We The People USA

Citizens Dedicated To Preserving Our Constitutional Republic

Democrats Have Unleashed And Promoted The Latest In A Long Line Of Agendas Of Perversion

I as you know subscribe to many many of the Democrats State sites, to keep an eye on what they are up to on a weekly basis. I get propaganda letters from most of the Blue States Democratic Parties and I would like to share one with you, and also my outraged response to their Bathroom agenda. 

This one I got from Michigan ( It's also being pushed in Mississippi, North Carolina, and Indiana ) is by far the most blatant piece of crap I have seen promoted by the Perverted Progressive Democrats so far!

From: Coleman Young II <info@senatedems.org>
To: Name Redacted
Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2016 10:41 AM
Subject: Pee in peace

 Michigan Republicans just don't know when to quit.
Instead of finalizing a solution for Detroit Public Schools, fixing Flint's water system or repairing our crumbling roads and infrastructure, Sen. Casperson is worried about which bathroom transgender people in Michigan are using.
So-called 'bathroom bills' have been introduced in states across our country, and Sen. Casperson's bill directly targets transgender students. It's a non-solution in search of a problem that will only result in our students feeling less safe.
I don't know about you, M, but the only things I worry about when using the restroom is if there's enough toilet paper, soap, and hand towels.
Why are Michigan Republicans so concerned with which bathroom people choose to use? They should let everyone pee in peace.
Coleman A. Young II

My Response sent back to them;


"{Are you serious? Where is your common sense? Where is your sense of decency? Where are your Morals and Values? Ask yourself this one question and answer it honestly to yourself before you proceed to crap all over the electorate with your sick agendas;

 "Why is it that College girls need protection from intrusions and safe spaces from those intrusions, and little girls don't need the same in their rest rooms, how can they pee in peace if they are afraid of boys or even grown men walking in on them?"


Your logic is seriously flawed if you think only transgender people will use the rooms and the Perverts/child molesters/rapists/etc will voluntarily stay out. Are you and the rest of the Democrats Brain Dead??? 

Answer a question for me, "Are the State Capital Rest Rooms transgender, and do you and the other Legislators have a private restroom designated specifically for private use? "

You and everyone who promotes this trash should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves!!! This action is not compassion, it's rank perversion. Due to this, and many more very questionable acts, I can no longer support the Democratic Party, You're as bad or worse than the Republicans!!! In fact your Party has become as insensitive and deranged as the Tea Party. 

I would like to be the one who sees what you would do if you sent your daughter into a transgender rest room and she was attacked, leered at, molested or raped because you through your legislation and twisted agendas had made it so easy for those sick bastards to do that. 

Do you not know that the vast majority of people are totally against this crap? 

Do you not think that except for the less than 1/10th percent of the population that comprises the LGBT group is not enough to keep voting you into office? 

Don't send me any more of this perverted crap!!!}"



All that being said, I would like as many members as possible to start doing the same things. Especially in their own States first and foremost, but also in as many Democratic States as possible. Lay it on the line to them, and make it plain strong language. Short, to the point, and clear that you don't support this perversion, or any other questionable agenda they promote. 


Lay it on thick and caustic with Moral Outrage. We have the High Moral Ground in this, not them! If enough people start doing this they will eventually stop swinging their agendas to the perverted and absurd.

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Let's send Michigan State Senator Tom Casperson support for his Principled Stand in a Blue Union Overrun Progressive Leaning State. You can contact him at; http://www.senatortomcasperson.com/contact-me/

Republicans are so skilled at playing with people's fear, hatred, and ignorance to gain support, which means votes, even when they don't believe the toxic speech they are spewing.  Why can't we, as conservatives, be a little smarter; a little better informed; perhaps even a bit more logical in our assessments of certain situations?  Why must we always look like we're knee-jerk nimrods just op from the 'Holler'/

These bills being considered and passed will not allow transgender CHILDREN the availability of public school rest rooms assigned to the gender that they identify with.  It's never wrong to be kind, compassionate, and accommodating to CHILDREN trying to cope with this oddity of nature.  

Secondly, has anyone considered that restrooms in public schools aren't locked, other than the individual stalls?  Therefore, anyone can walk into any restroom in any school and there's no "law" that can stop that from happening.  So, the bottom line to this whole topic is hijacked from allowing CHILDREN to feel a bit more accepted by their peers into an abnormal fear of criminal psyco-sexual perversion of adults which is both unlikely to occur and unstoppable in the rare cases where a sick individual does prey upon children.

In conclusion, let's try to be mature, rational adults and begin discussing how to solve generational poverty, loss of good-paying jobs with benefits, and corporate-political kick-backs called "campaign contributions".  And, Casperson is a fraud, lacking the intelligence or qualifications to be a public servant.

I see your comments and suggestions are modeled on the pure Liberal Viewpoints concerning this issue.

Alternate suggestion; Why don't they just leave the gender specific bathrooms and create a transgender bathroom for each? Not a unisex, but actually two transgender designated bathrooms.designated Transgender Boys and Transgender Girls! Doing that would accommodate everyone, and would not have the effect of pushing an agenda down anyones throat. Consideration goes both ways and since the Transgenders are about 1/10% or less of the population, I don't see why the rest of us should be forced to see it their way. Compromise is in order!

As far as the stalls go there are stand up urinals for both boys and girls but I don't know if they are in schools, but they could be put into public rest rooms for Transgender people.

I assume that you will come back and say that doing that would only cause more embarrassment for the transgenders. I say so what. It used to be majority rule and most of the 'Silent Majority is damn sick and tired of being pushed around by any minority. It's time for us to come together and stop all the false flag imposed agenda problems designed to split Americans apart and ending any semblance of free speech even if it is harsh, prior to destroying America. We need to return to what was once considered normal moral behavior. I also believe you are going to call me a Hater and any number of other Liberal shaming terms simply for me speaking my beliefs, and invoking my Right to Free Speech. In short, we all must compromise on the solution. It can not be one sided any more. I do not believe that any of the LGBT community should be ostracized or brutalized verbally or physically. I also believe they should not do the same to the Straight community either. What's good for one should be good for all.


What's good for one is not, if ever, good for all.  And don't make the mistake of believing that I give serious consideration to the opinions of the ignorant, nor that I care what stupid people choose to "believe".  This is not a liberal or conservative position, but rather a position of compassion, intelligence, logic, and careful consideration.

If you simply stop being afraid of everything, stop hating people, stop quaking on your shoes every time something new comes along you would not appear to be filled with hate and fear.  You wouldn't be so irrational and you may begin to see how ridiculous this topic is and how scared you are when you portray it as an AGENDA OF PERVERSION.  It's just little kids going to the bathroom at school!  

So ,are you ok with the government paying for sex change operations for teenagers, with out the parents consent ?


It's not just kids going to the bathroom. It's legislating morality, and that always ends in pain and grief. What do you think the other kids are going to do when two or three kids show themselves to be different? In the manner of kids everywhere they will attack with hurtful words and ostracism. On the other hand making it law for every toilet has and will continue to encourage physical attacks by the criminally bent, and some have already happened.

Funny it's always the Liberal who calls out hater, even when there is no hate. it has become a cliche' in Liberal Rhetoric designed to have the same desultory effect that the word Racist has. I don't proppose any harm or hurt feelings come to those few, but by the same token why is it always the rights of the many that are trod on and that is ok with the Liberal faction. Don't you see that is encouraging an archaic system where the privileged few control and ride rough shod over the many?

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