't rectify the damage the 14th,16th,&17th amendments have done to the Constitution by repealing them and in doing so restoring the original Checks and balances the Founders and Framers put into it, we will never be able to bring about necessary changes for the public rather than like now changes being only for the supporting of the Elitists special interest groups. It can only get worse if we don't start reversing the trends that started immediately after the Civil War.
M the 14th amendment will never be repealed, less than 10% of the electorate care about the 16th amendment and the 17th amendment even it it was appealed (which I highly doubt) would change a thing, lobbyist can control senators at the local level just as easy as they can at the federal level.
The 17th being repealed would place the Senators directly under the control of the State Legislatures as was intended in the Connecticut or "Great" Compromise that gave every State, note (STATE) not people of that State equal representation. That would make the Senators responsible to their States demands instead of to their party Leadership demands.
The 16th being repealed would starve the Federal Government of the funds it covets to keep growing and overreaching its Constitutional boundaries. And, it would mostly stop the current situation where the States send money to the Federal Government and have to jump through the hoops to get some of it back again. without the 16th the States and the People would be able to keep more of their earned income and also be the ones to decide how much or how little the Federal Government got as running expenses.
The 14th is the most litigated and foul amendment in the Constitution. It was originally intended simply to give voting and citizenship rights to Freed Slaves, but because of the three most toxic words originally hidden within it (NO STATE SHALL) it has turned the flow of power 180degrees from it's original direction in the Constitution giving the Federal Government superiority over the States and the People.
All that must change if we want a lasting return to what the Republic as set up by the founders to flourish.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Obama's ISIS Deception
By Douglas V. Gibbs
President Barack Obama's recent episode where he stormed out of a military briefing, commenting as he left, "[Don't] try and paint all of Islam with the same brush," was very telling. The episode was not at all surprising to those that have been critical of Barack Obama from the beginning, because his allegiance to his sympathies towards Islam have been all too clear for those who have been willing to admit they exist, and have scrutinized his actions and words as they relate to his bias towards Islam. Because of his discriminate opinions, Obama has softened the government's stance against terrorism, and has made statements and has taken actions counter to the federal government's constitutional duty of providing for the common defense. The perceived weakness of the President has inflamed the Middle East, emboldened the jihad, and has enabled the pieces for a pro-sharia caliphate to emerge. The chaos in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and other points throughout the region, have been directly influenced, and enabled, by Barack Obama's foreign policy. He has funded and armed militant groups connected to terrorism, and has time and time again turned his back on America's greatest ally, Israel.
The rise of ISIS may have been unexpected by some, and Barack Obama claims "we underestimated the rise of ISIS," but those involved in national security paints a different picture.
"We" did not underestimate the rise of ISIS, or the severity of the problem associated with the Islamic jihad. It is the politicians that have been convinced to dumb down the language, and proclaim Islam is the religion of peace. It is the classic Orwellian propaganda campaign. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.
Meanwhile, like the pigs in Animal Farm, Islam proclaims that some ideologies are more equal than others.
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