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Hillary's Lies Exposed Under Sworn Testimony.

Jack, you once asked my to explain why Hillary is the worst possible choice for President and much more dangerous than Trump Might Be. This one's for you Jack;

Reprinted with permission of author;


Hillary's Lies Exposed Under Sworn Testimony.

The above video included per the Fair Usage Act for Educational Purposes.

It is my considered Opinion that should Hillary become President she will set up the United States as a Personally Controlled Criminal Enterprise, to benefit her and her progeny. This Treatise is in the Editorial Section and on my page because as pointed out to me by Mangus Colorado; She HAS and IS violating the Constitution. Taking quid pro quo when Bill gave a speech and she as Secretary Of State, gave approvals that Bills speech got the money for.

Here are my reasons;

First; Transcript of the Sworn Testimony before Congress between Gowdey and FBI Director Comey about Hillary's Veracity in past testimony; at a House hearing with Comey under oath, the Gowdy-Comey exchange exposed lies Hillary herself is on record of telling Congress under oath:

​Gowdy: Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private email. Not true?
Comey: Right.

Gowdy: Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails. .  .  . Was that true?
Comey: That's not true.

Gowdy: Clinton said [she] didn't email any classified material to anyone. .  .  . True?
Comey: There was classified material emailed.

Gowdy: [She] said that she used just one device. True?
Comey: She used multiple devices.

Gowdy: [She] said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. True?
Comey: No.

Gowdy: [She] said neither she nor anyone else deleted work-related emails. .  .  . True?
Comey: That's a harder one to answer. We found traces of work-related emails. .  .  . Whether they were deleted .  .  . or something happened to them, there's no doubt that there were work-related emails .  .  . removed electronically from the email system. [Translation: not true.]

Gowdy: [She] said her lawyers read every one of the emails [individually before deleting any of them]. True?
Comey: No.

Gowdy: False, exculpatory statements—they are used for what?
Comey: Either for the substantive prosecution or for evidence of intent in a criminal prosecution?

Gowdy: Exactly. Intent and consciousness of guilt, right?
Comey: Right.

In spite of that exchange showing at the very least Malfeasance on the part of Hillary, and for some as yet unknown reason, Comey's official recommendation to the DOJ advocated NO criminal charges for Hillary!

Lets take some other verifiable instances when Hillary lied;
1. In a face to face meeting with families of the CIA commando's killed trying to protect Ambassador Stevens, she deliberately lied to them and said the attack was a direct result of an Anti-Islam Video when she positively knew that statement wasn't true. She could have said we are investigating it and given her condolences without compromising anything our intelligence community knew or was investigating. Instead she chose to lie.

2. She is a very skillful and I personally believe she is a compulsive liar. This goes back to the Watergate investigation. House Judiciary Committee's Chief of Staff Jerry Zeifman who was Hillary's Supervisor Stated to Dan Calabreese of North Star newspaper syndicate that " Hillary engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman said that Rodham wrote a fraudulent legal brief, said he regrets not reporting Rodham to the appropriate bar association. Later,(4/4/2008) Zeifman was asked in an interview with nationally syndicated radio host Neal Boortz, "You fired her [Clinton], didn't you?" Zeifman responded, "Let me put it this way, I terminated her along with other staff members who we no longer needed. And I said that I could not recommend her for any further positions."

3. On just the e-mail issue alone Hillary's Lies are, have been, and judging by lifelong practices will continue to be the way she conducts business, the disregard for National Security, and the allegations of her using Foreign Policy for personal gain makes her unfit for the Presidency. Comey spared Clinton the criminal prosecution for treating classified emails so cavalierly. He was unforgiving in discussing her approach to "very sensitive, highly classified information." indicating it was just short of an indictment. Comey said Clinton emails with "Top Secret/Special Access" information—the truly sensitive stuff—were less protected than they would have been "with a commercial service like Gmail." Consider the 8 notebooks that Gen Petraeus gave to Pamela Broadwell as research material for a book she was writing. Nothing was included in the book and even then most of the information was already in the public domain. Cormey recommended Felony charges against Petraeus and Petraeus eventually plead guilty to a misdemeanor. See the juxtaposition? Old Information that was not used caused the FBI to recommend Felony charges on Petraeus, and new critical classified TOP/SECRET information mishandled by Hillary  NO criminal charges recommended, not even misdemeanor charges. WHY?

4. FBI testimony indicated "No Direct Evidence" Hillary's account being hacked but he did specify that others who were in constant contact through her account were hacked. "Guccifer" had no trouble hacking and copying her emails, so why would the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and Ali Khamenei  have trouble tapping in from the start of the Obama administration when Hillary's e-mail domain was known and apparent. Or considering the fact she used it unsecured outside the US in the countries of our ADVERSARIES said Comey, and also we know who they are.

5. Considering that statement from Comey, David Sanger of the New York Times Opined; The "Lack of  clear evidence of hacking gave a clear signal to experts and government investigators that her email likely "had been breached, but the intruders were far too skilled to leave evidence of their work." Still no recommendation of criminal charges, WHY?

6. The Clintons together constructed a means ( The Clinton foundation" ) the same foundation that Peter Schweizer cited in his book " Clinton Cash" examined in detail and found out how it was a primary method for the Clintons to use Foreign Policy to their financial advantage. He found out if an entity donated to the Foundation or hired Billy to speak, good things happened for them. The dollar amount cited for the years 2001- 2014 was $229,319,855 and that "Foundation structure" allowed Foreign Governments, Foreign Businesses, and Foreign Financiers to gain 'access' to Politicians even though Federal Election Law prohibits 'Foreign Entities' from donating to American Political Campaigns and their Super-PACS. With the 'Foundation' those entities could go around the laws.

7. Following up on the "Foundation', Politifact confirmed that Bill Clinton's speaking fees took a meteoric rise when Hillary became Secretary of State. To name a few instances;

Two Speeches in Nigeria $700,ooo each.

A speech at Swedish Telecom Company Ericsson $700,000.

Thirteen Speeches for a Hong Cong Company @ $500.000 each.
All this happened from 2001 when he vacated the Oval Office and went on until 2013, when Hillary left as Secretary of State. Thirteen of those speeches by Bill was during the time Hillary was Secretary of State. That alone gives the impression of corruption whether or not it in fact happened, and politics is all about impressions of the politician.

8. There are other instances of the Clinton's making money off of their holding High Offices;
Bill received $16.5 million from Laureate International Industries as their Honorary Chancellor for five years of that online diploma mill, so you can imagine the profits that company made during those five years. It's legal, but is it moral and honorable for a retired president to blatantly sell himself for such things? By the way, Laureate receives $55 million in State Department Grants during Hillary's term as Secretary of State and Bill's honorary Chancellorship. That was only one of the reputed deals in Russia, India, Columbia, and Africa. The Clinton "Foundation" seems more and more like a pay for play quasi-legal and contemptible personal finance enhancing enterprise than the "Charity" it is reputed to be. Is financially enhancing your personal lifestyle considered a "Charity"?

9. The "Foundation" signed a disclosure document to disclose any foreign 'Donations' during Hillary's Secretary of State Position. Even John Kerry asked why the "Foundation" needed to take in 'Foreign Donations'. Kerry publicly speculated; "If you're traveling to some country and you meet with the foreign leadership and a week later or two weeks later or three weeks later the president [Bill Clinton] travels there and solicits a donation and they pledge to give at some point in the future but nobody knows, is there an appearance of a conflict?" I would call it a definite conflict of interest bordering on Criminal behavior, but that's just my opinion. Oh Yeah, the "Foundation" violated that agreement at least FIVE TIMES!

10. Why do the Clinton's get away with such behavior time and time again? Are they members of the Hidden Elite Class that is hell bent on running the world with a stratified Oligarchy? the usual tactic they use is Stonewall and admit nothing. Hillary even did this in the beginning and throughout the E-Mail case, even when caught red handed she only modified her testimony for the specific act she was accused of, feigning faulty memory to being mis-quoted on the facts (See the Gowdey questions again). Hey, who remembers the 1978 Cattle Futures $100,000 gain that was a 31Trillion to 1 shot? Coincidence? She used the aforementioned tactic then until the incident was conveniently forgotten.

This leaves us with the question; Do we really want someone who through repeated actions has shown themselves to be Morally and Ethically unsuited for such a high office? It's also a warning to the splinter GOP fools that will vote for her because they were told that Trump was BAD by the Establishment Leadership who want to keep the status Quo as it is instead of doing what is right by the American Public. This election is the watershed election over the Future of the Republic.

The Tradesman

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M, you can lie to a left winger, tell them you lied to them, say sorry, and then lie again , and they will believe you. All that is needed is that the lie is something they want. If the lie benefits their will or agenda then it must be true. Lefties are so weak minded. But they are dangerous.

I'm sure you'll be faced with a Trump presidency, excitement is building down here. I think it's game over for Hillary

Ozzie, You are right about that my friend.

I guess Jack don't want to give an answer to this one

There is no defense of proven guilt.People who paid attention to the Clinton`s realize what criminals they are.

there are no direct false statements made by Hillary in the presentation you presented. It was put together to give that impression but if you understand the facts you will know there was no false statement made. That is why in a court of law all claims made can be cross examined and before they are even made they must meet certain standards. In the court of public opinion no standard or rules apply. One can just make any accusation they want and it's up to the general public to sort out what is true and what is not. That maybe acceptable in they way we pick politicians but it is not acceptable in a society that is government by the rule of law.

Sorry Jack...But stupidity is not a defense.


You can't convince a democratic apologist of the conservative viewpoint. It just doesn't happen. here's a link to further see what is happening with Hillary; https://guccifer2.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/hillary-clinton/  You can read it there or you can see it on my post "Guccifer 2.0 Has Struck Again. Exposing DNC Foul Lies and Corrupt Trickery Surrounding Hillary and the Campaign" It contains the links to much much more like;

New DNC Documents about backers, where money is coming from and many other documents you need to see and understand to see the DNC is horribly corrupt;
DNC plans for the Republican Convention, see what they plan to do, it'll sicken you.
I have a new bunch of docs from the DNC server for you.
It includes the DNC action plan during the Republican National Convention, Surrogate Report, POTUS briefing, financial reports, etc.
Some of that has already happened with Melania's speech and the Democratic Attack Dogs in the press and on twitter.

Good Anti Hillary Ad.;

This is what Hillary forgets;




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