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It seems to me too many cops over react and end up killing inocent people to often.....

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It is a shame in this day an age that there even has to be an organization in America called BLM. It is a shame in this day we are even talking in the manor I see so often displayed in social media and in the news in general. We should have learned a long time ago making disparaging remarks about groups of people is not very helpful or does it solve the problem.

Blacklights do matter!

"they" want cameras everywhere, on everyone that's what it is all about.


Media Ignore the Tsunami of Black Violence against Cops
By Colin Flaherty

The shootings in Dallas did not make much of a difference. Not to the reporters explaining the protest and the reason behind the assassination of five police officers.

The reason for the demonstration was simple and beyond pushback:

White cops shoot black people all over the country, all the time, for no reason whatsoever.

Everybody knows that. So sad.

Some took it to the next level: The head of a black group called Dallas Action said the killings were a wake up call to let people know how cops are picking on black people.

All the time.

For no reason whatsoever. The local Fox reporter in Dallas took the comments in stride, quickly changing the topic to all the pretty lights on nearby police cars.

Not one reporter at any point even hinted at how black violence is wildly out of proportion.

Not one reporter talked to any cop willing to tell the truth about how police are relentless victims of black hostility and violence and murder — all over the country.

And how black on cop violence and defiance are now the default response.

Not the other way around. A brief magical mystery tour below of black on cop violence over the last few weeks.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2016/07/media_ignore_the_ts...
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I heard on Fox and friends that Protester drop a 25 pound rock on a cops head. ..He has two broken vertebrae. This via Fox. Could not find it on Google yet.

The Dallas Black Police chief is right, Obama is the top racist and racial conflict agitator in America.

The FBI needs to talk with BLM people to determine their leadership and stop their domestic terrorism. The same peoplebehind BLM stopped the Tea Party from organizing.

Loretta Lynch is in front of Congress tomorrow.

That is probably why BLM groups are coming out in droves (ie..being paid to protest to provide cover by the media).

There is a pattern of deceit.

When your boyfriend has been shot, put pressure on the wound until help arrives (You may need to set you phone down a second hon).

That was surreal!

The Cop told her not to move Hank.




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