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Loretta Lynch meets with Bill Clinton in airport on Lynch`s private plane.How many Democrats will actually think that they were just talking about Grand children and golf. I am not stupid enough to buy this BS. But what pisses me off is those who do buy the excuses they give..

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Jack, That doesn't wash because her name was on the headers of many of those documents sent both from her computer and from her personal blackberry through her server. The fix is in.and many know about it now..

Her name on the header is not proof she recieved, read or sent the email. Again, M you or I do not have the evidence that the Director has. We are being purely speculative when we try to make claims without evidence. If you think the Director is covering up or lying then charges should be brought against the Director or anyone else involved in the coverup.

Jack, her name on the header of an e-mail from her PERSONAL Blackberry is proof that she sent it because she does not allow anyone else access to it. Question for you; Why are you, a conservative, being an apologist for Hillary the Uber-Liberal? All you have done over the last few months is defend Hillary and the Democrats talking points.What kind of Conservative does that make you?

While you are at it, consider this article about Special Treatment for Hillary;


and on matters of trusting her, this;


"we left the white house dead broke" and all the other decades of shady dealings isn't enough? Jack i guess you don't or haven't payed federal taxes else some of this tax payer money they treat as their would have to get under you're skin.Maybe though you suffer from the liberalism disease. Seek treatment , it is a mental disorder!

M, Jack is not a conservative. He is a liberal troll. I called him out on it months ago and got reprimanded  for doing it.

M anyone can send and receive messages on any device with or without approval. Secondly, you are only speculating that Hillary does not allow others to use her blackberry.  Being conservative has nothing to do with challenging anyone's views on guilt or innocence of Hillary. I make my conclusions on facts that I know are true. I do not speculate when I give my view. If you ask me for my opinion I will give that to you also, but my opinion any anyone else's opinion is nothing more then what it is, a guess. 

All you do is give your speculated opinion.You have never brought one piece of evidence to back up any of your words.

kevin if I give my view it is based on the facts presented and I always refer to those facts. If I give my opinion I don't have to offer any factual information because it is my opinion, a guess.


There is enough circumstantial evidence that should have had Hillary go to court to defend herself. When I was a working patrolman the DA's regularly used circumstantial evidence and what you would call speculative evidence to bring charges and this crap with Hillary needs to be tried publicly to stand or fall on it's own. The term exceedingly careless is just another way of saying grossly negligent and that in matters of National Security demands a trial to prove or disprove the facts of the case.

Comey to be interview by Congress tomorrow. Looks like cspan`s ratings will jump. Hey Jack, maybe you should watch it.That way you will have more truth to try and spin into Bull Shit.

I will watch it Kevin, and I don't don't spin truth into BS that is not possible to do, truth stands on its own it can not be refuted, its factual.




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